OFF: [ADoP] Metareport

2024-06-02 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-official

[Same assumptions as last week. Fixed deputy/vacation section to
 check the correct value for "minimum one year between vacations".]

You can find an up-to-date version of this report at

Date of last report: 2024-05-25
Date of this report: 2024-06-02


Filled offices: 19/21 (90.48%)
Total officers: 12
Consolidation[1]: 1.58
Late reports: 5/16 (31.25%)

[1] This is the number of filled offices divided by the number of
officers. At 1, this means that all offices are filled by different
players; if it reached the number of filled offices, that would mean
that all offices are filled by one player.


Office   Holder[1]Since Last Election Complexity

Absurdor juan 2023-06-19(never)[4]0
ADoP Murphy   2020-07-032024-04-141
Arbitor~*nix  2024-03-092023-10-152
ArchivistGaelan   2024-04-07(never)   1
Assessor Janet2019-07-092024-01-143
Collector   *(vacant) 2024-04-14[2] (never)[4]2
Distributor  omd  2018-06-15(never)[3]0
Geologist   *4st  2024-05-15(never)[4]1
Herald ~*snail2023-11-082023-10-152
Illuminator *Quadrantal   2024-05-05(never)[4]1
Notary ~ snail2022-03-142023-10-152
Prime Minister ~ jimmy2024-01-142024-01-140
Promotor snail2022-05-012024-01-143
Referee  ais523   2023-06-132024-04-142
Registrarjuan 2022-08-292024-04-141
Rulekeepor ~ Janet2019-12-062023-07-163
Speaker  Jaff 2024-04-292019-11-05 [3]0
Spendor  nix  2024-04-21(never)[4]1
Stonemason   Janet2020-11-11(never)[4]1
Tailor   Murphy   2021-02-282024-04-141
Webmastor   *(vacant) 2023-06-13[2] 2023-10-15 [4]1

[1] * = Interim office (vacant or holder not elected)
~ = Term limited (held for 180+ days, 90+ for Prime Minister)
[2] Vacant since this date
[3] Currently imposed
[4] Currently sortitioned ("Election" may actually be sortition)


Office   ReportLast Published Late[1]

Absurdor Boulder Height2024-05-28
ADoP Offices   2024-05-25[2]
Arbitor  Judicial matters  2024-05-26
CollectorStamps2024-04-22 (vacant)
GeologistCrystals  2024-05-30
Illuminator  Radiance  2024-06-02
Promotor Proposal pool 2024-05-25
Referee  Rule violations   2024-06-02
RegistrarPlayers, Fora 2024-05-27
Rulekeepor   Short Logical Ruleset 2024-05-02 !!!
Spendor  Spendies  2024-05-27
Stonemason   Stones2024-05-26

[1] ! = 1 period missed, !! = 2, !!! = 3+
  (does not take succumbing into account)
[2] Not including this report


Office   ReportLast Published Late

Herald   Patent titles 2024-04-14 !
Notary   Contracts 2024-04-13 !
RegistrarPlayer history2024-05-02
Rulekeepor   Full Logical Ruleset  2024-05-02
Tailor   Ribbons, Laudability  2024-05-05
WebmastorWeb resources 2023-10-11 (vacant)


Office   Initiated   Phase   Candidates

(none in progress)


Office   Days Until  Last Election

Rulekeepor   00 Days 2023-07-16
Arbitor  00 Days 2023-10-15
Herald   00 Days 2023-10-15
Notary   00 Days 2023-10-15
Assessor 00 Days 2024-01-14

OFF: [Illuminator] BRIGHTEST BULBS (02 June 2024)

2024-06-02 Thread Quadrantal via agora-official

Radiances as of 20:00:00 UTC, 02 June 2024:

-      --
1stJWN   032
2ndBEN   014   +10
3rdMUR   012
4thSNL   011
5thJPR   010
   LIZ   010   +10
7thNIX   008   +3
8thJNT   006
   MCY   006
10th   LAB   005   +5
   QDR   005
12th   JAF   004
13th   KIA   003
14th   4ST   002   +2
   WST   002

[0] 4ST = 4st; JNT = Janet; MUR = Murphy; AIS = ais523; CBN = cuddlybanana; JWN 
= juan; SNL = snail; ARI = Aris; YCY = Yachay; BEO = beokirby; BLB = blob; IWR 
= inalienableWright; ANK = Anneke-Constantine; MCY = Mercury; BEN = Ben; MLN = 
Maloney; KIA = kiako; LEE = R. Lee; JAF = Jaff; WST = wunst; QDR = Quadrantal; 
NIX = nix; JPR = Juniper; LIZ = Liz Wake; LAB = literallyAmbiguous;

[1] Since last official report.

If you'd like to change your three letter name, please let the Illuminator know.

Events Since Last Report

2024-05-27: nix gains 3 (radiance stone)
2024-05-27: Liz Wake gains 10 (Spendies)
2024-05-27: Ben gains 10 (Spendies)
2024-05-29: literallyAmbiguous gains 5 (Spendies)
2024-05-27: 4st gains 2 (Spendies)

The above message shall be read, to the fullest extent possible, as if it was sent with the digraph 
"th" in place of all occurrences of the characters thorn ("þ") and eth ("ð"), 
and such digraphs were capitalized equivalently.



OFF: [Referee] The Blotter

2024-06-02 Thread ais523 via agora-official
This is the Referee's weekly report.

BLOT HOLDINGS  (self-ratifying)

No Blots exist.

INFRACTIONS  (not self-ratifying)

No infractions were noted nor investigated last week.

No infractions have been noted nor investigated so far this week.
