OFF: [Horsened] The Horses Rundown (27 Nov 2022)

2022-11-27 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-official
The Horsened's Weekly Report
The Horses Rundown
27 Nov 2022

DOLLARIES AND HOOVES (self-ratifies)
Entity DollariesHooves
ais523  6013
G.   013
Gaelan   413
Janet   4813
Murphy   712
ziproot  8 9
Shy Owl  0 7
nix  0 7
Astra0 6
Aced70 5
Aspen0 3
Marb 0 0

cuddlybanana 013
Pilgore  412
R. Lee   013
orb  0 7
omd  013

Lost & Found Dept.   839

HORSES   (self-ratifies)
Horse  OwnerRace Position   Race Place
   --   -   --
Alexia snail5   none
Baxter Agora9   none
Cannon snail   13   none
Destructor Agora7   none
Fargo  snail   13   none
Nacho  Agora6   none
Rubert Pilgore  0   none
Sugar  Agora1   none

HORSE PULLS(does not ratify)
Horse   Pulls
-   --
Alexia  Nacho
Baxter  Fargo
Cannon  Alexia
Destructor  Baxter
Fargo   Alexia, Cannon, Destructor
Nacho   Baxter, Cannon, Fargo
Rubert  Alexia, Cannon
Sugar   Baxter, Destructor, Sugar

HELMETS AND JERSEYS(does not ratify)
   -  -
MurphyS  S
snailC F  FN

A: Alexia
B: Baxter
C: Cannon
D: Destructor
F: Fargo
N: Nacho
R: Rubert
S: Sugar

All players not in the above list have gotten no helmets or jerseys
for a horse since the race last started anew.

Murphy: 2 on Fargo, 3 on Destructor, 4 on Rubert
snail: 2 on Fargo, 2 on Cannon

RECENT HISTORY (does not ratify)
D: gained 4 dollaries as a weekly action
H: got a helmet for
J: got a jersey for

27 Nov 2022: ais523 D

Destructor moved forward 3, pulling Baxter 1.
+1 Hooves to all players.

20 Nov 2022: snail D
20 Nov 2022: Janet D
20 Nov 2022: ais523 D

Fargo moved forward 1, pulling Alexia, Cannon, and Destructor 1.
+1 Hooves to all players.

13 Nov 2022: snail J Fargo, adding Cannon, by paying 1 hoof.
13 Nov 2022: Murphy D
13 Nov 2022: Janet D
13 Nov 2022: ais523 D

Cannon moved forward 3, pulling Alexia 1.
+1 Hooves to all players.

06 Nov 2022: snail used Fargo's weekly power, H and bet 2 on Cannon
06 Nov 2022: snail used the recursion (jockey) stone to move Cannon 1.
06 Nov 2022: snail used the jockey stone to move Fargo 1.
06 Nov 2022: ais523 D

Nacho moved forward 3, pulling Baxter, Cannon, and Fargo 1.
+1 Hooves to all players.

30 Oct 2022: snail J Nacho, adding Fargo to Nacho's pulls.
29 Oct 2022: Murphy bet 3 dollaries on Rubert
24 Oct 2022: ziproot D
24 Oct 2022: Janet D
24 Oct 2022: ais523 D

Nacho moved forward 1, pulling Baxter and Cannon 1.
+1 Hooves to all players.

23 Oct 2022: snail used Cannon's power to move Cannon forward 1
23 Oct 2022: snail used Fargo, H and bet 2 on Fargo (via Alexia)
23 Oct 2022: snail bought Alexia for 10 dollaries
19 Oct 2022: Aced7 registered
17 Oct 2022: Janet D
17 Oct 2022: ais523 D
17 Oct 2022: ziproot D

Baxter moved forward 1, pulling Fargo 1.
+1 Hooves to all players.

16 Oct 2022: Murphy J Sugar, adding Sugar to Sugar's pulls.
15 Oct 2022: Astra registered
11 Oct 2022: Janet D
10 Oct 2022: ais523 D
10 Oct 2022: snail bought Fargo for 6 dollaries

Fargo moved forward 3, pulling Alexia and Destructor 1.
+1 Hooves to all players.

