OFF: [Dream Keeper] Dream Journal (27 Feb 2023)

2023-02-26 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-official
Dream Keeper's Weekly Report
27 Feb 2023

Dream Switches (self-ratifies)




   R. Lee





Wandering (default):
   All other active players

[Inactive/nonplayers do not have this switch]

Explanation of Dreams

   Get 1 stamp the L has the most of, or more if 11+ or 21+ stamps.

Dream of Justice:
   1 blot is expunged from you, and if not, you can expunge someone else

   Get X/Y points, X is 1/2 of active players, Y is those w/ this dream

   Gain 2/1/0 stamps of your own type if <8/<16/>15 of your stamps exist

   You can flip the device on or off with Agoran Consent. You can act on
   behalf of the device to take a specified action with 1 support.

   Once per week, transfer mossiest stone to yourself. (May be incorrect)

   Your voting strength on ordinary proposals is increased by 2 while
   having this dream.

   If less than a majority of dreams, lose 1 point. If a majority, all
   scores are set to 100-(current score).

Dream of Wandering (default):
   No effect.

You can envision any dream at any time.
Dreams switch to each active player's most recently envisioned dream at
the start of each week. Most effects happen afterwards.


OFF: [Mad Engineer] Experiment 00074 - Intent to Invent

2023-02-26 Thread Janet Cobb via agora-official

The Device is off.


I intend, with Agoran consent, to cause Rule 2655 to amend the Rule "The
Device" by appending the following a a list item to the "When the device
is on:" list:


  If at any point an uncontested device has a single candidate,
  then any player CAN by announcement declare em the winner of the
  device, thereby causing em to win the device. If at any point
  an uncontested device has no candidates, then any player CAN
  declare the device ended with no winner by announcement.


OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8914-8920

2023-02-26 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-official

If you vote on a proposal, please edit this spreadsheet with your votes:

I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating a referendum on it,
and removing it from the proposal pool. For this decision, the vote
is the Assessor, the quorum is 5, the voting method is AI-majority, and the
valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
conditional votes).

ID  Author(s)   AITitle
8914~   nix 1.5   Can't Trust Em To Do Eir Own Work
8915~   4st, G., Janet  1.0   Reenactment V2
8916~   4st, Janet  1.0   Ongoing obligation
8917*   Janet   3.0   No
8918~   4st, nix, G. Murphy 1.0   Ritual Paper Dance V2
8919*   nix, G., 4st, snail 3.0   Radiance v1.1
8920*   Janet   3.0   Adopted change re-application

The proposal pool contains the following proposals:

ID  Author(s)   AITitle
Currently empty.

Legend: * : Democratic proposal.
~ : Ordinary proposal.

The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below. Where
the information shown below differs from the information shown above,
the information shown above shall control.

ID: 8914
Title: Can't Trust Em To Do Eir Own Work
Adoption Index: 1.5
Author: nix

[I shouldn't have to do someone else's work for em to win.]

Amend R2656 by replacing:

   Upon a correct announcement from a player that e has a score of
   100 or more points, e wins the game.


A player with 100 or more points CAN declare a High Score by
announcement and specifying exactly how many points e has. If a
player incorrectly does so, e loses 5 points. Upon a correct
declaration of High Score, that player wins the game.

ID: 8915
Title: Reenactment V2
Adoption Index: 1.0
Author: 4st
Co-Author(s): G., Janet

Enact a rule with power=1.0 and the text:
The rulekeepor CAN and MUST re-enact one of the following,
in a timely manner by announcement, chosen randomly by em, at power=1.0:
1. Rule 2193/0
2. Rule 2615
3. Rule 2571
4. Rule 1993
5. Rule 2309
6. Rule 108

Once e does so, repeal this rule.

ID: 8916
Title: Ongoing obligation
Adoption Index: 1.0
Author: 4st
Co-Author(s): Janet

The player 4st MUST submit a copy of this proposal.
ID: 8917
Title: No
Adoption Index: 3.0
Author: Janet

Amend Rule 2646 by replacing the text "Activity is a player switch" with
"Activity is a secured player switch".
ID: 8918
Title: Ritual Paper Dance V2
Adoption Index: 1.0
Author: 4st
Co-Author(s): nix, G., Murphy

Enact a rule with power=1.0 entitled "Ritual Paper Dance" and the text:
Firstly: Each of these is a ritual act:
- Performing a cabinet order
- Assigning a judgement
- Awarding ribbons
- Once per week per report type, publishing a report
- Once per week per player, nominating for office
- Once per week per player, voting

Secondly: Once for each ritual act, any player, including the player
who performed the ritual act, CAN, by announcement, declare the ritual
number. A ritual number is a number that starts at 0, and can be at
most 1 greater than any other declared ritual number. Declared ritual
numbers are self-ratifying.

