OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposals 8180-8187

2019-06-22 Thread D. Margaux
I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals.  Each
player has voting strength 3 unless otherwise noted.  Murphy and omd sent
messages that contained what appeared to be votes, but did not state that
they did in fact cast those votes, so I have not counted them.

PROPOSAL 8180  (Paying our Assessor)

FOR: R. Lee#, D. Margaux, L, Aris, Owen, Falsifian, Jason Cobb, Walker, G.




AI (F/A): 26/0 (AI=1)

BALLOTS: 9 (quorum 9)


PROPOSAL 8181  (Referee CAN Impose Fines (v1.1))

FOR: R. Lee#, D. Margaux, L, Aris, Falsifian, Jason Cobb, G., twg+



AI (F/A): 21/3 (AI=1.7)

BALLOTS: 10 (quorum 9)


PROPOSAL 8182  (Add value to zombies)

FOR: R. Lee#, D. Margaux, L, Aris, Owen, Falsifian, Jason Cobb, twg+



AI (F/A): 21/3 (AI=3.0)

BALLOTS: 10 (quorum 9)


PROPOSAL 8183  (Regulated Actions Reform)

FOR: R. Lee#, D. Margaux, L, Aris

AGAINST: Owen, Falsifian, Walker, G., twg+

PRESENT: Jason Cobb

AI (F/A): 11/13 (AI=3.0)

BALLOTS: 10 (quorum 9)


PROPOSAL 8184  (power-limit precedence)

FOR: Aris, Owen, Falsifian, Walker, G., twg+

AGAINST: D. Margaux, L

PRESENT: R. Lee#, Jason Cobb

AI (F/A): 16/6 (AI=3.0)

BALLOTS: 10 (quorum 9)



FOR: Aris, Jason Cobb, G.

AGAINST: R. Lee#, D. Margaux, L, Owen, Falsifian, Walker



AI (F/A): 9/16 (AI=3.0)

BALLOTS: 9 (quorum 9)


PROPOSAL 8186 (Minor currency fixes)

FOR: D. Margaux, L, Aris, Owen, Falsifian, Jason Cobb, Walker, G., twg+



AI (F/A): 25/0 (AI=3.0)

BALLOTS: 10 (quorum 9)


PROPOSAL 8187 (Not so indestructible now, eh?)

FOR: R. Lee#, D. Margaux, L, Aris, Owen, Falsifian, Jason Cobb, Walker, G.,



AI (F/A): 27/0 (AI=3.0)

BALLOTS: 10 (quorum 9)


* Vote is inextricable because it ENDORSED a non-voter.

# Voting strength is 2

+ Voting strength is 1

The full text of the ADOPTED proposals are included below.


ID: 8180

Title: Paying our Assessor

Adoption index: 1.0

Author: Trigon

Co-authors: D Margaux

[ Comment: This is something I didn't include from the version of

   Rule 2496 that I didn't include for whatever reason. ]

To Rule 2496 "Rewards" add the following bullet point after the third


  "Resolving an Agoran Decision on whether to adopt a proposal,

  provided that no other Agoran Decision on whether to adopt that or any

  other proposal had been resolved earlier in that Agoran week: 5 coins."


ID: 8181

Title: Referee CAN Impose Fines (v1.1)

Adoption index: 1.7

Author: D Margaux

Co-authors: Falsifian, twg

Amend Rule 2478 to replace this text:

  “When a player Points a Finger, the investigator SHALL investigate the

  allegation and, in a timely fashion, SHALL conclude the investigation by:”

With this text:

  “When a player Points a Finger, the investigator SHALL investigate the

  allegation and CAN, and in a timely fashion SHALL, conclude the



ID: 8182

Title: Add value to zombies

Adoption index: 3.0

Author: Jason Cobb


Amend Rule 2574 as follows:

  Replace the text

"Resale is a secured natural switch for zombies"

  with the text

"Resale value is a secured natural switch for zombies".

  Replace the text "Resale value" in the third item of the only list

  with the text "resale value".


ID: 8186

Title: Minor currency fixes

Adoption index: 3.0

Author: Jason Cobb


Amend Rule 2578 ("Currencies") as follows:

  Replace all instances of the text '"Agora's official currency"' with

  the text "the official currency of Agora". [Note: this strikes the

  quotation marks]

  Amend Rule 2549 ("Auction Initiation") as follows:

  Replace all instances of the text "Agora's official currency" with

  the text "the official currency of Agora".

  Amend Rule 2483 ("Economics") as follows:

  Replace the text "Coins are the official currency of Agora tracked

  by the Treasuror." with the text "Coins are the official currency of

  Agora and are tracked by the Treasuror."


ID: 8187

Title: Not so indestructible now, eh?

Adoption index: 3.0

Author: Jason Cobb


[Comment: This fixes the underlying issue behind my recently submitted

CFJ. This also allows contracts to des

OFF: [Referee] Weekly Report

2019-06-18 Thread D. Margaux
I publish the below report and claim a 5 coin reward for doing so. 

Referee’s Weekly Report
Date of This Report: 2019-06-18
Date of Last Report: 2019-06-12

This section self-ratifies.

   3V.J. Rada
   3Publius Scribonius Scholasticus


This section does not self-ratify.

[No recent changes because, evidently, players CANNOT expunge blots nor impose 
the CHoJ]

This section does not self-ratify.

2019-06-11 G. pointed eir finger at Aris for failure to publish a
Promotor's weekly report.  RESULT:  Finger pointing was well taken,
and Aris was fined 1 blot--except this was INEFFECTIVE because CHoJ is broken. 

2019-06-13 Falsifian pointed eir finger at D. Margaux and Murphy for Abetting 
Heresy. RESULT: Finger pointing was well taken, and a fine of 3 blots on D. 
Margaux and 1 blot on Murphy was attempted and failed because CHoJ is broken.

2019-06-16 Falsifian pointed eir finger at emself for Class 0 Oathbreaking. 
RESULT: Well taken, but I CANNOT impose a fine because the CHoJ is broken. 

2019-06-19 Jason Cobb pointed eir finger at Falsifian for Making eir Eyes 
Bleed. RESULT; Well taken, but I CANNOT impose a fine because the CHoJ is 

OFF: [Referee] Weekly Report (rev. 1)

2019-06-14 Thread D. Margaux
I publish the below revised Referee report of 12 June 2019.

I CoE it because the attempt to impose the CHoJ on Aris by announcement might 
have failed; I resolve that CoE by citing to the CFJ I called earlier today. 

(Because this is a revised report as of 12 June 2019, it does not reflect the 
subsequent 3 blot fine levied against myself and 1 blot fine levied against 
Murphy; they will be reflected in next week’s report.)


Referee’s Weekly Report
Date of This Report: 2019-06-12 (rev. 1)
Date of Last Report: 2019-06-03

This section self-ratifies.

3V.J. Rada
   3Publius Scribonius Scholasticus


This section does not self-ratify.

2019-06-03 twg expunges 1 blot [revision: this was INEFFECTIVE]
2019-06-03 V.J. Rada expunges 1 blot [revision: this was INEFFECTIVE]
2019-06-10 twg expunges 1 blot [revision: this was INEFFECTIVE]
2019-06-12 Aris fined 1 blot

This section does not self-ratify.

2019-06-11 G. pointed eir finger at Aris for failure to publish a
Promotor's weekly report.  RESULT:  Finger pointing was well taken,
and Aris was fined 1 blot.

2019-06-03 Falsifian pointed eir finger at omd, Aris, Gaelan, G.,
Cuddle Beam, Trigon, Murphy, ATMunn, twg, D. Margaux, Jacob Arduino,
Falsifian, Bernie, Rance, o, Jason Cobb, Walker, PSS, Corona, V.J.
Rada, L, Hālian, Tarhalindur, Telnaior, and Baron von Vaderham.
RESULT:  The finger pointing was declared Shenanigans and no fines
were assessed, for the reasons stated in the judgement of CFJ 3730
issued 12 June 2019.

OFF: [Priest] Weekly Report

2019-06-13 Thread D. Margaux
I publish the below report and I claim a reward of 5 coins for it.

Under Hereric-Judge G.'s recent CFJ, it still may be the case that a
contract-created pseudo-office's report is a "duty fulfilling report."

The below report is duty fulfilling; the question is whether it is a
"report” under Heretic-Judge G.’s reasoning.

It is a report because the Priest’s duty to publish it is, in part,
supplied by the Rules relating to weekly reports. In particular, the
contract requires the Priest to publish a “weekly report,” as that term is
defined in the rules.   Failing to publish on a weekly basis the below
report (or something substantially similar) would violate a duty created
jointly by the contract and the rules describing what constitutes a “weekly
report” in general. So, publishing the report fulfills a duty imposed in
part by the rules governing “weekly reports.”

That reasoning would not require us to expand the definition of "report" to
include all the various different kinds of informal reports of information
that Heretic-Judge G. identifies in eir parade of horribles. Instead, it
could still be limited to "weekly reports" as that term is defined by Rule.
The duty to publish such a report may be created by a rule establishing an
office, or a contract establishing a pseudo-office, and it is still a
“weekly report” as the rules define it.


Priest’s Weekly Report
Date of this report: 2019-06-13

Religion-Imposed Offices

Priest - D. Margaux
Inquisitor - D. Margaux
Heretic - G.

Sacred Text

This contract is called the Church of The Ritual or the Church. The text of
this contract is called the Sacred Text.

Parties to the contract are the faithful; nonparties are heathens. A
heathen can become faithful by announcement upon transferring 5 coins to
the Church of The Ritual. A faithful can become heathen by announcement,
unless that faithful has left unsatisfied one or more collection

When the Sacred Text refers to a “religion-imposed office,” that means a
switch that behaves as closely as possible to the way it would behave if it
were an imposed office created by rule.

The priest, the heretic, and the inquisitor are religion-imposed offices.
The priest is the recordkeepor of the holders of the religion-imposed
offices. The priest is also the recordkeepor of the Sacred Text. The priest
SHALL publish as part of eir weekly report a list of the holders of those
offices and the Sacred Text.

If a faithful performs The Ritual at a time when the office of priest is
vacant, then that faithful is installed as priest.

If the first player to perform The Ritual in a given Agoran week is
faithful, then e is installed as the priest; otherwise, the first heathen
to perform The Ritual in that Agoran week is installed as the heretic and
the first faithful to perform The Ritual in that Agoran week is installed
as the inquisitor.

If the heretic recants eir heresy and abjectly apologizes, then the priest
CAN by announcement cleanse the heretic and e SHALL do so in a timely
manner if e believes the heretic to be sincere. When the heretic is
cleansed, the offices of heretic and inquisitor are made vacant.

If the heretic becomes faithful, then the offices of heretic and inquisitor
are made vacant.

The faithful MUST prevent all players from becoming the heretic; failure to
do so is the crime of Abetting Heresy.

The heretic SHOULD be shunned. The inquisitor SHOULD actively seek the
consensus of the faithful regarding what would be an appropriate shunning.

The priest and inquisitor SHOULD be treated right good.  Upon being
installed in the office of priest or inquisitor, a faithful CAN once cause
the Church to transfer to em up to 3 coins.

If the Church has fewer than 10 coins, any faithful CAN by announcement
with support from another faithful once call a collection. If a collection
is called, each faithful MUST in a timely fashion satisfy eir collection
obligation by transferring to the Church 5 coins. If a faithful has left a
collection obligation unsatisfied for longer than 7 days, any faithful CAN
act on eir behalf to satisfy that obligation by causing em to transfer to
the Church 5 coins.

D. Margaux

OFF: [Referee] Weekly Report

2019-06-12 Thread D. Margaux
I publish the below report.  I claim a reward of 5 coins for publishing it.


Referee’s Weekly Report
Date of This Report: 2019-06-12
Date of Last Report: 2019-06-03

This section self-ratifies.

2V.J. Rada
3Publius Scribonius Scholasticus


This section does not self-ratify.

2019-06-03 twg expunges 1 blot
2019-06-03 V.J. Rada expunges 1 blot
2019-06-10 twg expunges 1 blot
2019-06-12 Aris fined 1 blot

This section does not self-ratify.

2019-06-11 G. pointed eir finger at Aris for failure to publish a
Promotor's weekly report.  RESULT:  Finger pointing was well taken,
and Aris was fined 1 blot.

2019-06-03 Falsifian pointed eir finger at omd, Aris, Gaelan, G.,
Cuddle Beam, Trigon, Murphy, ATMunn, twg, D. Margaux, Jacob Arduino,
Falsifian, Bernie, Rance, o, Jason Cobb, Walker, PSS, Corona, V.J.
Rada, L, Hālian, Tarhalindur, Telnaior, and Baron von Vaderham.
RESULT:  The finger pointing was declared Shenanigans and no fines
were assessed, for the reasons stated in the judgement of CFJ 3730
issued 12 June 2019.

OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposals 8178-8179

2019-06-03 Thread D. Margaux
I resolve the Agoran decisions whether to adopt the below proposals as follows:

Result IDAuthor(s)   AITitle

REJ.   8178  Trigon  3.0   n't
REJ.   8179  D Margaux, Aris 2.0   Intent is Important (v1.1)

All ballots have 3 strength, except where indicated otherwise in a footnote. 

Proposal 8178
FOR: ATMunn, Baron von Vaderham, CuddleBeam, Trigon, twg+
AGAINST: Aris, Falsifian, G., o, Telnaior, V.J. Rada*
PRESENT: D. Margaux,  L, omd, Rance
Ballots: 15 (quorum = 6)
F/A: 13/17 (AI = 3.0)

Proposal 8179
FOR: ATMunn, Baron von Vaderham, CuddleBeam, D. Margaux, G., L, Telnaior
AGAINST: Aris, Falsifian, omd, Rance, V.J. Rada*, twg+
Present: Rance, o, Trigon
Ballots: 14 (quorum = 6)
F/A: 21/15 (AI = 2.0)

* = indicates that ballot has strength of 2
+ = indicates that ballot has strength of 1

OFF: [Referee] Weekly Report

2019-06-03 Thread D. Margaux
I publish the below report. 

I claim a reward of 5 coins for publishing the below report. 

I CoE the below report on the ground that the Rules do not expressly authorize 
the Referee to impose any fines; I resolve the CoE by citation to CFJ 3726. 


Referee’s Weekly Report
Date of Report: 2019-06-03

This section self-ratifies.

3V.J. Rada
  3Publius Scribonius Scholasticus


2019-05-28 Murphy fined 1 blot (unforgivable; loses ADoP salary)
2019-05-29 Falsifian acts on behalf of V.J. Rada to expunge 1 of eir blots. 
2019-05-31 twg expunges 1 blot

OFF: [Temporary Deputy-ADoP] Initiation of Election for Prime Minister

2019-06-02 Thread D Margaux
I temporarily deputise for ADoP to initiate an election for Prime Minister (for 
reals this time).

The valid options are G., Corona, and Aris.

The vote collector is the ADoP and the voting method is instant runoff.

> On Jun 2, 2019, at 4:56 AM, Reuben Staley  wrote:
> ===
> Whereas there is not much I feel I can add to the Caller's Arguments, I 
> accept them and judge this CFJ TRUE.
>> On 5/30/19 12:57 PM, D. Margaux wrote:
>> I assign this CFJ to Trigon (the only judge who is both eligible and not an 
>> interested party).
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: D Margaux 
>>> Date: May 28, 2019 at 9:49:13 AM EDT
>>> To: Agora Business 
>>> Subject: CFJ re Prime Minister Election
>>> I call for judgement, and submit to the Referee (because the Arbitor is an 
>>> interested party), the following statement:  “The ADoP did not EFFECTIVELY 
>>> commence any election for the office of Prime Minister on 19 May 2019.”
>>> Caller’s Arguments:
>>> Under Rule 104, a notice initiating an Agoran decision is “invalid” unless 
>>> it contains “[a] clear description of the valid options.”  On 19 May 2019, 
>>> the ADoP sent two messages purporting to initiate an election for Prime 
>>> Minister, but neither of those messages clearly described the valid options 
>>> as required by rule.  Therefore no PM election was commenced.
>>> In the first attempt,[1] Murphy stated that “the valid options are the 
>>> candidates (G. and Corona).”  That did not clearly state the valid options 
>>> because Aris was also a candidate.
>>> In the second attempt,[2] Murphy stated that “Aris may also be a candidate” 
>>> and that, “[i]f voting for Prime Minister is not yet open, then I open it 
>>> (details as below except Aris is also a candidate).”  That message did not 
>>> clearly identify the valid options, because it stated only that Aris *may* 
>>> be a candidate, not that e *was* a candidate. Additionally, that message 
>>> initiated an election *conditioned* on the old election being invalid; as a 
>>> result, a reasonable Agoran reading that message in isolation would be 
>>> unable to determine whether the PM election was initiated by message [1] or 
>>> [2], and therefore could not know what the “valid options” were.  In my 
>>> view, that means that message [2] did not contain “[a] clear description of 
>>> the valid options.”
>>> Because neither message clearly described the valid options, both messages 
>>> failed to initiate an election under Rule 104.
>>> ——
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
> -- 
> Trigon

OFF: [Referee] Weekly Report

2019-05-27 Thread D. Margaux
I publish the below report. 

I CoE the below report in case I actually do have blots, and I resolve that CoE 
by citing the CFJ I initiated earlier today.

I claim a reward of 5 coins for publishing the below report. 


Referee’s Weekly Report
Date of Report: 2019-05-27

This section self-ratifies.

4V.J. Rada
   3Publius Scribonius Scholasticus


OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposal 8177

2019-05-26 Thread D. Margaux
I resolve the Agoran decision of whether to adopt the below proposal(s) as 

Result   IDAuthor(s)   AITitle
ADO  8177  Aris, [1]   3.0   Side-Game Suspension Act (v3)

[1] D. Margaux, G. 