09 Oct 2022: Murphy H Sugar
09 Oct 2022: nix registered
07 Oct 2022: Shy Owl registered
05 Oct 2022: orb registered
05 Oct 2022: Janet D
03 Oct 2022: ais523 D
03 Oct 2022: secretsnail D

Horses weren't motivated this week.

02 Oct 2022: Murphy bet 1 dollary on Rubert
29 Sep 2022: Janet D
28 Sep 2022: ais523 D

Horses weren't motivated this week.


OFF: [Treasuror] Targeting the Buoys 374

2022-11-27 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-official
I flip the Buoyancy Target to the total number of coins given in the
Treasuror's report of 27 Nov 2022, that number being:

Buoyancy Target: 120206

OFF: [Treasuror][Weekly Report] Forbes 374

2022-11-27 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-official


Reports available online at: 

DATES OF PUBLICATION  (contains no data)

(all times and dates in UTC)

Date of previous original report: 20 Nov 2022
Date of first report this week:   27 Nov 2022

NOTES ON REPORT   (contains no data)

* Find my report drafts on Discord or IRC.
* As always, please check the general accuracy of this report.


Total Buoyancy:92281
Buoyancy Target:   113250
Unit of Flotation: 37.


   Player(+a)  cn
 ==  ==
 Aced   [0] 660
 Aspen  370
 Astra  [2] 660
 juan  3108
 Marb   370
 nix   4595
 owl[3] 660

0. Aced7
1. ais523
2. Astrally Forged
3. shy owl

   Player(-a)  cn
 ==  ==
 banana [0]2236
 Capn   [1]1070
 Pilgore   1208
 R. Lee2379
 Vitor 1070

0. cuddlybanana
1. Cap'n

  Contract(00) cn
 ==  ==
 AspenX [0]1030
 ATMStash   [1]1703
 D. Corp.   [2] 315
 G.ravity 9
 Hoard  [3] 491
 IBTWWBG[4]   5
 Lever  [5]   0
 Nim  5
 PlunderPS  [6]  10
 SPRINT [8]   0

0. Aspen's Executor
1. ATMunn's Stash
2. Dragon Corporation
3. Dragon's Hoard
4. I Bet This Was Written By G.
5. The Useless Lever
6. Plunder Partnership
7. Signature Enthusiast Allows Modification of Signature Through
   Rigorous Exchanging of Signature Suggestions
8. Scissors Paper Rock in Nomic Tournament

  Contract(25) cn
 ==  ==
 Press  [0]1527

0. Agoran Press

 ==  ==
 L Dept.21902

ASSET INDEX   (does not self-ratify)

* Tracked by the Treasuror (this report)
* Coins (cn)

* Tracked by the Referee
* Blots

* Tracked by the Notary
* Promises

* Tracked by the Stonemason
* Stones

* Tracked by the Collector
* Stamps, one class for each person.

* Tracked by the Horsened
* Horses
* Dollaries
* Hooves


*** Sun 27 November 2022
[22:46] Marb:   +370cn (Welcome Package)
[22:03] Janet:  +555cn (Reward: Full Logical Ruleset)
[22:03] Janet:  +555cn (Reward: Assessed proposal)
[22:03] snail:  +555cn (Reward: Proposal Pool)
[22:03] nix:+185cn (Reward: Collector weekly)
[22:03] nix:+370cn (Reward: Herald weekly)
[22:03] Janet:  +555cn (Reward: Short Logical Ruleset)
[22:03] Janet:  +185cn (Reward: Stonemason weekly)
[22:03] juan:   +185cn (Reward: Registrar weekly)
[22:03] G.: +370cn (Reward: Arbitor weekly)
[22:03] Janet:  +555cn (Reward: Short Logical Ruleset)
[22:03] snail:  +555cn (Reward: Treasuror weekly)
[22:03] snail:  +370cn (Reward: Notary weekly)
[22:03] snail:  +185cn (Reward: Horsened weekly)
[22:03] snail:  +555cn (Reward: Proposal Pool)
[22:03] Murphy: +185cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)

*** Sat 26 November 2022
[19:34] nix:   +185cn (Proposal 8868)
[19:34] nix:   +222cn (Proposal 8867)
[19:34] Janet: + 74cn (Proposal 8866)

