OFF: [ADoP] Metareport

2018-09-16 Thread Edward Murphy

You can find an up-to-date version of this report at

Date of last report: 2018-09-09
Date of this report: 2018-09-16


Filled offices: 13/14 (92.86%)
Total officers: 8
Consolidation[1]: 1.62
Late reports: 1/10 (10.00%)

[1] This is the number of filled offices divided by the number of
officers. At 1, this means that all offices are filled by different
players; if it reached the number of filled offices, that would mean
that all offices are filled by one player.


Office Holder[1]  Since Last Election
ADoP   Murphy 2018-01-182018-01-18
ArbitorMurphy 2018-01-282018-01-28
Assessor   twg2018-07-192018-09-14
Cartographor   Trigon 2018-02-24(never)
Herald*D. Margaux 2018-09-15(ongoing)
Prime Minister Aris   2018-07-052018-07-23
Promotor   Aris   2016-10-212017-09-21
RefereeD. Margaux 2018-08-262018-09-14
Registrar  G. 2018-08-232018-09-14
Rulekeepor*(vacant)   2018-07-01[2] 2018-09-16
Tailor twg2018-08-022018-09-14
Treasuror  twg2018-06-242018-06-24

[1] * = Interim office (vacant or holder not elected)
[2] Vacant since this date
[3] Currently imposed


Office ReportLast Published Late[1]

ADoP   Offices   2018-09-09[2]
ArbitorJudicial matters  2018-09-16
Cartographor   Land of Arcadia   2018-09-11
Herald Matters of Honour 2018-09-15
Promotor   Proposal pool 2018-09-16
RefereeRule violations   2018-09-16
Registrar  Players, Fora 2018-09-16
Rulekeepor Short Logical Ruleset 2018-06-12 (vacant)
Treasuror  Coins, other currencies   2018-09-12

[1] ! = 1 period missed, !! = 2, !!! = 3+
[2] Not including this report


Office ReportLast Published Late

Herald Patent titles 2018-09-15
Registrar  Player history2018-08-23
Rulekeepor Full Logical Ruleset  2018-06-06 (vacant)
Tailor Ribbons   2018-09-09


Office Initiated   Phase   Candidates

Herald 2018-09-16  Nominating  (none)


Office Days Until  Last Election

Promotor   00 Days 2017-09-21
ADoP   00 Days 2018-01-18
Arbitor00 Days 2018-01-28
Treasuror  06 Days 2018-06-24
Prime Minister 34 Days 2018-07-23

[1] Anyone can start an election (with 2 support and also becoming a
candidate) 90 days after the previous one (or if it's interim and no
election is ongoing). This section shows the 5 elected offices with the
most time passed since the last election.

ADoP Associate Director of Personnel
PSS  Publius Scribonius Scholasticus


Wed, Aug 01 2018 (03:40:14) - Murphy published the Arbitor's weekly report
Wed, Aug 01 2018 (03:41:26) - Murphy published the ADoP's weekly report
Thu, Aug 02 2018 (16:40:45) - ATMunn resigned from Tailor
Thu, Aug 02 2018 (22:42:48) - twg deputised for Tailor and published the 
Tailor's weekly report

Thu, Aug 02 2018 (22:42:48) - twg published the Tailor's weekly report
Mon, Aug 06 2018 (14:20:11) - twg published the Treasuror's weekly report
Tue, Aug 07 2018 (12:06:15) - PSS published the Herald's weekly report
Sat, Aug 11 2018 (01:44:53) - Aris published the proposal pool
Sun, Aug 12 2018 (06:52:58) - Aris published the proposal pool
Mon, Aug 13 2018 (21:47:56) - twg pub

OFF: [Arbitor] Court Gazette

2018-09-16 Thread Edward Murphy

COURT GAZETTE (Arbitor's weekly report)

Disclaimer: Informational only. No actions are contained in this report.
Information in this report is not self-ratifying.

Open cases (CFJs)
3645 called by Aris 20 June 2018, assigned to V.J. Rada 26 August 2018:
"G. has satisfied eir weekly obligation with regard to the FLR and SLR."

3648 called by G. 24 June 2018, assigned to V.J. Rada 26 August 2018:
"The fine levied on Corona for late Herald Tournament Regulations is
unforgivable for the purposes of R2559."

3652 called by G. 20 July 2018, assigned to Corona 26 August 2018: "If a
person pays the (nonzero) upkeep cost for eir Rank 1 facility and then
upgrades it to Rank 2 in the same month, e must pay the full Rank 2
upkeep cost to prevent its end-of-the-month destruction."

3659 called by G. 13 September 2018, assigned to Aris 16 September 2018:
"D Margaux has won the game by apathy."

3660 called by D. Margaux 16 September 2018, assigned to G. 16 September
2018: "The Referee CAN act on behalf of eir zombie to Point the zombie’s
Finger at a player."

3661 called by D. Margaux 16 September 2018, assigned to Corona 16
September 2018: "The fines attempted to be imposed in this message are

Highest numbered case: 3661

Context/arguments/evidence are included at the bottom of this report.

