OFF: [Horsened] The Horses Rundown (12 Mar 2023)

2023-03-12 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-official
The Horsened's Weekly Report
The Horses Rundown
12 Mar 2023

DOLLARIES AND HOOVES (self-ratifies)
Entity DollariesHooves
Aced7   1011
ais523   8 4
Aspen   1011
G.  1011
Gaelan  1011
Janet   1810
Murphy   4 5
nix 1411
snail7 3
Shy Owl 1011
4st  011
R. Lee  10 5

omd 1011

HORSES   (self-ratifies)
Horse  OwnerRace Position   Race Place
   --   -   --
Alexia snail10  none
Baxter Murphy   15  none
Cannon snail 6  none
Destructor ais5239  none
Fargo  Agora 4  none
Nacho  Agora 6  none
Rubert nix   3  none
Sugar  snail 4  none

HORSE PULLS  (self-ratifies)
Horse   Pulls
-   --
Alexia  Destructor, Nacho
Baxter  Baxter, Destructor, Fargo
Cannon  Alexia, Destructor
Destructor  Alexia, Baxter
Fargo   Alexia, Destructor
Nacho   Alexia, Baxter, Cannon, Destructor
Rubert  Alexia, Cannon, Destructor
Sugar   Alexia, Baxter, Destructor

HELMETS AND JERSEYS(does not ratify)
A: Alexia, B: Baxter, C: Cannon, D: Destructor
F: Fargo, N: Nacho, R: Rubert, S: Sugar

   -  -
ais523 AB ABC  NR
Murphy  B  B
snailD N S

All players not in the above list have gotten no helmets or jerseys
for a horse since the race last started anew.

snail:  3 on Cannon
ais523: 6 on Baxter

RECENT HISTORY (does not ratify)
H: got a helmet for
J: got a jersey for

12 Mar 2023: ais523 bet 3 on Baxter (has helmet)

Fargo moved forward 3, pulling Alexia and Destructor 1.
+1 Hooves to all players.

05 Mar 2023: snail moves Cannon 1 (Cannon's power)
05 Mar 2023: snail gains 5 dollaries by paying 3 hooves
05 Mar 2023: Murphy gets a helmet for Baxter by paying 1 hoof.
05 Mar 2023: ais523 bets 3 on Baxter (has helmet)

Destructor moved forward 2, pulling Alexia and Baxter 1.
+1 Hooves to all players.

26 Feb 2023: snail bought Sugar for 4 dollaries.
26 Feb 2023: Murphy gains 1 hoof
25 Feb 2023: ais523 gets a helmet for Alexia by paying 1 hoof.

Sugar moved forward 2, pulling Alexia, Baxter, and Destructor 1.
+1 Hooves to all players.

19 Feb 2023: snail gains 1 hoof.
19 Feb 2023: ais523 got a helmet for Baxter by paying 1 hoof.

Sugar moved forward 2, pulling Alexia, Baxter, and Destructor 1.
+1 Hooves to all players.

Feb 12 2023: snail got a Jersey for Sugar, adding Alexia
Feb 12 2023: Murphy paid 3 hooves to move Baxter 2.
Feb 12 2023: ais523 gets a jersey for Baxter, adding Destructor
Feb 08 2023: Murphy uses the jockey stone to move Baxter 1.
Feb 06 2023: TB148 receives 7 hooves in a welcome package
Feb 06 2023: R. Lee pays 3 hooves for 5 dollaries.

Nacho moved forward 3, pulling Alexia,Baxter,Cannon, and Destructor 1.
+1 Hooves to all players.

Feb 05 2023: snail got a jersey for Nacho, adding Alexia
Feb 05 2023: Murphy paid 3 hooves to move Baxter 2.
Feb 05 2023: ais523 got a jersey for Nacho, adding Destructor.
Feb 02 2023: R. Lee pays 3 hooves to get 5 dollaries.
Jan 31 2023: R. Lee registers and gets 6 hooves from welcome package.
Jan 30 2023: nix buys Rubert for 4 dollaries

Destructor moved forward 1, pulling Alexia and Baxter 1.
+1 Hooves to all players.

29 Jan 2023: ais523 moves Alexia back 2 using Destructor's power.
29 Jan 2023: ais523 got a jersey for Alexia, adding Destructor.
29 Jan 2023: snail gets a jersey for Destructor, adding Alexia.
29 Jan 2023: Murphy moves Baxter 2 by paying 3 hooves.
29 Jan 2023: 4st receives 5 hooves from a welcome package.