Proposal 8177
FOR: D. Margaux,  L, Murphy, Falsifian, VJ Rada, G., Telnaior
PRESENT: ATMunn, omd
Ballots: 9 (quorum 3)
AI (F/A): 21/0 (all voters have 3 strength)
Outcome: ADOPTED

The full text of the aforementioned adopted proposal(s) is included below.

ID: 8177
Title: Side-Game Suspension Act (v3)
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris
Co-authors: D Margaux, G.

Enact a new power 3.0 rule, entitled "Side-Game Suspension", with the
following text:

 1. The Spaaace Rules are defined to be Rules 2588, 2589, 2590, 2591, 2592,
2593 and 2594.

 2. The Politics Rules are defined to be Rules 2533, 2534, 2535, 2536, 2537,
2538, 2539, 2540, 2586, 2542, and 2543.

 3. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the Spaaace Rules are suspended and
have no force or effect until Spaaace is Revived.

 4. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the Politics Rules are
suspended and have no force or effect until Politics is Revived.

 5. A player CAN with 2 support Revive Spaaace (unless Spaaace has already
been Revived); that player is thereby installed into the office
of Astronomor.

 6. A player CAN with 2 support Revive Politics (unless Politics has already
been Revived); that player is thereby installed into the office of Clork.

 7. If Politics and Spaaace have both been Revived, then any player CAN cause
this Rule to repeal itself with Notice.

 8. Any player CAN with Agoran Consent trigger this Rule.  When this Rule is
triggered, the following events happen in order: (a) the Politics Rules are
automatically repealed in ascending numerical order (unless
Politics has been
Revived), (b) the Spaaace Rules are automatically repealed in ascending
numerical order (unless Spaaace has been Revived), and (c) this Rule is
automatically repealed.

OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposal {NULL}

2019-05-21 Thread D. Margaux
I resolve the below listed proposal(s) as follows:

{ NULL* }

* published in case it is required by R2379 (No News is Some News).

OFF: [Deputy-Clorkstronomor] Weekly Report

2019-05-21 Thread D. Margaux
The below reports are false. The reason for ratifying them is because the games 
are defunct and because it’s too hard to figure out what the gamestate of 
either of them is. 

I deputise for Astronomor to publish this report: {there are no entities in 
existence for which the Astronomor is the recordkeepor other than those created 
directly by the Rules. All switches for which the Astronomor is recordkeepor 
have their default value.}

I deputise for Clork to publish this report: {there are no entities in 
existence for which the Clork is the recordkeepor other than those directly 
created by the Rules. All switches for which the Clork is recordkeepor have 
their default value.}

I resign Clork and I resign Astronomor.

OFF: [Referee] Weekly Report

2019-05-19 Thread D. Margaux
I publish the below report:

This section self-ratifies.

5V.J. Rada
3Publius Scribonius Scholasticus


Re: OFF: [Deputy-Referee] Weekly Report

2019-05-19 Thread D. Margaux

On May 17, 2019, at 11:24 PM, James Cook  wrote:

>> I temporarily deputise for Referee to publish the following report:
>>  7Kenyon
> Claim of error: 3 of Kenyon's blots were destroyed at the beginning of
> this quarter, so e has 4 blots.

Accepted. Below is a revised report with blots as of Monday. 

This section self-ratifies.

 5V.J. Rada
 3Publius Scribonius Scholasticus


OFF: Uncontested Election Results

2019-05-14 Thread D Margaux
I resolve the below uncontested elections as follows:

Referee - D. Margaux
Assessor - D. Margaux
Arbitor - Aris
Treasuror - Falsifian
Registrar - Falsifian

OFF: [Deputy-Referee] Weekly Report

2019-05-13 Thread D Margaux
I temporarily deputise for Referee to publish the following report:

This section self-ratifies.

  5V.J. Rada
  3Publius Scribonius Scholasticus


OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposal 8176

2019-05-13 Thread D Margaux
I resolve the following Agoran decision(s) as follows:

IDOutcome   Author(s)   AITitle
8176  ADO.  G.  2.0   Zombies take care of this now

Proposal 8176
FOR:  Falsifian, D. Margaux, Tarhalindur, Murphy
Ballots: 4 (quorum 2)
AI (F/A): 12/0 (all voters have 3 strength)
Outcome: ADOPTED

The full text of the aforementioned adopted proposal(s) is included below.

ID: 8176
Title: Zombies take care of this now
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: G.

Amend Rule 2139 (The Registrar) by deleting:
 In the first Eastman week of every month the Registrar SHALL
 attempt to deregister every player that has not sent a message to
 a public forum in the preceding month.


OFF: [Deputy-Assessor] Resolution of Proposals 8174A-8175

2019-05-08 Thread D. Margaux

I deputise for Assessor and resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt each of 
Proposals  8174a and 8175 as follows:

ID Outcome  Author(s)   AITitle
8174A  ADO. G.  1.0   Understated

8175ADO. Aris3.0   SLR Ratification

The proposal pool is currently empty.


All voters below have voting strength 3. 

FOR: Gaelan, G., Falsifian, Aris, Rance
PRESENT: D. Margaux
Ballots: 6
Voting strength (F/A): 15/0
Quorum: 2
Outcome: ADOPTED

FOR: Gaelan, G., Falsifian, Aris, Rance
PRESENT: D. Margaux
Ballots: 6
Voting strength (F/A): 15/0
Quorum: 2
Outcome: ADOPTED


ID: 8174
Title: Understated
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: G.

Amend Rule 2496 (Rewards) by replacing:
  A player CAN earn the set of assets associated with a reward
  condition exactly once in a timely fashion each time e fulfills it
  by stating how many assets e earns as a result of this action.
  A player CAN, by announcement, earn the set of assets associated
  with a reward condition exactly once in a timely fashion each time
  e fulfills it, provided the announcement specifies the action that
  e performed and the amount of assets e earns as a result.

[in addition to putting in the 'by announcement', use of the term
'specify' invokes the same standard as in R478 that (by precedent)
allows for shorthand, references, quanging, etc.]

ID: 8175
Title: SLR Ratification
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris

Ratify the Short Logical Ruleset published on the 24th of February, 2019,
available here [1].



OFF: [Registrar] Zombie Auction

2019-03-01 Thread D. Margaux
I initiate a zombie auction, with the following lots (each zombie a separate 
lot) ordered as follows (highest-bid first):

1. Tarhalindur 

Agora is the Auctioneer, and the Registrar is the Announcer.  The 
currency is Coins with a minimum bid of 1.

OFF: [SPOOKY Prime Minister] Distribution of Proposal 8164

2019-02-27 Thread D. Margaux
Pursuant to the Living Zombie contract, I hereby cause ATMunn to issue the
Cabinet Order of Manifesto to distribute the below proposal, initiating the
Agoran Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the quorum is
5, the voting method is AI-majority, and the valid options are FOR and
AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are conditional votes).

Proposal ID: 8164
Title: Correction to Agoran Satisfaction, Version 2.4
Author: Falsifian
Co-authors: ais523, D. Margaux, G., twg
Adoption Index: 3.1

The gamestate, excluding the rules, is changed to what it would have
been if the text of the following amendment to Rule 2124 had determined
whether Agora was Satisfied with any intents attempted after Proposal
7815, rather than the text of what Rule 2124 was at that time. To the
extent allowed by the rules, this change is designated as a convergence.

Rule 2124 is amended by replacing its text with the following:

 A Supporter of an intent to perform an action is an eligible
 entity who has publicly posted (and not withdrawn) support (syn.
 "consent") for an announcement of that intent. An Objector to an
 intent to perform an action is an eligible entity who has publicly
 posted (and not withdrawn) an objection to the announcement of
 that intent.

 The entities eligible to support or object to an intent to perform
 an action are, by default, all players, subject to modification by
 the document authorizing the dependent action. However, the
 previous sentence notwithstanding, the initiator of the intent is
 not eligible to support it.

 Agora is Satisfied with an intent to perform a specific action
 unless at least one of the following is true:

 1. The action is to be performed Without N Objections, and there
are at least N Objectors to that intent.

 2. The action is to be performed With N support, and there are
fewer than than N Supporters of that intent.

 3. The action is to be performed with N Agoran Consent, and the
number of Supporters of the intent is less than or equal to N
times the number of Objectors to the intent.

 The above notwithstanding, if an action depends on objections, and
 an objection to an intent to perform it has been withdrawn within
 the past 24 hours, then Agora is not Satisfied with that intent.

 The above notwithstanding, Agora is not satisfied with an intent
 if the Speaker has objected to it in the last 48 hours.

 A person CANNOT support or object to an announcement of intent
 before the intent is announced, or after e has withdrawn the same
 type of response.
D. Margaux

OFF: [Registrar] Agoran Directory

2019-02-20 Thread D. Margaux
I publish the following report:

   The Agoran Directory

Date of last report: 12 Feb 2019
Date of this report: 20 Feb 2019
(all times UTC)

Recent Events (recent events section not ratifying)

07-Dec-18 17:34  D. Margaux flips Telnaior's master switch to Agora.
07-Dec-18 17:34  D. Margaux flips nichdel's master switch to Agora.
07-Dec-18 20:02  G. flips L's master switch to Agora.
26-Dec-18 13:46  G. changed eir email address to kerim at
11-Jan-19 18:59  twg flips Halian's master switch to Agora.
11-Jan-19 18:59  twg flips PSS's[1] master switch to Agora.
15-Jan-19 16:41  D. Margaux flips L's master switch to D. Margaux.
15 Jan-19 20:28  D. Margaux deregisters Telnaior.
20-Jan-19 16:18  D. Margaux flips Corona's master switch to Agora.
29-Jan-19 15:17  Telnaior registers.
29-Jan-19 15:17  Telnaior submits eir cantus cygneus to the Registrar.
29-Jan-19 15:37  Telnaior is deregistered in a writ of FAGE.
29-Jan-19 15:46  Telnaior registers.
03-Jan-19 21:25  D. Margaux deregisters 天火狐.
03-Jan-19 21:25  D. Margaux deregisters pokes.
04-Feb-19 14:17  D. Margaux flips Tarhalindur's master switch to Agora.
04-Feb-19Baron von Vaderham registers.
07-Feb-19 15:20  G. flips Halian's master switch to G.
07-Feb-19 22:26  twg flips Corona's master switch to twg.
09-Feb-19 00:38  Trigon flips PSS's master switch to Trigon.
10-Feb-19 13:16  J. Arduino flips nichdel's master switch to J. Arduino.

(time of last report)

Players (20) (by Rule 869, Persons with 'Registered' Citizenship, z=zombie,
*=no public messages in 30+ days)

 Player Contact Registered
 -- --- --
*omdcomexk at [3] 03 Feb 11
 Aris   thoughtsoflifeandlight17 at   13 Sep 16
 Gaelan gbs at  15 May 17
 G. kerim at 25 Aug 17
 Cuddle Beamcuddlebeam at 25 Aug 17
 Trigon reuben.staley at  24 Sep 17
 Murphy emurphy42 at   17 Dec 17
 V.J. Rada  edwardostrange at[5]  29 Dec 17
 ATMunn iamingodsarmy at  11 Mar 18
 twgme at 24 May 18
 D. Margaux dmargaux000 at[4] 25 Aug 18
 Jacob Arduino  jacobarduino at   12 Nov 18
 Telnaior   jdga at Jan 19
 Baron von Vaderham davidseeber at  04 Feb 19
z  Tarhalindur  ahzin23 at   31 Oct 18
z  Corona   liliumalbum.agora at  17 Nov 17
z  nichdel  nichdel at gmail.com29 Jun 17
z  Lprmcd16 at yahoo.com20 Sep 18
z  Halian   halian at   20 Oct 18
z  PSS [1]  pscriboniusscholasticus at[2] 16 Apr 17

[1] also known as Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
[2] officially, but technically
[3] officially, but technically equivalent c.ome.xk at
[4] also known as D Margaux
[5] aka VJ Rada

Zombie Master and Resale switches (self-ratifying)

Zombie  Master  Resale   Last Owned by Agora   Due to Flip to Agora
--  --  --   ---   
Tarhalindur Agora   204-Feb-19 14:17
Corona  twg 107-Feb-19 22:26   08-May-19 22:26
PSS[1]  Trigon  109-Feb-19 00:38   10-May-19 00:38
L   D. Margaux  115-Jan-19 16:41   15-Apr-19 08:49
Halian  G.  107-Feb-19 15:20   08-May-19 15:20
nichdel J. Arduino  010-Feb-19 13:16   11-May-19 13:16

Fora (Rule 478, self-ratifying)

Type LocationTypical use
Public   agora-official at agoranomic.orgofficial reports
Public   agora-business at agoranomic.orgother business
Discussion   agora-discussion at  discussion
Discussion   irc://
<> discussion
Public   agora at  backup

Subscribe or unsubscribe from main

Subscribe or unsubscribe from backup

The IRC channel does not require subscriptio

OFF: Fwd: [Registrar] Agoran Directory

2019-02-18 Thread D. Margaux
I CoE: Baron von Vaderham is a player. 

I accept the CoE and publish this as an addition to the report:

Baron von Vaderham is a player who registered on 04 Feb 2019 with email address 
davidseeber at

Sorry Baron!

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "D. Margaux" 
> Date: February 12, 2019 at 9:55:35 AM EST
> To: Agora Official 
> Subject: [Registrar] Agoran Directory
> I publish the following report:
>The Agoran Directory
> Date of last report: 04 Feb 2019
> Date of this report: 12 Feb 2019
> (all times UTC)
> Recent Events (recent events section not ratifying)
> 07-Dec-18 17:34  D. Margaux flips Telnaior's master switch to Agora.
> 07-Dec-18 17:34  D. Margaux flips nichdel's master switch to Agora.
> 07-Dec-18 20:02  G. flips L's master switch to Agora.
> 26-Dec-18 13:46  G. changed eir email address to kerim at
> 11-Jan-19 18:59  twg flips Halian's master switch to Agora.
> 11-Jan-19 18:59  twg flips PSS's[1] master switch to Agora.
> 15-Jan-19 16:41  D. Margaux flips L's master switch to D. Margaux.
> 15 Jan-19 20:28  D. Margaux deregisters Telnaior.
> 20-Jan-19 16:18  D. Margaux flips Corona's master switch to Agora.
> 29-Jan-19 15:17  Telnaior registers.
> 29-Jan-19 15:17  Telnaior submits eir cantus cygneus to the Registrar.
> 29-Jan-19 15:37  Telnaior is deregistered in a writ of FAGE.
> 29-Jan-19 15:46  Telnaior registers.
> 03-Jan-19 21:25  D. Margaux deregisters 天火狐.
> 03-Jan-19 21:25  D. Margaux deregisters pokes.
> 04-Feb-19 14:17  D. Margaux flips Tarhalindur's master switch to Agora.
> (time of last report)
> 07-Feb-19 15:20  G. flips Halian's master switch to G.
> 07-Feb-19 22:26  twg flips Corona's master switch to twg.
> 09-Feb-19 00:38  Trigon flips PSS's master switch to Trigon.
> 10-Feb-19 13:16  J. Arduino flips nichdel's master switch to J. Arduino.
> Players (19) (by Rule 869, Persons with 'Registered' Citizenship, z=zombie,
> *=no public messages in 30+ days)
>  Player Contact Registered
>  -- --- --
>  omdcomexk at [3] 03 Feb 11
>  Aris   thoughtsoflifeandlight17 at   13 Sep 16
>  Gaelan gbs at  15 May 17
>  G. kerim at 25 Aug 17
>  Cuddle Beamcuddlebeam at 25 Aug 17
>  Trigon reuben.staley at  24 Sep 17
>  Murphy emurphy42 at   17 Dec 17
>  V.J. Rada  edwardostrange at[5]      29 Dec 17
>  ATMunn iamingodsarmy at  11 Mar 18
>  twgme at 24 May 18
>  D. Margaux dmargaux000 at[4] 25 Aug 18
>  Jacob Arduino  jacobarduino at   12 Nov 18
>  Telnaior   jdga at Jan 19
> z  Tarhalindur  ahzin23 at   31 Oct 18
> z  Corona   liliumalbum.agora at  17 Nov 17
> z  nichdel  nichdel at gmail.com29 Jun 17
> z  Lprmcd16 at yahoo.com20 Sep 18
> z  Halian   halian at   20 Oct 18
> z  PSS [1]  pscriboniusscholasticus at[2] 16 Apr 17
> [1] also known as Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
> [2] officially, but technically equivalent
> [3] officially, but technically equivalent c.ome.xk at
> [4] also known as D Margaux
> [5] aka VJ Rada
> Zombie Master and Resale switches (self-ratifying)
> Zombie  Master  Resale   Last Owned by Agora   Due to Flip to Agora
> --  --  --   -----------   
> Tarhalindur Agora   204-Feb-19 14:17
> Corona  twg 107-Feb-19 22:26   08-May-19 22:26
> PSS[1]  Trigon  109-Feb-19 00:38   10-May-19 00:38
> L   D. Margaux  115-Jan-19 16:41   15-Apr-19 08:49
> Halian  G.  107-Feb-19 15:20   08-May-19 15:20
> nichdel J. Arduino  010-Feb-19 13:16   11-May-19 13:16
> Fora (Rule 478, self-ratifying)
> Type Location   

OFF: Re: Space Battle 003

2019-02-18 Thread D. Margaux
This reduces twg’s armor from 10 to 0 and Gaelan’s stays at 10. Gaelan wins. 

> On Feb 18, 2019, at 12:34 PM, D. Margaux  wrote:
> Resolved battle 003:
> Gaelan spent 11 energy. 
> Twg spent 0 energy. 
> I think that means Gaelan wins.

