Re: DIS: (draft) Rule Trolling

2023-05-07 Thread ais523 via agora-discussion
On Sun, 2023-05-07 at 17:24 -0700, Forest Sweeney via agora-discussion
> Title: Did you try turning it off and on?

Strongly AGAINST this, it would allow players to easily revoke any
asset defined at power 1 from everybody at once via disabling the rule
defining it. That would, in effect, make it impossible to have a
workable economy unless we went around specifically securing all the
economic rules against this.

As a simple example, Commune's assets are backed by a Power=1 rule, so
this would allow anyone to, with notice, reset the entire tournament.
That would make gameplay there effectively impossible.

It might also possible be possible to break the proposal system at
power 1, by causing the Assessor to no longer be an office (thus making
it so that there's nobody who CAN resolve proposals, and nobody can
deputise either). I'm not sure that works because there's a power-3
"defaulting" in rule 208 which may make it possible for the Promotor to
resolve Agoran Decisions in that case, as a fallback, but I think it
might fail due to Cretans. Perhaps we might want to clarify the rules,
to make sure. (Note that this would not be an ossification because you
could still fix things by RWOing the office, or indeed flipping the
switch back again – it's just something I noticed when trying to figure
out what implications this proposal would have.)


DIS: (draft) Rule Trolling

2023-05-07 Thread Forest Sweeney via agora-discussion
Title: Did you try turning it off and on?
Adoption Index: 1.1
Author: 4st

Enact a new rule with the text:
The Switchwitch is an office that tracks witchswitches.
A witchswitch is a positive boolean switch that exists on
every rule that has less power than this rule, and more power
than 0.

Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, a rule with a witchswitch
with a value of FALSE has no effect whatsoever.

Any player can, once per week with 7 days notice and specifying
a witchswitch, flip a witchswitch to FALSE.
Any player can, by announcement and specifying a witchswitch,
flip a witchswitch to TRUE.

Uncertified Bad Idea Generator