*** Mon 21 November 2022
[21:52] G.: +185cn (CFJ 4001)

*** Sun 20 November 2022
[23:06]   Buoyancy target set to 113250
[21:05] Janet:  +185cn (Reward: Mad Engineer weekly)
[21:02] nix:+185cn (Reward: Collector weekly)
[21:02] nix:+370cn (Reward: Herald weekly)
[21:02] Janet:  +185cn (Reward: Stonemason weekly)
[21:02] juan:   +185cn (Reward: Registrar weekly)
[21:02] snail:  +555cn (Reward: Treasuror weekly)
[21:02] Murphy: +185cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)

*** Sun 13 November 2022
[23:54]   Buoyancy target set to 111400
[23:22] nix:+370cn (Reward: Herald monthly)
[23:22] Janet:  +555cn (Reward: Assessed proposal)
[23:22] Janet:  +185cn (Reward: Mad Engineer weekly)
[23:22] snail:  +185cn (Reward: Horsened weekly)
[23:22] snail:  +370cn (Reward: Notary weekly)
[23:22] snail:  +555cn (Reward: 

OFF: [Notary] The Notes (Contracts, Pledges, and Promises) (27 Nov 2022)

2022-11-27 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-official
   ██   ██ ███   ███   ██  █   ███  ██
 ████   ██ ██  ██ ██   ██████  ██
 █████ █ ██ ██ ██ ██   ██████
 ████   ██ ████   ██   ██████   ██
 ████   ██ ███   ██   ███  █ █████ ██

 -~= Notary's weekly report =~-

 ~~ Things may have occurred ~~

All times and dates in this report are given in Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC).

Date of last report: 20 Nov 2022
Date of this report: 27 Nov 2022

If any contract(s) have no name currently, I assign it/them the name(s)
displayed in this report.


Contracts marked with an asterisk (*) are charities.

 Title   Parties
"The Dragon Corporation"Aspen, Janet
"TPP"[1]   Madrid, G., Aspen
"LoAFER"[2]Trigon, Janet, ATMunn
"SEAMSTRESS"[3]Trigon, Janet
"The Platonic Parrot"omd, Madrid
"I bet that was written by G."   omd, ATMunn
* "Agoran Press"   Murphy, Telna, Janet, secretsnail
"The Splat Market"Gaelan
"Humble Agoran Farming"  Madrid, Gaelan, ... [4]
"The Orchard"   Madrid, Janet, Gaelan, Murphy, Lucidiot, ... [5]
"FIAA"[6]Janet, nix, secretsnail
"Boatloans"   Gaelan
"Dragon's Hoard"Telna, Janet
"The Useless Lever"  Shy Owl, secretsnail, Janet
"The Duck Fund" duck
"ATMunn's Stash"  ATMunn
"Vote Proxies"nix, Madrid, Janet
"Private Enforcement" ais523
"Stamp Servitude"secretsnail, Madrid
"Aspen's Executor"  Aspen, Janet
"SPRINT"[8] 4st, ais523, secretsnail
"Betrayer's Guild"   4st
"The Agoran Philatelic Society"  shy owl

[1] The Plunder Partnership
[2] League of Agorans Facilitating Effective Recordkeeping
[3] Signature Enthusiast Allows Modification of Signature Through
Rigorous Exchanging of Signature Suggestions
[4] also Aspen, Murphy, Lucidiot, secretsnail
[5] also G., Telna, cuddlybanana, secretsnail
[6] Food Industry Association of Agora
[7] NOTA: A Unique Contract Transferring Interesting Objects Nicely
[8] SPRINT: Scissors Paper Rock In Nomic Tournament


-- time of last report --
-- 2 reports ago --
-- 3 reports ago --
-- 4 reports ago --
23 Oct 2022: Janet shredded "Cuddlebeam's Locker"


All contracts which do not have a Donation Level stated currently have a
Donation Level of 0.

The following 26 contracts exist:

"The Dragon Corporation" (revision 4)
Parties: Aspen, Janet


## Bylaw 1: Definition

This contract is named "the Dragon Corporation". The purpose of the
Dragon Corporation is to earn as much money as possible for its

All other provisions of this contract notwithstanding, this contract
does not permit any entity to act on behalf of any other entity.