OFF: Space Battle 003

2019-02-18 Thread D. Margaux
Resolved battle 003:

Gaelan spent 11 energy. 

Twg spent 0 energy. 

I think that means Gaelan wins.

OFF: [Arbitor] Court Gazette (v1)

2019-02-17 Thread D. Margaux
Work and life have both been busy this week, and I unfortunately haven't had 
time to update the context/arguements/evidence section below.  Very sorry. I 
hope to have time to update it in a revised version at some point this week.

I publish this report:

COURT GAZETTE (Arbitor's weekly report)

Date of last report:07 Feb 2019
Date of this report:17 Feb 2019
Version of this report: 1

Disclaimer:  Informational only. No actions are contained in this report. 
Information in this report is not self-ratifying. The 
context/arguements/evidence section is in need of updating, and will hopefully 
be updated in a forthcoming revised version.

Open cases (CFJs)

3701 called 01 February 2019 by G., assigned 03 February 2019 to Trigon, 
reassigned 17 February 2019 to D. Margaux: "If the definition of quanging a 
player had not been explicitly included in the message in evidence, the attempt 
to transfer currencies on behalf of Tenhigitsune would have failed."

3704 called 05 February 2019 by D. Margaux, assigned 07 February 2019 to 
Murphy, Murphy recused 10 February 2019, reassigned to Trigon 10 February 2019: 
"There were no objections made to D. Margaux’s January 29 intent to transfer to 
players other than emself and eir zombie the spaceships in the lost & found 

*3712 called 14 February 2019 by Falsifian, assigned 15 February 2019 to 
Trigon: "Agora is not Satisfied with an intent to perform an action unless it 
is to be performed With Notice or With T Notice. In particular, Gaelan's recent 
attempt to Declare Apathy on February 7, 2019 was ineffective, and D. Margaux's 
dependent actions in their recent message that starts 'I thought for sure 
people would object...' were ineffective."

Highest numbered case: 3715

Context/arguments/evidence are included at the bottom of this report.

Recently-delivered verdicts and implications

3700 called 01 February 2019 by G., assigned 03 February 2019 to Trigon, judged 
TRUE 06 February 2019 by Trigon, self-filed motion for reconsideration and 
recusal 07 February 2019 by Trigon, reassigned 07 February 2019 to Murphy, 
judged TRUE 10 February 2019 by Murphy: "In the message quoted in evidence, D. 
Margaux earned at least 1 coin."

3702 called 01 February 2019 by Cuddle Beam, assigned 03 February 2019 to 
ATMunn, reassigned 12 February 2019 to D. Margaux, judged TRUE 12 February 2019 
by D. Margaux: "Gaelan's (only) ship is at Sector 4."

3703 called 6 February 2019 by twg, assigned 6 February 2019 to Murphy, judged 
IRRELEVANT 10 February 2019 by Murphy: "If and when -N (negative N) coins are 
revoked from an entity, where N is a natural number, that entity's coin balance 
increases by N."

*3705 called 9 February 2019 by twg, assigned 10 February 2019 to G., judged 
FALSE 10 February 2019 by G.: "I own an Indigo Ribbon."

*3706 called 9 February 2019 by twg, assigned 10 February 2019 to G., judged 
TRUE 14 February 2019 by G.: "All Players are parties to the Rules as a 

*3707 called 9 February 2019 by twg, assigned 10 February 2019 to G., judged 
DISMISS 11 February 2019 by G.: "The Ruleset (as a contract) now has 1 coin."

*3708 called 10 February 2019 by D. Margaux, assigned 10 February 2019 to G., 
judged FALSE 13 February 2019 by G.: "The parties to an existing contract CAN 
agree to amend it by adding additional players as parties, even if those 
additional players did not expressly agree to be party to that contract apart 
from agreeing to be bound by the Rules generally."

*3709 called 7 February 2019 by Gaelan, assigned 7 February 2019 to Aris, 
judged FALSE 7 February 2019 by Aris, motion for reconsideration filed 7 
February 2019 by G., judged TRUE 14 February 2019 by Aris: "Gaelan won the game 
by one of the above declarations of apathy."

*3710 called 7 February 2019 by Gaelan, assigned 7 February 2019 to Aris, 
judged FALSE 7 February 2019 by Aris, motion for reconsideration filed 7 
February 2019 by G., judged TRUE 14 February 2019 by Aris: "Gaelan won the game 
twice by the above declarations of apathy."

*3711 called 12 February 2019 by Falsifian, assigned 12 February 2019 to D. 
Margaux, judged FALSE 13 February 2019 by D. Margaux: "It is Falsifian's Agoran 
Birthday today (the day beginning at midnight UTC on February 13, 2019)."

*3713 called 13 February 2019 by twg, assigned 13 February 2019 to G., judged 
FALSE 15 February 2019 by G.: "Gaelan is impure."

*3714 called 30 January 2019 by G., assigned 15 February 2019 to D. Margaux, 
judged DISMISS 15 February 2019 by D. Margaux: "Prior to calling this CFJ, G. 
earned 5 coins for judging CFJ 3698."

*3715 called 17 February 2019 by D. Margaux, assigned 17 February 2019 to ???, 
judged ??? 17 February 2019 by ???: "This CFJ is FALSE."


OFF: [Registrar] Monthly Report

2019-02-12 Thread D. Margaux
I publish the following report:

 Registrar's Monthly Report

Date of last report: 08 Dec 2018
Date of this report: 12 Feb 2019

Recent Changes:
15-Jan-19 20:28  D. Margaux deregisters Telnaior with notice.
29-Jan-19 15:37  Telnaior is deregistered in a writ of FAGE.
03-Jan-19 21:25  D. Margaux deregisters 天火狐 with notice.
03-Jan-19 21:25  D. Margaux deregisters pokes with notice.

No information in this report is subject to self-ratification.

Registration history of persons who have registered and deregistered
at least once (imperfect, corrections welcomed)

(a)bandoned   (l)awless
(v)oluntary   (d)eported
(w)rit of FAGEderegistered emself by mista(k)e

Left in 1994:

u Alexxalexx at  5 Apr 94
u Andy Latto   andyl at  5 Apr 94
u Douglas Jahnke   chaotic at ksuvm.ksu.edu5 Apr 94
u Jim  jcs at zycor.lgc.com5 Apr 94
u Karl Andersonkarl at reed.edu5 Apr 94
u Kirt dankmyer at 5 Apr 94
u Matt pardo at  5 Apr 94
v Waggie   dgwagner at   5 Apr 94
u Wes  wesc at Apr 94
u Timothy  timothy.ferguson at 12 Sep 94
u Chuckccarroll at   5 Apr 94
u Dave Bowen   david.bowen at 5 Apr 94
u Nicoldnicol at  5 Apr 94
u Lancelab at  5 Apr 94
u Stella?  kunne at 5 Apr 94
u Alicecat at orion.mrc.unm.edu5 Apr 94
u Duaneduanew at 5 Apr 94
u Eric Scheirerescheire at cim470.mitre.org5 Apr 94
u Gustalff Zibrowski  clarkc at   5 Apr 94
u Larry Smithmier smithmierjr at uamont.edu5 Apr 94

Left in 1995:
u Jason2 95
u Susan  95
u Brian GreerAug 95
u TAL  kunne at ipno.in2p3.frAug 95
u Pascal   jreed at  95  Aug 95
u JonRockOct 95
u Garth  Sep 95  Oct 95
u wutold Oct 95  Oct 95
u Einstein   Oct 95
u Jeffrey S.  25 Oct 95
u Xanadu   A.Bishop at 26 Oct 95
u CoCo   Oct 95  Nov 95
w Kelly7 Nov 95
u elJefe   eljefe at  22 Nov 95
u Oerjan Sep 95  Dec 95
u Zefram   zefram at  <=16 Jun 95  Dec 95
u Marc Slager 22 Nov 95  Dec 95
u CoCo 3 Dec 95
u SaltWatergorgonne at becker.u.was...[1] 11 Dec 95

[1] gorgonne at

Left in 1996:

u KoJen cogen at Jan 96
a?Vlad  c647100 at showme.missouri.edu14 Nov 951 Jan 96
a Ian Cabellian at 2 Jan 96
u Oerjan   3 Jan 96
u Pascaljreed at  15 Nov 95   21 Jan 96
v Wes   wesc at   <= 8 Nov 95   21 Feb 96
u Dave Bowendavid.bowen at <=10 Jan 95   21 Feb 96
u Vlad  c647100 at   Jan 96   21 Feb 96
u Swann saswann at   14 Nov 95   23 Feb 96
u Coren coren at   <=21 Feb 96  Mar 96
u Wes   gecko at magika.com6 Mar 96
u Greycell  dshannon at 96   21 Mar 96
u Ghost labrown at<=21 Feb 96   25 Mar 96
u Blob  malcolmr at 

OFF: [Registrar] Agoran Directory

2019-02-12 Thread D. Margaux
I publish the following report:

   The Agoran Directory

Date of last report: 04 Feb 2019
Date of this report: 12 Feb 2019
(all times UTC)

Recent Events (recent events section not ratifying)

07-Dec-18 17:34  D. Margaux flips Telnaior's master switch to Agora.
07-Dec-18 17:34  D. Margaux flips nichdel's master switch to Agora.
07-Dec-18 20:02  G. flips L's master switch to Agora.
26-Dec-18 13:46  G. changed eir email address to kerim at
11-Jan-19 18:59  twg flips Halian's master switch to Agora.
11-Jan-19 18:59  twg flips PSS's[1] master switch to Agora.
15-Jan-19 16:41  D. Margaux flips L's master switch to D. Margaux.
15 Jan-19 20:28  D. Margaux deregisters Telnaior.
20-Jan-19 16:18  D. Margaux flips Corona's master switch to Agora.
29-Jan-19 15:17  Telnaior registers.
29-Jan-19 15:17  Telnaior submits eir cantus cygneus to the Registrar.
29-Jan-19 15:37  Telnaior is deregistered in a writ of FAGE.
29-Jan-19 15:46  Telnaior registers.
03-Jan-19 21:25  D. Margaux deregisters 天火狐.
03-Jan-19 21:25  D. Margaux deregisters pokes.
04-Feb-19 14:17  D. Margaux flips Tarhalindur's master switch to Agora.

(time of last report)

07-Feb-19 15:20  G. flips Halian's master switch to G.
07-Feb-19 22:26  twg flips Corona's master switch to twg.
09-Feb-19 00:38  Trigon flips PSS's master switch to Trigon.
10-Feb-19 13:16  J. Arduino flips nichdel's master switch to J. Arduino.

Players (19) (by Rule 869, Persons with 'Registered' Citizenship, z=zombie,
*=no public messages in 30+ days)

 Player Contact Registered
 -- --- --
 omdcomexk at [3] 03 Feb 11
 Aris   thoughtsoflifeandlight17 at   13 Sep 16
 Gaelan gbs at  15 May 17
 G. kerim at 25 Aug 17
 Cuddle Beamcuddlebeam at 25 Aug 17
 Trigon reuben.staley at  24 Sep 17
 Murphy emurphy42 at   17 Dec 17
 V.J. Rada  edwardostrange at[5]  29 Dec 17
 ATMunn iamingodsarmy at  11 Mar 18
 twgme at 24 May 18
 D. Margaux dmargaux000 at[4] 25 Aug 18
 Jacob Arduino  jacobarduino at   12 Nov 18
 Telnaior   jdga at Jan 19
z  Tarhalindur  ahzin23 at   31 Oct 18
z  Corona   liliumalbum.agora at  17 Nov 17
z  nichdel  nichdel at gmail.com29 Jun 17
z  Lprmcd16 at yahoo.com20 Sep 18
z  Halian   halian at   20 Oct 18
z  PSS [1]  pscriboniusscholasticus at[2] 16 Apr 17

[1] also known as Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
[2] officially, but technically
[3] officially, but technically equivalent c.ome.xk at
[4] also known as D Margaux
[5] aka VJ Rada

Zombie Master and Resale switches (self-ratifying)

Zombie  Master  Resale   Last Owned by Agora   Due to Flip to Agora
--  --  --   ---   
Tarhalindur Agora   204-Feb-19 14:17
Corona  twg 107-Feb-19 22:26   08-May-19 22:26
PSS[1]  Trigon  109-Feb-19 00:38   10-May-19 00:38
L   D. Margaux  115-Jan-19 16:41   15-Apr-19 08:49
Halian  G.  107-Feb-19 15:20   08-May-19 15:20
nichdel J. Arduino  010-Feb-19 13:16   11-May-19 13:16

Fora (Rule 478, self-ratifying)

Type LocationTypical use
Public   agora-official at agoranomic.orgofficial reports
Public   agora-business at agoranomic.orgother business
Discussion   agora-discussion at  discussion
Discussion   irc://
<> discussion
Public   agora at  backup

Subscribe or unsubscribe from main

Subscribe or unsubscribe from backup

The IRC channel does not require subscription; set your IRC client to
server, port 6667, channel ##nomic, and whatever
nickname you like.

Writs o

OFF: [Arbitor] Court Gazette

2019-02-07 Thread D. Margaux
Caught a couple errors. I publish this as a revised report:

COURT GAZETTE (Arbitor's weekly report)

Date of last report: 29 Jan 2019
Date of this report: 07 Feb 2019
Version of this report: 2

Disclaimer:  Informational only. No actions are contained in this report. 
Information in this report is not self-ratifying.

Open cases (CFJs)

3700 called 01 February 2019 by G., assigned 03 February 2019 to Trigon, judged 
TRUE 06 February 2019 by Trigon, self-filed motion for reconsideration and 
recusal 07 February 2019 by Trigon, reassigned 07 February 2019 to Murphy: "In 
the message quoted in evidence, D. Margaux earned at least 1 coin."

3701 called 01 February 2019 by G., assigned 03 February 2019 to Trigon: "If 
the definition of quanging a player had not been explicitly included in the 
message in evidence, the attempt to transfer currencies on behalf of 
Tenhigitsune would have failed."

3702 called 01 February 2019 by Cuddle Beam, assigned 03 February 2019 to 
ATMunn: "Gaelan's (only) ship is at Sector 4."

3703 called 6 February 2019 by twg, assigned 6 February 2019 to Murphy: "If and 
when -N (negative N) coins are revoked from an entity, where N is a natural 
number, that entity's coin balance increases by N."

3704 called 05 February 2019 by D. Margaux, assigned 07 February 2019 to 
Murphy: "There were no objections made to D. Margaux’s January 29 intent to 
transfer to players other than emself and eir zombie the spaceships in the lost 
& found department."

Highest numbered case: 3704

Context/arguments/evidence are included at the bottom of this report.

Recently-delivered verdicts and implications

3695 called 15 January 2019 by twg, assigned 16 January 2019 to G., judged 
FALSE 29 January 2019 by G.: "Tenhigitsune has fulfilled eir obligation, 
detailed in the rule entitled 'Space Battles', to 'once communicate to the 
resolver the amount of Energy [e wishes] to spend' in Space Battle 0001."

3696 called 15 January 2019 by twg, assigned 16 January 2019 to G., judged 
FALSE 30 January 2019 by G.: "D. Margaux has fulfilled eir obligation, detailed 
in the rule entitled 'Space Battles', to 'once communicate to the resolver the 
amount of Energy [e wishes] to spend" in Space Battle 0001."

3697 called 20 January 2019 by D. Margaux, assigned to G. 29 January 2019, 
judged TRUE 01 February 2019 by G. : "D. Margaux won the game by politics in 
this message."

3698 called 22 January 2019 by D. Margaux, assigned to G. 29 January 2019, 
judged FALSE 30 January 2019 by G.: "D. Margaux committed at least 
1,000,000,000 rule violations."

3699 called 29 January 2019 by Telnaior, assigned 29 January 2019 to Trigon, 
judged TRUE by Trigon 01 February 2019: "A Spaceship owned by the Lost and 
Found Department is in Sector 05."

Day Court Judge Recent
D. Margaux 3685, 3686, 3690*, 3691*, 3694
 [11/02 11/02 12/25 12/25 01/20]

G. 3679, 3680, 3688, 3691, 3695, 3696, 3697, 3698
 [11/2 11/2 11/11 12/2 01/16 01/16 01/29 01/29]

Murphy 3682, 3678, 3687, 3689, 3703, 3700*
 [11/1 11/4 11/10 11/14 02/06 02/07]

Trigon 3683, 3684, 3692, 3699, 3700, 3701
 [11/1 11/1 01/08 01/29 02/03 02/03]

Weekend Court Judge Recent (generally gets half as many cases)


* Indicates that the CFJ was reassigned to this judge.

These are informal designations. Requests to join/leave a given court
will be noted. Individual requests to be assigned a specific case will
generally be honored, even for non-court judges.


* CFJ 3695 and CFJ 3696

***3695 & 3696 Background message from twg:

I act on behalf of Tenhigitsune to announce that e will spend rau
Energy in Space Battle 0001, where "rau" is a word in twgese, which is
a constructed language invented by me. (Other twgese words include
"quang" and "spaaace".)

Go ahead, CFJ this. You know you want to

***3695 & 3696 response by ais523

I recommend searching the CFJ archives and/or Agoran mailing lists for
(It's not a very commonly used word, after all!)

And as a followup, the most relevant of the many nkep precedents
appears to be CFJ 2625 (which is almost exactly this situation,
attempting to act on behalf of another player using a word that has not
been publicly defined). I disagree with the outcome of that case (as
you can see from the arguments), and I'm not sure it gives us any
guidance for sorting out this situation anyway (as unlike in CFJ 2625,
there's no reason to suppose t

OFF: [Arbitor] Court Gazette

2019-02-07 Thread D. Margaux
COURT GAZETTE (Arbitor's weekly report)

Date of last report: 29 Jan 2019
Date of this report: 07 Feb 2019

Disclaimer:  Informational only. No actions are contained in this report. 
Information in this report is not self-ratifying.