Thirdly: Once, each time a unique positive multiple of 41 is declared,
in the same message the declarer CAN, by announcement, have qualifying
players lift The First Speaker in a powerful dance around the fountain,
while also announcing that those players' gain 1 radiance, in such a
way that is unambiguous and clear, so that in fact, those players' do
gain 1 radiance. This does not increase their radiance by 2, nor does
it increase it by 3 or 4. 5 is right out.

Fourthly: Players are qualifying under this rule if:
- they are active
- do not have the highest radiance
- are not tied for the highest radiance

(Glitter) Also snail and Janet gain 1 radiance.
(something about co-authorship should be taken seriously but these
players still helped!)
ID: 8919
Title: Radiance v1.1
Adoption Index: 3.0
Author: nix
Co-Author(s): G., 4st, snail

[This proposal reskins points/score as "radiance" and also changes the
scoring conditions to be cashed by players. IE, insteead of the assessor
granting points for proposals, each player must claim them. Also
introduce gains/grants language 

OFF: [Horsened] The Horses Rundown (26 Feb 2023)

2023-02-26 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-official
The Horsened's Weekly Report
The Horses Rundown
26 Feb 2023

DOLLARIES AND HOOVES (self-ratifies)
Entity DollariesHooves
Aced7   10 9
ais523  14 2
Aspen   10 9
G.  10 9
Gaelan  10 9
Janet   18 8
juan10 9
Marb10 9
Murphy   4 4
nix 14 9
snail6 4
Shy Owl 10 9
4st  0 9
R. Lee  10 3
TB1480 9

cuddlybanana10 9
omd 10 9

HORSES   (self-ratifies)
Horse  OwnerRace Position   Race Place
   --   -   --
Alexia snail8   none
Baxter Murphy  14   none
Cannon snail5   none
Destructor ais523   6   none
Fargo  Agora1   none
Nacho  Agora6   none
Rubert nix  3   none
Sugar  Agora4   none

HORSE PULLS  (self-ratifies)
Horse   Pulls
-   --
Alexia  Destructor, Nacho
Baxter  Baxter, Destructor, Fargo
Cannon  Alexia, Destructor
Destructor  Alexia, Baxter
Fargo   Alexia, Destructor
Nacho   Alexia, Baxter, Cannon, Destructor
Rubert  Alexia, Cannon, Destructor
Sugar   Alexia, Baxter, Destructor

HELMETS AND JERSEYS(does not ratify)
A: Alexia, B: Baxter, C: Cannon, D: Destructor
F: Fargo, N: Nacho, R: Rubert, S: Sugar

   -  -
ais523 AB ABC  NR
Murphy B
snailD N S

All players not in the above list have gotten no helmets or jerseys
for a horse since the race last started anew.

snail:  3 on Cannon

RECENT HISTORY (does not ratify)
H: got a helmet for
J: got a jersey for

26 Feb 2023: Murphy gains 1 hoof
25 Feb 2023: ais523 gets a helmet for Alexia by paying 1 hoof.

Sugar moved forward 2, pulling Alexia, Baxter, and Destructor 1.
+1 Hooves to all players.

19 Feb 2023: snail gains 1 hoof.
19 Feb 2023: ais523 got a helmet for Baxter by paying 1 hoof.

Sugar moved forward 2, pulling Alexia, Baxter, and Destructor 1.
+1 Hooves to all players.

Feb 12 2023: snail got a Jersey for Sugar, adding Alexia
Feb 12 2023: Murphy paid 3 hooves to move Baxter 2.
Feb 12 2023: ais523 gets a jersey for Baxter, adding Destructor
Feb 08 2023: Murphy uses the jockey stone to move Baxter 1.
Feb 06 2023: TB148 receives 7 hooves in a welcome package
Feb 06 2023: R. Lee pays 3 hooves for 5 dollaries.

Nacho moved forward 3, pulling Alexia,Baxter,Cannon, and Destructor 1.
+1 Hooves to all players.

