OFF: [Arbitor] Court Gazette

2021-08-29 Thread Telna via agora-official

Agoran Court Gazette (Arbitor's Weekly Report)
Mon 30 Aug 2021

DEADLINES (details below)
Decision to Determine Public Confidence in the Judgement of CFJ 3922
Voting Ends Sat 04 Sep 2021 14:10:24

Regular Judges:
3916 ais523
3918 Gaelan
3921 Jason
3922 R. Lee
3922 Murphy

Occasional Judges:
3888 nix[Sat 28 Nov 2020]
3899 Falsifian  [Tue 23 Feb 2021]
3907 Aspen  [Sat 05 Jun 2021]
3924 Cuddlebeam [Mon 09 Aug 2021]

Overflow Judges:
[None currently]

[None Currently]

3922 Decision on Judgement Pending [Due Sat 04 Sep 2021 14:10:24]
 Judgement Mooted by Jason [Sat 28 Aug 2021]
 Judged TRUE by R. Lee [Wed 25 Aug 2021]
 ATMunn Recused [Mon 23 Aug 2021]
 Murphy Recused [Sun 15 Aug 2021]
 Motion to Reconsider Filed by Aspen [Mon 09 Aug 2021]
 Judged TRUE by Murphy [Sun 08 Aug 2021]
 Called by Aspen [Tue 03 Aug 2021]
 D. Wet has created a proposal in the last 7 days.

3923 Judged FALSE by G. [Mon 09 Aug 2021]
 The quoted message is a distribution message as outlined
 in Regulation AM0.

3924 Judged FALSE by Cuddlebeam [Mon 09 Aug 2021]
 Assuming G. announces no further focus plans, eir focus
 will flip to Legacy at the beginning of the next month.

3921 Judged FALSE by Jason [Tue 03 Aug 2021]
 Be X the first Judge assigned to this CFJ,
 the entirety of the Ruleset means the following...

3920 Judged FALSE by R. Lee [Thu 22 Jul 2021]
 This CFJ was called on 13 Jul 2021.

3919 Judged TRUE by R. Lee [Thu 22 Jul 2021]
 Trigon initiated a Call for Judgement in the below message.

OFF: [Promotor] Proposal Pool

2021-08-29 Thread Aspen via agora-official
[If I can get back into the habit of publishing these at the beginning
of the week, it'll save a lot of stress, though I'll probably slip


The proposal pool currently contains the following proposal(s):

Author(s)   AITitle
Jason, Bucky2.0   Buying Strength Eligibility
G.  1.0   [1]

[1] This proposal has no title. Furthermore, it may not exist.

Legend: * : Democratic proposal.
& : Ordinary proposal.
~ : Unsponsored proposal.

The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below. Where
the information shown below differs from the information shown above,
the information shown above shall control.

Title: Buying Strength Eligibility
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Jason
Co-author(s): Bucky

Amend Rule 2653 by replacing "A player's Voting Strength on referendum"
with "A person's Voting Strength on a referendum".

[There's no reason that buying strength should stop applying on
deregistration, since a non-player can still be eligible to vote.]

Adoption index: 1.0
Author: G.

submit this statement as a CFJ


Re: OFF: [Treasuror] [Auction Regulations] Fixes for real this time

2021-08-29 Thread Trigon via agora-official

On 20/08/2021 02:02, Trigon via agora-official wrote:

On 20/08/2021 01:59, Trigon via agora-discussion wrote:
I intend to apply the following, with 2 Agoran consent, as a single 
amendment to Regulation AM0:


[ Comment: Makes the post-auction phase a lot more convenient for all
   involved. ]

In AM0, replace the paragraph beginning "DISTRIBUTION:" with the
following two paragraphs:

   RESOLUTION: The auctioneer for an auction SHALL, during that
   auction's retrieval period, create a public message (henceforth
   the "resolution message") that contains a full history of bids on
   the auction and withdrawals from the auction. It must also clearly
   indicate who each awardee would be if all players were funded, as
   well as the lot each one would recieve. Failing to publish a
   resolution message constitutes the Class 3 Crime of Auction

   DISTRIBUTION: In a timely fashion after the retrieval period for
   an auction ends, that auction's auctioneer CAN and SHALL, for each
   awardee in that auction, destroy the amount to be paid from the
   inventory of that awardee and transfer to that player (or create
   in eir possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated
   with the lot e won. Failing to create or transfer items as
   described in this paragraph constitutes the Class 3 Crime of
   Auction Abandonment.