Open cases (CFJs)

3699 called 29 January 2019 by Telnaior, assigned 29 January 2019 to Trigon, 
judged TRUE by Trigon 01 February 2019, self-filed motion to reconsider and 
recusal 07 February 2019 by Trigon, re-assigned 07 February 2019 to Murphy: "A 
Spaceship owned by the Lost and Found Department is in Sector 05."

3700 called 01 February 2019 by G., assigned 03 February 2019 to Trigon: "In 
the message quoted in evidence, D. Margaux earned at least 1 coin."

3701 called 01 February 2019 by G., assigned 03 February 2019 to Trigon: "If 
the definition of quanging a player had not been explicitly included in the 
message in evidence, the attempt to transfer currencies on behalf of 
Tenhigitsune would have failed."

3702 called 01 February 2019 by Cuddle Beam, assigned 03 February 2019 to 
ATMunn: "If the definition of quanging a player had not been explicitly 
included in the message in evidence, the attempt to transfer currencies on 
behalf of Tenhigitsune would have failed."

3703 called 6 February 2019 by twg, assigned 6 February 2019 to Murphy: "If and 
when -N (negative N) coins are revoked from an entity, where N is a natural 
number, that entity's coin balance increases by N."

3704 called 05 February 2019 by D. Margaux, assigned 07 February 2019 to 
Murphy: "There were no objections made to D. Margaux’s January 29 intent to 
transfer to players other than emself and eir zombie the spaceships in the lost 
& found department."

Highest numbered case: 3704

Context/arguments/evidence are included at the bottom of this report.

Recently-delivered verdicts and implications

3695 called 15 January 2019 by twg, assigned 16 January 2019 to G., judged 
FALSE 29 January 2019 by G.: "Tenhigitsune has fulfilled eir obligation, 
detailed in the rule entitled 'Space Battles', to 'once communicate to the 
resolver the amount of Energy [e wishes] to spend' in Space Battle 0001."

3696 called 15 January 2019 by twg, assigned 16 January 2019 to G., judged 
FALSE 30 January 2019 by G.: "D. Margaux has fulfilled eir obligation, detailed 
in the rule entitled 'Space Battles', to 'once communicate to the resolver the 
amount of Energy [e wishes] to spend" in Space Battle 0001."

3697 called 20 January 2019 by D. Margaux, assigned to G. 29 January 2019, 
judged TRUE 01 February 2019 by G. : "D. Margaux won the game by politics in 
this message."

3698 called 22 January 2019 by D. Margaux, assigned to G. 29 January 2019, 
judged FALSE 30 January 2019 by G.: "D. Margaux committed at least 
1,000,000,000 rule violations."

Day Court Judge Recent
D. Margaux 3685, 3686, 3690*, 3691*, 3694
 [11/02 11/02 12/25 12/25 01/20]

G. 3679, 3680, 3688, 3691, 3695, 3696, 3697, 3698
 [11/2 11/2 11/11 12/2 01/16 01/16 01/29 01/29]

Murphy 3682, 3678, 3687, 3689, 3703, 3699*
 [11/1 11/4 11/10 11/14 02/06 02/07]

Trigon 3683, 3684, 3692, 3699, 3700, 3701
 [11/1 11/1 01/08 01/29 02/03 02/03]

Weekend Court Judge Recent (generally gets half as many cases)

* Indicates that the CFJ was reassigned to this judge.

(These are informal designations. Requests to join/leave a given court
will be noted. Individual requests to be assigned a specific case will
generally be honored, even for non-court judges.)


* CFJ 3695 and CFJ 3696

***3695 & 3696 Background message from twg:

I act on behalf of Tenhigitsune to announce that e will spend rau
Energy in Space Battle 0001, where "rau" is a word in twgese, which is
a constructed language invented by me. (Other twgese words include
"quang" and "spaaace".)

Go ahead, CFJ this. You know you want to

***3695 & 3696 response by ais523

I recommend searching the CFJ archives and/or Agoran mailing lists for
(It's not a very commonly used word, after all!)

And as a followup, the most relevant of the many nkep precedents
appears to be CFJ 2625 (which is almost exactly this situation,
attempting to act on behalf of another player using a word that has not
been publicly defined). I disagree with the outcome of that case (as
you can see from the arguments), and I'm not sure it gives us any
guidance for sorting out this situation anyway (as unlike in CFJ 2625,
there's no reason to suppose t

Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Registrar] Zombie Auction

2019-02-07 Thread D. Margaux
Thanks for the reminder. 

This auction is over. The winning bids are:

G. bid 10 coins and won Hālian. 
Trigon bid 5 coins and won PSS. 
Jacob Arduino bid 2 coins and won nichdel. 
twg bid 1 coin and won Corona. 

> On Feb 7, 2019, at 10:16 AM, Kerim Aydin  wrote:
> I pay Agora 10 coins to flip Halian's master switch to G.
> On behalf of Halian, I transfer all of Halian's liquid assets to G.
> On 1/29/2019 10:14 AM, D. Margaux wrote:
>> I initiate a zombie auction, with the following lots (each zombie a separate 
>> lot) ordered as follows (highest-bid first):
>> 1. Halian
>> 2. PSS[1]
>> 3. nichdel
>> 4. Corona
>> Agora is the Auctioneer, and the Registrar is the Announcer.  The
>> currency is Coins with a minimum bid of 1.
>> [1] PSS = Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

OFF: [Registrar] Agoran Directory

2019-02-04 Thread D. Margaux
I publish the following report:

   The Agoran Directory

Date of this report: 04 Feb 2019
Date of last report: 29 Jan 2019
(all times UTC)

Recent Events (recent events section not ratifying)

07-Dec-18 17:34  D. Margaux flips Telnaior's master switch to Agora.
07-Dec-18 17:34  D. Margaux flips nichdel's master switch to Agora.
07-Dec-18 20:02  G. flips L's master switch to Agora.
26-Dec-18 13:46  G. changed eir email address to kerim at
11-Jan-19 18:59  twg flips Halian's master switch to Agora.
11-Jan-19 18:59  twg flips PSS's[1] master switch to Agora.
15-Jan-19 16:41  D. Margaux flips L's master switch to D. Margaux.
15 Jan-19 20:28  D. Margaux deregisters Telnaior.
20-Jan-19 16:18  D. Margaux flips Corona's master switch to Agora.
29-Jan-19 15:17  Telnaior registers.
29-Jan-19 15:17  Telnaior submits eir cantus cygneus to the Registrar.
29-Jan-19 15:37  Telnaior is deregistered in a writ of FAGE.
29-Jan-19 15:46  Telnaior registers.

(time of last report)

03-Jan-19 21:25  D. Margaux deregisters 天火狐.
03-Jan-19 21:25  D. Margaux deregisters pokes.
04-Feb-19 14:17  D. Margaux flips Tarhalindur's master switch to Agora.

Players (19) (by Rule 869, Persons with 'Registered' Citizenship, z=zombie,
*=no public messages in 30+ days)

 Player Contact Registered
 -- --- --
 omdcomexk at [3] 03 Feb 11
 Aris   thoughtsoflifeandlight17 at   13 Sep 16
 Gaelan gbs at  15 May 17
 G. kerim at 25 Aug 17
 Cuddle Beamcuddlebeam at 25 Aug 17
 Trigon reuben.staley at  24 Sep 17
 Murphy emurphy42 at   17 Dec 17
 V.J. Rada  edwardostrange at[5]  29 Dec 17
 ATMunn iamingodsarmy at  11 Mar 18
 twgme at 24 May 18
 D. Margaux dmargaux000 at[4] 25 Aug 18
 Jacob Arduino  jacobarduino at   12 Nov 18
 Telnaior   jdga at Jan 19
z  Tarhalindur  ahzin23 at   31 Oct 18
z  Corona   liliumalbum.agora at  17 Nov 17
z  nichdel  nichdel at gmail.com29 Jun 17
z  Lprmcd16 at yahoo.com20 Sep 18
z  Halian   halian at   20 Oct 18
z  PSS [1]  pscriboniusscholasticus at[2] 16 Apr 17

[1] In full, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
[2] officially, but technically equivalent
[3] officially, but technically equivalent c.ome.xk at
[4] also known as D Margaux
[5] aka VJ Rada

Zombie Master and Resale switches (self-ratifying)

Zombie  Master  Resale   Last Owned by Agora   Due to Flip to Agora
--  --  --   ---   
Tarhalindur Agora   204-Feb-19 14:17
Corona  Agora   220-Jan-19 16:18
Halian  Agora   211-Jan-19 18:59
PSS[1]  Agora   211-Jan-19 18:59
nichdel Agora   107-Dec-18 17:34
L   D. Margaux  115-Jan-19 16:41   15-Apr-19 08:49

Fora (Rule 478, self-ratifying)

Type LocationTypical use
Public   agora-official at agoranomic.orgofficial reports
Public   agora-business at agoranomic.orgother business
Discussion   agora-discussion at  discussion
Discussion   irc://
<> discussion
Public   agora at  backup

Subscribe or unsubscribe from main

Subscribe or unsubscribe from backup

The IRC channel does not require subscription; set your IRC client to
server, port 6667, channel ##nomic, and whatever
nickname you like.

Writs of FAGE (Rule 1789)
Kelly 17 Sep 95
Andre 13 Feb 99
BobTHJ16 Jan 08
P1 5 Nov 08
P2 5 Nov 08
P3 6 Nov 08
G.29 Jun 17
Telnaior  29 Jan 19

Watchers (4)

The list of Watchers is not go

OFF: [Registrar] Zombie Announcement

2019-02-01 Thread D. Margaux
Per Rule 1885, I announce that no new zombie auction is necessary because all 
zombies owned by Agora with resale value greater than zero are lots in an 
ongoing auction.  
> Rule 1885/9 (Power=2) Zombie Auctions
> Whenever a zombie (1) has Agora for a master, (2) is not a lot in an ongoing 
> auction, (3) has a resale value greater than 0, and (4) has not been won as 
> an auction lot in the past 14 days, then the Registrar CAN put that zombie 
> (along with any other zombies that fulfill the same conditions) up for 
> auction. 
> In a timely fashion after the beginning of each month, the Registrar SHALL 
> either initiate such an auction or, if no zombies meeting these conditions 
> existed at the beginning of the month, announce that no such auction is 
> necessary.

OFF: [Registrar] Zombie Auction

2019-01-29 Thread D. Margaux
I initiate a zombie auction, with the following lots (each zombie a separate 
lot) ordered as follows (highest-bid first):

1. Halian
2. PSS[1]
3. nichdel 
4. Corona

Agora is the Auctioneer, and the Registrar is the Announcer.  The 
currency is Coins with a minimum bid of 1.

[1] PSS = Publius Scribonius Scholasticus 

OFF: [Arbitor] Court Gazette

2019-01-29 Thread D. Margaux
COURT GAZETTE (Arbitor's weekly report)

Date of last report: 20 Jan 2019
Date of this report: 29 Jan 2019

Disclaimer:  Informational only. No actions are contained in this report.
   Information in this report is not self-ratifying.

Open cases (CFJs)

3695 called 15 January 2019 by twg, assigned 16 January 2019 to G.:
"Tenhigitsune has fulfilled eir obligation, detailed in the rule
entitled 'Space Battles', to 'once communicate to the resolver the
amount of Energy [e wishes] to spend" in Space Battle 0001."

3696 called 15 January 2019 by twg, assigned 16 January 2019 to G.:
"D. Margaux has fulfilled eir obligation, detailed in the rule
entitled 'Space Battles', to 'once communicate to the resolver the
amount of Energy [e wishes] to spend" in Space Battle 0001."

3697 called 20 January 2019 by D. Margaux, currently unassigned: "D. Margaux 
won the game by politics in this message."

3698 called 22 January 2019 by D. Margaux, currently unassigned: "D. Margaux 
committed at least 1,000,000,000 rule violations."

3699 called 29 January 2019 by Telnaior, assigned 29 January 2019 to Trigon: "A 
Spaceship owned by the Lost and Found Department is in Sector 05."

Highest numbered case: 3699

Context/arguments/evidence are included at the bottom of this report.

Recently-delivered verdicts and implications

Day Court Judge Recent
D. Margaux 3685, 3686, 3690*, 3691*, 3694
 [11/2 11/2 12/25 12/25 01/20]

G. 3679, 3680, 3688, 3691, 3695, 3696
 [11/2 11/2 11/11 12/2 01/16 01/16]

Murphy 3682, 3678, 3687, 3689
 [11/1 11/4 11/10 11/14]

Trigon 3683, 3684, 3699
 [11/1 11/1 01/29]

Weekend Court Judge Recent (generally gets half as many cases)
ATMunn 3690

* Indicates that the CFJ was reassigned to this judge.

(These are informal designations. Requests to join/leave a given court
will be noted. Individual requests to be assigned a specific case will
generally be honored, even for non-court judges.)


* CFJ 3695 and CFJ 3696

***3695 & 3696 Background message from twg:

I act on behalf of Tenhigitsune to announce that e will spend rau
Energy in Space Battle 0001, where "rau" is a word in twgese, which is
a constructed language invented by me. (Other twgese words include
"quang" and "spaaace".)

Go ahead, CFJ this. You know you want to

***3695 & 3696 response by ais523

I recommend searching the CFJ archives and/or Agoran mailing lists for
(It's not a very commonly used word, after all!)

And as a followup, the most relevant of the many nkep precedents
appears to be CFJ 2625 (which is almost exactly this situation,
attempting to act on behalf of another player using a word that has not
been publicly defined). I disagree with the outcome of that case (as
you can see from the arguments), and I'm not sure it gives us any
guidance for sorting out this situation anyway (as unlike in CFJ 2625,
there's no reason to suppose that the player in question knows the
meaning of the word, nor that they are paying enough attention to the
game to object to an attempt to use it incorrectly).

***3695 & 3696 arguement from D. Margaux:

I have no idea how this resolves.

One reason this might not work is that the rule requires Tenhigitsune
to “communicate” eir choice, and Rule 2466 prohibits you from acting
on behalf of em to send a “message” (or synonymously, to “publish”
something). The only thing you can do is take the underlying game
action on eir behalf—but here there seems to be no action separate
from the very act of sending a message (i.e., “communicat[ing]”).

***3695 & 3696 response by twg to D. Margaux:

I see your Rule 2466/1 and raise you CFJ 3649.


***3695 & 3696 response by twg to ais523:

Actually, I don't think this is the same scenario. twgese is just a
mechanism for ensuring that the value of the number Tenhigitsune has
announced is unknown to D. Margaux; the nature of the action that is
being taken is perfectly cromulent to everybody. (Unless it fails for
another reason.)


***3695 & 3696 arguement from G. responding to twg:

There's a fairly established set of decisions that says public communication
has to be intelligible to "a typical Agoran" and not just a single Agoran -
that's the AGAINT precedents, arguably more famous than nkep.

History of AGAINT:  Someone privately communicated with the Assessor
ahead of voting to say "when I vote AGAINT, it's a vote FOR."

OFF: [Registrar] Agoran Directory

2019-01-29 Thread D. Margaux
I publish the following report:

   The Agoran Directory

Date of last report: 14 Jan 2019
Date of this report: 29 Jan 2019
(all times UTC)

Recent Events (recent events section not ratifying)

07-Dec-18 17:34  D. Margaux flips Telnaior's master switch to Agora.
07-Dec-18 17:34  D. Margaux flips nichdel's master switch to Agora.
07-Dec-18 20:02  G. flips L's master switch to Agora.
26-Dec-18 13:46  G. changed eir email address to kerim at
11-Jan-19 18:59  twg flips Halian's master switch to Agora.
11-Jan-19 18:59  twg flips PSS's[1] master switch to Agora.

(time of last report)

15-Jan-19 16:41 D. Margaux flips L's master switch to emself.
15 Jan-19 20:28 D. Margaux deregisters Telnaior.
20-Jan-19 16:18 D. Margaux flips Corona's master switch to Agora.
29-Jan-19 15:17 Telnaior registers.
29-Jan-19 15:17 Telnaior submits eir cantus cygneus to the Registrar.
29-Jan-19 15:37 Telnaior is deregistered in a writ of FAGE.
29-Jan-19 15:46 Telnaior registers.

Players (20) (by Rule 869, Persons with 'Registered' Citizenship, z=zombie,
*=no public messages in 30+ days)

 Player Contact Registered
 -- --- --
 omdcomexk at [3] 03 Feb 11
 Aris   thoughtsoflifeandlight17 at   13 Sep 16
 Gaelan gbs at  15 May 17
 G. kerim at 25 Aug 17
 Cuddle Beamcuddlebeam at 25 Aug 17
 Trigon reuben.staley at  24 Sep 17
 Murphy emurphy42 at   17 Dec 17
 V.J. Rada  edwardostrange at[5]  29 Dec 17
 ATMunn iamingodsarmy at  11 Mar 18
 twgme at 24 May 18
 D. Margaux dmargaux000 at[4] 25 Aug 18
*Tarhalindurahzin23 at   31 Oct 18
*Jacob Arduino  jacobarduino at   12 Nov 18
 Telnaior   jdga at Jan 19
z  Corona   liliumalbum.agora at  17 Nov 17
z  pokespokes at   11 Dec 17
z  天火狐draconicdarkness at   06 Nov 16
z  nichdel  nichdel at gmail.com29 Jun 17
z  Lprmcd16 at yahoo.com20 Sep 18
z  Halian   halian at   20 Oct 18
z  PSS [1]  pscriboniusscholasticus at[2] 16 Apr 17

[1] In full, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
[2] officially, but technically equivalent p.scribonius.scholasticus
[3] officially, but technically equivalent c.ome.xk at
[4] also known as D Margaux
[5] aka VJ Rada

Zombie Master and Resale switches (self-ratifying)

Zombie  Master Resale   Last Owned by Agora   Due to Flip to Agora
--  -- --   ---   
Corona  Agora  220-Jan-19 16:18
Halian  Agora  211-Jan-19 18:59
PSS[1]  Agora  211-Jan-19 18:59
nichdel Agora  107-Dec-18 17:34
pokes   G. 005-Nov-18 15:12   03-Feb-2019 15:12
天火狐   twg005-Nov-18 20:55   03-Feb-2019 20:55
L   D. Margaux 115-Jan-19 16:41   15-Apr-19 08:49

Fora (Rule 478, self-ratifying)

Type LocationTypical use
Public   agora-official at agoranomic.orgofficial reports
Public   agora-business at agoranomic.orgother business
Discussion   agora-discussion at  discussion
Discussion   irc://
<> discussion
Public   agora at  backup

Subscribe or unsubscribe from main

Subscribe or unsubscribe from backup

The IRC channel does not require subscription; set your IRC client to
server, port 6667, channel ##nomic, and whatever
nickname you like.