Shares of Dragon stock (also known as "shares of DRGN", or, in this
contract, "shares") are a currency whose purpose is to represent
ownership of the Dragon Corporation. An entity which owns at least one
share is known as 

OFF: [ADoP] Metareport

2022-11-27 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-official

You can find an up-to-date version of this report at

Date of last report: 2022-11-20
Date of this report: 2022-11-27


Filled offices: 18/20 (90.00%)
Total officers: 7
Consolidation[1]: 2.57
Late reports: 2/16 (12.50%)

[1] This is the number of filled offices divided by the number of
officers. At 1, this means that all offices are filled by different
players; if it reached the number of filled offices, that would mean
that all offices are filled by one player.


Office   Holder[1]Since Last Election Complexity

ADoP Murphy   2020-07-032022-10-091
Arbitor~*G.   2022-10-092022-05-162
Assessor Janet2019-07-092022-07-243
Collector   *nix  2022-10-23(never)   1
Distributor  omd  2018-06-15(never)[3]0
Dreamor  snail2022-08-14(never)   1
Herald  *nix  2022-10-172022-07-242
Horsened snail2022-08-14(never)   1
Mad Engineer Janet2022-06-172022-06-261
Notary ~ snail2022-03-142022-05-082
Prime Minister ~ Murphy   2022-06-122022-07-310
Promotor   ~ snail2022-05-012022-05-083
Referee *(vacant) 2022-09-11[2] (ongoing) 2
Registrarjuan 2022-08-292022-10-021
Rulekeepor   Janet2019-12-062022-10-093
Speaker  G.   2022-07-172019-11-05 [3]0
Stonemason   Janet2020-11-11(never)   1
Tailor   Murphy   2021-02-282022-10-091
Webmastor   *(vacant) 2022-08-29[2] 2022-08-141

[1] * = Interim office (vacant or holder not elected)
~ = Term limited (held for 180+ days, 90+ for Prime Minister)
[2] Vacant since this date
[3] Currently imposed


Office   ReportLast Published Late[1]

ADoP Offices   2022-11-20[2]
Arbitor  Judicial matters  2022-11-21
Herald   Scores2022-11-27
Horsened Horses2022-11-20
Mad Engineer The Device2022-11-20
Notary   Contracts 2022-11-20
Promotor Proposal pool 2022-11-27
Referee  Rule violations   2022-10-23 (vacant)
RegistrarPlayers, Fora 2022-11-21
Rulekeepor   Short Logical Ruleset 2022-11-27
Stonemason   Stones2022-11-27
TreasurorCoins, other currencies   2022-11-20

[1] ! = 1 period missed, !! = 2, !!! = 3+
  (does not take succumbing into account)
[2] Not including this report


Office   ReportLast Published Late

Dreamor  Dreams2022-11-06
Herald   Patent titles 2022-11-12
RegistrarPlayer history2022-11-01
Rulekeepor   Full Logical Ruleset  2022-11-27
Tailor   Ribbons, Laudability  2022-11-06
WebmastorWeb resources 2022-04-30 (vacant)


Office   Initiated   Phase   Candidates

Referee  2022-10-29  Post-nominating (none)


Office   Days Until  Last Election

Notary   00 Days 2022-05-08
Promotor 00 Days 2022-05-08
Arbitor  00 Days 2022-05-16
Mad Engineer 00 Days 2022-06-26
Treasuror00 Days 2022-07-03

[1] Anyone can start an election (with 2 support and also becoming a
candidate) 90 days after the previous one (or if it's interim and no
election is 

OFF: [ADoP] Floating salaries (attn Treasuror)

2022-11-27 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-official

I grant boatloads of coins to players as follows:


 5 BoC - Sun, Nov 20 2022 (21:05:45) - Murphy published the ADoP's 
weekly report

15 BoC - Sun, Nov 20 2022 (22:29:40) - snail published the proposal pool
 5 BoC - Sun, Nov 20 2022 (22:48:32) - snail published the Horsened's 
weekly report
10 BoC - Sun, Nov 20 2022 (22:52:57) - snail published the Notary's 
weekly report
15 BoC - Sun, Nov 20 2022 (23:04:22) - snail published the Treasuror's 
weekly report
15 BoC - Sun, Nov 20 2022 (23:11:14) - Janet published the Short Logical 
10 BoC - Mon, Nov 21 2022 (21:51:30) - G. published the Arbitor's weekly 
 5 BoC - Mon, Nov 21 2022 (22:26:51) - juan published the Registrar's 
weekly report
 5 BoC - Sun, Nov 27 2022 (05:18:05) - Janet published the Stonemason's 
weekly report
15 BoC - Sun, Nov 27 2022 (05:56:15) - Janet published the Short Logical 
10 BoC - Sun, Nov 27 2022 (20:55:19) - nix published the Herald's weekly 
 5 BoC - Sun, Nov 27 2022 (20:59:30) - nix published the Collector's 
weekly report

