OFF: [Comic Book Guy] Buyers Guide

2013-04-26 Thread Kerim Aydin


Last Report:  16-Apr-13
This Report:  26-Apr-13

Holder   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  
1. ais523   11  1  5  1
2. Arkady  15  
3. ehird  15   
4. FSX   15   
5. G.   15 
6. Kolja 1 12  1  1
7. Machiavelli   1  1  5  11  1  
8. Max Schutz1  1  1 12   
9. moonroof 15   
A. Murphy  15   
B. omd 1  13
C. Pavitra   15
D. Phlogistique 15
E. Roujo   15
F. scshunt15
G. Sgeo  15
H. Tomas15
I. Walker  15
J. Wes15
K. woggle  1 14
L. Wooble   15 
M. Yally   
LF&D   1   1

   Mar 22 - Report published (by Deputy G.)
   Mar 29 - Report from Mar 22 ratifies (*)
   Apr  3 - woggle gives 1 woggle to Machiavelli
   Apr  3 - Machiavelli gives 1 Machiavelli to woggle
   [Time of Last Report]
   Apr 16 - Machiavelli transfers Machiavelli card to LF&D

OFF: [Herald] Ribbon Report

2013-04-26 Thread Kerim Aydin


Date of last report: 21 Apr 2013
Date of this report: 26 Apr 2013

Recent events:
2013-04-01: G. awards emself a Green Ribbon (Good Officer in March).
2013-04-07: BobTHJ, justine sells, Ozymandis, scat, and FKA441344 deregistered;
  Ribbons destroyed.
2013-04-09: Tomas earns and awards emself a Transparent Ribbon.
2013-04-10: scshunt earns and awards emself a Transparent Ribbon.
2013-04-12: scshunt awards emself a Cyan ribbon (deputize for ATC).

2013-04-21: Red to Wes (via G.) for reducing proposal 7368.
2013-04-21: Red to scshunt (via G.) for reducing proposal 7386.
2013-04-21: Violet to scshunt (via G.) for Patent Title Prince of Andorra.


ais523  B T
omd   T
ehird T
Machiavelli   GO  T
Kolja T
Max SchutzT
moonroof  T
Pavitra   T
Phlogistique  T
Roujo T
scshunt  C   RT V
Sgeo  T
Tomas T
woggle   C O RT
Yally T

(B = Blue, C = Cyan, G = Green, I = Indigo, K = blacK,
 L = Lime, M = Magenta, O = Orange, P = Platinum,
 R = Red, T = Transparent, U = Ultraviolet, V = Violet)

 Ways to earn Ribbons (Synopsis of R2387)
 (+B) Judge a non-crimial case on time.
 (+C) Deputize for an Office.
 (+G) Hold 1+ offices for a month, miss no time limits for duties.
 (+I) Earn a degree.
 (+K) Judge a criminal (sentencing) case on time.
 (+L) Be co-author of 3+ proposals adopted in the previous week.
 (+M) Acknowledge Agora's Birthday on Agora's Birthday.
 (+O) Be submitter of a proposal adopted with no AGAINST votes.
 (+P) Be the Speaker.
 (+R) Be submitter of adopted proposal that reduces the Ruleset.
 (+T) Not hold the Patent Title Renascent.
 (+U) Be awarded Patent Title Champion.
 (+V) Be awarded Patent Title not previously mentioned on this list.

OFF: [Ambassador-at-Large] News from Foreign Nations

2013-04-26 Thread Jonathan Rouillard

AMBASSADOR-AT-LARGE Recognition-of-Nomics Report

 Nomic  | Recognition | Since...
 BlogNomic  | Neutral | 26 Aug 12
 DeepNomic  | Friendly| 25 Apr 13
 OmNomNomic | Neutral | 25 Apr 13
 B Nomic| Abandoned   | 25 Apr 13

All other Nomics are Unknown.

Possible values are:
  Unknown (default), Protected, Friendly,
  Neutral, Sanctionned, Hostile and Abandoned.

Latest News:
25 Apr 13 - BlogNomic's players are split as to their reaction
towards Agora's recognition.
25 Apr 13 - OmNomNomic's players, however, is happy about it
and are looking forward to a continuing

~ Roujo, Ambassador-at-Large

OFF: [IADoP] IADoP Election resolution

2013-04-26 Thread Sean Hunt
I hereby resolve the election for IADoP. Votes were as follows:

Machiavelli: Machiavelli
scshunt: scshunt
G.: Endorse Machiavelli -> Machiavelli
Murphy: Endorse Machiavelli -> Machiavelli
ais523: scshunt
omd: a highly ambiguous conditional vote -> PRESENT
Roujo: Endorse current office holder -> Endorse scshunt -> scshunt

Total is 3 votes each for scshunt and for Machiavelli. I select scshunt as
the outcome. E is installed.

[Registrar resolution forthcoming as the tie makes this message urgent.]
