OFF: [Tailor] Ribbon Bar

2018-01-31 Thread Telnaior


Date of this report: 2017-01-31
Date of last report: 2017-12-03

Festivity: 0

Players' ribbon holdings:

Aris   R    MUV
ATMunn  A
Cuddle Beam M V   W
Gaelan    C MUV A
Murphy    CB UV A
nichdel OGCBMUV P W AT
omd   C  UV    KA
Publius [1]   C MUV
Quazie  O C MUV    KA
Josh T. [3]  UV A
Telnaior   KA
V.J. Rada   MU   LW

Non-players' ribbon holdings:

babelian U
Bayushi MU
Bede    M W
Chuck   M
grok    O  BMUV
Ienpw III    UV
Ørjan   M V
Roujo V
Sprocklem   MUV   W A
stadjer   W
Tanner Swett  C M
Tekneek M
Tiger  BM
tmanthe2nd   UV
Veggiekeks    C  UV
Yally   M
Zachary W [2]    U

[1] Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
[2] Zachary Watterson
[3] 天火狐

The rules for Ribbons are set out in rule 2438. A quick guide to how
most Ribbons work: various events cause you to "earn" a Ribbon; you
then "qualify for" that Ribbon for 7 days. While you qualify for a
Ribbon (and do not already own that Ribbon, and have not owned it
recently), any player can "award" you that Ribbon. A few Ribbons
work differently; see rule 2438 for details.

Approximate summary of how each type of Ribbon can be gained:
Red  Author an adopted proposal that amends a Power-3+ rule
Orange   Author a proposal that is unanimously adopted
Green    Hold an elected office for 30 days with no late duties
Cyan Deputise for an office
Blue Judge a CFJ without violating time limits to do so
Magenta  Acknowldge Agora's Birthday
Ultraviolet  Become Champion (typically by winning the game)
Violet   Gain a Patent Title (except Champion, degrees)
Indigo   Gain a degree
Platinum Become the Speaker
Lime Coauthor three adopted proposals within 7 days
White    Never have had a White Ribbon, or be gifted one by someone
   who has never gifted a White Ribbon
blacK    Awardable only by proposal or scam
GrAy Awarded monthly at the Tailor's discretion
Transparent  Qualify for 5 Ribbons in the same week (ones you already
   have count)

History of Ribbon holdings:
2014-11-04  aranea  +W (new to Ribbons)
2014-11-04  aranea  +C (deputising for Tailor)
2014-11-06  Sprocklem   +W (new to Ribbons)
2014-11-09  omd +C (deputising for King Azaz)
2014-11-14  Alexis  +C (deputising for Herald)
2015-01-07  G.  +C (deputising for Referee)
2015-04-17  stadjer +W (new to Ribbons)
2015-05-01  aranea  +R (Proposal 7736)
2015-05-01  aranea  +O (Proposal 7735)
2015-05-01  aranea  +L (Proposal 7735-37)
2015-05-01  G.  +R (Proposal 7734)
2015-05-01  G.  +O (Proposal 7738)
2015-05-01  G.  +L (Proposal 7734,38,39)
2015-05-01  G.  +P (appointed Speaker)
2015-05-12  ais523  +O (Proposal 7742)
2015-05-12  Alexis  +P (appointed Speaker)
2015-05-13  Alexis  +G (as Tailor)
2015-05-22  G.  +B (CFJ 3448)
2015-05-23  Alexis  +B (CFJ 3447)
2015-05-24  G.  +W (gifted by aranea)
2015-06-09  ais523  +G (as Prime Minister)
2015-06-29  Alexis  +M
2015-06-29  aranea  +M
2015-06-29  ais523  +M
2015-06-29  the Warrigal    +M
2015-06-29  Sprocklem   +M
2015-06-29  Tiger   +M
2015-06-29  G.  +M
2015-06-29  Bede    +M
2015-06-30  Gaelan  +M
2015-06-30  aranea  +A
2015-06-30  Alexis  +O (Proposal 7753)
2015-07-10  G.  +G (as Arbitor)
2015-07-12  aranea  +V ("Unchampion")
2015-07-26  Alexis  +A
2015-07-28  aranea  +B (CFJ 3449)
2015-08-03  ais523  +V ("Silver Quill 2015/07")
2015-08-10  Tiger   +B (CFJ 3451)
2015-08-11  omd +K (by Proposal 7784)
2015-08-11  ais523  +K (by Proposal 7784)
2015-08-11  Alexis  +K (by Proposal 7784)
2015-08-11  Alexis  +R (Proposal 7772)
2015-08-11  Alexis  +P
2015-08-17  omd +A
2015-08-21  ais523  +U
2015-08-21  omd +U
2015-08-21  Alexis  +U
2015-09-30  Gaelan  +A
2015-10-08  Bede    +W (new to Ribbons)
2015-10-21  G.  +A
2015-11-27  Murphy  +C (deputising for Secretary)
2015-11-28  ais523  +P
2015-11-29  Murphy 