15 BoC - Sun, Nov 27 2022 (21:36:39) - snail published the proposal pool

15 BoC - Sat, Nov 26 2022 (19:33:45) - Janet assessed Proposals 8866-8868


15 BoC - Sun, Nov 27 2022 (05:56:59) - Janet published the Full Logical 

(The following is unofficial. If the Treasuror's report disagrees, then
the Treasuror's report is probably correct.)

The Unit of Flotation is currently 37, thus these expand to:
  *  5 boatloads of coins -> 185 coins
  * 10 boatloads of coins -> 370 coins
  * 15 boatloads of coins -> 555 coins

OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8870-8872

2022-11-27 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-official

If you vote on a proposal, please edit this spreadsheet with your votes:

I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating a referendum on it,
and removing it from the proposal pool. For this decision, the vote
is the Assessor, the quorum is 4, the voting method is AI-majority, and the
valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
conditional votes).

ID  Author(s)   AITitle
8870~   Janet, nix  2.0   Stone fixes
8871*   nix 3.0   Unintuitive Rule Changes Fix
8872~   nix, G., Janet, Shy Owl 2.1   Anti-Capitalists Dream of Stamp

The proposal pool contains the following proposals:

ID  Author(s)   AITitle
Currently empty.

Legend: * : Democratic proposal.
~ : Ordinary proposal.

The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below. Where
the information shown below differs from the information shown above,
the information shown above shall control.

ID: 8870
Title: Stone fixes
Adoption Index: 2.0
Author: Janet
Co-Author(s): nix

# Convergence of P8868

If Rule 2642 is not titled "Gathering Stones", retitle to "Gathering

If Rule 2642 does not have the following text, amend it to read, in
  A player who has not possessed a stone in the last 30 days CAN, by
  announcement, transfer the mossiest stone (if there is a tie, then
  a specified stone tied for mossiest) Agora owns to emself. E
  SHOULD specify the stone when doing so.

# Remove the concept of "scroll"s as a document, which may or may
# not work, and replace it with more wishy-washy "description of
# properties", which includes continuous effects like voting
# strength.
# Also, secure wielding.

Amend Rule 2640 by replacing the text "A scroll, which is a document
specifying the effects of the stone" with the text "A description of
the stone's properties".

Amend Rule 2641 by replacing the final paragraph with the following
  When a stone is wielded, the Rule defining that stone applies any
  effects that it defines as occurring when the stone is wielded.

  The wielding of stones is secured.

Amend Rule 2645 ("The Stones") to read, in whole:
  The following stones are defined, one per paragraph, with the
  following format: Stone Name (Frequency, Smoothness): Description.

  - Power Stone (weekly, 2): When this stone is wielded, a specified
player (defaulting to the wielder if not specified) is Power
Stoned; Power Stoning is secured. A player's voting strength on
a referendum on an ordinary proposal is increased by 3 for each
time that e was Power Stoned during the referendum's voting

  - Soul Stone (weekly, 3): When wielded, the Soul Stone is
transferred to the owner of a different specified non-immune
stone, then that stone is transferred to the wielder.

  - Sabotage Stone (weekly, 4): When wielded, the adoption index of
a specified AI-majority Agoran decision is increased by 1.

  - Jockey Stone (monthly, 3): When wielded, a specified Running
horse's Race Position is increased by 1.

  - Protection Stone (monthly, 4): When wielded, a specified stone
is granted immunity.

  - Recursion Stone (Monthly, 4): The Recursion Stone can be wielded
once per month as if it had the power of any other stone of your

  - Hot Potato Stone (Weekly, 5):  When this stone is wielded, the
wielder specifies an eligible player and gains 8 points. The
stone is transferred to the eligible player. An eligible player
is one who has not owned this stone since the last time Agora
owned it. If this  stone is not owned by Agora, it cannot
otherwise be transferred, other rules notwithstanding. This
stone is immune if 3 or more players have wielded it since the
most recent collection notice.

