OFF: [Collector] Stamp Collections (25 Feb 2024)

2024-02-25 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-official
Stamp Holdings as of 25 Feb 2024 (as of 20:40:00 UTC)

Stamp Holdings

L&FD (7):
- 1 beokirby stamp
- 5 Katie stamps
- 1 Yachay stamp

4st (15):
- 14 4st stamps
- 1 R. Lee stamp

ais523 (62):
- 1 4st stamp
- 24 ais523 stamps
- 1 Janet stamp
- 1 juan stamp
- 8 Kate stamps
- 2 Katie stamps
- 2 kiako stamp
- 14 Madrid stamps
- 1 Maloney stamp
- 1 Mercury stamp
- 1 Murphy stamp
- 3 nix stamp
- 2 snail stamp
- 1 Yachay stamp

Anneke (1):
- 1 Anneke stamp

Aris (48):
- 48 Aris stamps

Ben (15):
- 13 Ben stamps
- 2 Katie stamps

blob (1):
- 1 blob stamp

Crystalizedmire (1):
- 1 Crystalizedmire stamp

Janet (17):
- 6 ais523 stamps
- 8 Janet stamps
- 1 Madrid stamp
- 1 orb stamp
- 1 Pilgore stamp
- 1 snail stamp
- 1 ziproot stamp

Jimmy (1):
- 1 Jimmy stamp

juan (12):
- 2 ais523 stamps
- 7 juan stamps
- 1 Madrid stamp
- 1 Murphy stamp
- 1 snail stamp

Kate (16):
- 10 ais523 stamps
- 6 Kate stamps

kiako (25):
- 1 ais523 stamp
- 2 Katie stamps
- 14 kiako stamps
- 1 Madrid stamp
- 1 Marb stamp
- 1 Murphy stamp
- 1 nix stamp
- 1 R. Lee stamp
- 1 Shy Owl stamp
- 1 snail stamp
- 1 Yachay stamp

Liz (1):
- 1 Liz stamp

Maloney (8):
- 7 Maloney stamps
- 1 R. Lee stamp

Mercury (6):
- 5 Mercury stamps
- 1 R. Lee stamp

Murphy (7):
- 1 Katie stamp
- 4 Murphy stamps
- 1 R. Lee stamp
- 1 nix stamp

nix (1):
- 1 nix stamp

snail (25):
- 1 4st stamp
- 2 Kate stamps
- 4 Katie stamps
- 5 snail stamps
- 1 Maloney stamp
- 1 Mercury stamp
` 1 Murphy stamp
- 5 nix stamps
- 4 R. Lee stamps
- 1 Yachay stamps

Yachay Wayllukuq (1):
- 1 Yachay stamps

Zipzap (1):
- 1 Zipzap stamp

All other stamp balances are 0.

Type Totals

4st: 16
Aced7: 1
Anneke: 1
ais523: 44
Aris: 48
Ben: 13
beokirby: 1
blob: 1
Crystalizedmire: 1
Janet: 9
Jimmy: 1
juan: 9
Kate: 16
Katie: 16
kiako: 16
Liz: 1
Madrid: 18
Maloney: 9
Marb: 1
Mercury: 7
Murphy: 9
nix: 12
orb: 1
Pilgore: 1
R. Lee: 10
Shy Owl: 1
snail: 11
tb148: 1
Yachay Wayllukuq: 6
ziproot: 1
Zipzap: 1

Stamp Descriptions (does not ratify)

juan Stamps:
"It features me in a thoughtful pose, a chalkboard full of indeciphrable
mathematical symbols as a background."

Madrid Stamp:
That image, you know the one.

4st Stamp:
"Intricately detailed, innumerous qualities, nothing like it shall ever
come to exist. Unless, of course, the original were to be destroyed."

Since Last Report
2024-02-13: snail receives 1 Murphy stamps from Murphy
2024-02-13: Murphy receives 1 Katie stamp from snail
2024-02-13: snail receives 2 Kate stamps from ais523
2024-02-13: ais523 receives 2 Katie stamps from snail
2024-02-19: Ben granted 1 Ben stamp (wealth dream)
2024-02-19: Maloney granted 2 Maloney stamps (wealth dream)
2024-02-19: Mercury granted 2 Mercury stamps (wealth dream)
2024-02-19: Murphy granted 2 Murphy stamps (wealth dream)
2024-02-19: kiako transferred 1 Katie stamp from L&FD (charity dream)
2024-02-25: Murphy granted 1 Murphy stamp (Minty stone)


OFF: [Illuminator] Brightest Bulbs (25 Feb 2024)

2024-02-25 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-official
Radiances as of 23:31:00 UTC, 25 Feb 2024:

-      --
1stJWN   055   +4
2ndSNL   052   +11
3rdAIS   028   +1
4thMCY   022
5thMUR   017   +1
   BEN   016
7thJNT   009
   KIA   009   +9
9thARI   001
   YCY   001
   BEO   001
   BLB   001
   CBN   001
   IWR   001
   ANK   001
   MLN   001   +1
17th   4ST  -001

All other radiances are zero.