[ Comment: Fixes an issue introduced in the last round of amendments
   which removed the requirement to specify an amount of currency in a
   bid. It is almost certainly meaningless because all the regulations
   dealing with what the bid means specify "that bid's amount," so any
   bids not specifying an amount of currency don't really mean anything.
   If that doesn't protect us, the good faith clause does. ]

In that same regulation, replace the text of the paragraph beginning 
"BIDDING:" with:

   BIDDING: Players CAN place a bid on an auction in its bidding
   period by creating a public message (henceforth a "bid message")
   specifying an amount of that auction's currency. Players CAN
   withdraw from an open auction by announcement.


I chose to send this using the "Edit as New Message" feature of 
Thunderbird, but I failed to change the addressee and the subject.

I intend to apply the quoted section, with 2 Agoran consent, as a single 
amendment to Regulation AM0.

Having recieved one support (Jason), and zero objections, I do so.


 ¸¸.•*¨*• Play AGORA QUEST

I’m always happy to become a party to contracts.
transfer Jason one coin
nch was here
I hereby
don't... trust... the dragon...
don't... trust... the dragon...
Do not Construe Jason's message with subject TRIGON as extending this

OFF: [ADoP] Metareport

2021-08-29 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-official

You can find an up-to-date version of this report at

Date of last report: 2021-08-22
Date of this report: 2021-08-29


Filled offices: 16/17 (94.12%)
Total officers: 10
Consolidation[1]: 1.6
Late reports: 3/13 (23.08%)

[1] This is the number of filled offices divided by the number of
officers. At 1, this means that all offices are filled by different
players; if it reached the number of filled offices, that would mean
that all offices are filled by one player.


Office Holder[1]  Since Last Election Complexity

ADoP   Murphy 2020-07-032021-07-111
ArbitorTelna  2021-06-222021-07-112
Assessor ~ Jason  2019-07-092020-07-273
Ministor   R. Lee 2021-08-022021-08-161
Notary   ~ ATMunn 2020-10-122021-01-172
Prime Minister Falsifian  2021-07-042021-07-040
Promotor   Aspen  2016-10-212021-07-043
RefereeR. Lee 2021-06-172021-07-112
Registrar *R. Lee 2021-08-092021-07-181
Rulekeepor Jason  2019-12-062021-07-043
SpeakerR. Lee 2021-08-082019-11-05 [3]0
Stonemason Jason  2020-11-11(never)   1
Tailor Murphy 2021-02-282021-07-111
Treasuror  Trigon 2020-05-012021-07-043
Webmastor *(vacant)   2021-07-21[2] 2021-08-221

[1] * = Interim office (vacant or holder not elected)
~ = Term limited (held for 180+ days, 90+ for Prime Minister)
[2] Vacant since this date
[3] Currently imposed


Office ReportLast Published Late[1]

ADoP   Offices   2021-08-22[2]
ArbitorJudicial matters  2021-08-25
Notary Contracts 2021-08-23
Promotor   Proposal pool 2021-08-29
RefereeRule violations   2021-08-24
Registrar  Players, Fora 2021-08-24
Rulekeepor Short Logical Ruleset 2021-08-13 !
Stonemason Stones2021-08-13 !
Tailor Glitter values2021-08-29
Treasuror  Coins, other currencies   2021-08-24