OFF: deputy-[Referee] Weekly Report

2018-01-31 Thread Kerim Aydin

I deputize for the Referee to publish the following Weekly Report.

Date of this report: 31 Jan 2017
Date of last report: 21 Nov 2017

Recent events:
Sat, 4 Nov 2017: nichdel pointed a finger at emself for breaking a pledge.
Sat, 4 Nov 2017: Finger pointed at nichdel found SHENANIGANS
Mon, 6 Nov 2017: Yellow Card issued to nichdel for Broken Pledge
Mon, 6 Nov 2017: PSS[1] pointed a finger at ATMunn for Quorum Not Stated
Mon, 6 Nov 2017: Blue Card (2 shinies) issued to ATMunn for Quorum Not
Mon, 6 Nov 2017: Trigon made a pledge
Mon, 6 Nov 2017: Aris pointed a finger at Alexis for Quorum Not Stated
Mon, 6 Nov 2017: Blue Card (2 shinies) issued to Alexis for Quorum Not
Mon, 6 Nov 2017: ATMunn made a pledge
Tue, 7 Nov 2017: Two pledges owned by o destroyed
Tue, 7 Nov 2017: o made a pledge
Tue, 7 Nov 2017: o made a pledge
Previous Report
Tue   7 Nov 2017: V.J. Rada made a pledge
Tue   7 Nov 2017: V.J. Rada made a pledge
Wed,  8 Nov 2017: Aris made 18 pledges (thanks a bunch, Aris)
Thu,  9 Nov 2017: Cuddlebeam pointed a finger at o. for abuse of power
Sat, 11 Nov 2017: Alexis made a pledge
Mon, 13 Nov 2017: Finger pointed at o. found SHENANIGANS#
Time of Last Report
Fri, 17 Nov 2017: Corona made a pledge.
Sun, 19 Nov 2017: Aris withdrew 18 pledges.
Mon, 20 Nov 2017: Red Card issued by Summary Judgement to V.J. Rada for
breaking R2491
Tue, 21 Nov 2017: OscarMeyr made a pledge (yes, non-players can own them)
Tue, 21 Nov 2017: Green Card issued by Summary Judgement to 天火狐
for Tardiness

