OFF: [Registrar] May Zombie Auction

2018-05-08 Thread Kerim Aydin

I initiate a zombie auction with the following lots. The ITEMS in each 
lot is to have that player's master switch set to the auction winner.  
The AUCTIONEER is Agora. The ANNOUNCER is myself (as Registrar).  The 
MINIMUM BID/CURRENCY is 1 Coin.  The auction ends 7 days after this
announcement, or 96 hours after the last bid change (whichever comes 

* LOTS (from highest to lowest winning bid):
  Telnaior, 天火狐   

OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposals 8042-8045

2018-05-08 Thread Kerim Aydin

I resolve the Agoran Decisions to adopt Proposals 8042-8045 as follows.
Quorum is 3 for all of these proposals.

8042  Agorans are Vulcans by G. (AI-1.0)   
FOR   V.J.Rada, Gaelan, Aris
PRESENT   Corona, ATMunn, nichdel, Trigon
F/A   3/0

8043  Officer patching by G. (AI-1.0)   
FOR   Corona, V.J.Rada, ATMunn, Gaelan, nichdel, Aris, Trigon
F/A   7/0

8044  5 auctions by Trigon (AI-1.0)   
FOR   Corona, ATMunn, Gaelan, nichdel, Trigon
PRESENT   V.J.Rada, Aris
F/A   5/0

8045  Q*Bert the Second by Trigon, G., Corona (AI-2.0)  
FOR   Corona, Gaelan, Aris, Trigon
PRESENT   V.J.Rada, ATMunn, nichdel
F/A   4/0


ID: 8042
Title: Agorans are Vulcans
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: G.

Repeal Rule 1650 (Silliness).
Repeal Rule 2514 (Emotions).

ID: 8043
Title: Officer patching
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: G.

Amend Rule 2445 (How to Pend a Proposal) by appending the following

  The holder of an Office CAN Rubberstamp a proposal for that
  specified office, without 3 objections, if no other proposal has
  been rubberstamped for that office in the current Agoran month.
  When rubberstamped, the proposal becomes an official proposal
  associated with that office. Rubberstamping SHOULD only be used to
  make rule or gamestate corrections associated with the duties of
  that office.

[A proposed compromise between the "allow without objection fix
proposals" and the "pay for every proposal including bugfixes" camps]

ID: 8044
Title: 5 auctions
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Trigon

Amend rule 2004 "Land Auctions" by replacing the entire text with:

  Every Agoran Week, if the number of Units of Private Land is less
  than one half the total number of units of Land, a number of
  Public, non-Aether, Preserved Land Units are chosen using the
  following process:

  1. If there exist more than 5 such units, the Cartographor SHALL
 choose exactly 5 of them.

  2. If there exist 5 or fewer such units, all are automatically

  For each land unit selected by the process described above, the
  Cartographor CAN and SHALL initiate an auction with it as the only
  lot. For this auction, the announcer is the Cartographor, the
  auctioneer is Agora, and the minimum bid is 1 coin.

ID: 8045
Title: Q*Bert the Second
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Trigon
Co-authors: G., Corona

Amend rule 1995 "Land Types" by doing the following:

  Replacing the first paragraph with:

Each Unit of Land has a Land Type switch, tracked by the
Cartographor. Possible values are:

1. Black
2. White
3. Gray
4. Aether (the default)

Changes to Land Type switches are secured. To "change the type"
of, or to "transform" a Unit of Land is to flip its Type switch. A
“Unit of X” is a Unit of Land whose Land Type switch has the value

  and replacing the first word of the final paragraph with "Alternating
  Land Type".

Re-enact rule 2046 (Power=1.0) "Q*Bert (tm)" [1]

Rename rule 2046 to "Q*Bert"

Amend rule 2046 by replacing its text, in its entirety, with:

  Q*Bert is an entity which has a location. Q*Bert CAN be on a unit
  of Aether.

  Q*Bert has a color switch, tracked by the Cartographor, whose
  possible values are all defined Land Type other than Aether or
  Gray. The default value is Black. When Q*Bert moves to a Land
  Unit, if the current type of the unit is not the same as Q*Bert's
  color switch, Q*Bert changes that space's type to the value of eir
  color switch.

  Every week, the Cartographor CAN and SHALL move Q*Bert using the
  following process:

  1. If Q*Bert is on the same Land Unit as another entity, the
 Cartographor SHALL select a Land Unit adjacent to Q*Bert's
 current position and move em there.

  2. Otherwise, the Cartographor SHALL select a Land Unit whose
 longitude and latitude both differ from Q*Bert's by exactly

  If, after Q*Bert has moved, e is on a Preserved Land Unit, the
  Cartographor SHALL repeat the process above, moving Q*Bert until e
  is no longer on a Preserved Land Unit.

  If the type of the Land Unit that Q*Bert is located on is
  switched by an entity that is not Q*Bert, Q*Bert's color switch is
  set to that type instead.

  Whenever Q*Bert is moved to (0, 0), the Cartographor CAN and SHALL
  choose a random Land Type that is an allowed value of Q*Bert's
  color switch and set Q*Bert's color switch to it.

