OFF: [Rulekeepor] ACORN - 18 Mar 2021

2021-05-17 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

These ACORNs are also online at

Date of this ACORN: 18 May 2021

Table of Contents:

Auction Regulations
   * Regulation  AM0: Generalized Auction
   * Regulation  AM1: Forward Auctions
   * Regulation  AM2: Sealed-bid Auctions
   * Regulation  AM3: Second-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM4: Nonwinning-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM5: Selective-bid Auctions
Administrative Regulations
   * Regulation  PA0: Certification
   * Regulation  PA1: Proposal Style Guide
   * Regulation  RA0: Limitations to Powers of Interim Referees
   * Regulation  RA1: General Enforcement Policies
   * Regulation  RA2: Guidelines to Referees for Compiling Weekly Reports
   * Regulation  RA3: Holiday Rule Reminder Practice

Auction Regulations
   This section has the regulations, written by the Treasuror, governing
   how auctions proceed.

Regulation AM0/2
Generalized Auction

  Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
  types of auctions. They CANNOT be held directly. Other auction
  methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
  override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
  explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
  INITIATION: When a person CAN begin an auction by this or any
  derivative method, e CAN only do so by specifying the type of
  auction method to be held, a list of lots to be auctioned off, and
  the currency for the auction in a public message (henceforth the
  "initiation message"). The bidding period starts at this point.
  BIDDING: Players CAN place a bid on an auction in its bidding
  period by creating a public message (henceforth a "bid message")
  specifying a number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal
  to the bid of another player. Players CAN withdraw from an open
  auction by announcement.
  TERMINATION: The bidding period ends four days after the final
  instance of any of the following events' occurance:
* the auction begins
* a bid is placed
* a player withdraws from the auction
  RETRIEVAL: When the bidding period ends, the retrieval period
  begins. During the retrieval period, bidders will be allowed to
  retrieve the assets required to pay for their bid. The retrieval
  period lasts three days. Failing to have the requisite assets when
  the retrieval period for an auction ends constitutes the Class 1
  Crime of Underfundedness.
  AWARDING: For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal
  to the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the Nth
  awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee is
  undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away. Auction methods
  specify how awardees are picked for auctions using that method.
  PAYMENT AMOUNT: The amount that an awardee in an auction is
  required to pay for eir lot is, unless otherwise specified, the
  amount of the auction's curency specified in eir highest bid on
  that auction.
  FUNDED PLAYERS: Derivative auction methods should ensure that only
  players who, at the end of an auction's retrieval period, have at
  least as much of that auction's currency as the amount that e is
  required to pay in that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
  be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction method.
  DISTRIBUTION: The auctioneer for an auction CAN and SHALL, within
  seven days of the ending of that auction's retrieval period,
  create a public message (henceforth the "distribution message")
  that contains a full history of bids on the auction and
  withdrawals from the auction. It must also clearly indicate each
  awardee and the lot e recieves. In this message, the auctioneer
  CAN and SHALL destroy the amount to be paid from the inventory
  each awardee and transfer to that player (or create in eir
  possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated with
  the lot e won. Failing to publish a distribution message
  constitutes the Class 3 Crime of Auction Abandonment.
  ACTIVE BIDS: The set of active bids for an auction is the set of
  all funded, non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020
Amended(1) by Trigon, 28 Mar 2021
Amended(2) by Trigon, 05 May 2021


Regulation AM1/1
Forward Auctions

  Forward auctions fun

OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposal 8558

2021-05-17 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-official

IDTitle  Result 

8558  Silver Quill 2020  ADOPTED

I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals.

The quorum for all below decisions was 3.

The following sponsored adopted proposals have the highest popularity (0.800): 
8558 (by Aris).


Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted.
!: player has voting strength 1
^: player has voting strength 6


PROPOSAL 8558 (Silver Quill 2020)
FOR (4): ATMunn, Aris, Falsifian, Jason^
PRESENT (1): Murphy
AI (F/A): 15/0 (AI=2.0)
ATMunn: Endorsement of Aris
Falsifian: Endorsement of Aris
Murphy: Endorsement of non-voter seventeenMachine: Inextricable

The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below:

ID: 8558
Title: Silver Quill 2020
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Aris

[This enables me to award the Silver Quill, and is necessary
because one of the proposals was selected after the official deadline.
I set it up as a temporary rule because I still want to do the
big announcement where I actually award the title.]

Enact a power 2.0 rule, entitled "Silver Quill 2020", with
the following text:

  The Promotor CAN once, by announcement, award the patent title
  Silver Quill 2020 to nix for eir authorship of Proposal 8408,
  "Sets v1.4".

  The Promotor CAN once, by announcement, award the patent title
  Silver Quill 2020 to Aris for eir authorship of Proposal 8514,
  "The Buoyant Economy".

  The Promotor CAN cause this rule to repeal itself by announcement,
  and SHALL do so in a timely fashion after its enactment.