[1] ! = 1 period missed, !! = 2, !!! = 3+
[2] Not including this report


Office ReportLast Published Late

Herald Patent titles 2021-07-02
Ministor   Foci  2021-08-02
Registrar  Player history2021-08-15
Rulekeepor Full Logical Ruleset  2021-07-29
Tailor Ribbons   2021-08-01
Webmastor  Web resources 2021-02-07 (vacant)


Office Initiated   Phase   Candidates

(none in progress)


Office Days Until  Last Election

Assessor   00 Days 2020-07-27
Notary 00 Days 2021-01-17
Prime Minister 34 Days 2021-07-04
Promotor   34 Days 2021-07-04
Rulekeepor 34 Days 2021-07-04

[1] Anyone can start an election (with 2 support and also becoming a
candidate) 90 days after the previous one (or if it's interim and no
election is ongoing). This section shows the 5 elected offices with the
most time passed since the last election.

Once a quarter, the ADoP SHALL start an election for 2 to 4 offices
that haven't had one for at least 180 days (90 for Prime Minister),
and SHOULD prioritize those that have gone the longest without one.

ADoP Associate Director of Personnel


OFF: [ADoP] Floating salaries (attn Treasuror)

2021-08-29 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-official

I grant boatloads of coins to players as follows:


 5 BoC - Sun, Aug 22 2021 (20:06:14) - Murphy published the ADoP's 
weekly report

15 BoC - Sun, Aug 22 2021 (22:53:32) - Aspen published the proposal pool
10 BoC - Mon, Aug 23 2021 (21:16:54) - ATMunn published the Notary's 
weekly report
15 BoC - Tue, Aug 24 2021 (02:10:14) - Trigon published the Treasuror's 
weekly report
 5 BoC - Tue, Aug 24 2021 (02:57:45) - R. Lee published the Registrar's 
weekly report
10 BoC - Tue, Aug 24 2021 (03:04:07) - R. Lee published the Referee's 
weekly report
10 BoC - Wed, Aug 25 2021 (01:02:02) - Telna published the Arbitor's 
weekly report

15 BoC - Sun, Aug 29 2021 (23:11:06) - Aspen published the proposal pool
 5 BoC - Sun, Aug 29 2021 (23:23:04) - Murphy published the Tailor's 
weekly report

The Unit of Flotation is currently 22, thus these expand to:
  *  5 boatloads of coins -> 110 coins
  * 10 boatloads of coins -> 220 coins
  * 15 boatloads of coins -> 330 coins

OFF: [Tailor] Glitteral

2021-08-29 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-official

Glitter: Tailor's Weekly Report as of Sunday 2021-08-29

You can find an up-to-date version of this report at

Current Glitter prices:
(All prices are in Boatloads of Coins)

  Color Price
  Red   9
  Green 8
  Emerald   9
  Cyan  6
  Blue  7
  Magenta   7
  Ultraviolet   7
  Indigo   12
  Platinum  8
  Lime  9
  blacK 6
  grAy  6
  Transparent   8


Fri, Jul 02 2021 (20:13:23) - Jason gained a Black Ribbon (Rule 
"Popularity Contest")

Sat, Jul 03 2021 (02:20:07) - Mask registered
Sun, Jul 04 2021 (22:30:58) - Aris changed name to Aspen
Tue, Jul 06 2021 (13:17:07) - Jason gained a Emerald Ribbon (re-elected 

Tue, Jul 06 2021 (13:17:07) - Jason gained a Platinum Ribbon
Tue, Jul 06 2021 (17:24:41) - Jason gained a Green Ribbon (30 days on 
time as Assessor)
Tue, Jul 06 2021 (17:29:54) - Jason gained a Transparent Ribbon (awarded 
Emerald/Platinum/Green, qualified for Red/Orange)
Wed, Jul 07 2021 (20:32:37) - Aspen gained a Emerald Ribbon (re-elected 
Mon, Jul 12 2021 (03:00:48) - Telna gained a Emerald Ribbon (elected 
Wed, Jul 14 2021 (19:01:20) - R. Lee gained a Red Ribbon (Proposal 8594 
Sat, Jul 17 2021 (03:13:40) - R. Lee gained a Green Ribbon (30 days on 
time as Referee)
Sat, Jul 17 2021 (03:13:40) - R. Lee gained a Transparent Ribbon 
(awarded Red/Green, qualified for Emerald/Orange/Cyan)