[1] Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

Green Cards:
Player   On Reason
P.S.S.[1]May 16, 2017   Tardiness
P.S.S.[1]May 20, 2017   Ambiguity
Murphy   Jun 22, 2017   Faking
Gaelan   Jun 23, 2017   Tardiness
Gaelan   Jun 23, 2017   Tardiness
oJul 11, 2017   Tardiness
V.J Rada Jul 14, 2017   Making My Eyes Bleed
oJul 18, 2017   Tardiness
oJul 29, 2017   Tardiness
Gaelan   Jul 29, 2017   Late Judgement
oSep  4, 2017   Rule 2498
Quazie   Sep  7, 2017   Rule 2201
天火狐Sep 12, 2017   No reason
oSep 12, 2017   Rule 2426
oSep 12, 2017   Rule 2478
V.J Rada Sep 15, 2017   Rule 2496
nichdel  Sep 20, 2017   Rule 2450
oSep 20, 2017   Rule 2478
oSep 22, 2017   Rule 2426
V.J Rada Sep 24, 2017   Rule 2143
CuddleBeam   Sep 26, 2017   No reason
CuddleBeam   Sep 26, 2017   No reason
oSep 26, 2017   Rule 2426
P.S.S.[1]Sep 27, 2017   Rule 2143
V.J Rada Oct  3, 2017   Rule 2471
oOct  4, 2017   Rule 2479
Aris Oct 11, 2017   Rule 2143
oOct 11, 2017   Rule 2456
oOct 11, 2017   Rule 2456
oOct 24, 2017   Tardiness
V.J. RadaOct 24, 2017   No Finger Response
V.J. RadaOct 24, 2017   No Finger Response
oOct 31, 2017   R2156 Lateness
   Nov 21, 2017:   Tardiness

[1] Named, in full, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus.

Blue Cards

PlayerOn ReasonFine
ATMunnNov 6, 2017Quorum Not Stated {2sh}
AlexisNov 6, 2017Quorum Not Stated {2sh}

Fines in {} indicate no Fine Levied. Fines in [] indicate Fine Levied,
but not paid

Yellow Cards:

PlayerUntil  Reason   Apology Words
Quazie   (Apr 26, 2017)  Bankruptcy
o(Apr 22, 2017)  Tardiness
o(Jul 15, 2017)  Tardiness
o(Jul 15, 2017)  Tardiness
CuddleBeamJul 16, 2017   Tardiness
P.S.S.[1] Sep 15, 2017   Rule 2143
o(Aug 23, 2017)  Rule 2491
Quazie   (Sep 13, 2017)  Rule 2450
V.J Rada (Sep 15, 2017)  Being bad
GaelanNov 24, 2017   Tardiness
Nichdel   Dec  6, 2017   PCI[2][3]

[1] Named, in full, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus.
[2] Pledge Called In
[3] nichdel's apology words are: "I, will, not, break, any, pledges,
or, be, untimely, sorry."
Dates in () indicate completed apology.

Red Cards:

Player   On Reason
Cuddlebeam   Jul 21, 2017   Faking
V.J. RadaNov 20, 2017   R2491

Pink Slips:

Player   On Office   Reason

Gaelan   May 22, 2017   Rulekeepor   Forgery

Black Cards:
No Black Cards have yet been issued.


Quazie -
I pledge to give 1 Shiny to the first person who can,
correctly, with e-mail citations, explain what I did wrong on
Jan 20th 2009 that has since led to me being a fugitive. For
the explanation to be valid for this pledge, it should be fully
self contained, I should not have to go look up past rules in
order to understand the explanation (So please, include all
source info in the explanation).

V.J Rada -
I pledge not to make any thread titles completely unrelated to
the email's 

OFF: deputy-[Assessor] Resolution of Proposals 7998-8004

2018-01-31 Thread Kerim Aydin

I hereby deputize for Assessor to resolve the Agoran Decisions to adopt
Proposals 7998-8004 as follows:

7998*  Murphy, [1]  2.4  Eastman weeks   Murphy  1 AP
FOR: G., Alexis(x2), ATMunn, Murphy, Aris, VJ Rada, Corona, Trigon
Quorum:  4
Outcome: Adopted

7999*  Alexis   2.0  Party's Over, Back to Work  Alexis  1 AP
FOR: G., Alexis(x2), ATMunn, Aris, VJ Rada, Corona, Trigon
Quorum:  4 
Outcome: Adopted

8000*  Alexis   3.0  Older Cleanliness   Alexis  1 AP
FOR: G., Alexis(x2), ATMunn, Aris, VJ Rada, Corona, Trigon
Quorum:  4
Outcome: Adopted