  - Blank Stone (Monthly, 0): This stone has no effect.

  - Mason's Stone (None, 0): If the Mason's Stone is owned by the
Stonemason, its Mossiness is continuously set to 0. If the
Mason's Stone is owned by Agora, it is transferred to the

  - Anti-Equatorial Stone (Monthly, 5): When wielded, the mossiest
stone is transferred to the wielder. When this happens, the
Anti-Equatorial Stone's mossiness is incremented by 1.

  - Score Stone (Weekly, 3): When wielded, a specified player's
(defaulting to the wielder if not specified) Score is increased
by 3.

ID: 8871
Title: Unintuitive Rule Changes Fix
Adoption Index: 3.0
Author: nix

OFF: [Herald] High Scores (Herald's Weekly, Pt. 2 - 27 Nov 22)

2022-11-27 Thread nix via agora-official
Scores (points) as of 27 Nov 2022.

-    -  --
1stJNT   035+7
2ndNIX   015   +10
4thSNL   012
5thMUR   010+1
6thRLE   006+1
7thCRS   005
7thCBN   005
7thDCK   005
7thJWN   005
7thTRI   005
7thVTR   005
13th   AIS   004+1
14th   ASP   002+1
14th   GLN   002
16th   ZRT   001+1

All other scores are zero.

[0] Aspen = ASP; CreateSource = CRS; G. = G. ; Gaelan = GLN; Janet =
JNT; Murphy = MUR; R. Lee = RLE; Trigon = TRI; Vitor Gonçalves = VTR;
ais523 = AIS; cuddlybanana = CBN; duck = DCK; juan = JWN; nix = NIX;
snail = SNL; ziproot = ZRT

[1] Since last official report.

If you'd like to change your three letter name, please let the Herald

Events Since Last Report

2022-11-27: Janet gains 5 (author of P8866)
2022-11-27: Aspen gains 1 (co-author of P8866)
2022-11-27: nix gains 5 (author of P8867)
2022-11-27: Janet gains 1 (co-author of P8867)
2022-11-27: R. Lee gains 1 (co-author of P8867)
2022-11-27: Murphy gains 1 (co-author of P8867)
2022-11-27: G. gains 1 (co-author of P8867)
2022-11-27: nix gains 5 (author of P8868)
2022-11-27: G. gains 1 (co-author of P8868)
2022-11-27: ais523 gains 1 (co-author of P8868)
2022-11-27: Janet gains 1 (co-author of P8868)
2022-11-27: ziproot gains 1 (co-author of P8868)

Herald, Collector

OFF: [Herald] Honour (Herald's Weekly, Pt 1 - 27 Nov 2022)

2022-11-27 Thread nix via agora-official
27 Nov 22

These are the current non-zero Karma values:

+ 1 Jason
= 0 Agora
- 1 4st

A player CAN publish a Notice of Honour. For a Notice of Honour to be
valid, it must:

 1. Be clear that it is a Notice of Honour, and be the first valid
Notice of Honour that player has published in the current week;

 2. Specify any other active player or Agora to gain karma, and
provide a reason for specifying that player; and

 3. Specify any active player or Agora to lose karma, and provide a
reason for specifying that player.

 4. Not result in Agora's karma moving farther away from 0.

12 Nov 22
 +1 nix (putting in the work to update the website)
 -1 Agora (otherwise not giving me a reason to de-karma someone)
30 Oct 22
 +1 Jason (maintaining much of the game, including the currently
   largely-neglected device)
 -1 nix (not updating Karma last week)
01 Oct 22 [Beginning of Quarter 3]
 All players' karma halved, rounded towards 0.
 Agora's karma set to 0 minus the total karma of all players [1]
22 Aug 22
 +1 nix (e proposed the creation of the rule)
 -1 4st (e tried to be naughty and gain many points)
28 Aug 22
 +1 juan (using a notice already)
 -1 4st (making so many stamps)
01 Sep 22
 +1 snail (for reminding me to award points for ribbons)
 -1 Murphy (for needing to be reminded)

Herald, Collector