Rubert moved forward 2, pulling Alexia, 

OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8926-8933

2023-03-12 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-official

If you vote on a proposal, please edit this spreadsheet with your votes:

I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating a referendum on it,
and removing it from the proposal pool. For this decision, the vote
is the Assessor, the quorum is 4, the voting method is AI-majority, and the
valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
conditional votes).

ID  Author(s)   AITitle
8926*   4st, nix3.0   Just add the sins directly
8927~   4st, nix1.0   One More Sin
8928~   juan1.0   Acting on commitment
8929*   Janet, Murphy, snail3.0   Tabled action security
8930~   nix 1.0   Rebalancing
8931~   4st 1.0   Rhyme Time
8932~   Janet   1.0   Only so bright
8933~   Janet   1.0   Ritual ratification

The proposal pool contains the following proposals:

ID  Author(s)   AITitle

Legend: * : Democratic proposal.
~ : Ordinary proposal.

The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below. Where
the information shown below differs from the information shown above,
the information shown above shall control.

ID: 8926
Title: Just add the sins directly
Adoption Index: 3.0
Author: 4st
Co-Author(s): nix

Some rules have synonyms defined (EG CFJ, intend, submit, proposer,
become) and some... don't. Yet somehow they all work based on the
'belief' that they work (like CFJs and airplanes). So the time has come
to codify it. Additionally, some doubt has come based on whether "oppose"
is sufficient to object to Agoran consent, and if other systems are
working on 'belief', then either that should be standardized, or this.
And it is of my opinion that Agorans would rather have things this way,

ThUSLY, Amend R2201 ("Self-Ratification") by replacing:
"(syn. claim of error)" with "(syn. CoE, claim of error)"

AND SO, Amend R2202 ("Ratification Without Objection") by replacing:
"A player CAN, without objection, ratify a specified public document."
"A player CAN, without objection, ratify a specified public document
(syn. RWO)."

ID: 8927
Title: One More Sin
Adoption Index: 1.0
Author: 4st
Co-Author(s): nix

Amend R1681 ("The Logical Rulesets") by appending the following:
"Generally, R[N] is shorthand for Rule [N]."

ID: 8928
Title: Acting on commitment
Adoption Index: 1.0
Author: juan

Enact a rule with power=1.0 entitled "Acting on commitment" with text:

A Fingerprint for a document (the Plaintext) is a document that could
not have been reasonably created without knowledge of the Plaintext, and
which is related to the Plaintext in such a way that one could not
reasonably produce another document related to that Fingerprint in the
same way.

Where the rules define an action that a person CAN perform "by
commitment" to a particular kind of document, that person performs
that action by performing it by announcement while, in the same
message, also publishing a what is purportedly a Fingerprint for a
document of that kind.

ID: 8929
Title: Tabled action security
Adoption Index: 3.0
Author: Janet
Co-Author(s): Murphy, snail

Amend Rule 2124 ("Performing Tabled Actions") by deleting the list item
containing "Cease to be a" and by inserting the following after the
first paragraph:


A supporter/objector to an intent, acting as emself, CAN by announcement
cease to be a supporter/objector ("withdraw" support/objection) of that

Limiting the ability to support or object to an intent is secured at the
power of the rule enabling that action to be performed.


ID: 8930
Title: Rebalancing
Adoption Index: 1.0
Author: nix
Co-Author(s): Murphy, snail

[Little buff to CFJs and nerf to Proposals, now that proposals have
become very common. Wording should work with current version or

Amend R2657 by replacing:

 "Being the author of a proposal that takes effect: 5"


 "Being the author of a proposal that takes effect: 4"

and replacing:

 "Judging a CFJ that e was assigned to without violating a time
limit to do so, unless at the time of judgement the case was open due to
self-filing a motion to reconsider it: 2"


 "Judging a CFJ that e was assigned to without violating a time
limit to do so, unless at the time 

OFF: [ADoP] Metareport

2023-03-12 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-official

You can find an up-to-date version of this report at

Date of last report: 2023-03-05
Date of this report: 2023-03-12


Filled offices: 19/19 (100.00%)
Total officers: 8
Consolidation[1]: 2.38
Late reports: 1/15 (6.67%)

[1] This is the number of filled offices divided by the number of
officers. At 1, this means that all offices are filled by different
players; if it reached the number of filled offices, that would mean
that all offices are filled by one player.