Feb 05 2023: snail got a jersey for Nacho, adding Alexia
Feb 05 2023: Murphy paid 3 hooves to move Baxter 2.
Feb 05 2023: ais523 got a jersey for Nacho, adding Destructor.
Feb 02 2023: R. Lee pays 3 hooves to get 5 dollaries.
Jan 31 2023: R. Lee registers and gets 6 hooves from welcome package.
Jan 30 2023: nix buys Rubert for 4 dollaries

Destructor moved forward 1, pulling Alexia and Baxter 1.
+1 Hooves to all players.

29 Jan 2023: ais523 moves Alexia back 2 using Destructor's power.
29 Jan 2023: ais523 got a jersey for Alexia, adding Destructor.
29 Jan 2023: snail gets a jersey for Destructor, adding Alexia.
29 Jan 2023: Murphy moves Baxter 2 by paying 3 hooves.
29 Jan 2023: 4st receives 5 hooves from a welcome package.

Rubert moved forward 2, pulling Alexia, Cannon, and Destructor 1.
+1 Hooves to all players.

22 Jan 2023: snail gains 5 dollaries by paying 3 hooves
22 Jan 2023: Janet got a helmet for Rubert
22 Jan 2023: ais523 got a jersey for Rubert, adding Destructor
22 Jan 2023: Murphy moved Baxter 1 using the Recursion Stone.
22 Jan 2023: Murphy moved Baxter 1 using the Jockey Stone.

Rubert moved forward 1, pulling Alexia and Cannon 1.
+1 Hooves to all players.

15 Jan 2023: snail bet 3 dollaries on Cannon
15 Jan 2023: Murphy got a jersey for Baxter, adding 

OFF: [Dream Keeper] Dream Journal (26 Feb 2023)

2023-02-26 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-official
Dream Keeper's Weekly Report
26 Feb 2023

Dream Switches (self-ratifies)




   R. Lee





Wandering (default):
   All other active players

[Inactive/nonplayers do not have this switch]

Explanation of Dreams

   Get 1 stamp the L has the most of, or more if 10+ or 20+ stamps.

Dream of Justice:
   1 blot is expunged from you, and if not, you can expunge someone else

   Get X/Y points, X is 1/2 of active players, Y is those w/ this dream

   Gain 2/1/0 stamps of your own type if <8/<16/>15 of your stamps exist

   You can flip the device on or off with Agoran Consent. You can act on
   behalf of the device to take a specified action with 1 support.

   Once per week, transfer mossiest stone to yourself. (May be incorrect)

   Your voting strength on ordinary proposals is increased by 2 while
   having this dream.

   If less than a majority of dreams, lose 1 point. If a majority, all
   scores are set to 100-(current score).

Dream of Wandering (default):
   No effect.

You can envision any dream at any time.
Dreams switch to each active player's most recently envisioned dream at
the start of each week. Most effects happen afterwards.


OFF: [ADoP] Metareport

2023-02-26 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-official

You can find an up-to-date version of this report at

Date of last report: 2023-02-18
Date of this report: 2023-02-26


Filled offices: 19/19 (100.00%)
Total officers: 8
Consolidation[1]: 2.38
Late reports: 2/15 (13.33%)

[1] This is the number of filled offices divided by the number of
officers. At 1, this means that all offices are filled by different
players; if it reached the number of filled offices, that would mean
that all offices are filled by one player.


Office   Holder[1]Since Last Election Complexity

ADoP Murphy   2020-07-032022-10-091
Arbitor  G.   2022-10-092023-01-152
Assessor   ~ Janet2019-07-092022-07-243
Collector   *nix  2022-10-23(never)   1
Distributor  omd  2018-06-15(never)[3]0
Dream Keeper snail2022-12-11(never)   1
Herald ~*nix  2022-10-172022-07-242
Horsened snail2022-08-14(never)   1
Mad Engineer Janet2022-06-17(ongoing) 1
Notary   snail2022-03-142023-01-152
Prime Minister   nix  2023-02-022023-02-260
Promotor snail2022-05-012023-01-153
Referee *4st  2023-02-062023-01-012
Registrarjuan 2022-08-292022-10-021
Rulekeepor   Janet2019-12-062022-10-093
Speaker  Murphy   2023-02-072019-11-05 [3]0
Stonemason   Janet2020-11-11(never)   1
Tailor   Murphy   2021-02-282022-10-091
Webmastor  ~*4st  2023-02-062022-08-141

[1] * = Interim office (vacant or holder not elected)
~ = Term limited (held for 180+ days, 90+ for Prime Minister)
[2] Vacant since this date
[3] Currently imposed


Office   ReportLast Published Late[1]