Writs of FAGE (Rule 1789)
Kelly 17 Sep 95
Andre 13 Feb 99
BobTHJ16 Jan 08
P1 5 Nov 08
P2 5 Nov 08
P3 6 Nov 08
G.29 Jun 17

OFF: Cantus Cygneus & Writ of FAGE

2019-01-29 Thread D. Margaux

I hereby publish the following  Cantus Cygneus that I have received from

> The following is my Cantus Cygneus, to be published by the Registrar in
> a timely fashion:
> Alright, so let's get one thing straight here. I haven't actually been
> playing this game in MONTHS. Yeah, sure, the whole zombie system has
> been keeping me alive for a little while, but did you notice my resale
> value is 0 now? I'm so dramatically rotted away that you can't even use
> me for anything! And despite that, I'm still on the Directory,
> registered as a player.
> Wait, what's that? The rules say the Registrar SHALL try to deregister
> me every month I haven't been active? Huh, can you believe that this
> hasn't been happening in direct violation of the rules, even when my
> resale was already 0? Can you believe the former Registrar outright
> resigned instead in order to shirk eir duty? Can you believe, even
> though literally ANYONE here could deregister me with mere notice at
> this point, no one actually has? Here I was hoping to come back with the
> obligatory "am I a player" CFJ, only to find out that I'm still a
> player! It's ridiculous, and it's not even funny.
> Honestly, this makes me mad. Doubly mad because if I were to deregister
> by announcement, I'd have to wait around a full month before I could
> come back. So let's do it this way - it gets the point across and lets
> me skip the timer (at least as long as the current Registrar actually
> bothers to do their job and not flagrantly violate the rules for once)
> Are we clear? Actually, no we're not. In fact, it turns out that I was
> deregistered two weeks ago, but the Registrar hasn't published a report
> since then. It turns out the current Registrar is also shirking eir
> duty, as the report due in the previous week has not materialised. This
> (even more flagrant) rules violation created the confusion that led to
> this being necessary in the first place, and I am not instilled with
> hope for the future of the Registrar's office.
> You're all extra lucky I didn't throw in a couple of paragraphs from the
> Automatic Complaint Letter Generator, this situation feels so absurd
> that you all probably deserve it. >:(

I also issue a Writ of Fugiendae Agorae Grandissima Exprobatione commanding
Telnaior to be deregistered.

OFF: [Arbitor] Court Gazette

2019-01-20 Thread D. Margaux
COURT GAZETTE (Arbitor's weekly report)

Date of last report: 07 Jan 2019
Date of this report: 20 Jan 2019

Disclaimer:  Informational only. No actions are contained in this report.
   Information in this report is not self-ratifying.

Open cases (CFJs)

3695 called 15 January 2019 by twg, assigned 16 January 2019 to G.:
"Tenhigitsune has fulfilled eir obligation, detailed in the rule
entitled 'Space Battles', to 'once communicate to the resolver the
amount of Energy [e wishes] to spend" in Space Battle 0001."

3696 called 15 January 2019 by twg, assigned 16 January 2019 to G.:
"D. Margaux has fulfilled eir obligation, detailed in the rule
entitled 'Space Battles', to 'once communicate to the resolver the
amount of Energy [e wishes] to spend" in Space Battle 0001."

Highest numbered case: 3696

Context/arguments/evidence are included at the bottom of this report.

Recently-delivered verdicts and implications

3692 called 8 January 2019 by ATMunn, assigned 9 January 2019 to
Trigon, judged IRRELEVANT 19 January 2019 by Trigon: "In the message
quoted below, twg successfully earned 5 coins for publishing the
Treasuror's most recent report."

3693 called 10 January 2019 by G., withdrawn 11 January 2019 by G.:
"The zombie auction for January 2019 has been terminated."

3694 called 11 January 2019 by twg, assigned 20 January 2019 to D.
Margaux, judged FALSE 20 January 2019 by D. Margaux: "It is generally
IMPOSSIBLE for a zombie to be transferred to the winner of a lot in a
zombie auction."

Day Court Judge Recent
D. Margaux 3685, 3686, 3690*, 3691*, 3694
 [11/2 11/2 12/25 12/25 01/20]

G. 3679, 3680, 3688, 3691, 3695, 3696
 [11/2 11/2 11/11 12/2 01/16 01/16]

Murphy 3682, 3678, 3687, 3689
 [11/1 11/4 11/10 11/14]

Trigon 3683, 3684
 [11/1 11/1]

Weekend Court Judge Recent (generally gets half as many cases)
ATMunn 3690

* Indicates that the CFJ was reassigned to this judge.

(These are informal designations. Requests to join/leave a given court
will be noted. Individual requests to be assigned a specific case will
generally be honored, even for non-court judges.)


* CFJ 3692

*** 3692 Caller's message from ATMunn:

because why not, I CFJ on the following:

In the message quoted below, twg successfully earned 5 coins for
publishing the Treasuror's most recent report.

> On 1/8/2019 11:38 AM, Timon Walshe-Grey wrote:
> Defining some shorthand:
> To "quang" an office is to earn 5 coins for publishing that office's most 
> recent report.
> To "quang" a player is to act on the player's behalf to transfer all eir 
> liquid assets to oneself.
> I quang Treasuror. I quang Referee. I quang Tailor. I quang Tenhigitsune.
> -twg

*** 3692 Judgement by Trigon:


This case concerns a message sent by twg on the eighth of January. In
this message, twg defined two definitions to the word "quang" as an
unofficial term undefined by the rules. While it is true that shorthand
is tolerated in Agora and is somewhat of an integral part of our
culture, what with constantly using "TTttPF" to correct our mistakes, it
is also true that such terminology only gains its meaning from the
acceptance of the Agoran community at large and not from the rules
themselves. Because of this, I judge this case IRRELEVANT.

* CFJ 3693

*** 3693 Caller's message and arguements:

I terminate this auction, as per R2552.

I CFJ:  The zombie auction for January 2019 has been terminated.


Flipping the zombie master switch is Secured-2, as per the first sentence
of R2532.  "Transferring" a zombie as the result of an auction is defined in
Rule 1885 (also power-2) as a flip of the master switch, however there's
nothing there that  explicitly says that the Auctioneer CAN make the
transfer/flip (i.e. there's nothing that says that Agora CAN flip the switch
as the result of the auction).  If the auctioneer CANNOT, then my
announcement above terminated the auction as per R2552.

On 1/10/2019 10:51 AM, D. Margaux wrote:
> I initiate a zombie auction, with the following lots (each zombie a
> separate lot) ordered as follows (highest-bid first):
> 1. L
> 2. nichdel
> 3. Telnaior
> Agora is the Auctioneer, and the Registrar is the Announcer.  The
> currency is Coins with a minimum bid of 1.

*** 3693 Gratuitous counterarguements from D. Margaux:

> On Jan 10, 2019, at 1:17 PM, Kerim Aydin  wrote:
> I t

OFF: [Registrar] Agoran Directory

2019-01-14 Thread D. Margaux
I publish the following report:

   The Agoran Directory

Date of last report: 10 Jan 2019
Date of this report: 14 Jan 2019
(all times UTC)

Recent Events (recent events section not ratifying)

07-Dec-18 17:34  D. Margaux flips Telnaior's master switch to Agora.
07-Dec-18 17:34  D. Margaux flips nichdel's master switch to Agora.
07-Dec-18 20:02  G. flips L's master switch to Agora.
26-Dec-18 13:46  G. changed eir email address to kerim at

(time of last report)

11-Jan-19 18:59  twg flips Hālian's master switch to Agora.
11-Jan-19 18:59  twg flips PSS's[1] master switch to Agora.

Players (21) (by Rule 869, Persons with 'Registered' Citizenship, z=zombie,
*=no public messages in 30+ days)

 Player Contact Registered
 -- --- --
 omdcomexk at [3] 03 Feb 11
 Aris   thoughtsoflifeandlight17 at   13 Sep 16
 Gaelan gbs at  15 May 17
 G. kerim at 25 Aug 17
 Cuddle Beamcuddlebeam at 25 Aug 17
 Trigon reuben.staley at  24 Sep 17
*Corona liliumalbum.agora at  17 Nov 17
 Murphy emurphy42 at   17 Dec 17
 V.J. Rada  edwardostrange at[5]  29 Dec 17
 ATMunn iamingodsarmy at  11 Mar 18
 twgme at 24 May 18
 D. Margaux dmargaux000 at[4] 25 Aug 18
*Tarhalindurahzin23 at   31 Oct 18
*Jacob Arduino  jacobarduino at   12 Nov 18
z  pokespokes at   11 Dec 17
z  天火狐   draconicdarkness at   06 Nov 16
z  Telnaior jdga at Oct 17
z  nichdel  nichdel at gmail.com29 Jun 17
z  Lprmcd16 at yahoo.com20 Sep 18
z  Hālian   halian at   20 Oct 18
z  PSS [1]  pscriboniusscholasticus at[2] 16 Apr 17

[1] In full, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
[2] officially, but technically equivalent p.scribonius.scholasticus at
[3] officially, but technically equivalent c.ome.xk at
[4] also known as D Margaux
[5] aka VJ Rada

Zombie Master and Resale switches (self-ratifying)

Zombie  Master Resale   Last Owned by Agora   Due to Flip to Agora
--  -- --   ---   
L   Agora  207-Dec-18 20:02
nichdel Agora  207-Dec-18 17:34
Hālian  Agora  211-Jan-19 18:59
PSS[1]  Agora  211-Jan-19 18:59
TelnaiorAgora  007-Dec-18 17:34
pokes   G. 005-Nov-18 15:12   03-Feb-2019 15:12
天火狐  twg005-Nov-18 20:55   03-Feb-2019 20:55

Fora (Rule 478, self-ratifying)

Type LocationTypical use
Public   agora-official at agoranomic.orgofficial reports
Public   agora-business at agoranomic.orgother business
Discussion   agora-discussion at  discussion
Discussion   irc://
<> discussion
Public   agora at  backup

Subscribe or unsubscribe from main lists:

Subscribe or unsubscribe from backup list:

The IRC channel does not require subscription; set your IRC client to
server, port 6667, channel ##nomic, and whatever
nickname you like.

Writs of FAGE (Rule 1789)
Kelly 17 Sep 95
Andre 13 Feb 99
BobTHJ16 Jan 08
P1 5 Nov 08
P2 5 Nov 08
P3 6 Nov 08
G.29 Jun 17

Watchers (4)

The list of Watchers is not governed by the rules, but is
traditionally maintained in the Registrar's Report.  If you'd like to
be listed as a Watcher or removed from the list, feel free to email
the fora or the Registrar directly.

Watchers confirmed as of May 2017:

Nickname  Contact
Ørjan oerjan at

Watchers confirmed as of May 2013:


OFF: Deputy-[Registrar] Agoran Directory

2019-01-10 Thread D. Margaux
I deputise for Registrar to publish the following report:

   The Agoran Directory

Date of last report: 15 Dec 2018
Date of this report: 10 Jan 2019
(all times UTC)

Recent Events (recent events section not ratifying)

07-Dec-18 17:34  D. Margaux flips Telnaior's master switch to Agora.
07-Dec-18 17:34  D. Margaux flips nichdel's master switch to Agora.
07-Dec-18 20:02  G. flips L's master switch to Agora.

(time of last report)

26-Dec-18 13:46 G. changed eir email address to kerim at

Players (21) (by Rule 869, Persons with 'Registered' Citizenship, z=zombie)

 Player   Contact Registered
 --   --- --
 omd  comexk at [3] 03 Feb 11
 Aris thoughtsoflifeandlight17 at   13 Sep 16
 P. Scholasticus [1]  pscriboniusscholasticus at[2] 16 Apr 17
 Gaelan   gbs at  15 May 17
 G.   kerim at   25 Aug 17
 Cuddle Beam  cuddlebeam at 25 Aug 17
 Trigon   reuben.staley at  24 Sep 17
 Corona   liliumalbum.agora at  17 Nov 17
 Murphy   emurphy42 at   17 Dec 17
 V.J. Radaedwardostrange at[5]  29 Dec 17
 ATMunn   iamingodsarmy at  11 Mar 18
 twg  me at 24 May 18
 D. Margaux   dmargaux000 at[4] 25 Aug 18
 Hālian   halian at   20 Oct 18
 Tarhalindur  ahzin23 at   31 Oct 18
 Jacob Arduinojacobarduino at   12 Nov 18
z  pokespokes at   11 Dec 17
z  天火狐 draconicdarkness at   06 Nov 16
z  Telnaior jdga at Oct 17
z  nichdel  nichdel at gmail.com29 Jun 17
z  Lprmcd16 at yahoo.com20 Sep 18

[1] In full, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
[2] officially, but technically equivalent p.scribonius.scholasticus at
[3] officially, but technically equivalent c.ome.xk at
[4] also known as D Margaux
[5] aka VJ Rada

Zombie Master and Resale switches (self-ratifying)

Zombie  Master   Resale   Agora was last eir Master on
L   Agora207-Dec-18 20:02:34
nichdel Agora207-Dec-18 17:34:10
TelnaiorAgora007-Dec-18 17:34:10
pokes   G.   005-Nov-18 15:12:39
天火狐twg  005-Nov-18 20:55:38

Fora (Rule 478, self-ratifying)

Type Location  Typical use
Public   agora-official at  official reports
Public   agora-business at  other business
Discussion   agora-discussion at agoranomic.orgdiscussion
Discussion   irc://
<>   discussion
Public   agora at listserver.tue.nlbackup

Subscribe or unsubscribe from main lists:

Subscribe or unsubscribe from backup list:

The IRC channel does not require subscription; set your IRC client to
server, port 6667, channel ##nomic, and whatever
nickname you like.

Writs of FAGE (Rule 1789)
Kelly 17 Sep 95
Andre 13 Feb 99
BobTHJ16 Jan 08
P1 5 Nov 08
P2 5 Nov 08
P3 6 Nov 08
G.29 Jun 17

Watchers (4)

The list of Watchers is not governed by the rules, but is
traditionally maintained in the Registrar's Report.  If you'd like to
be listed as a Watcher or removed from the list, feel free to email
the fora or the Registrar directly.

Watchers confirmed as of May 2017:

Nickname  Contact
Ørjan oerjan at

Watchers confirmed as of May 2013:

Nickname  Contact
Dave  davidnicol at
Phlogistique  noe.rubinstein at
Steve zardoz37 at

OFF: [Arbitor] Court Gazette

2019-01-06 Thread D. Margaux
COURT GAZETTE (Arbitor's weekly report)

Date of last report: 01 Jan 2019
Date of this report: 07 Jan 2019

Disclaimer:  Informational only. No actions are contained in this report.
   Information in this report is not self-ratifying.

Open cases (CFJs)

[No open CFJs]

Highest numbered case: 3691

Context/arguments/evidence are included at the bottom of this report.

Recently-delivered verdicts and implications

[No CFJs decided since last report]

Day Court Judge Recent
D. Margaux 3685, 3686, 3690*, 3691*
 [11/2 11/2 12/25 12/25]

G. 3679, 3680, 3688, 3691
 [11/2 11/2 11/11 12/2]

Murphy 3682, 3678, 3687, 3689
 [11/1 11/4 11/10 11/14]

Trigon 3683, 3684
 [11/1 11/1]

Weekend Court Judge Recent (generally gets half as many cases)
ATMunn 3690

* Indicates that the CFJ was reassigned to this judge. 

(These are informal designations. Requests to join/leave a given court will be 
noted. Individual requests to be assigned a specific case will generally be 
honored, even for non-court judges.)



OFF: [Arbitor] Court Gazette

2018-12-23 Thread D. Margaux
COURT GAZETTE (Arbitor's weekly report)

Date of this report: 24 Dec 2018
Date of last report: 17 Dec 2018

Disclaimer:  Informational only. No actions are contained in this report.
Information in this report is not self-ratifying.
May contain inadvertent errors due to newbie arbitor
learning the ropes.

Open cases (CFJs)

3690 called by twg 30 November 2018, assigned to ATMunn 2 December
2018, reassigned to ATMunn 15 December 2018: "G. possesses at least
one blot."

3691 called by Jacob Arduino 2 December 2018, judged DISMISS by G. 3
December 2018, self-filed motion to reconsider by G. 3 December 2018,
reassigned to G. 15 December 2018: "'the last person to vote FOR a
proposal' is the last person to submit a ballot regarding that
proposal which evaluates to FOR."

Highest numbered case: 3691

Context/arguments/evidence are included at the bottom of this report.