Office   Holder[1]Since Last Election Complexity

ADoP Murphy   2020-07-032022-10-091
Arbitor  G.   2022-10-092023-01-152
Assessor   ~ Janet2019-07-092022-07-243
Collector   *nix  2022-10-23(never)   1
Distributor  omd  2018-06-15(never)[3]0
Dream Keeper snail2022-12-11(never)   1
Herald ~*nix  2022-10-172022-07-242
Horsened snail2022-08-14(never)   1
Mad Engineer Janet2022-06-17(ongoing) 1
Notary   snail2022-03-142023-01-152
Prime Minister   nix  2023-02-022023-02-260
Promotor snail2022-05-012023-01-153
Referee *4st  2023-02-062023-01-012
Registrarjuan 2022-08-292022-10-021
Rulekeepor   Janet2019-12-062022-10-093
Speaker  Janet2023-03-062019-11-05 [3]0
Stonemason   Janet2020-11-11(never)   1
Tailor   Murphy   2021-02-282022-10-091
Webmastor  ~*4st  2023-02-062022-08-141

[1] * = Interim office (vacant or holder not elected)
~ = Term limited (held for 180+ days, 90+ for Prime Minister)
[2] Vacant since this date
[3] Currently imposed


Office   ReportLast Published Late[1]

ADoP Offices   2023-03-05[2]
Arbitor  Judicial matters  2023-03-10
Dream Keeper Dreams2023-03-06
Herald   Scores2023-03-06
Horsened Horses2023-03-05
Mad Engineer The Device2023-03-12
Notary   Contracts 2023-02-12 !!!
Promotor Proposal pool 2023-03-05
Referee  Rule violations   2023-03-07
RegistrarPlayers, Fora 2023-03-06
Rulekeepor   Short Logical Ruleset 2023-03-12
Stonemason   Stones2023-03-05

[1] ! = 1 period missed, !! = 2, !!! = 3+
  (does not take succumbing into account)
[2] Not including this report


Office   ReportLast Published Late

Herald   Patent titles 2023-02-06
RegistrarPlayer history2023-03-01
Rulekeepor   Full Logical Ruleset  2023-03-12
Tailor   Ribbons, Laudability  2023-03-05
WebmastorWeb resources 2023-02-06


Office   Initiated   Phase   Candidates

Mad Engineer 2023-02-14  Voting  4st, Janet


Office   Days Until  Last Election

Assessor 00 Days 2022-07-24
Herald   00 Days 2022-07-24
Webmastor00 Days 2022-08-14
Registrar00 Days 2022-10-02
ADoP 00 Days 2022-10-09

[1] Anyone can start an election (with 2 support and also becoming a
candidate) 90 days after the previous one (or if it's interim and no
election is ongoing). This section shows the 5 elected offices with the
most time passed since the last election.

Once a quarter, the ADoP SHALL start an 

OFF: [ADoP] Mad Engineer voting

2023-03-12 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-official

I hereby initiate an Agoran decision to select the winner of the Mad
Engineer election. The Vote Collector is the ADoP, the valid options
are 4st and Janet (and anyone else who becomes a candidate before
voting closes), the voting method is instant runoff, and quorum is 4
(based on 6 voters on Proposal 8921).

OFF: [Mad Engineer] Experiment 00076 - Intent to Invent

2023-03-12 Thread Janet Cobb via agora-official

The Device is off.


I intend, with Agoran consent, to cause Rule 2655 to amend the Rule "The
Device" by appending the following a a list item to the "When the device
is on:" list:


  If multiple rules attempt to define an device with the same name,
  then they refer to the same device. A rule-defined entity's name
  CANNOT be changed to be the same as another rule-defined device's


OFF: [Mad Engineer] Experiment 00076 - Rule Selection

2023-03-12 Thread Janet Cobb via agora-official

As selected on Discord #botspam, the rule for this week is Rule 1586
("Definition and Continuity of Entities"). I affirm under penalty of No Faking 
that, to the
best of my knowledge, the process used in this selection had the correct

Please send suggestions if you have them!

The text of Rule 1586 is reproduced below for convenience:

Rule 1586/9 (Power=2)
Definition and Continuity of Entities

  If multiple rules attempt to define an entity with the same name,
  then they refer to the same entity. A rule-defined entity's name
  CANNOT be changed to be the same as another rule-defined entity's
  A rule, contract, or regulation that refers to an entity by name
  refers to the entity that had that name when the rule first came
  to include that reference, even if the entity's name has since
  If the entity that defines another entity is amended such that it
  no longer defines the second entity, then the second entity and
  its attributes cease to exist.
  If the entity that defines another entity is amended such that it
  defines the second entity both before and after the amendment, but
  with different attributes, then the second entity and its
  attributes continue to exist to whatever extent is possible under
  the new definitions.