Recently-delivered verdicts and implications

3655 called by twg 25 August 2018 (barring G.), judged TRUE by Murphy 16
September 2018: "Aris CAN add Proposal 8077 back to the Proposal Pool by

3656 called by D. Margaux 25 August 2018 (barring twg), judged TRUE by
Murphy 16 September 2018: "D. Margaux currently has in eir possession 5

3658 called by twg 27 August 2018, judged TRUE by G. 16 September 2018:
"The Treasuror's report of August 27, 2018, or a portion thereof, is

Day Court Judge Recent
Corona  3641, 3638, 3645, 3652, 3661
   [06/17 07/08 07/31 08/26 09/16]
D. Margaux  
Murphy  3628, 3633, 3654, 3655, 3656
   [03/01 07/08 07/31 08/26 08/26]
V.J. Rada   3649, 3643, 3638, 3648, 3645
   [07/01 07/22 07/31 08/26 08/26]

Weekend Court Judge Recent (generally gets half as many cases)
ATMunn  3648
G.  3657, 3658, 3660
   [08/26 09/09 09/16]

(These are informal designations. Requests to join/leave a given court
will be noted. Individual requests to be assigned a specific case will
generally be honored, even for non-court judges.)


*** 3645 caller Aris's evidence, quoting G.:

The FLR and SLR are up to date (up to Proposal 8052, and including
revision for the recent CoE on the Treasuror Rule):

I'm not publishing them, because there is (or was) a message size-
limit on BUS that was specifically removed in OFF for the purpose of
ruleset publication.  I don't want to add to any confusion in case
the rulesets bounce from BUS.

*** 3645 caller Aris's arguments, responding to ais523:

> Are you sure this isn't publishing them? People have been able to
> publish things as attachements, hidden in headers, etc. with a
> reference to them in the main message, so I don't see why posting a URL
> that has consistent, known information would necessarily be different.
> This may satisfy a requirement to post the rulesets, and if it doesn't
> it's probably because of your disclaimer.

I'm inclined to think that the disclaimer is ineffective for that purpose.
A report occurs when an officer publishes certain information, whether they
want it to or not. Posting the links may count for that purpose, as long as
the text on the other end is labeled as a report, and has all required

*** 3645 G.'s gratuitous arguments:

Well considering I've still got a terminal window open, I could change the
link contents instantly to anything before most people will have seen
it.  Definitely not out of my TDOC if the content of those links is the
only evidence.

I suppose (now that those links are tied to a github repo) one could
cross-reference my message timing to commit timing.

Overall though, I'm pretty sure we've been strong on "publishing X" means
actually publishing the full contents of X, otherwise it's ISID. The cases
that allowed outside references are generally by-announcement actions,
where outside references work because the specification is like this:
   "clearly specifying the action and announcing that e performs it"

for this, "announcing e performs it" must be included in the actual
announcement, but the "clearly specifying" part can lead to a link that
has a clear specification.

So this would

OFF: [Registrar] Weekly Report

2018-09-16 Thread Kerim Aydin

Registrar's Weekly Report

Date of last report: 09 Sep 2018
Date of this report: 16 Sep 2018
(all times UTC)

Recent Events (recent events section not ratifying)

15-Jun-18 21:00:33  omd becomes active by Proposal 8051 taking effect.
20-Jun-18 16:39:12  G. flips Quazie's master switch to Agora with Notice.
20-Jun-18 16:39:12  G. flips o's master switch to Agora with Notice.
20-Jun-18 16:39:20  G. flips Ouri's master switch to Agora with Notice.
20-Jun-18 16:39:20  G. flips Kenyon's master switch to Agora with Notice.
20-Jun-18 21:47:55  G. initiates a Zombie auction for Kenyon, Ouri, o,
22-Jul-18 17:46:31  G. flips Telnaior's master switch to Agora.
27-Jun-18 21:08:31  PSS flips o’s master switch to PSS (auction)
27-Jun-18 21:51:24  twg flips Kenyon’s master switch to twg (auction)
27-Jun-18 22:53:38  Trigon flips Quazie’s master switch to Trigon (auction)
01-Jul-18 10:11:44  VJ Rada flips Ouri’s master switch to VJ Rada (auction)
23-Aug-18 14:14:05  G. initiates zombie auction for Telnaior.
25-Aug-18 16:39:15  D. Margaux registers.  Welcome!
28-Aug-18 17:02:43  G. flips pokes, nichdel, 天火狐 master switches to Agora.
28-Aug-18 17:02:43  G. flips Gaelan's master switch to Agora.
03-Sep-18 06:09:25  G. initiates zombie auction for Gaelan, nichdel, pokes,
05-Sep-18 06:46:28  Aris flips Telnaior's master switch to Aris (auction).