Recently-delivered verdicts and implications

[None since date of last report]

Day Court Judge Recent
D. Margaux 3685, 3686
  [11/2 11/2]

G. 3679, 3680, 3688, 3691
  [11/2 11/2 11/11 12/2]

Murphy 3682, 3678, 3687, 3689
  [11/1 11/4 11/10 11/14]

Trigon 3683, 3684
  [11/1 11/1]

Weekend Court Judge Recent (generally gets half as many cases)
ATMunn 3690

(These are informal designations. Requests to join/leave a given court
will be noted. Individual requests to be assigned a specific case will
generally be honored, even for non-court judges.)


* CFJ 3690 *

*** 3690 context:

--- Forwarded message -
> From: Timon Walshe-Grey
> Date: Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 7:19 PM
> Subject: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: [minority] Report
> To:
> With which in mind:
> I Impose the Cold Hand of Justice by levying a fine of 1 blot on G. for
> Tardiness in failing to publish a Herald monthly report in the month of
> November 2018. This has been reduced from the base value of 2 blots because e
> was aware and apologetic for eir mistake, it didn't have any significant game
> effect, and we got an interesting CFJ out of it.
> This violation is forgivable. G. CAN, in a timely fashion, expunge 1 blot
> from emself by publishing a formal apology of at least 200 words containing
> the words "indolence", "sin-ridden", "underhanded", "delinquent" and
> "buffalo", explaining eir error, shame, remorse, and ardent desire for
> self-improvement.
> CFJ: "G. possesses at least one blot."
> If the above Imposition of the Cold Hand of Justice failed, then by
> definition this Finger Pointing must be Shenanigans, so I announce that fact.
> -twg
> --- Original Message ---
> On Friday, November 30, 2018 11:26 PM, Timon Walshe-Grey 
> wrote:
>> I... can't see any specific reason why it wouldn't work, unless this is one
>> of those black-magic emergent properties of the rules that come up
>> occasionally. R2531 blocks punishment for a crime more than 14 days before
>> the Pointed Finger, but it doesn't explicitly say anything about crimes
>> after the Pointed Finger (although there is an implicit time limit because

OFF: [Arbitor] Court Gazette

2018-12-16 Thread D. Margaux
COURT GAZETTE (Arbitor's weekly report)

Date of this report: 17 Dec 2018
Date of last report: 10 Dec 2018

Disclaimer:  Informational only. No actions are contained in this report.
 Information in this report is not self-ratifying.
 May contain inadvertent errors due to newbie arbitor
 learning the ropes.

Open cases (CFJs)

3690 called by twg 30 November 2018, assigned to ATMunn 2 December
2018, reassigned to ATMunn 15 December 2018: "G. possesses at least
one blot."

3691 called by Jacob Arduino 2 December 2018, judged DISMISS by G. 3
December 2018, self-filed motion to reconsider by G. 3 December 2018,
reassigned to G. 15 December 2018: "'the last person to vote FOR a
proposal' is the last person to submit a ballot regarding that
proposal which evaluates to FOR."

Highest numbered case: 3691

Context/arguments/evidence are included at the bottom of this report.

Recently-delivered verdicts and implications

[None since date of last report]

Day Court Judge Recent
D. Margaux 3685, 3686
   [11/2 11/2]

G. 3679, 3680, 3688, 3691
   [11/2 11/2 11/11 12/2]

Murphy 3682, 3678, 3687, 3689
   [11/1 11/4 11/10 11/14]

Trigon 3683, 3684
   [11/1 11/1]

Weekend Court Judge Recent (generally gets half as many cases)
ATMunn 3690

(These are informal designations. Requests to join/leave a given court
will be noted. Individual requests to be assigned a specific case will
generally be honored, even for non-court judges.)


* CFJ 3690 *

*** 3690 context:

--- Forwarded message -
> From: Timon Walshe-Grey
> Date: Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 7:19 PM
> Subject: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: [minority] Report
> To:
> With which in mind:
> I Impose the Cold Hand of Justice by levying a fine of 1 blot on G. for
> Tardiness in failing to publish a Herald monthly report in the month of
> November 2018. This has been reduced from the base value of 2 blots because e
> was aware and apologetic for eir mistake, it didn't have any significant game
> effect, and we got an interesting CFJ out of it.
> This violation is forgivable. G. CAN, in a timely fashion, expunge 1 blot
> from emself by publishing a formal apology of at least 200 words containing
> the words "indolence", "sin-ridden", "underhanded", "delinquent" and
> "buffalo", explaining eir error, shame, remorse, and ardent desire for
> self-improvement.
> CFJ: "G. possesses at least one blot."
> If the above Imposition of the Cold Hand of Justice failed, then by
> definition this Finger Pointing must be Shenanigans, so I announce that fact.
> -twg
> --- Original Message ---
> On Friday, November 30, 2018 11:26 PM, Timon Walshe-Grey 
> wrote:
> > I... can't see any specific reason why it wouldn't work, unless this is one
> > of those black-magic emergent properties of the rules that come up
> > occasionally. R2531 blocks punishment for a crime more than 14 days before
> > the Pointed Finger, but it doesn't explicitly say anything about crimes
> > after the Pointed Finger (although there is an implicit time limit because
> > the Referee has to resolve the Finger in a timely fashion, and if the
> > violation hasn't occurred by then then it would have to be Shenanigans).
> >
> > So I believe I have two legal options:
> >
> > -   declare this Finger Pointing Shenanigans now, or
> > -   wait until December (35 minutes) and then levy a fine on you.
> >
> > -twg
> >
> > --- Original Message ---
> > On Friday, November 30, 2018 11:18 PM, Kerim Aydin
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> > > I point my finger at G., for failure to publish the Herald's Monthly
> > > Report in November.
> > > Disclaimer: Referee, please note the time/date of the finger point. This
> > > is not an attempt to avoid consequences, nor mislead anyone on the
> > > effectiveness of the above action. I spaced out on getting the report
> > > done, and forgot until now that I need to go back and look at that batch
> > > of winning earlier, and won't be able to do it in time, so deserve

OFF: [Arbitor] Court Gazette

2018-12-09 Thread D. Margaux
COURT GAZETTE (Arbitor's weekly report)

Date of this report: 10 Dec 2018
Date of last report: 03 Dec 2018

Disclaimer:  Informational only. No actions are contained in this report.
 Information in this report is not self-ratifying.
 May contain inadvertent errors due to newbie arbitor
 learning the ropes.
Open cases (CFJs)

3690 called by twg 30 November 2018, assigned to ATMunn 2 December
2018: "G. possesses at least one blot."

3691 called by Jacob Arduino 2 December 2018, judged DISMISS by G. 3
December 2018, self-filed motion to reconsider by G. 3 December 2018:
"'the last person to vote FOR a proposal' is the last person to submit
a ballot regarding that proposal which evaluates to FOR."

Highest numbered case: 3691

Context/arguments/evidence are included at the bottom of this report.

Recently-delivered verdicts and implications

[None since date of last report]

Day Court Judge Recent
D. Margaux 3685, 3686
   [11/2 11/2]

G. 3679, 3680, 3688, 3691
   [11/2 11/2 11/11 12/2]

Murphy 3682, 3678, 3687, 3689
   [11/1 11/4 11/10 11/14]

Trigon 3683, 3684
   [11/1 11/1]

Weekend Court Judge Recent (generally gets half as many cases)
ATMunn 3690

(These are informal designations. Requests to join/leave a given court
will be noted. Individual requests to be assigned a specific case will
generally be honored, even for non-court judges.)


* CFJ 3690 *

*** 3690 context:

--- Forwarded message -
> From: Timon Walshe-Grey
> Date: Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 7:19 PM
> Subject: Re: DIS: Re: BUS: [minority] Report
> To:
> With which in mind:
> I Impose the Cold Hand of Justice by levying a fine of 1 blot on G. for
> Tardiness in failing to publish a Herald monthly report in the month of
> November 2018. This has been reduced from the base value of 2 blots because e
> was aware and apologetic for eir mistake, it didn't have any significant game
> effect, and we got an interesting CFJ out of it.
> This violation is forgivable. G. CAN, in a timely fashion, expunge 1 blot
> from emself by publishing a formal apology of at least 200 words containing
> the words "indolence", "sin-ridden", "underhanded", "delinquent" and
> "buffalo", explaining eir error, shame, remorse, and ardent desire for
> self-improvement.
> CFJ: "G. possesses at least one blot."
> If the above Imposition of the Cold Hand of Justice failed, then by
> definition this Finger Pointing must be Shenanigans, so I announce that fact.
> -twg
> --- Original Message ---
> On Friday, November 30, 2018 11:26 PM, Timon Walshe-Grey 
> wrote:
> > I... can't see any specific reason why it wouldn't work, unless this is one
> > of those black-magic emergent properties of the rules that come up
> > occasionally. R2531 blocks punishment for a crime more than 14 days before
> > the Pointed Finger, but it doesn't explicitly say anything about crimes
> > after the Pointed Finger (although there is an implicit time limit because
> > the Referee has to resolve the Finger in a timely fashion, and if the
> > violation hasn't occurred by then then it would have to be Shenanigans).
> >
> > So I believe I have two legal options:
> >
> > -   declare this Finger Pointing Shenanigans now, or
> > -   wait until December (35 minutes) and then levy a fine on you.
> >
> > -twg
> >
> > --- Original Message ---
> > On Friday, November 30, 2018 11:18 PM, Kerim Aydin
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> > > I point my finger at G., for failure to publish the Herald's Monthly
> > > Report in November.
> > > Disclaimer: Referee, please note the time/date of the finger point. This
> > > is not an attempt to avoid consequences, nor mislead anyone on the
> > > effectiveness of the above action. I spaced out on getting the report
> > > done, and forgot until now that I need to go back and look at that batch
> > > of winning earlier, and won't be able to do it in time, so deserve
> > > appropriate consequences for that.
> > > At the same ti

OFF: [Arbitor] Court Gazette

2018-12-03 Thread D. Margaux
COURT GAZETTE (Arbitor's weekly report)

Date of this report: 03 Dec 2018
Date of last report: 16 Nov 2018

Disclaimer:  Informational only. No actions are contained in this report.
 Information in this report is not self-ratifying.
 May contain inadvertent errors due to newbie arbitor
 learning the ropes.

Open cases (CFJs)

3690 called by twg 30 November 2018, assigned to ATMunn 2 December
2018: "G. possesses at least one blot."

3691 called by Jacob Arduino 2 December 2018, assigned to G. 2
December 2018: "'the last person to vote FOR a proposal' is the last
person to submit a ballot regarding that proposal which evaluates to

Highest numbered case: 3691

Context/arguments/evidence are included at the bottom of this report.

Recently-delivered verdicts and implications

3674 called by twg 15 October 2018, judged DISMISS by Aris 18 November
2018: "In the quoted message, G. objected to at least one intent to
perform a dependent action."

3687 called by Gaelan 5 November 2018, judged FALSE by Murphy 11
November 2018: "There are two Shoguns."

3688 called by D. Margaux 11 November 2018, judged FALSE by G. 16
November 2018: "D. Margaux’s attempt to assign a judgement to CFJ 3672

3689 called by D. Margaux 12 November 2018, judged TRUE by Murphy 18
November 2018: "D. Margaux’s attempt on 11 November 2018 to delete
language from the Living Zombie contract was EFFECTIVE."

Day Court Judge Recent
D. Margaux 3685, 3686
   [11/2 11/2]

G. 3679, 3680, 3688, 3691
   [11/2 11/2 11/11 12/2]

Murphy 3682, 3678, 3687, 3689
   [11/1 11/4 11/10 11/14]

Trigon 3683, 3684
   [11/1 11/1]

Weekend Court Judge Recent (generally gets half as many cases)
ATMunn 3690

(These are informal designations. Requests to join/leave a given court
will be noted. Individual requests to be assigned a specific case will
generally be honored, even for non-court judges.)


*** 3674 context:

-- Forwarded message -
From: Timon Walshe-Grey 
Date: Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8105-8110

CFJ, barring G.: "In the quoted message, G. objected to at least one
intent to perform a dependent action."

Caller's arguments: According to the judgement issued by Maud in CFJ
1460, an action is only effective if "unreasonably excessive effort"
is not required to determine what the action is. To determine exactly
what actions G. took here, one would need to carefully read each of
the messages sent to the public fora in the last 14 days, forming a
list of the intents to perform dependent actions in those messages
(including any and all inconspicuous or obfuscated such intents), and
evaluate which of those meet the criteria listed in G.'s message. I
believe this is "unreasonably excessive".


--- Original Message ---
On Monday, October 15, 2018 11:43 PM, Kerim Aydin

>>> On Mon, 15 Oct 2018, Timon Walshe-Grey wrote:
>> I vote AGAINST proposals 8105 and 8107.
>> I vote FOR proposals 8106, 8108, 8109 and 8110.
> hmmm on 8107 vote there.
> I object to all intents to perform actions without N objections
> (for all values of N) that have been announced by people other
> than myself in the last 14 days.
> (I don't think this catches anything legit, but if so lmk and
> I'll remove my objection).

*** 3687 caller's arguements from Gaelan:

CFJ: “There are two Shoguns.”

Twg is a shogun per 2510/3 ("The player with the highest karma (if
any) is the Shogun.”)
Michael has the patent title of Shogun.

2510 says “the Shogun,” which implies there is only one. Does that
make Michael lose the patent title?


***3687 judgement from Murphy:

Patent Titles are generally records of something that occurred in the
past, not something that is currently ongoing. We previously had
Ephemeral Patent Titles that did correspond to ongoing things and were
revoked afterward, and if the rules (a) currently defined those, (b)
defined Shogun as being one, and (c) took precedence over the Karma
rule, then that would be different.


***3674 judgment from Aris:

So I did. I DISSMISS CFJ 3674.

On Sun, Nov 18, 2018 at 5:59 PM Ørjan Johansen  wrote:

> My copy of the Ruleset contains no such judgement as DISCHARGE.  You
> probably meant DISMISS?  (Given that you still resolved the actual issue,

OFF: [Arbitor] Court Gazette (Revised)

2018-11-19 Thread D. Margaux
COURT GAZETTE (Arbitor's weekly report)

(Revised version of Report dated 16 November 2018)

Disclaimer:  Informational only. No actions are contained in this report.
Information in this report is not self-ratifying.
May contain inadvertent errors due to newbie arbitor
learning the ropes.

Open cases (CFJs)

3674 called by twg 15 October 2018, assigned to Aris 20 October 2018,
re-assigned to Aris 11 November 2018: "In the quoted message, G.
objected to at least one intent to perform a dependent action."

3687 called by Gaelan 5 November 2018, assigned to Murphy 10 November
2018: "There are two Shoguns."

3688 called by D. Margaux 11 November 2018, assigned to G. 11 November
2018: "D. Margaux’s attempt to assign a judgement to CFJ 3672 was

3689 called by D. Margaux 12 November 2018, assigned to Murphy 14
November 2018: "D. Margaux’s attempt on 11 November 2018 to delete
language from the Living Zombie contract was EFFECTIVE."

Highest numbered case: 3689

Context/arguments/evidence are included at the bottom of this report.

Recently-delivered verdicts and implications

3682 (formerly CFJ 3678), called by twg 31 October 2018, judged TRUE
by Murphy 11 November 2018:  "Gaelan transferred a coin to me today."

Day Court Judge     Recent
D. Margaux  3675, 3668, 3669, 3652, 3672, 3685, 3686
   [10/02 10/20 10/20 10/27 10/29 11/2 11/2]

G.  3667, 3679, 3680, 3681, 3688
   [10/20 11/2 11/2 10/29 11/11]

Murphy  3652, 3676, 3682, 3678, 3687, 3689
   [10/20 10/21 11/1 11/4 11/10 11/14]

Trigon  3670,  3671, 3673, 3683, 3684
   [10/20 10/20 10/20 11/1 11/1]

Weekend Court Judge Recent (generally gets half as many cases)
ATMunn  3665,  3666
   [10/20 10/20]

(These are informal designations. Requests to join/leave a given court
will be noted. Individual requests to be assigned a specific case will
generally be honored, even for non-court judges.)


*** 3674 context:

-- Forwarded message -
From: Timon Walshe-Grey 
Date: Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8105-8110

CFJ, barring G.: "In the quoted message, G. objected to at least one
intent to perform a dependent action."

Caller's arguments: According to the judgement issued by Maud in CFJ
1460, an action is only effective if "unreasonably excessive effort"
is not required to determine what the action is. To determine exactly
what actions G. took here, one would need to carefully read each of
the messages sent to the public fora in the last 14 days, forming a
list of the intents to perform dependent actions in those messages
(including any and all inconspicuous or obfuscated such intents), and
evaluate which of those meet the criteria listed in G.'s message. I
believe this is "unreasonably excessive".


--- Original Message ---
On Monday, October 15, 2018 11:43 PM, Kerim Aydin

>>> On Mon, 15 Oct 2018, Timon Walshe-Grey wrote:
>> I vote AGAINST proposals 8105 and 8107.
>> I vote FOR proposals 8106, 8108, 8109 and 8110.
> hmmm on 8107 vote there.
> I object to all intents to perform actions without N objections
> (for all values of N) that have been announced by people other
> than myself in the last 14 days.
> (I don't think this catches anything legit, but if so lmk and
> I'll remove my objection).

