Re: DIS: [Promotor] Draft Rerenumbered Index

2020-02-12 Thread Gaelan Steele via agora-discussion
This is missing two of my proposals, which I admittedly submitted rather 
late—maybe you intended to distribute them next week? Here they are, in case 
you missed them:

Title: Calls with Memoranda
AI: 2
Co-authors: Aris, G, Alexis

Create a new Power-2 rule titled “Administrative Opinions”: {
An officer may publish an Administrative Opinion for a judicial case, 
specifying a valid judgement for that case. Officers SHOULD only assign 
Administrative Opinions to cases with which eir office is primarily concerned. 
The Arbitor SHOULD record Administrative Opinions along with case judgements. 
An officer who has published an Administrative Opinion for an unassigned case 
may, without objection, Administratively Close a case, causing em to become the 
judge for the case and eir Administrative Opinion to become the judgment for 
the case. The Arbitor SHOULD NOT assign a judge to a case while proceedings to 
Administratively Close it are ongoing.

Title: Calls for Memoranda
AI: 2
Co-authors: Aris, G

Amend rule 991 by appending “All other things being equal, the Arbitor SHOULD 
assign Calls for Judgement to the officer most concerned with its content.” 
after the sentence "The Arbitor SHALL assign judges over time such that all 
interested players have reasonably equal opportunities to judge.”


> On Feb 12, 2020, at 9:08 PM, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion 
>  wrote:
> Would someone please check me on this? I don't trust myself anymore.
> -Aris
> ---
> It has come to the attention of the Promotorial Proposal Office that certain
> proposals were incorrectly numbered. Twice. I sincerely apologize for this 
> grave
> lapse.
> All proposals numbered 33## or 35## and distributed within the last week
> are hereby renumbered 83##, where the final two digits remain the same. Here 
> is
> a revised index of proposals up for vote (each of the decisions on whether to
> adopt them has a quorum of 6). All players are hereby advised to treat these
> numbers as canonical from the present moment forward, and to vote in reply
> to this index as if it were an original distribution.
> ID Author(s)AITitle
> ---
> 8322*  Falsifian, Alexis, twg   3.0   Unrepetition v1.1
> 8323*  Jason3.0   Secure Ribbons
> 8324l  Falsifian2.0   Democratic unassignment
> 8325e  Falsifian2.0   Inflation Vote
> 8326*  Falsifian3.0   Attempted cleanup
> 8327l  Falsifian1.0   Blink test v1.2
> 8328*  Falsifian3.0   The Eternal Sprit
> 8329p  Alexis   1.0   RtRW Reschedule
> 8330*  G.   3.0   No looting white ribbons
> 8331j  Warrigal 1.7   Promissory cleanliness
> 8332f  Murphy, Alexis   1.0   Switch Responsibility Responsibility
> 8333l  Murphy, Alexis   2.0   Meaningful extra votes
> 8334e  Murphy, Alexis   2.0   Meaningless extra coins
> 8335f  Murphy   2.0   Consistent ADoP duties
> 8336*  Jason3.0   Define "publicly"
> 8337e  Murphy   1.0   Fix Auctions
> 8338l  Murphy   2.0   Clarify quorum (option 1)
> 8339l  Murphy   2.0   Clarify quorum (option 2)
> 8340p  Alexis   1.0   The Paradox of Self-Appointment
> 8341*  Alexis, G.   3.0   Support of the Person
> The proposal pool is currently empty.
> Legend: * : Democratic proposal.
># : Ordinary proposal, unset chamber.
>e : Economy ministry proposal.
>f : Efficiency ministry proposal.
>j : Justice ministry proposal.
>l : Legislation ministry proposal.
>p : Participation ministry proposal.
> The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below.
> //
> ID: 8322
> Title: Unrepetition v1.1
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Falsifian
> Co-authors: Alexis, twg
> For each of Proposals 8287-8307, if the proposal took effect more than
> once, then any changes to rule text caused by the second and later
> times the proposal took effect are considered "extra" for the purposes
> of this proposal.
> Reverse all such "extra" changes, in the reverse of the order in which
> they occurred.
> [Comment: See 
> for context. I think the changes this undoes are relatively benign,
> but it's nice to have certainty about the state of the ruleset.]
> //
> ID: 8323
> Title: Secure Ribbons
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Jason
> Co-authors:
> Amend Rule 2438 (Ribbons) by replacing the text "Ribbon Ownership is a
> person switch" with the text "Ribbon Ownership is a secured person switch".