OFF: [Arbitor] Court Gazette

2021-05-17 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-official
Agoran Court Gazette (Arbitor's Weekly Report)
Mon 17 May 2021

DEADLINES (details below)
3905 Assigned to Jason   Due Mon 24 May 2021 16:00:51
3906 Assigned to Jason   Due Mon 24 May 2021 16:01:25

3901 Gaelan
3902 Murphy
3903 G.
3904 ATMunn
3906 Jason
Occasional: Falsifian, Cuddlebeam, Aris, nix

3906 Assigned to Jason [Due Mon 24 May 2021 16:01:25]
 With the above-quoted message, Trigon created one Victory Card in
 Falsifian's possession.

3905 Assigned to Jason [Due Mon 24 May 2021 16:00:51]
 With the above-quoted message, Trigon revoked 400 Coins from

3904 Judged FALSE by ATMunn [Mon 19 Apr 2021]
 An amendment that results in no net change of text in a rule is a
 rulechange, and the Rulekeepor shall keep a record of it.

OFF: [Arbitor] CFJ 3906 Assigned to Jason

2021-05-17 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-official
The below CFJ is 3906.  I assign it to Jason.


===  CFJ 3906  ===

  With the above-quoted message, Trigon created one Victory Card in
  Falsifian's possession.



Judge: Jason



Called by Falsifian:  16 May 2021 14:00:56
Assigned to Jason:[now]


[Linked to CFJ 3905]

Caller's Evidence:

["Above-quoted message" from CFJ statement]

On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 09:53:28PM +, Trigon via agora-official wrote:
> This is the termination message for the First Victory Auction of April 2021.
> List of bids (*=withdrawn player):
>  amount  bidder
>  ==  ===
>   100cn  G.
> 1cn  Jason
>   120cn  Jason
>   180cn  Falsifian
>   221cn  G.
>   222cn  ATMunn*
>   230cn  Jason
>   300cn  Falsifian
>   331cn  G.
>   400cn  Falsifian
> AWARDEE: Falsifian
> I revoke 400 coins from Falsifian and create one victory card in eir
> possession.
> (No Faking: That may not have worked)
> -- 
> Trigon

1. Here's the message Trigon used to initate the auction, sent 2021-04-28:

> I, Trigon, the Treasuror of Agora Nomic, being authorized by Rule 2629/0 and
> furthermore being required to do so at least once a month, do hereby initiate
> a Victory Auction.
> As the Lost and Found Department owns no assets other than coins, the sole lot
> is a new Victory Card.
> The currency for this auction shall be the coin.
> The procedure for this auction shall be a Forward Auction, as described by the
> April 2021 draft of the Treasuror's Auction Regulations which can be found at
> the following link:

I've copied the message from that link to the bottom of this email.

2. Trigon's enactment of the regulations, dated 2021-05-05:

> On 4/27/21 1:06 AM, Trigon via agora-official wrote:
>> I intend, with 2 Agoran consent, to amend the following auction
>> regulations so that they read as follows.
> Having recieved support from Jason and ATMunn and no objections, I do so.

Arguments for the second CFJ:

If the first CFJ is TRUE, I see no reason the second shouldn't be
TRUE too. The auction rules make it clear that the auctioneer can
do this if the auction method allows it, and the auction method is

If the first CFJ is FALSE because the auction regulation can't
empower Trigon to revoke assets, then I think it comes down to the
interpretation of the following sentence from the draft regulation:

   In this message, the auctioneer CAN and SHALL destroy the amount
   to be paid from the inventory each awardee and transfer to that
   player (or create in eir possession if the item is new) the set
   of assets associated with the lot e won.

The form is: "the auctioneer CAN and SHALL do A and B". But if
we've established they can't do A, then they can't do A and B.

This is a bit ambiguous. Maybe the sentence has no effect since the
regulation is trying to empower the auctioneer to do something (A
and B together) that they can't. Or maybe it should be read as
authorizing the auctioneer to do A and also B.

However, even under the second interpretation, I still think it
would be FALSE, because R2545 requires the auction method to be
"generally recognizable ... as a fair, equitable, and timely
[method]". Winning just by being the last person to state a bigger
meaningless number than the last person, when a casual reading of
the the regulations wouldn't make it clear that's the goal, doesn't
seem fair.

Arguments for FALSE for the first CFJ:

Note that the auction began before the regulations were amended. This
may affect interpretation of the clause: "For the purposes of
interpreting auction definitions, such methods are treated as if they
are defined in this rule.", which seems to refer specifically to
auction regulations.

Even if we do consider the new regulation text to have been in force, I
still think it should be FALSE. I think the following quotes from the
recent thread "[Treasuror] [Auction Regulations Proto] Rough Draft for
Redesign" summarise my position (I also included Trigon's reply).


> Can an auction regulation give the auctioneer the power to destroy
> assets, as this text purports to do?
> As far as I can tell the only power this regulation has is that it adds
> some definitions. R2565 grants the auctioneer the power to "transfer
> said items as necessary..." but I think that's r

OFF: [Arbitor] CFJ 3905 Assigned to Jason

2021-05-17 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-official
The below CFJ is 3905.  I assign it to Jason.