*** 3682 (formerly CFJ 3678) context:

On Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 9:32 AM Timon Walshe-Grey  wrote:
> Hmm, interesting grey area.
> I consent to be bound by this contract. I act on Gaelan's behalf to transfer 
> one coin to myself.
> I CFJ: "Gaelan transferred a coin to me today."
> -twg
> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
> On Wednesday, October 31, 2018 4:28 PM, Gaelan Steele  
> wrote:
> > I consent to be bound by the contract below with any 1 or more other 
> > players who at any time similarly express their consent to be bound by the 
> > contract. [Thanks to D. Margaux for the wording]
> >
> > {
> >
> > Any party to this contract may act on Gaelan’s behalf to transfer one coin 
> > to emselves. Once this is done once, this contract becomes void.
> >
> > }
> >
> > The choice of forum is intentional.
> >
> > Gaelan

*** 3682 (formerly CFJ 3678) judge Murphy's judgement:

> On Sun, Nov 11

OFF: [Arbitor] Court Gazette

2018-11-16 Thread D. Margaux
COURT GAZETTE (Arbitor's weekly report)

Disclaimer:  Informational only. No actions are contained in this report.
 Information in this report is not self-ratifying.
 May contain inadvertent errors due to newbie arbitor
 learning the ropes.

Open cases (CFJs)

3674 called by twg 15 October 2018, assigned to Aris 20 October 2018,
re-assigned to Aris 11 November 2018: "In the quoted message, G.
objected to at least one intent to perform a dependent action."

3687 called by Gaelan 5 November 2018, assigned to Murphy 10 November
2018: "There are two Shoguns."

3688 called by D. Margaux 11 November 2018, assigned to G. 11 November
2018: "D. Margaux’s attempt to assign a judgement to CFJ 3672 was

3689 called by D. Margaux 12 November 2018, assigned to Murphy 14
November 2018: "D. Margaux’s attempt on 11 November 2018 to delete
language from the Living Zombie contract was EFFECTIVE."

Highest numbered case: 3689

Context/arguments/evidence are included at the bottom of this report.

Recently-delivered verdicts and implications

3682 (formerly CFJ 3678), called by twg 31 October 2018, judged FALSE
by Murphy 4 November 2018:  "Gaelan transferred a coin to me today."

Day Court Judge     Recent
D. Margaux  3675, 3668, 3669, 3652, 3672, 3685, 3686
[10/02 10/20 10/20 10/27 10/29 11/2 11/2]

G.  3667, 3679, 3680, 3681, 3688
[10/20 11/2 11/2 10/29 11/11]

Murphy  3652, 3676, 3682, 3678, 3687, 3689
[10/20 10/21 11/1 11/4 11/10 11/14]

Trigon  3670,  3671, 3673, 3683, 3684
[10/20 10/20 10/20 11/1 11/1]

Weekend Court Judge Recent (generally gets half as many cases)
ATMunn  3665,  3666
[10/20 10/20]

(These are informal designations. Requests to join/leave a given court
will be noted. Individual requests to be assigned a specific case will
generally be honored, even for non-court judges.)


*** 3674 context:

-- Forwarded message -
From: Timon Walshe-Grey 
Date: Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8105-8110

CFJ, barring G.: "In the quoted message, G. objected to at least one
intent to perform a dependent action."

Caller's arguments: According to the judgement issued by Maud in CFJ
1460, an action is only effective if "unreasonably excessive effort"
is not required to determine what the action is. To determine exactly
what actions G. took here, one would need to carefully read each of
the messages sent to the public fora in the last 14 days, forming a
list of the intents to perform dependent actions in those messages
(including any and all inconspicuous or obfuscated such intents), and
evaluate which of those meet the criteria listed in G.'s message. I
believe this is "unreasonably excessive".


--- Original Message ---
On Monday, October 15, 2018 11:43 PM, Kerim Aydin

> On Mon, 15 Oct 2018, Timon Walshe-Grey wrote:
> > I vote AGAINST proposals 8105 and 8107.
> > I vote FOR proposals 8106, 8108, 8109 and 8110.
> hmmm on 8107 vote there.
> I object to all intents to perform actions without N objections
> (for all values of N) that have been announced by people other
> than myself in the last 14 days.
> (I don't think this catches anything legit, but if so lmk and
> I'll remove my objection).

*** 3682 (formerly CFJ 3678) judge Murphy's judgement:

D. Margaux wrote:

> Fair enough. This is CFJ 3678. I assign it to Murphy.

>>> On Sat, Oct 27, 2018 at 8:22 PM Gaelan Steele  wrote:
>>>> I CFJ “By sending a message at 3:35 PM Pacific on October 27, G.
>>> performed
>>>> one or more regulated actions.”

>>>>> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
>>>>> On Saturday, October 27, 2018 10:32 PM, Kerim Aydin <
>>>>> wrote:

Interpreting the somewhat informal date/time spec as "on or about
3:35 PM Pacific Daylight Time (-0700) on October 27, 2018"
(presumably caller's intent, and if not then e can submit another):

The only public message from G. that meets this spec is the one
quoted by the caller (archive link in evidence). To the best of my
knowledge, it was genuinely an empty message (unregulated), and
neither that message nor any non-public message e may have sent
around the same time triggered any non-obvious recordkeeping duties or

OFF: Court Gazette

2018-11-10 Thread D. Margaux
COURT GAZETTE (Arbitor's weekly report)

Disclaimer:  Informational only. No actions are contained in this report.
 Information in this report is not self-ratifying.
 May contain inadvertent errors due to newbie arbitor
 learning the ropes.

Open cases (CFJs)

3674 called 15 October 2018, assigned to Aris 20 October 2018: "In the
quoted message, G. objected to at least one intent to perform a
dependent action."

3682 (formerly CFJ 3678), called by twg 31 October 2018, assigned to
Murphy 1 November 2018:  "Gaelan transferred a coin to me today."

Highest numbered case: 3686

Context/arguments/evidence are included at the bottom of this report.

Recently-delivered verdicts and implications

3652 called by G. 20 July 2018, judged IRRELEVANT by D. Margaux 27
October 2018: "If a person pays the (nonzero) upkeep cost for eir Rank
1 facility and then upgrades it to Rank 2 in the same month, e must
pay the full Rank 2 upkeep cost to prevent its end-of-the-month

3670 called 12 October 2018 by twg, judged FALSE by Trigon 20 October
2018:  "In the quoted message, G. transferred at least 1 coin from the
Lost and Found Department to emself."

3671 called 15 October 2018 by D. Margaux, judged FALSE by Trigon 29
October 2018: "All pure active players could have won by announcement
on the Effective Date under rule 2580."

3672 called 15 October 2018 by D. Margaux, judged TRUE by D. Margaux
29 October 2018: "Trigon, twg, D. Margaux, G., and L could win the
game by announcement under rule 2580 on the Effective Date after the
expungement of Trigon's blot."

3673 called 15 October 2018 by D. Margaux, judged FALSE by Trigon 29
October 2018: "Trigon, twg, and L won the game on the Effective Date
under rule 2580."

3676 called by G. 20 October 2018, judged FALSE by Murphy 27 October
2018: "D. Margaux won by apathy in the message referred to in

3677 called by D. Margaux 24 October 2018, judged FALSE by twg 1
November 2018: "G. violated Rule 2471 (No Faking) when e published a
message that stated, 'Oh for crying out loud. I object to everything.
To everything, literally. I object.'"

3678 called 27 October 2018, judged FALSE by Murphy 4 November 2018:
"By sending a message at 3:35 PM Pacific on October 27, G. performed
one or more regulated actions."

3679 called 29 October 2018, judged FALSE by G. 2 November 2018: "“If
in the last 48 hours the Speaker has objected to any announced intents
to Demand Resignation, then Agora is not satisfied with those intents
and an attempt to Demand Resignation would be INEFFECTIVE.”

3680 called 29 October 2018, judged FALSE by G. 2 November 2018: "A
player CAN object more than once to a dependent action if e has not
ever withdrawn an objection to that dependent action."

3681 called 29 October 2018, judged DISMISS by G. 29 October 2018: "D.
Margaux’s attempt in this message to assign CFJ 3672 to emself was

3683 (formerly CFJ 3679), called by ATMunn 1 November 2018, judged
FALSE by Trigon 3 November 2018: "VJ Rada violated No Faking in the
below quoted message."

3684 (formerly CFJ 3680), called by twg 1 November 2018, judged FALSE
by Trigon 3 November 2018: "V.J. Rada committed the crime of
Oathbreaking in eir below-quoted message."

3685 (formerly CFJ 3681), called by Aris 2 November 2018, judged TRUE
by D Margaux 10 November 2018: "Performing an action with N support is
a dependent action."

3686 (formerly CFJ 3682), called by Aris 2 November 2018, judged FALSE
by D Margaux 10 November 2018: ""Performing an action on behalf is
always a dependent action".

Day Court Judge Recent
D. Margaux  3675, 3668, 3669, 3652, 3672, 3685, 3686
[10/02 10/20 10/20 10/27 10/29 11/2 11/2]

G.  3667, 3679, 3680, 3681
[10/20 11/2 11/2 10/29]

Murphy  3652, 3676, 3682, 3678
[10/20 10/21 11/1 11/4]

Trigon  3670,  3671, 3673, 3683, 3684
[10/20 10/20 10/20 11/1 11/1]

Weekend Court Judge Recent (generally gets half as many cases)
ATMunn  3665,  3666
[10/20 10/20]

(These are informal designations. Requests to join/leave a given court
will be noted. Individual requests to be assigned a specific case will
generally be honored, even for non-court judges.)


*** 3652 caller G.'s arguments:

Rule 2560 (Facilities) reads in part:
   If an entity other than Agora owns any facilities with upkeep
   costs, e must pay them before the first day of the next Agoran
   month. Failin

OFF: [Arbitor] Court Gazette

2018-10-27 Thread D. Margaux
COURT GAZETTE (Arbitor's weekly report)

Disclaimer: Informational only. No actions are contained in this report.
 Information in this report is not self-ratifying.
 May contain inadvertent errors due to newbie arbitor
learning the ropes.

Open cases (CFJs)

3652 called by G. 20 July 2018, assigned to Murphy 20 October 2018:
"If a person pays the (nonzero) upkeep cost for eir Rank 1 facility
and then upgrades it to Rank 2 in the same month, e must pay the full
Rank 2 upkeep cost to prevent its end-of-the-month destruction."

3670 called 12 October 2018 by twg, assigned to Trigon 20 October
2018:   "In the quoted message, G. transferred at least 1 coin from
the Lost and Found Department to emself."

3671 called 15 October 2018 by D. Margaux, assigned to Trigon 20
October 2018: "All pure active players could have won by announcement
on the Effective Date under rule 2580."

3672 called 15 October 2018 by D. Margaux, assigned to Trigon 20
October 2018: "Trigon, twg, D. Margaux, G., and L could win the game
by announcement under rule 2580 on the Effective Date after the
expungement of Trigon's blot."

3673 called 15 October 2018 by D. Margaux, assigned to Trigon 20
October 2018: "Trigon, twg, and L won the game on the Effective Date
under rule 2580."

3674 called 15 October 2018, assigned to Aris 20 October 2018: "In the
quoted message, G. objected to at least one intent to perform a
dependent action."

3676 called by G. 20 October 2018, assigned to Murphy 21 October 2018:
"D. Margaux won by apathy in the message referred to in evidence."

3677 called by D. Margaux 24 October 2018, assigned to twg 26 October
2018: "G. violated Rule 2471 (No Faking) when e published a message
that stated, 'Oh for crying out loud. I object to everything. To
everything, literally. I object.'"

Highest numbered case: 3677

Context/arguments/evidence are included at the bottom of this report.

Recently-delivered verdicts and implications

3665* called 30 September 2018 by D. Margaux, judged TRUE by ATMunn 26
October 2018: "D. Margaux’s attempt in this message to transfer coins
to the contract between em and G. is EFFECTIVE."

3666* called 30 September 2018 by D. Margaux, judged TRUE by ATMunn 26
October 2018: "G.’s attempt in the message quoted below to transfer
coins to the contract between em and D. Margaux is EFFECTIVE."

3667 called 3 October 2018 by D. Margaux, judged FALSE by G. 20
October 2018, G. self-filed motion to reconsider 20 October 2018,
judged TRUE by G. 27 October 2018: "D. Margaux's declaration of apathy
in this message was EFFECTIVE."

3668 called 4 October 2018, judged TRUE by D. Margaux 24 October 2018:
"Committing a Crime is per se prohibited by law."

3669 called 4 October 2018, judged TRUE by D. Margaux 24 October 2018:
"Oathbreaking is per se prohibited by law."

* regarding CFJs 3665 and 3666, Aris announced intent with 2 support
to file a motion for reconsideration 27 October 2018.

Day Court Judge Recent
D. Margaux  3662, 3648, 3675, 3668, 3669
[09/23 09/30 10/02 10/20 10/20]

G.  3658, 3660, 3663, 3667
[09/09 09/16 09/28 10/20]

Murphy  3645, 3652, 3676
[09/30 10/20 10/21]

Trigon  3670,  3671, 3672, 3673
[10/20 10/20 10/20 10/20]

Weekend Court Judge Recent (generally gets half as many cases)
ATMunn  3665,  3666
[10/20 10/20]

(These are informal designations. Requests to join/leave a given court
will be noted. Individual requests to be assigned a specific case will
generally be honored, even for non-court judges.)


*** 3652 caller G.'s arguments:

Rule 2560 (Facilities) reads in part:
   If an entity other than Agora owns any facilities with upkeep
   costs, e must pay them before the first day of the next Agoran
   month. Failing to do this destroys the facility. In the second to
   last Eastman week of the Agoran Month, the Cartographor SHOULD
   issue a humiliating public reminder to all those who have not paid
   upkeep fees on any of eir facilities.

There's a few ways of interpreting this clause:

1.  At the end of the month, the facility is Rank 2 and has a Rank 2 Upkeep
cost.  Has the Rank 2 Upkeep cost been paid?  If not, the facility is
destroyed. (argument for TRUE).

2.  At the end of the month, has e paid an appropriate upkeep cost for that
facility at any point in the month?  If so, e has met the conditions, even
if the upkeep cost later changes, and the facility is not destroyed
for FALSE).

OFF: [Referee] Weekly Report

2018-10-27 Thread D. Margaux

 The Police Blotter (Referee's Weekly Report)

Date of this report: 27 Oct 2018
Date of last report: 20 Oct 2018

BLOT HOLDINGS (asset record - self-ratifying)

Corona  10
Kenyon   7
V.J. Rada6
Murphy   7
PSS* 3
CuddleBeam   2


PersonChange   Date  Reason
  --   - ---
Trigon +2(S,D) 01 Sep 2018   Late Cartographor Weekly
Aris   +2(S,D) 09 Sep 2018   Late Promotor Weekly
V.J. Rada  +2(S)   09 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Murphy +2(S)   09 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
PSS*   +2(S,D) 14 Sep 2018   Late Herald Weekly
VJ Rada+1(f)   16 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Corona +1(f)   16 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Kenyon -1  16 Sep 2018   Expunged
Kenyon -1  17 Sep 2018   Expunged
Aris   -1  20 Sep 2018   Expunged
Aris   -1  24 Sep 2018   Expunged
Corona +2(S)   28 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Kenyon -1  28 Sep 2018   Expunged
Trigon -1  04 Oct 2018   Expunged
Trigon -1  09 Oct 2018   Expunged
ATMunn -1  11 Oct 2018   Expunged
CuddleBeam +2  20 Oct 2018   Late CFJ
L  +1  20 Oct 2018   Late CFJ
twg+1  20 Oct 2018   Late CFJ
Murphy +2(D)   20 Oct 2018   Late CFJ Reassignments
twg-1  23 Oct 2018   Expunged

(f)=forgivable by R2557
(D)=loses monthly salary for noted office by R2559
(S)=Summary Judgement by R2479

*PSS = Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
D. Margaux

OFF: [Arbitor] Court Gazette

2018-10-21 Thread D. Margaux
COURT GAZETTE (Arbitor's weekly report)

Disclaimer: Informational only. No actions are contained in this report.
 Information in this report is not self-ratifying.
 May contain inadvertent errors due to new arbitor deputising.

Open cases (CFJs)

3652 called by G. 20 July 2018, assigned to Murphy 20 October 2018:
"If a person pays the (nonzero) upkeep cost for eir Rank 1 facility
and then upgrades it to Rank 2 in the same month, e must pay the full
Rank 2 upkeep cost to prevent its end-of-the-month destruction."

3665 called 30 September 2018 by D. Margaux, assigned to ATMunn 20
October 2018: "D. Margaux’s attempt in this message to transfer coins
to the contract between em and G. is EFFECTIVE."

3666 called 30 September 2018 by D. Margaux, assigned to ATMunn 20
October 2018: "G.’s attempt in the message quoted below to transfer
coins to the contract between em and D. Margaux is EFFECTIVE."

3667 called 3 October 2018 by D. Margaux, assigned to G. 20 October
2018, judged FALSE by G. 20 October 2018, G. self-filed motion to
reconsider 20 October 2018: "D. Margaux’s declaration of apathy in
this message was EFFECTIVE."

3668 called 4 October 2018, assigned to D. Margaux 20 October 2018:
"Committing a Crime is per se prohibited by law"

3669 called 4 October 2018, assigned to D. Margaux 20 October 2018:
"Oathbreaking is per se prohibited by law".

3670 called 12 October 2018 by twg, assigned to Trigon 20 October
2018:   "In the quoted message, G. transferred at least 1 coin from
the Lost and Found Department to emself."

3671 called 15 October 2018 by D. Margaux, assigned to Trigon 20
October 2018: "All pure active players could have won by announcement
on the Effective Date under rule 2580”

3672 called 15 October 2018 by D. Margaux, assigned to Trigon 20
October 2018: "Trigon, twg, D. Margaux, G., and L could win the game
by announcement under rule 2580 on the Effective Date after the
expungement of Trigon’s blot"

3673 called 15 October 2018 by D. Margaux, assigned to Trigon 20
October 2018: “Trigon, twg, and L won the game on the Effective Date
under rule 2580”

3674 called 15 October 2018, assigned to Aris 20 October 2018: "In the
quoted message, G. objected to at least one intent to perform a
dependent action."