8001*  Aris 1.0  No More ErasAris1 AP
FOR: G., Alexis(x2), ATMunn, Aris, VJ Rada, Corona, Trigon
Quorum:  4
Outcome: Adopted

8002*  Aris 3.0  Power Creep Reduction Act   Aris1 AP
FOR: G., Alexis(x2), ATMunn, Murphy, Aris, VJ Rada, Corona, Trigon
Quorum:  4
Outcome: Adopted

8003*  Corona   3.0  Asset fix   Corona  1 AP
FOR: G., Aris, Alexis(x2), Trigon, Corona, Murphy, ATMunn
Quorum:  4
Outcome: Adopted

8004*  G.   2.0  Rusty   G.  1 AP
FOR: G., Aris, Alexis(x2), Trigon, Corona
PRESENT: Murphy, ATMunn
Quorum:  4
Outcome: Adopted


ID: 7998
Title: Eastman weeks
Adoption index: 2.4
Author: Murphy
Co-authors: ATMunn

Amend Rule 1023 (Agoran Time) by replacing this text:

  2. Agoran weeks begin at midnight UTC on Monday.

with this text:

 2. Agoran weeks begin at midnight UTC on Monday. Eastman
weeks begin at midnight UTC on the 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd,
and 29th of each Gregorian month; the fifth one of the
month (if any) lasts till the end of the month.

and by inserting, before this text:

  These definitions do not apply to relative durations (e.g.
  "within  days after ").

this text:

  The "Agoran" qualifier is assumed unless a different
  definition is indicated (e.g. Eastman weeks).

Amend Rule 2529 (Medals of Honor) by replacing this text:

  In the first 7 days of an Agoran month,

with this text:

  In the first Eastman week of an Agoran month,

and by replacing this text:

  In the first 7 days of an Agoran month after the first 7 days,

with this text:

  In the second Eastman week of an Agoran month,

and by replacing this text:

  E SHALL do so within the 7 days of an Agoran month after the first
  7 days.

with this text:

  E SHALL do so within the second Eastman week of that Agoran month.

Amend Rule 2502 (Agoraculture) by replacing each instance of "first week
of an Agoran month" with "first Eastman week of an Agoran month".

Amend Rule 2526 (Sustenance Payments) by replacing "first week of every
month" with "first Eastman week of every month".

Amend Rule 2139 (The Registrar) by replacing "first week of every month"
with "first Eastman week of every month".

Amend Rule 2487 (Shiny Supply Level) by replacing "first Agoran week of
that month" with "first Eastman week of that month".

ID: 7999
Title: Party's Over, Back to Work
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Alexis

Repeal, in numerical order, Rules 2533 through 2543.

Amend Rule 2497 (Floating Value) by deleting the sentence including the
word "Favour Value".

ID: 8000
Title: Older Cleanliness
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Alexis

Repeal Rule 2430 (Cleanup Time).

Re-enact Rule 2221 (Cleanliness).

[For reference:
Rule 2221/5 (Power=3)

  Any player CAN clean a rule without objection by specifying one
  or more corrections to spelling, grammar, capitalization, and/or
  dialect, or to whether a synonym or abbreviation is used in
  place of a word or phrase, in the rule's text and/or title; the
  rule is amended by this rule as specified by that person.

Created by Proposal 5975 (Murphy), 25 November 2008
Amended(1) by Proposal 6098 (comex), 22 February 2009
Amended(2) by Proposal 6291 (Murphy), 19 May 2009
Amended(3) by Proposal 6722 (Murphy), 21 May 2010
Amended(4) by Proposal 6732 (comex), 6 June 2010
Amended(5) by Proposal 6741 (comex; disi.), 1 July 2010]

ID: 8001
Title: No More Eras
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Aris

Repeal Rule 2448 ("Eras").

ID: 8002
Title: Power Creep Reduction Act
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris

Amend Rule 217, "Interpreting the Rules", by changing the text

  "Definitions in lower-powered Rules do not overrule common-sense
  interpretations or common definitions of terms in higher-powered rules."

to read