[0] 4st = 4ST; Janet = JNT; Murphy = MUR; ais523 = AIS;
cuddlybanana = CBN; juan = JWN; snail = SNL; Aris = ARI;
Yachay = YCY; beokirby = BEO; blob = BLB;
inalienableWright = IWR; Anneke-Constantine = ANK;
Mercury = MCY; Ben = BEN; Maloney = MLN; kiako = KIA;

[1] Since last official report.

If you'd like to change your three letter name, please let the Illuminator

Events Since Last Report

2024-02-12: snail, ais523, Maloney, kiako, Murphy gain 1 (raffle)
2024-02-18: kiako gains 8 (hot potato stone)
2024-02-19: juan gains 4 (sharing dream)
2024-02-19: snail gains 4 (sharing dream)
2024-02-19: snail gains 3 (radiance stone)
2024-02-25: snail gains 3 (radiance stone)


OFF: [Dream Keeper] Dream Journal (25 Feb 2024)

2024-02-25 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-official
Dream Keeper's Weekly Report
25 Feb 2024

Dream Switches (self-ratifies)








Wandering (default):
   All other active players

[Inactive/nonplayers do not have this switch]

Explanation of Dreams

   Get 1 stamp the L&FD has the most of, or more if 11+ or 21+ stamps.

   1 blot is expunged from you, and if not, you can expunge someone else

   Get X/Y radiance, X is 1/2 of active players, Y is those w/ this dream

   Gain 2/1/0 stamps of your own type if <8/<16/>15 of your stamps exist

   Your base rockiness is increased by 1 after the wandering occurs.

   Your voting strength on ordinary proposals is increased by 2 while
   having this dream.

   If less than a majority of dreams, lose 1 point. If a majority, all
   scores are set to 100-(current score).

Wandering (default):
   No effect.

You can envision any dream at any time.
Dreams switch to each active player's most recently envisioned dream at
the start of each week. Most effects happen afterwards.


OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Propositions 9062-9067

2024-02-25 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-official

If you vote on a proposal, please edit this spreadsheet with your votes:

I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating a referendum on it,
and removing it from the proposal pool. For each decision, the vote
collector is the Assessor, the quorum is 5, the voting method is
AI-majority, the adoption index is the adoption index of the associated
proposal, and the valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a
valid vote, as are conditional votes).

ID  Author(s)   AITitle
9062~   kiako, ais523   2.0   Insurance Policy
9063~   kiako, ais523   2.0   Dreaming of a Return Home
9064~   kiako, snail2.0   Carving Canyons
9065~   Jimmy   1.0   (none)
9066~   4st 2.0   No Taxation Without Representation
9067*   snail...[1] 3.0   Vacations v3

[1] snail, nix, Janet, 4st, Yachay, G., juan, Murphy

The proposal pool contains the following proposals:

ID  Author(s)   AITitle

Legend: * : Democratic proposal.
~ : Ordinary proposal.

The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below. Where
the information shown below differs from the information shown above,
the information shown above shall control.

ID: 9062
Title: Insurance Policy
Adoption Index: 2.0
Author: kiako
Co-authors: ais523

Amend Rule 2640 ("Stones") by removing "active" from the following:

   Ownership of stones is entirely restricted to Agora and active players.

Then, amend Rule 2642 ("Gathering Stones") by replacing "an active player"
with "a player" in the following:

   Base Rockiness is an active player switch,

and by replacing "each player" with "each active player" in the following:

   Once a week each player CAN "reach" for a specified stone owned by Agora
by announcement.

[ Comment: ais523 raised the interesting point in the Discord/IRC that
"inactive" used to be an option when a player would be away for a while,
but now spells an economic death sentence, which this aims to alleviate. ]

ID: 9063
Title: Dreaming of a Return Home
Adoption Index: 2.0
Author: kiako
Co-authors: ais523

Amend Rule 2675 ("Dream of Wandering") by removing "active" from each of
the following:

   keeping track of the dreams of all active players.

from paragraph 1,

   Dream is * active player switch,

from paragraph 2, where * is "a secured" or "an" (respecting the outcome of
snail's clapping)

   every active player's Dream is set to the value

from paragraph 3

[ Comment: furthering the "inactive as an option" position to include
dreams. "Sharing" and "Revolution" behave a little strangely, but I believe
it will work out fine. Furthermore, it is intentional that only active
players may envision eir dream, and it is intentional that snail's clapping
is not modified to affect inactive players. ]

ID: 9064
Title: Carving Canyons
Adoption Index: 2.0
Author: kiako
Co-authors: snail

Amend Rule 2675 ("Dream of Wandering") by adding the following dream below

- Erosion: The rockiest player is the non-Erosion Dreamer with the maximum
Base Rockiness (tie-broken alphabetically). Immediately after a wandering
occurs, if the total sum of Base Rockiness of Erosion Dreamers is less than
X-Y, where X is the Base Rockiness of the rockiest player, and Y is the
number of Erosion Dreamers, then decrease the Base Rockiness of the
rockiest player by Y-1, and increase the base rockiness of each Erosion
Dreamer by 1.

