OFF: [Referee] Election

2021-03-07 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
As Referee, I initiate an election for Referee.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

OFF: [Splat Market] Order Book

2021-03-07 Thread Gaelan Steele via agora-official
The following orders (as defined by the Splat Market contract) exist: 

Victory Cards:
1x buy @ 20 coins (nix)

Decipoints (Obstructive Pooling):
25x buy @ 2 coins (nix)


OFF: deputy-[Referee] Crime and Punishment - 7 Mar 2021

2021-03-07 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official
As far as I can tell, there have been no changes in blot holdings since
the most recent report by JTAC.

Some dates in the history section have been fixed.

Having announced intent to do so before, I deputise for Referee to
publish the following weekly report:

  Crime and Punishment (Referee's Weekly Report)

Date of this report: 2021-03-07
Date of last report: 2021-02-06
(all times UTC)

BLOT HOLDINGS(self-ratifies)

   BlotsActive player
 7  R. Lee
 1  Cuddlebeam


 2  Shelvacu

PENDING FINGERS   (does not self-ratify)

No fingers are pending.

BLOT HISTORY  (does not self-ratify)

PersonChange   DateReason
  ---  --  -
Cuddlebeam +1  2021-02-06  Unjustified Gesticulation
   2021-01-29  [Date of Last Report]
R. Lee -1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
R. Lee -1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
omd-1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan -1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Trigon -1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Trigon -1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
omd-1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Falsifian  -1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
nix-1  2021-01-20  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan -1  2021-01-18  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan -1  2021-01-18  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
G. -1  2021-01-14  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
G. -1  2021-01-14  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan +3 (f)  2021-01-03  Breach of Contract
G. +2  2020-12-13  Tardiness (Cooper)
nix+1  2020-12-13  Tardiness (Webmastor)
R. Lee -72 2020-12-01  Expunged by Proposal 8525
Falsifian  +1  2020-11-08  Tardiness (Registrar)
Gaelan -1  2020-11-01  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan -1  2020-11-01  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan -1  2020-11-01  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan -1  2020-11-01  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Falsifian  -1  2020-10-21  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Falsifian  -1  2020-10-21  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Trigon +2 (f)  2020-10-11  Tardiness (Trigon)
nix-1  2020-10-01  Expunged by Jason with 1 Blot-B-Gone
ATMunn -1  2020-10-01  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Sehlvacu   +2 (f)  2020-09-27  Tardiness (CFJ 3884)
G. -2  2020-09-13  Apology
Falsifian  +2  2020-09-13  Missed report (Registrar)
G. +2 (f)  2020-09-13  Oathbreaking
ATMunn +1  2020-09-13  Missed report (Notary)
Jason  -1  2020-08-30  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Jason  -1  2020-08-30  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Jason  -1  2020-08-30  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Jason  -1  2020-08-30  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Jason  +2  2020-08-30  Tardiness (humiliating public
 reminder for Proposal 8489)
Jason  +2  2020-08-30  Tardiness (humiliating public
 reminder for Proposal 8488)
Jason  +0  2020-08-23  Unjustified Gesticulating
R. Lee +1  2020-08-09  Breach of pledge (w/ indictment)
Aris   -1  2020-08-02  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Aris   -1  2020-08-02  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Aris   +2  2020-08-02  Tardiness (CFJ 3869)
nix+1  2020-07-26  Breach of pledge
Gaelan -1  2020-07-22  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan -1  2020-07-22  Expunged by G. with 1 Blot-B-Gone
Gaelan +2  2020-07-22  Faking (as Greg)
Gaelan +2  2020-07-22  Faking (as Greg)
Aris   -1  2020-07-07  Expunged with 1 Blot-B-Gone
R. Lee +40 2020-06-30  Creation by announcement
R. Lee +40 2020-06-30  Creation by announcement
Aris   +1 (f)  2020-06-29  Tardiness (Promotor)
nch-1  2020-06-12  Expunged
G. +1  2020-06-10  Faking
R. Lee -1  2020-06-08  Expunged
twg-1  2020-06-07  Expunged by 

OFF: [Tailor] Glitteral

2021-03-07 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-official

    Glitter: Tailor's Weekly Report as of Sunday 2021-02-28

You can (once the server is back up) find an up-to-date version of this 
report at

    Current Glitter prices:
    (All prices are in Boatloads of Coins)

  Color Price
  Red  14
  Orange   12
  Green    13
  Emerald  14
  Cyan  8
  Blue 10
  Magenta  10
  Ultraviolet   8
  Violet    8
  Indigo   20
  Platinum 13
  Lime 15
  White    17
  blacK    11
  grAy  7
  Transparent  13


Sun, Jan 03 2021 (04:20:40) - JTAC registered
Sun, Jan 03 2021 (21:23:20) - JTAC gained a Cyan Ribbon (deputised for 