(time of last report)

09-Sep-18 16:57:46  G. flips Gaelan's master switch to G. (auction).
09-Sep-18 17:17:16  D. Margaux flips nichdel's master switch to D. Margaux

Players (21) (by Rule 869, Persons with 'Registered' Citizenship, z=zombie)

   Player   Contact Registered
   --   --- --
   omd  comexk at [3] 03 Feb 11
   Aris thoughtsoflifeandlight17 at   13 Sep 16
   P. Scholasticus [1]  pscriboniusscholasticus at[2] 16 Apr 17
   G.   kerim at   25 Aug 17
   Cuddle Beam  cuddlebeam at 25 Aug 17
   Trigon   reuben.staley at  24 Sep 17
   Corona   liliumalbum.agora at  17 Nov 17
   Murphy   emurphy42 at   17 Dec 17
   VJ Rada  edwardostrange at 29 Dec 17
   ATMunn   iamingodsarmy at  11 Mar 18
   twg  me at 24 May 18
   D. Margaux   dmargaux000 at gmail.com25 Aug 18
z  oowen at 12 Jul 16
z  Quazie   quazienomic at gmail.com15 Apr 17
z  nichdel  nichdel at gmail.com29 Jun 17
z  pokespokes at   11 Dec 17
z  天火狐draconicdarkness at   06 Nov 16
z  Telnaior jdga at Oct 17
z  Ouri ouri.poupko at gmail.com03 Apr 18
z  Kenyon   kprater3.14 at gmail.com27 Feb 18
z  Gaelan   gbs at  15 May 17

[1] In full, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
[2] officially, but technically equivalent p.scribonius.scholasticus at
[3] officially, but technically equivalent c.ome.xk at

Zombie Master and Resale switches (self-ratifying)

Zombie  Master   Resale   Agora was last eir Master on
pokes   Agora   2 now
天火狐   Agora   2 now
o   PSS 1 27-Jun-18 21:08:31
Kenyon  twg 1 27-Jun-18 21:51:24
Quazie  Trigon  1 27-Jun-18 22:53:38
OuriV.J. Rada   1 01-Jul-18 10:11:44
TelnaiorAris1 05-Sep-18 06:46:28
Gaelan  G.  1 09-Sep-18 16:57:46 
nichdel D. Margaux  1 09-Sep-18 17:17:16

Fora (Rule 478, self-ratifying)

Type Location  Typical use
Public   agora-official at  official reports
Public   agora-business at  other business
Discussion   agora-discussion at agoranomic.orgdiscussion
Discussion   irc://
Public   agora at listserver.tue.nlbackup

Subscribe or unsubscribe from main lists:

Subscribe or unsubscribe from backup list:

OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8094-8095

2018-09-16 Thread Aris Merchant
I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
quorum is 4.0, the voting method is AI-majority, and the valid
options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
conditional votes).

ID  Author(s)   AITitle
8094*   Aris1.0   Award of Victory
8095*   Aris, [1]   2.0   Quorum Reduction v2

The proposal pool is currently empty.

[1] Murphy, D Margaux

Legend: * : Proposal is pending.
+ : By publishing this report, I pend the marked proposal.

The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below.

ID: 8094
Title: Award of Victory
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Aris

If they have not done so in the month of September, twg and D Margaux hereby
win the game.

ID: 8095
Title: Quorum Reduction v2
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Aris
Co-authors: Murphy, D Margaux

Amend Rule 879, Quorum, by changing its second paragraph to read as follows:

  The quorum that an Agoran Decision gains as it is created can be
  defined by other rules of power 2 or greater. If no other rule
  defines the quorum of an Agoran Decision, the quorum for that
  decision is equal to 2/3 of the number of voters on the Agoran
  Decision to adopt a proposal that had been most recently resolved
  at the time of that decision's initiation, the whole rounded to
  the nearest integer (breaking ties upward).


OFF: [Referee] Weekly Report

2018-09-16 Thread D Margaux

  The Police Blotter (Referee's Weekly Report)

Date of this report: 16 Sep 2018
Date of last report: 09 Sep 2018
(all times UTC)

BLOT HOLDINGS (asset record - self-ratifying)

Kenyon  10
Corona   7
Murphy   5
V.J. Rada5
Aris 2
Trigon   2
PSS* 2
Publius  1
ATMunn   1


PersonChange   Date  Reason
  --   - ---
V.J. Rada  +1(S,D) 15 Jul 2018   Late Referee Weekly
ATMunn +1(S)   15 Jul 2018   Late CFJ
Publius+1(S)   15 Jul 2018   Late CFJ
Corona +1(f)   26 Jul 2018   Late Registrar Weekly
Corona +1(f)   26 Jul 2018   Late Registrar Weekly
V.J. Rada  -1  26 Jul 2018   Expunged
Murphy -1  31 Jul 2018   Expunged
Corona +3(f)   26 Aug 2018   Late action on CoE
Trigon +2(S,D) 01 Sep 2018   Late Cartographor Weekly
Aris   +2(S,D) 09 Sep 2018   Late Promotor Weekly
V.J. Rada  +2(S)   09 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Murphy +2(S)   09 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
PSS*   +2(S,D) 14 Sep 2018   Late Herald Weekly

(f)=forgivable by R2557
(D)=loses monthly salary for noted office by R2559
(S)=Summary Judgement by R2479

*PSS = Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
D. Margaux