  When referring to Q*Bert, entities CAN replace the "*" with any
  punctuation character or spell it with a lowercase lett

OFF: [ADoP] Metareport

2018-05-08 Thread Edward Murphy

You can find an up-to-date version of this report at

Date of last report: 2018-04-29
Date of this report: 2018-05-08


Filled offices: 15/15 (100.00%)
Total officers: 8
Consolidation[1]: 1.88
Late reports: 4/12 (33.33%)

[1] This is the number of filled offices divided by the number of
officers. At 1, this means that all offices are filled by different
players; if it reached the number of filled offices, that would mean
that all offices are filled by one player.


Office Holder[1]  Since Last Election
ADoP   Murphy 2018-01-182018-01-18
ArbitorMurphy 2018-01-282018-01-28
Assessor   G. 2018-02-062018-02-27
Cartographor   Trigon 2018-02-24(never)
Herald Corona 2017-11-302017-11-30
Notary VJ Rada2018-03-192018-03-19
Prime Minister G. 2018-02-282018-03-19
Promotor   Aris   2016-10-212017-09-21
Referee   *G. 2018-04-082018-03-19
Registrar  G. 2018-02-062018-02-27
Regkeepor  Aris   2017-07-062017-12-25
Rulekeepor*Kenyon 2018-04-072018-03-19
SpeakerTrigon 2018-04-292014-04-21
Tailor Telnaior   2017-12-07(ongoing)
Treasuror *Corona 2018-05-03(never)

[1] * = Interim office (vacant or holder not elected)
[2] Vacant since this date
[3] Currently imposed


Office ReportLast Published Late[1]

ADoP   Offices   2018-04-29[2]  !
ArbitorJudicial matters  2018-05-08
Cartographor   Land of Arcadia   2018-05-04
Herald Matters of Honour 2018-04-22 !!
Notary Contracts 2018-04-30
Promotor   Proposal pool 2018-05-03
RefereeRule violations   2018-05-04
Registrar  Players, Fora 2018-05-04
Regkeepor  ACORN 2018-05-03
Rulekeepor Short Logical Ruleset 2018-04-07 !!!
Treasuror  Coins, other currencies   2018-05-05

[1] ! = 1 period missed, !! = 2, !!! = 3+
[2] Not including this report


Office ReportLast Published Late

Herald Patent titles 2018-05-06
Registrar  Player history2018-04-06
Rulekeepor Full Logical Ruleset  2018-04-07
Tailor Ribbons   2018-02-12 !!


Office Initiated   Phase   Candidates

Tailor 2018-04-13  Voting  ATMunn, Corona


Office Days Until  Last Election

Promotor   00 Days 2017-09-21
Herald 00 Days 2017-11-30
Regkeepor  00 Days 2017-12-25
ADoP   00 Days 2018-01-18
Arbitor00 Days 2018-01-28

[1] Anyone can start an election (with 2 support and also becoming a
candidate) 90 days after the previous one (or if it's interim and no
election is ongoing). This section shows the 5 elected offices with the
most time passed since the last election.

ACORNAgora Nomic Code of Regulations
ADoP Associate Director of Personnel
PSS  Publius Scribonius Scholasticus


Sun, Apr 01 2018 (20:56:50) - G. published the Registrar's weekly report
Mon, Apr 02 2018 (06:14:15) - Aris published the proposal pool
Mon, Apr 02 2018 (06:14:44) - Aris published the Agora Nomic Code of 
Mon, Apr 02 2018 (22:26:52) - Trigon published the Cartographor's weekly 

Tue, Apr 03 2018 (15:14:11) - Ouri registered
Tue, Apr 03 2018 (21:45:19) - Trigon published the Cartographor's weekly 

Fri, Apr 06 2018 (

OFF: [Arbitor] Court Gazette

2018-05-08 Thread Edward Murphy

COURT GAZETTE (Arbitor's weekly report for 7 May 2018)

Disclaimer: Informational only. No actions are contained in this report.
Information in this report is not self-ratifying.

Open cases (CFJs)

(30 Apr 2018: V.J. Rada called a case, then withdrew it, implicitly
identifying it by similarity to 3637)

Highest numbered case: 3637

Recently-delivered verdicts and implications

3634 called 19 Apr 2018 by Aris, judged TRUE 30 Apr 2018 by V.J.
Rada: Zombie owners can act on behalf of their zombies (at least to
make them perform legal actions).

3635 called 19 Apr 2018 by Aris, judged FALSE 30 Apr 2018 by V.J.
Rada: Zombie owners can't break the rules by making their zombies
perform illegal actions, because such attempts are simply ineffective
instead. No comment on whether the specific zombie action in question
would be legal.

3637 called 30 Apr 2018 by G., judged FALSE 30 Apr 2018 by G. (assigned
via Certiorari): "You can do X by paying Y" (without specifying a
recipient) can't be done by paying anyone, because Rule 2166 (Assets)
says that balance changes without a specified source/destination
cause creation/destruction instead.

3636 called 29 Apr 2018 by V.J. Rada, judged TRUE 4 May 2018 by G.: "I
vote _, I also have my zombie vote as I do" is reasonably clear.

Day Court Judge Recent
Corona  3627, 3628
   [02/14 02/14]
Murphy  3626, 3627, 3628
   [03/01 03/01 03/01]
G.  3631, 3637, 3636
   [04/20 04/30 05/04]

Weekend Court Judge Recent (generally gets half as many cases)
ATMunn  3633

(These are informal designations. Requests to join/leave a given court
will be noted. Individual requests to be assigned a specific case will
generally be honored, even for non-court judges.)