===  CFJ 3905  ===

  With the above-quoted message, Trigon revoked 400 Coins from



Judge: Jason



Called by Falsifian:  16 May 2021 14:00:56
Assigned to Jason:[now]


[Linked to CFJ 3906]

Caller's Evidence:

["Above-quoted message" from CFJ statement]

On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 09:53:28PM +, Trigon via agora-official wrote:
> This is the termination message for the First Victory Auction of April 2021.
> List of bids (*=withdrawn player):
>  amount  bidder
>  ==  ===
>   100cn  G.
> 1cn  Jason
>   120cn  Jason
>   180cn  Falsifian
>   221cn  G.
>   222cn  ATMunn*
>   230cn  Jason
>   300cn  Falsifian
>   331cn  G.
>   400cn  Falsifian
> AWARDEE: Falsifian
> I revoke 400 coins from Falsifian and create one victory card in eir
> possession.
> (No Faking: That may not have worked)
> -- 
> Trigon

1. Here's the message Trigon used to initate the auction, sent 2021-04-28:

> I, Trigon, the Treasuror of Agora Nomic, being authorized by Rule 2629/0 and
> furthermore being required to do so at least once a month, do hereby initiate
> a Victory Auction.
> As the Lost and Found Department owns no assets other than coins, the sole lot
> is a new Victory Card.
> The currency for this auction shall be the coin.
> The procedure for this auction shall be a Forward Auction, as described by the
> April 2021 draft of the Treasuror's Auction Regulations which can be found at
> the following link:

I've copied the message from that link to the bottom of this email.

2. Trigon's enactment of the regulations, dated 2021-05-05:

> On 4/27/21 1:06 AM, Trigon via agora-official wrote:
>> I intend, with 2 Agoran consent, to amend the following auction
>> regulations so that they read as follows.
> Having recieved support from Jason and ATMunn and no objections, I do so.

Arguments for the second CFJ:

If the first CFJ is TRUE, I see no reason the second shouldn't be
TRUE too. The auction rules make it clear that the auctioneer can
do this if the auction method allows it, and the auction method is

If the first CFJ is FALSE because the auction regulation can't
empower Trigon to revoke assets, then I think it comes down to the
interpretation of the following sentence from the draft regulation:

   In this message, the auctioneer CAN and SHALL destroy the amount
   to be paid from the inventory each awardee and transfer to that
   player (or create in eir possession if the item is new) the set
   of assets associated with the lot e won.

The form is: "the auctioneer CAN and SHALL do A and B". But if
we've established they can't do A, then they can't do A and B.

This is a bit ambiguous. Maybe the sentence has no effect since the
regulation is trying to empower the auctioneer to do something (A
and B together) that they can't. Or maybe it should be read as
authorizing the auctioneer to do A and also B.

However, even under the second interpretation, I still think it
would be FALSE, because R2545 requires the auction method to be
"generally recognizable ... as a fair, equitable, and timely
[method]". Winning just by being the last person to state a bigger
meaningless number than the last person, when a casual reading of
the the regulations wouldn't make it clear that's the goal, doesn't
seem fair.

Arguments for FALSE for the first CFJ:

Note that the auction began before the regulations were amended. This
may affect interpretation of the clause: "For the purposes of
interpreting auction definitions, such methods are treated as if they
are defined in this rule.", which seems to refer specifically to
auction regulations.

Even if we do consider the new regulation text to have been in force, I
still think it should be FALSE. I think the following quotes from the
recent thread "[Treasuror] [Auction Regulations Proto] Rough Draft for
Redesign" summarise my position (I also included Trigon's reply).


> Can an auction regulation give the auctioneer the power to destroy
> assets, as this text purports to do?
> As far as I can tell the only power this regulation has is that it adds
> some definitions. R2565 grants the auctioneer the power to "transfer
> said items as necessary..." but I think that's referring to the go

OFF: [Press] Payroll

2021-05-17 Thread Falsifian via agora-official
I publish the below report as Editor of the Agoran Press contract.

Credit balances are as follows:

lucidiot:  1

Recent history (not self-ratifying):
2021-01-17: Falsifian earns one Credit for summarizing 2021-01-04..10.
2021-01-17: Falsifian takes 27 Coins four times, destroying eir four credits.
2021-01-20: Falsifian earns one Credit for summarizing 2021-01-11..17.
2021-01-29: Falsifian earns one Credit for summarizing 2021-01-18..24.
2021-02-06: Falsifian earns one Credit for summarizing 2021-01-25..31.
2021-02-06: Falsifian takes 31 Coins three times, destroying eir three credits.
2021-02-06: Gaelan takes 31 Coins, destroying eir credit.
2021-02-14: Falsifian earns one Credit for summarizing 2021-02-01..07.
2021-02-27: Falsifian earns one Credit for summarizing 2021-02-15..21.
2021-03-07: Falsifian earns one Credit for summarizing 2021-02-22..28.
2021-03-10: Falsifian takes 41 Coins three times, destroying eir three credits.
2021-03-14: Falsifian earns one Credit for summarizing 2021-03-01..07.
2021-03-28: Falsifian earns one Credit for summarizing 2021-03-15..21.
2021-04-04: Falsifian takes 42 Coins twice, destroying eir two credits.
