So I have the following "interested" judges:
 -V.J. Rada[*]
 [*] requested a "light" load.

In the below case, G. and Aris are the only ones without a direct conflict
of interest, and both G. and Aris have had heavy case loads recently so I
don't want to assign either of them.  Options?  Did I miss anyone on
the list above?

On Sat, 23 Sep 2017, VJ Rada wrote:
> I call a CFJ with the following statement: "The Green card o. issued
> emself in the below message was illegally issued, as the green card e
> issued nichdel was legally issued".
> I think the most natural reading of "that reason" is the act itself,
> not the particular rule breached. That is, someone can be carded twice
> for breaking the same pledge on two totally seperate occasions. There
> is also a question as to the interpretation of the pledge rule itself.
> It says "a pledge is considered broken if...", which may mean that the
> pledge is permanently broken, and cannot be broken more than once.
> I bar Publius and use AP.

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