ADoP Offices   2023-02-18[2]
Arbitor  Judicial matters  2023-02-21
Dream Keeper Dreams2023-02-17
Herald   Scores2023-02-13
Horsened Horses2023-02-20
Mad Engineer The Device2023-02-19
Notary   Contracts 2023-02-12 !
Promotor Proposal pool 2023-02-12 !
Referee  Rule violations   2023-02-15
RegistrarPlayers, Fora 2023-02-22
Rulekeepor   Short Logical Ruleset 2023-02-26
Stonemason   Stones2023-02-26

[1] ! = 1 period missed, !! = 2, !!! = 3+
  (does not take succumbing into account)
[2] Not including this report


Office   ReportLast Published Late

Herald   Patent titles 2023-02-06
RegistrarPlayer history2023-02-02
Rulekeepor   Full Logical Ruleset  2023-02-26
Tailor   Ribbons, Laudability  2023-02-05
WebmastorWeb resources 2023-02-06


Office   Initiated   Phase   Candidates

Mad Engineer 2023-02-14  Post-nominating 4st, Janet


Office   Days Until  Last Election

Assessor 00 Days 2022-07-24
Herald   00 Days 2022-07-24
Webmastor00 Days 2022-08-14
Registrar00 Days 2022-10-02
ADoP 00 Days 2022-10-09

[1] Anyone can start an election (with 2 support and also becoming a
candidate) 90 days after the previous one (or if it's interim and no
election is ongoing). This section shows the 5 elected offices with the
most time passed since the last election.

Once a quarter, the ADoP SHALL 

OFF: Resolution of Prime Minister election

2023-02-26 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-official

In the current Prime Minister election, players have attempted to
vote as follows:

nix   - [nix, juan, 4st, R. Lee, Janet, G.]
4st   - [4st, R. Lee, juan, G., nix, Janet, snail]
snail - [snail, Janet, nix, G.]

G.- [R. Lee, nix, Janet]
Janet - [Janet, nix, R. Lee, G.]

I think quorum was 3 as originally stated, was met by snail's vote, the
voting period was not extended, thus G. and Janet were too late.

Due to complexity and lack of blots, nix, 4st, snail, and Janet each
have voting strength 6, while G. has 5.

I resolve the election as follows.

Pass begins:

  4st   -  6 votes
  nix   -  6 votes
  snail -  6 votes

  Other candidates each have 0 votes are eliminated (one at a time,
  order doesn't matter).

Pass begins:

  Votes are effectively adjusted to
  nix   - [nix, 4st]
  4st   - [4st, nix, snail]
  snail - [snail, nix]

  4st   -  6 votes
  nix   -  6 votes
  snail -  6 votes

  Two out of three choices for elimination would give nix the win. Both
  are included in the same number of lists, but snail was further down
  on 4st's list than 4st was on nix's list. I choose snail for

Pass begins:

  Votes are effectively adjusted to
  nix   - [nix, 4st]
  4st   - [4st, nix]
  snail - [nix]

  4st   -  6 votes
  nix   - 12 votes

  nix is elected.

If I was somehow wrong about quorum, then the above is ineffective, and
I instead resolve the election as follows.

Pass begins:

  4st-  6 votes
  nix-  6 votes
  snail  -  6 votes
  R. Lee -  5 votes
  Janet  -  6 votes

  Other candidates each have 0 votes are eliminated (one at a time,
  order doesn't matter).

Pass begins:

  4st-  6 votes
  nix-  6 votes
  snail  -  6 votes
  R. Lee -  5 votes
  Janet  -  6 votes

  R. Lee is eliminated.

Pass begins:

  Votes are effectively adjusted to
  nix   - [nix, 4st, Janet]
  4st   - [4st, nix, Janet, snail]
  snail - [snail, Janet, nix]
  G.- [nix, Janet]
  Janet - [Janet, nix]

  4st-  6 votes
  nix- 11 votes
  snail  -  6 votes
  Janet  -  6 votes

  Eliminating either 4st or Janet would give nix the win.

  Eliminating snail would put Janet ahead, but then 4st would be
  eliminated, giving nix the win.

  Janet is included in a larger number of lists than 4st. I choose 4st
  for elimination.

Pass begins:

  Votes are effectively adjusted to
  nix   - [nix, Janet]
  4st   - [nix, Janet, snail]
  snail - [snail, Janet, nix]
  G.- [nix, Janet]
  Janet - [Janet, nix]

  nix- 17 votes
  snail  -  6 votes
  Janet  -  6 votes

  nix is elected.