G. wrote:

[A nice historical question for the occasion!]

The below CFJ is CFJ FOUR THOUSAND (4000).  I assign it to Murphy.

status: https://faculty.washington.edu/kerim/nomic/cases/#4000

===============================  CFJ 4000  ===============================

       It is round 2,098.


Caller:                        nix

Judge:                         Murphy



Called by nix:                                    20 Oct 2022 17:20:44
Assigned to Murphy:                               [now]


Caller's Arguments:

Rounds are defined in R1023 alongside pivots:

               A pivot is either the instant at which Agora Nomic began
                (June 30, 1993, 00:04:30 GMT +1200) or an instant at which
                at least one person won the game. When used as a period of
                time, a "Round" (historical syn: "game") is the period of
                time between a pivot and the next pivot.

By my calculations, there have been 2,097 wins. If each win is a pivot
that starts a new round, then this is round 2,098.

However, rounds are defined as "the period of time between a pivot and
the next pivot". Many wins have happened in the same message (notably
Jason won 1000 times in one message). Messages are considered to happen
instantaneously but sequentially. Arguably, there is no "period of time"
between these wins, and no rounds occurred between them. If this is the
case, then we are closer to round 599.


As the caller notes, there can be multiple events occurring at the same
instant. The pivot is defined as the instant, not the individual events.

The most recent Herald's report lists (by my count) 1714 distinct wins,
including Jason x1000 (which I believe were indeed simultaneous) and D.
Margaux x501 (likewise). Whatever the exact number of rounds currently
is, it clearly isn't nearly as high as 2098.

I judge FALSE.

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