[ Comment: snail receives a co-authorship as e brought to my attention the
concern with the other two proposals that a player might stockpile Base
Rockiness for eir return. This inhibits that effort, and also introduces a
stronger interaction between reaching and a player's choice of Dream. ]

ID: 9065
Title: (none)
Adoption Index: 1.0
Author: Jimmy

Enact a new rule with a title of "TAXES" and the following text: Taxes
are anything that forcefully reduces a players radiance. A player SHALL NOT
submit any proposals to enact taxes.

ID: 9066
Title: No Taxation Without Representation
Adoption Index: 2.0
Author: 4st

[Currently, democratic proposals can pass even if the quorum is much lower
than the number of active players. This means that democratic proposals
have the potential to not represent a representative amount of them.
Democratic proposals sh

OFF: [ADoP] Metareport

2024-02-25 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-official

[This assumes that 4st's message of Feb 19 counts as a Geologist's
 report, which is debatable due to disclaimers, though it did cover
 what that report would cover if it exists.]

You can find an up-to-date version of this report at

Date of last report: 2024-02-18
Date of this report: 2024-02-25


Filled offices: 19/20 (95.00%)
Total officers: 9
Consolidation[1]: 2.11
Late reports: 3/16 (18.75%)

[1] This is the number of filled offices divided by the number of
officers. At 1, this means that all offices are filled by different
players; if it reached the number of filled offices, that would mean
that all offices are filled by one player.


Office   Holder[1]Since Last Election Complexity

Absurdor juan 2023-06-19(never)   0
ADoP   ~ Murphy   2020-07-032023-07-091
Arbitor *Kate 2023-11-282023-10-152
Assessor Janet2019-07-092024-01-143
Collector   *snail2023-04-25(never)   2
Distributor  omd  2018-06-15(never)[3]0
Dream Keeper snail2022-12-11(never)   1
Geologist4st  2023-12-03(never)   1
Herald  *snail2023-11-082023-10-152
Illuminator *snail2023-11-21(never)   1
Notary   snail2022-03-142023-10-152
Prime Minister   jimmy2024-01-142024-01-140
Promotor snail2022-05-012024-01-143
Referee~ ais523   2023-06-132023-07-092
Registrar  ~ juan 2022-08-292023-07-091
Rulekeepor ~ Janet2019-12-062023-07-163
Speaker  snail2023-11-162019-11-05 [3]0
Stonemason   Janet2020-11-11(never)   1
Tailor ~ Murphy   2021-02-282023-07-091
Webmastor   *(vacant) 2023-06-13[2] 2023-10-151

[1] * = Interim office (vacant or holder not elected)
~ = Term limited (held for 180+ days, 90+ for Prime Minister)
[2] Vacant since this date
[3] Currently imposed


Office   ReportLast Published Late[1]

Absurdor Boulder Height2024-02-19
ADoP Offices   2024-02-18[2]
Arbitor  Judicial matters  2023-12-04 !!!
Dream Keeper Dreams2024-02-12
GeologistCrystals  2024-02-19
Illuminator  Radiance  2024-02-12
Promotor Proposal pool 2024-02-12
Referee  Rule violations   2024-02-24
RegistrarPlayers, Fora 2024-02-19
Rulekeepor   Short Logical Ruleset 2024-02-18
Stonemason   Stones2024-02-18

[1] ! = 1 period missed, !! = 2, !!! = 3+
  (does not take succumbing into account)
[2] Not including this report


Office   ReportLast Published Late

Herald   Patent titles 2024-01-28
Notary   Contracts 2023-12-01 !
RegistrarPlayer history2024-02-01
Rulekeepor   Full Logical Ruleset  2024-01-28
Tailor   Ribbons, Laudability  2024-02-04
WebmastorWeb resources 2023-10-11 (vacant)


Office   Initiated   Phase   Candidates

(none in progress)


Office   Days Until  Last Election

ADoP 00 Days 2023-07-09
Registrar00 Days 2023-07-09
Tailor   00 Days 2023-07-09
Referee  00 Days 2023-07-09
Rulekeepor   00 Days 2023-07-16

[1] Anyone can start an election (with 2 support and also becom