Mon, Jan 11 2021 (16:43:10) - Ubercrow registered
Thu, Jan 14 2021 (02:31:04) - Noah registered
Tue, Jan 19 2021 (19:53:58) - Slam_Joe_Jr_Supreme registered
Wed, Jan 20 2021 (19:20:00) - Cuddlebeam awarded G. a White Ribbon
Mon, Jan 25 2021 (19:36:00) - JTAC gained an Emerald Ribbon (elected 
Wed, Feb 03 2021 (01:19:29) - G. gained a Red Ribbon (Proposal 8533 
amended Rule 2614 (Power=3.1) Eclipse Light)
Sun, Feb 28 2021 (17:39:05) - Murphy gained a Green Ribbon (30 days on 
time as ADoP)
Sat, Mar 06 2021 (16:10:33) - Cuddlebeam gained an Ultraviolet Ribbon 
(Won by Taking Over the Economy)

OFF: [ADoP] Metareport

2021-03-07 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-official

You can (once the server is back up) find an up-to-date version of this 
report at

Date of last report: 2021-02-27
Date of this report: 2021-03-07


Filled offices: 17/17 (100.00%)
Total officers: 11
Consolidation[1]: 1.55
Late reports: 1/13 (7.69%)

[1] This is the number of filled offices divided by the number of
officers. At 1, this means that all offices are filled by different
players; if it reached the number of filled offices, that would mean
that all offices are filled by one player.


Office Holder[1]  Since Last Election Complexity

ADoP  *Murphy 2020-07-03    2020-06-27    1
Arbitor    G. 2019-06-11    2019-11-23    2
Assessor   Jason  2019-07-09    2020-07-27    3
Distributor    omd    2018-06-15    (never)    [3]    0
Herald nix    2020-12-31    2021-01-09    2
Ministor   nix    2020-10-28    (never)   1
Notary ATMunn 2020-10-12    2021-01-17    2
Prime Minister Trigon 2021-02-14    2021-02-14    0
Promotor   Aris   2016-10-21    2017-09-21    3
Referee    JTAC   2021-01-03    2021-01-24    2
Registrar  Falsifian  2019-05-04    2020-02-26    1
Rulekeepor Jason  2019-12-06    2020-03-07    3
Speaker    Cuddle Beam2021-01-22    2019-11-05 [3]    0
Stonemason Jason  2020-11-11    (never)   1
Tailor    *Murphy     2021-02-282020-04-19    1
Treasuror  Trigon 2020-05-01    2020-05-01    3
Webmastor  nix    2020-06-03    2020-06-13    1

[1] * = Interim office (vacant or holder not elected)
[2] Vacant since this date
[3] Currently imposed


Office Report    Last Published Late[1]

ADoP   Offices   2021-02-27[2]
Arbitor    Judicial matters  2021-03-07
Notary Contracts 2021-02-26
Promotor   Proposal pool 2021-03-01
Referee    Rule violations   2021-02-06 !!!
Registrar  Players, Fora 2021-03-07
Rulekeepor Short Logical Ruleset 2021-03-05
Stonemason Stones    2021-03-01
Tailor Glitter values    2021-02-28
Treasuror  Coins, other currencies   2021-02-23

[1] ! = 1 period missed, !! = 2, !!! = 3+
[2] Not including this report


Office Report    Last Published Late

Herald Patent titles 2021-03-06
Ministor   Foci  2021-03-05
Registrar  Player history    2021-02-27
Rulekeepor Full Logical Ruleset  2021-02-27
Tailor Ribbons   2021-02-28
Treasuror  Buoyancy, Flotation   2021-02-01
Webmastor  Web resources 2021-02-07


Office Initiated   Phase   Candidates

(none in progress)


Office Days Until  Last Election

Promotor   00 Days 2017-09-21
Arbitor    00 Days 2019-11-23
Registrar  00 Days 2020-02-26
Rulekeepor 00 Days 2020-03-07
Tailor 00 Days 2020-04-19

[1] Anyone can start an election (with 2 support and also becoming a
candidate) 90 days after the previous one (or if it's interim and no
election is ongoing). This section shows the 5 elected offices with the
most time passed since the last election.