Fri, Jul 23 2021 (17:47:56) - Pat registered
Mon, Jul 26 2021 (14:28:51) - D. Wet registered
Tue, Aug 03 2021 (17:53:57) - Jason gained a Blue Ribbon (judged CFJ 
3921 on time)

Sun, Aug 08 2021 (19:43:27) - R. Lee gained a Platinum Ribbon
Mon, Aug 09 2021 (17:23:40) - Cuddlebeam gained a Blue Ribbon (judged 
CFJ 3924 on time)

OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposal 8602

2021-08-29 Thread Aspen via agora-official

I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating a referendum on it,
and removing it from the proposal pool. For this decision, the vote collector
is the Assessor, the quorum is 6, the voting method is AI-majority, and the
valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
conditional votes).

ID  Author(s)   AITitle
8602&   R. Lee  2.0   ROCKS ROCKS ROCKS

The proposal pool currently contains the following proposal(s):

Author(s)   AITitle
Jason, Bucky2.0   Buying Strength Eligibility
G.  1.0   [1]

[1] This proposal has no title. Furthermore, it may not exist.

Legend: * : Democratic proposal.
& : Ordinary proposal.
~ : Unsponsored proposal.

The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below. Where
the information shown below differs from the information shown above,
the information shown above shall control.

ID: 8602
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: R. Lee

Amend rule 2642, 'Distributing Stones' by replacing its second paragraph
with 'The Stonemason SHALL if possible initiate such an auction monthly and
only once a month, in a timely fashion after a collection notice has been
issued. The Stonemason SHALL auction exactly 2 stones in a month if

Retitle rule 2644 'The Gauntlet' to 'Zen Gardening' [cosmetic change to
remove the annoying movie reference that I discussed once on discord]

Amend rule 2644 by replacing any instances of the word 'Gauntlet' with
'Rock Garden' [sorry for the bad way of putting this, but this rule might
get amended soon so I have to do it for safety]

Amend rule 2644 by replacing '5 or more' with '8 or more' [If there are 10
stones you should need more to win obviously'

Amend rule 2645 'The Stones' by adding the following text on the end.
"-  Recursion Stone (Monthly, 80%): The recursion stone can be wielded once
month as if it had the power of any other stone of your choice.

- Hot Potato Stone (Weekly, 100%): You must transfer this stone to a player
of your choice
who has never owned this stone since the last time agora has owned it. Then
the original wielder gains 8 boatloads of coins.
SPECIAL RULE: Other rules notwithstanding, this stone never escapes as long
as at least three players have owned it in the last Agoran month

Blank Stone (Monthly, 5%): This stone has no effect.

Alchemy Stone (weekly, 70%): Destroy four cards you own. If four cards were
destroyed this way, gain 7 products of your choice"

Title: Buying Strength Eligibility
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Jason
Co-author(s): Bucky

Amend Rule 2653 by replacing "A player's Voting Strength on referendum"
with "A person's Voting Strength on a referendum".

[There's no reason that buying strength should stop applying on
deregistration, since a non-player can still be eligible to vote.]

Adoption index: 1.0
Author: G.

submit this statement as a CFJ


Re: OFF: [Agoran Survivor] End of Round 6 Results

2021-08-29 Thread nix via agora-official
On 8/22/21 9:30 AM, nix via agora-official wrote:
> The IMC did not turn in an answer. Team 1 is immune. The IMC must vote
> off a member.

The votes were as follows:

3 votes for G.

I expel G.

I begin the pre-finale.

I do not intend to write a Finale Script. I don't intend to veto any
Finale Script, unless it puts a large burden on me or anyone else that
didn't consent to do so.
