This is the ADoP’s weekly report

Date of last report: 2020-06-21
Date of this report: 2020-06-28


Filled offices: 15/15 (100%)
Total officers: 10
Consolidation[1]: 1.5
Late reports: 0%
[1] This is the number of filled offices divided by the number of
officers. Each officer, on average, holds this many offices.

Office             Holder     Since         Last Election
ADoP               R. Lee     2020-06-07    2020-06-27
Arbitor            G.         2019-06-11    2019-11-23
Assessor           Jason      2019-07-09    2019-11-11
Distributor        omd        2018-06-15    imposed
Herald             PSS        2020-05-03    2020-05-16
Notary             ATMunn     2020-06-15    2020-06-15
Prime Minister     nch        2020-06-22    2020-06-22
Promotor           Aris       2016-10-21    2017-09-21
Referee            PSS        2020-03-29    2020-04-19
Registrar          Falsifian  2019-05-04    2020-02-26
Rulekeepor         Jason      2019-12-06    2020-03-07
Speaker            G.         2020-06-15    imposed
Tailor             PSS        2020-04-19    2020-04-19
Treasuror          Trigon     2020-05-01    2020-05-01
Webmastor          nch        2020-06-03    2020-06-13

* = Interim office (vacant or holder not elected)

Office             Report                   Last Published     Late[1]
ADoP               Offices                  2020-06-21[2]
Arbitor            Judicial matters         2020-06-20
Herald             Matters of Honour        2020-06-28
Notary             Contracts                2020-06-22
Promotor           Proposal pool            2020-06-21
Referee            Rule violations          2020-06-28
Registrar          Players, Fora            2020-06-22
Rulekeepor         Short Logical Ruleset    2020-06-18
Treasuror          Coins, other currencies  2020-06-28
Tailor             Glitter Prices           2020-06-28
[1] ! = 1 period missed, !! = 2, !!! = 3+
[2] Not including this report


Office             Report                    Last Published     Late
Herald             Patent titles             2020-05-31
Registrar          Player history            2020-06-16
Rulekeepor         Full Logical Ruleset      2020-05-24
Tailor             Ribbons                   2020-05-31
Webmastor          Web resources             2020-06-03


Office                   Last Election
Promotor                 2017-09-21
Assessor                 2019-11-11
Arbitor                  2019-11-23
Registrar                2020-02-26
Rulekeepor               2020-03-07
[1] Anyone can start an election (with 2 support and also becoming a
candidate) 90 days after the previous one (or if it's interim and no
election is ongoing). This section lists the offices for which anyone could
start an election this way.


Office             Interest
Arbitor            Justice
Assessor           Efficiency, Legislation
Distributor        Participation
Herald             Participation
Notary             Economy
Prime Minister     Every Ministry
Promotor           Legislation
Referee            Justice
Registrar          Efficiency
Rulekeepor         Legislation, Participation
Speaker            Every Ministry
Tailor             Participation
Treasuror          Economy, Economy
Webmastor          Participation

Recent Events
Jun 07: R. Lee pays rewards for previous officer duties.
Jun 07: R. Lee initiates elections for ADoP and Webmastor
Jun 07: Notary election enters voting phase.
Jun 07: PSS publishes Herald weekly report
Jun 07: PSS publishes Referee weekly report
Jun 07: G. publishes Arbitor weekly report.
Jun 10: Aris publishes Promotor weekly report
Jun 11: Prime Minister election enters voting phase
Jun 11: Falsifian publishes Registrar weekly report
Jun 11: Trigon publishes Treasuror weekly report
Jun 12: Jason, the Assessor, resolves proposals
Jun 13: Jason, the Rulekeepor, publishes Short Logical Ruleset
Jun 13: R. Lee declared winner of ADoP election as only candidate
Jun 13: nch declared winner of Webmastor election as only candidate
Jun 13: R. Lee publishes ADoP weekly report
Jun 13: R. Lee awards salaries
------------------------------------------------------ (salary period)
Jun 14: G. publishes Arbitor weekly report
Jun 14: PSS publishes Herald weekly report
Jun 14: PSS publishes Referee weekly report
Jun 14  Jason, the Assessor, resolves proposals (unsalaried due to same
week as the previous)
Jun 15: ATMunn elected Notary
Jun 15: ATMunn publishes Notary weekly report
Jun 15: R. Lee initiates ADoP election
Jun 15: Aris (then-Prime Minister) appoints G. as speaker
Jun 16: Falsifian publishes Registrar weekly report
Jun 16: Falsifian publishes Registrar monthly report
Jun 18: Jason, the Assessor, resolves proposals
Jun 18: nch declared winner of Prime Minister election, but it fails.
Jun 18: Jason, the Rulekeepor, publishes Short Logical Ruleset
Jun 18: Jason, the Rulekeepor, publishes Full Logical Ruleset
Jun 19: Trigon publishes Treasuror weekly report.
Jun 20: G. publishes Arbitor weekly report
Jun 21: R. Lee publishes ADoP weekly report
Jun 21: R. Lee, ADoP, awards salaries
---------------------------------------------------- (salary period)
Jun 21: PSS publishes Herald weekly report
Jun 21: PSS publishes Tailor weekly report
Jun 21: PSS publishes Referee weekly report
Jun 21: Aris publishes promotor weekly report
Jun 22: Falsifian publishes registrar weekly report
Jun 22: R. Lee corrects COE about resolution of Prime Minister election,
resolves it. Nch wins, is installed Prime Minister
Jun 22: ATMunn publishes Notary weekly report
Jun 27: R. Lee resolves ADoP election, which e wins (other candidates:
Jun 28: Trigon publishes Treasuror weekly report
Jun 28: PSS publishes Herald weekly report
Jun 28: PSS publishes Referee weekly report
Jun 28: PSS publishes Tailor weekly report
Jun 28: R. Lee publishes ADoP weekly report
Jun 28: R. Lee awards salaries
----------------------------------------------- (salary period)
>From R. Lee

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