ADoP Associate Director of Personnel


Mon, Feb 01 2021 (04:05:11) - Trigon published the Treasuror's weekly report
Mon, Feb 01 2021 (04:20:37) - Trigon 

OFF: [ADoP] Floating salaries

2021-03-07 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-official

I grant these salaries:

 5 BoC - Sun, 28 Feb 2021 17:41:13  Murphy published the ADoP's weekly 
 5 BoC - Sun, 28 Feb 2021 18:35:26  Murphy published the Tailor's 
weekly report

15 BoC - Mon, 01 Mar 2021 04:38:35  Aris published the Proposal Pool
 5 BoC - Mon, 01 Mar 2021 17:18:31  Jason published the Stonemason's 
weekly report
15 BoC - Fri, 05 Mar 2021 20:44:10  Jason published the Short Logical 
 5 BoC - Sun, 07 Mar 2021 03:47:41  Falsifian published the Registrar's 
weekly report

10 BoC - Sun, 07 Mar 2021 19:25:28  G. published the Arbitor's weekly report

15 BoC - Tue, 02 Mar 2021 03:49:44  Jason assessed Proposals 8541-8543

 5 BoC - Sun, 28 Feb 2021 18:36:06  Murphy published the Tailor's 
monthly report
 5 BoC - Fri, 05 Mar 2021 02:43:25  nix published the Ministor's 
monthly report
10 BoC - Sat, 06 Mar 2021 17:35:59  nix published the Herald's monthly 

(UoF = 6.1328 -> 5, 10, 15 BoC = 31, 62, 92 coins)

OFF: [Arbitor] Court Gazette

2021-03-07 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-official
Agoran Court Gazette (Arbitor's Weekly Report)
Sun 07 Mar 2021

DEADLINES (details below)
3900 Assigned to ATMunn  OVERDUE Fri 05 Mar 2021 00:08:14
3901 Assigned to Gaelan  Due Sun 14 Mar 2021 19:16:30

3894 Jason
3897 G.
3898 Murphy
3900 ATMunn
3901 Gaelan
Occasional: Falsifian, Cuddlebeam, Aris

3901 Assigned to Gaelan [Due Sun 14 Mar 2021 19:16:30]
 The cashing of one or more promises created by G. has been
 EFFECTIVE at changing the final vote tally and/or number of voters
 on the referendum to adopt Proposal 8543, for the purposes of
 R208, R879, and/or R2623.

3900 Assigned to ATMunn [Due Fri 05 Mar 2021 00:08:14]
 Murphy's most recent attempted cleaning of Rule 2463 was POSSIBLE

3899 Judged TRUE by Falsifian [Tue 23 Feb 2021]
 No emergency regulations are in place.

3898 Judged FALSE by Murphy [Sat 06 Feb 2021]
 The time at which an intent to do something without objection
 becomes resolvable is a deadline.

3897 Judged FALSE by G. [Wed 10 Feb 2021]
 Proposal 7924, "Contracts v8", never took effect.

3896 Judged FALSE by G. [Wed 10 Feb 2021]
 If an AI 3.0 proposal with the text "Destroy Agora." were adopted,
 it would be blocked from taking effect by Rule 1698, "Agora is a

OFF: [Arbitor] CFJ 3901 Assigned to Gaelan

2021-03-07 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-official
The below CFJ is 3901.  I assign it to Gaelan.


===  CFJ 3901  ===

  The cashing of one or more promises created by G. has been
  EFFECTIVE at changing the final vote tally and/or number of voters
  on the referendum to adopt Proposal 8543, for the purposes of
  R208, R879, and/or R2623.



Judge: Gaelan



Called by G.: 28 Feb 2021 23:59:40
Assigned to Gaelan:   [now]


Caller's Evidence:

On 2/28/2021 3:58 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> I grant myself a promise, "Neverending PRESENT", with the following text:
>1. I grant myself a new promise with a text identical to the text of
>   the "Neverending PRESENT" promise.
>2. If I have cast a non-withdrawn ballot on the referendum to adopt
>   Proposal 8543, I withdraw it; otherwise I vote PRESENT
>   (unconditionally) on the referendum to adopt Proposal 8543.
>3. I cash the new promise.
> I cash the above-created promise.

The above message was sent via agora-business before the voting period on
the proposal 8543 referendum ended.  This CFJ was called immediately after
the voting period ended and before any attempt at resolving the referendum
was published.  Quorum was met by other voters regardless of this ballot.

Caller's Arguments:

For the purpose of cashing a single instance of the above promise, every
step should be determinate (and the conditional in step #2
well-determined), so the cashing should succeed and have the effects
described in its text.

Collectively, I believe this makes the status of my ballot indeterminate
(alternating infinitely between being cast and not) and therefore make
this CFJ PARADOXICAL.  It is not irrelevant even if the proposal is
resolved by publishing two separate announcements (one for each state), as
the resolution method propagates to affecting the vote count for quorum
and/or popularity.

Even if the gamestate was converged after the calling of this CFJ (e.g. by
resolving a proposal batch in a different-than-typical order to prevent
it from affecting future quorum), the fact that it took a positive effort
on the part of the Assessor to do so meant that it certainly was relevant
at the time this CFJ was called.  Further, I think, as a general
principle, that votes are part of the historical legislative record, and
ballots are prima facie relevant even if they don't change an outcome.