DIS: [Promotor] Draft Rerenumbered Index

2020-02-12 Thread Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
Would someone please check me on this? I don't trust myself anymore.

It has come to the attention of the Promotorial Proposal Office that certain
proposals were incorrectly numbered. Twice. I sincerely apologize for this grave

All proposals numbered 33## or 35## and distributed within the last week
are hereby renumbered 83##, where the final two digits remain the same. Here is
a revised index of proposals up for vote (each of the decisions on whether to
adopt them has a quorum of 6). All players are hereby advised to treat these
numbers as canonical from the present moment forward, and to vote in reply
to this index as if it were an original distribution.

ID Author(s)AITitle
8322*  Falsifian, Alexis, twg   3.0   Unrepetition v1.1
8323*  Jason3.0   Secure Ribbons
8324l  Falsifian2.0   Democratic unassignment
8325e  Falsifian2.0   Inflation Vote
8326*  Falsifian3.0   Attempted cleanup
8327l  Falsifian1.0   Blink test v1.2
8328*  Falsifian3.0   The Eternal Sprit
8329p  Alexis   1.0   RtRW Reschedule
8330*  G.   3.0   No looting white ribbons
8331j  Warrigal 1.7   Promissory cleanliness
8332f  Murphy, Alexis   1.0   Switch Responsibility Responsibility
8333l  Murphy, Alexis   2.0   Meaningful extra votes
8334e  Murphy, Alexis   2.0   Meaningless extra coins
8335f  Murphy   2.0   Consistent ADoP duties
8336*  Jason3.0   Define "publicly"
8337e  Murphy   1.0   Fix Auctions
8338l  Murphy   2.0   Clarify quorum (option 1)
8339l  Murphy   2.0   Clarify quorum (option 2)
8340p  Alexis   1.0   The Paradox of Self-Appointment
8341*  Alexis, G.   3.0   Support of the Person

The proposal pool is currently empty.

Legend: * : Democratic proposal.
# : Ordinary proposal, unset chamber.
e : Economy ministry proposal.
f : Efficiency ministry proposal.
j : Justice ministry proposal.
l : Legislation ministry proposal.
p : Participation ministry proposal.

The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below.

ID: 8322
Title: Unrepetition v1.1
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Falsifian
Co-authors: Alexis, twg

For each of Proposals 8287-8307, if the proposal took effect more than
once, then any changes to rule text caused by the second and later
times the proposal took effect are considered "extra" for the purposes
of this proposal.

Reverse all such "extra" changes, in the reverse of the order in which
they occurred.

[Comment: See
for context. I think the changes this undoes are relatively benign,
but it's nice to have certainty about the state of the ruleset.]

ID: 8323
Title: Secure Ribbons
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Jason

Amend Rule 2438 (Ribbons) by replacing the text "Ribbon Ownership is a
person switch" with the text "Ribbon Ownership is a secured person switch".

ID: 8324
Title: Democratic unassignment
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Falsifian

If Proposal 8320 (Promotorial Assignment) has been adopted, then amend
the rule entitled "Proposal Chambers" by replacing "If a proposal in
the Proposal Pool has its chamber unset" with "If the chamber of an
ordinary proposal in the Proposal Pool is unset".

ID: 8325
Title: Inflation Vote
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Falsifian


Are we just going to let a steady stream of sufficiently dedicated
players claim their standard victories? I say we raise the bar a

There's been some talk of a larger re-working of the economy. In the
meantime, this proposal calls for players to vote on a new number to
replace the 1,000 coin victory fee. The median vote wins, favouring the
higher vote if there are two middle votes.


For the purpose of this proposal:

* An Inflation Ballot is a body of text published during the voting
  period of this proposal that clearly, directly and without
  obfuscation specifies a single non-negative integer and that it is an
  Inflation Ballot.

* Each player's Inflation Vote is the integer specified in the last
  Inflation Ballot they published, or "none" if they never published

* P is the number of players with Inflation Votes other than "none".

* Median is the (unique) integer such that that at least P/2 Inflation
  Votes are integers greater than or equal to