3676 called by G. 20 October 2018, assigned to Murphy 21 October 2018:
"D. Margaux won by apathy in the message referred to in evidence."

Highest numbered case: 3676

Context/arguments/evidence are included at the bottom of this report.

Recently-delivered verdicts and implications

3648 called by G. 24 June 2018, judged TRUE by D. Margaux 1 October
2018: "The fine levied on Corona for late Herald Tournament
Regulations is unforgivable for the purposes of R2559."

3661 called by D. Margaux 16 September 2018, judged INSUFFICIENT by
Aris 7 October 2018: "The fines attempted to be imposed in this
message are EFFECTIVE."

3664 called 28 September 2018 by G., judged TRUE by twg 18 October
2018: "Corona and D. Margaux made a Contract in the last 24 hours."

3675 called by G. 2 October 2018, judged TRUE by D. Margaux 12 October
2018, self-filed motion to reconsider 12 October 2018, re-judged TRUE
by D. Margaux 16 October 2018: "At least one person won the game as a
result proposal 8097 taking effect."

Day Court Judge Recent
D. Margaux  3662, 3648, 3675, 3668, 3669
[09/23 09/30 10/02 10/20 10/20]

G.  3657, 3658, 3660, 3663, 3667
[08/26 09/09 09/16 09/28 10/20]

Murphy  3655, 3656, 3645, 3652, 3676
[08/26 08/26 09/30 10/20 10/21]

Trigon  3670,  3671, 3672, 3673
[10/20 10/20 10/20 10/20]

Weekend Court Judge Recent (generally gets half as many cases)
ATMunn  3665,  3666
[10/20 10/20]

(These are informal designations. Requests to join/leave a given court
will be noted. Individual requests to be assigned a specific case will
generally be honored, even for non-court judges.)


*** 3648 caller G.'s evidence:

Published by G. on 20 Jun 2018 09:39:27 -0700 (PDT):
 > I impose summary judgement as follows:  I levy a fine of 2 Blots on
 > Corona for failure to propose a set of Birthday Regulations in a timely
 > fashion after June 1 (R2495).

*** 3648 caller G.'s arguments:

R2559 reads in part:
 >  2. For each office, if a single player held that office for 16 or
 > more days in the previous month and no unforgivable fines were
 > levied on em for eir conduct in that office during that time,

OFF: [Referee] Weekly Report - Overpowered Edition

2018-10-20 Thread D. Margaux

 The Police Blotter (Referee's Weekly Report)

Date of this report: 20 Oct 2018
Date of last report: 12 Oct 2018

BLOT HOLDINGS (asset record - self-ratifying)

Corona  10
Kenyon   7
V.J. Rada6
Murphy   7
PSS* 3
CuddleBeam   2
twg  1


PersonChange   Date  Reason
  --   - ---
Trigon +2(S,D) 01 Sep 2018   Late Cartographor Weekly
Aris   +2(S,D) 09 Sep 2018   Late Promotor Weekly
V.J. Rada  +2(S)   09 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Murphy +2(S)   09 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
PSS*   +2(S,D) 14 Sep 2018   Late Herald Weekly
VJ Rada+1(f)   16 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Corona +1(f)   16 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Kenyon -1  16 Sep 2018   Expunged
Kenyon -1  17 Sep 2018   Expunged
Aris   -1  20 Sep 2018   Expunged
Aris   -1  24 Sep 2018   Expunged
Corona +2(S)   28 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Kenyon -1  28 Sep 2018   Expunged
Trigon -1  04 Oct 2018   Expunged
Trigon -1  09 Oct 2018   Expunged
ATMunn -1  11 Oct 2018   Expunged
CuddleBeam +2  20 Oct 2018   Late CFJ
L  +1  20 Oct 2018   Late CFJ
twg+1  20 Oct 2018   Late CFJ
Murphy +2(D)   20 Oct 2018   Late CFJ Reassignments

(f)=forgivable by R2557
(D)=loses monthly salary for noted office by R2559
(S)=Summary Judgement by R2479

*PSS = Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

OFF: [Referee] Weekly Report

2018-10-11 Thread D Margaux

 The Police Blotter (Referee's Weekly Report)

Date of this report: 12 Oct 2018
Date of last report: 04 Oct 2018

BLOT HOLDINGS (asset record - self-ratifying)

Corona  10
Kenyon   7
V.J. Rada6
Murphy   5
PSS* 3
ATMunn   1


PersonChange   Date  Reason
  --   - ---
Trigon +2(S,D) 01 Sep 2018   Late Cartographor Weekly
Aris   +2(S,D) 09 Sep 2018   Late Promotor Weekly
V.J. Rada  +2(S)   09 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Murphy +2(S)   09 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
PSS*   +2(S,D) 14 Sep 2018   Late Herald Weekly
VJ Rada+1(f)   16 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Corona +1(f)   16 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Kenyon -1  16 Sep 2018   Expunged
Kenyon -1  17 Sep 2018   Expunged
Aris   -1  20 Sep 2018   Expunged
Aris   -1  24 Sep 2018   Expunged
Corona +2(S)   28 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Kenyon -1  28 Sep 2018   Expunged
Trigon -1  04 Oct 2018   Expunged
Trigon -1  09 Oct 2018   Expunged

(f)=forgivable by R2557
(D)=loses monthly salary for noted office by R2559
(S)=Summary Judgement by R2479

*PSS = Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

OFF: [Referee] Weekly Report

2018-10-04 Thread D Margaux

  The Police Blotter (Referee's Weekly Report)

Date of last report: 04 Oct 2018
Date of this report: 28 Sep 2018

BLOT HOLDINGS (asset record - self-ratifying)

Corona  10
Kenyon   7
V.J. Rada6
Murphy   5
PSS* 3
Trigon   2
ATMunn   1


PersonChange   Date  Reason
  --   - ---
Trigon +2(S,D) 01 Sep 2018   Late Cartographor Weekly
Aris   +2(S,D) 09 Sep 2018   Late Promotor Weekly
V.J. Rada  +2(S)   09 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Murphy +2(S)   09 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
PSS*   +2(S,D) 14 Sep 2018   Late Herald Weekly
VJ Rada+1(f)   16 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Corona +1(f)   16 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Kenyon -1  16 Sep 2018   Expunged
Kenyon -1  17 Sep 2018   Expunged
Aris   -1  20 Sep 2018   Expunged
Aris   -1  24 Sep 2018   Expunged
Corona +2(S)   28 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Kenyon -1  28 Sep 2018   Expunged

(f)=forgivable by R2557
(D)=loses monthly salary for noted office by R2559
(S)=Summary Judgement by R2479

*PSS = Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

OFF: [Referee] Weekly Report

2018-09-28 Thread D Margaux

  The Police Blotter (Referee's Weekly Report)

Date of this report: 28 Sep 2018
Date of last report: 20 Sep 2018

BLOT HOLDINGS (asset record - self-ratifying)

Corona  10
Kenyon   8
V.J. Rada6
Murphy   5
PSS* 3
Trigon   2
ATMunn   1


PersonChange   Date  Reason
  --   - ---
Corona +3(f)   26 Aug 2018   Late action on CoE
Trigon +2(S,D) 01 Sep 2018   Late Cartographor Weekly
Aris   +2(S,D) 09 Sep 2018   Late Promotor Weekly
V.J. Rada  +2(S)   09 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Murphy +2(S)   09 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
PSS*   +2(S,D) 14 Sep 2018   Late Herald Weekly
VJ Rada+1(f)   16 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Corona +1(f)   16 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Kenyon -1  16 Sep 2018   Expunged
Kenyon -1  17 Sep 2018   Expunged
Aris   -1  20 Sep 2018   Expunged
Aris   -1  24 Sep 2018   Expunged
Corona +2(S)   28 Sep 2018   Late CFJ

(f)=forgivable by R2557
(D)=loses monthly salary for noted office by R2559
(S)=Summary Judgement by R2479

*PSS = Publius Scribonius Scholasticus


28 Sep 2018 - nichdel Pointed eir Finger at Murphy for eir failure to
reassign CFJ 3645 and CFJ 3648 in a timely manner after the expiration
of the time limit for decision of those CFJs, as required by Rule 591.

Re: OFF: [Cartographor] Land Auctions -- September week 3

2018-09-22 Thread D Margaux
I transfer one coin to nichdel.

I cause nichdel to bid 1 coin on (-2, +3).

I bid 1 coin on (-3, +2).
On Sat, Sep 22, 2018 at 11:57 AM Reuben Staley 

> There are currently more than 5 public, unpreserved, non-aether land
> units in existence. 5 land units of my choice are put up for auction.
> Making bids in threads other than this one is allowed, but if you do so,
> please contact me privately as I will not count it otherwise.
> Also, please note that despite there being 5 auctions, each player can
> only recieve one land unit.
> For the following 5 auctions, I am the announcer, Agora is the
> auctioneer, the minimum bid is 1 coin, and the lots are as such:
> AUCTION 1: the land unit at ( 0, -4)
> AUCTION 2: the land unit at (-2, -2)
> AUCTION 3: the land unit at (-2, +3)
> AUCTION 4: the land unit at (-3, +2)
> AUCTION 5: the land unit at (+3, +2)
> --
> Trigon

OFF: [Referee] Weekly Report

2018-09-20 Thread D Margaux

  The Police Blotter (Referee's Weekly Report)

Date of this report: 20 Sep 2018
Date of last report: 16 Sep 2018 (corrected 20 Sep 2018)
(all times UTC)

BLOT HOLDINGS (asset record - self-ratifying)

Kenyon   8
Corona   8
Murphy   5
V.J. Rada6
Aris 2
Trigon   2
PSS* 3
ATMunn   1


PersonChange   Date  Reason
  --   - ---
V.J. Rada  +1(S,D) 15 Jul 2018   Late Referee Weekly
ATMunn +1(S)   15 Jul 2018   Late CFJ
PSS*   +1(S)   15 Jul 2018   Late CFJ
Corona +1(f)   26 Jul 2018   Late Registrar Weekly
Corona +1(f)   26 Jul 2018   Late Registrar Weekly
V.J. Rada  -1  26 Jul 2018   Expunged
Murphy -1  31 Jul 2018   Expunged
Corona +3(f)   26 Aug 2018   Late action on CoE
Trigon +2(S,D) 01 Sep 2018   Late Cartographor Weekly
Aris   +2(S,D) 09 Sep 2018   Late Promotor Weekly
V.J. Rada  +2(S)   09 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Murphy +2(S)   09 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
PSS*   +2(S,D) 14 Sep 2018   Late Herald Weekly
VJ Rada+1(f)   16 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Corona +1(f)   16 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Kenyon -1  16 Sep 2018   Expunged
Kenyon -1  17 Sep 2018   Expunged

(f)=forgivable by R2557
(D)=loses monthly salary for noted office by R2559
(S)=Summary Judgement by R2479

*PSS = Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

Re: OFF: [Referee] Weekly Report (Corrected)

2018-09-20 Thread D Margaux
I CoE the Referee Weekly Report of 16 Sep 2018 on the ground that it had
two separate listings for PSS, each of which was inaccurate.

I grant the CoE and revise that Report as follows:

  The Police Blotter (Referee's Weekly Report)

Date of this report: 16 Sep 2018 (corrected 20 Sep 2018)
Date of last report: 09 Sep 2018

(all times UTC)

BLOT HOLDINGS (asset record - self-ratifying)

Kenyon  10
Corona   7
Murphy   5
V.J. Rada5
PSS* 3
Aris 2
Trigon   2
ATMunn   1


PersonChange   Date  Reason
  --   - ---
V.J. Rada  +1(S,D) 15 Jul 2018   Late Referee Weekly
ATMunn +1(S)   15 Jul 2018   Late CFJ
Publius+1(S)   15 Jul 2018   Late CFJ
Corona +1(f)   26 Jul 2018   Late Registrar Weekly
Corona +1(f)   26 Jul 2018   Late Registrar Weekly
V.J. Rada  -1  26 Jul 2018   Expunged
Murphy -1  31 Jul 2018   Expunged
Corona +3(f)   26 Aug 2018   Late action on CoE
Trigon +2(S,D) 01 Sep 2018   Late Cartographor Weekly
Aris   +2(S,D) 09 Sep 2018   Late Promotor Weekly
V.J. Rada  +2(S)   09 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Murphy +2(S)   09 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
PSS*   +2(S,D) 14 Sep 2018   Late Herald Weekly

(f)=forgivable by R2557
(D)=loses monthly salary for noted office by R2559
(S)=Summary Judgement by R2479

*PSS = Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

OFF: [Referee] Weekly Report

2018-09-16 Thread D Margaux

  The Police Blotter (Referee's Weekly Report)

Date of this report: 16 Sep 2018
Date of last report: 09 Sep 2018
(all times UTC)

BLOT HOLDINGS (asset record - self-ratifying)

Kenyon  10
Corona   7
Murphy   5
V.J. Rada5
Aris 2
Trigon   2
PSS* 2
Publius  1
ATMunn   1


PersonChange   Date  Reason
  --   - ---
V.J. Rada  +1(S,D) 15 Jul 2018   Late Referee Weekly
ATMunn +1(S)   15 Jul 2018   Late CFJ
Publius+1(S)   15 Jul 2018   Late CFJ
Corona +1(f)   26 Jul 2018   Late Registrar Weekly
Corona +1(f)   26 Jul 2018   Late Registrar Weekly
V.J. Rada  -1  26 Jul 2018   Expunged
Murphy -1  31 Jul 2018   Expunged
Corona +3(f)   26 Aug 2018   Late action on CoE
Trigon +2(S,D) 01 Sep 2018   Late Cartographor Weekly
Aris   +2(S,D) 09 Sep 2018   Late Promotor Weekly
V.J. Rada  +2(S)   09 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Murphy +2(S)   09 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
PSS*   +2(S,D) 14 Sep 2018   Late Herald Weekly

(f)=forgivable by R2557
(D)=loses monthly salary for noted office by R2559
(S)=Summary Judgement by R2479

*PSS = Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
D. Margaux

OFF: [Herald] Weekly Report

2018-09-15 Thread D Margaux
Herald’s Weekly report

Date of This Report: 15 Sep 2018
Date of Last Report: 16 Aug 2018

+5   twg
+3   Aris
+2   Corona
+2   Trigon
+2   D. Margaux
+1   G.
+1   ATMunn
-1   omd
-2   Murphy
-3   Gaelan
-5   VJ Rada
-5   CuddleBeam
All other entities have 0 Karma.

Notices of Honour:

G. (9 Sep 2018)
-1 Trigon (being generally MIA on land)
+1 D. Margaux (keeping up officer report standards via SJ)

[New Week]

[New Week]

G. 29 Aug 2018
-1 G (not reading proposals carefully)
+1 D. Margaux (reading carefully and researching back beyond eir tenure)

twg 26 Aug 2018
[attempted to issue a Notice of Honour, but failed because it was eir
second that week]

twg (20 Aug 2018)
-1 Corona (violating rule 2201/7, which e cannot be formally fined for
because it occurred more than 14 days ago)
+1 Trigon (due to these errors in the previous report, twg believed
that Trigon did not have a zombie at the time of the last proposal
distribution; Trigon attempted to point this out, but e didn't listen properly)

[New Week]

[New Week]

[New Week]

Trigon (4 Aug 18)
+1 twg (being a good, friendly Agoran)
-1 Trigon (needlessly calling twg cruel and being initially ungrateful)

twg (4 Aug 18)
-1 twg (being nitpicky)
+1 Trigon (being patient with the nitpicks)

[New Week]

[New Week]

G. (19 Jul 18)
-1 G. for fleeing from office leaving unresolved CoEs.
+1 twg for fixing.

[New Week]

G. (9 Jul 18)
-1 Trigon (for not tracking land stuff)
+1 twg (for tracking land stuff)

[New Week]

G. (5 Jul 18)
+1 Trigon - however this is resolved, it's been a heck of a ride.
-1 Aris - never participating, but quick to want to disassemble.

[New Week]

twg (28 Jun 2018)
+1 omd (fixing agora-official)
-1 Gaelan (inactive)

[New Week]

twg (18 Jun 2018)
+1 Trigon (extremely entertaining apology)
-1 omd (inactivity; mail server problems)

[New Week]

Trigon(12 Jun 2018)
+1 twg (actually doing stuff)
-1 Trigon (slacking off so much on eir job)

[New Week]

Corona (10 Jun 2018)
-1 Alexis (normalizing)
+1 CuddleBeam (normalizing)

[New Week]

G. (1 Jun 2018)
+1 twg (finding a lovely bug)
-1 Kenyon (may have seen the bug sooner if Ruleset updated)

[New Week]

Corona (23 May 2018)
-1 Telnaior (inactive)
+1 Quazie (inactive)

[New Week]

ATMunn (3 May 2018)
+1 Corona (Treasuror report)
-1 ATMunn (procrastinating on Tailor script)

G. (3 May 2018)
+1 Corona (catching up the balance sheet)
-1 Gaelan (former treasuror who didn't keep up so much)

[New Week]

Aris (29 Apr 2018)
-1 o (inactive)
+1 Trigon (PAoaM)

[New Week]

Trigon (13 Apr 2018)
+1 Aris (eir patching work)
-1 Telnaior (inactive)

Corona (12 Apr 2018)
-1 天火狐 (being inactive)
+1 Agora (rebalancing)

April Karmic Balance
-1 Alexis
+1 ProofTechnique
+1 Ienpw III
-1 Agora

VJ Rada (11 Apr 2018)
-1 o (not existing, karma high)
+1 Kenyon (rulekeeping)

ATMunn (8 Apr 2018)
+1 CuddleBeam (rebalancing)
-1 Aris (rebalancing)

[New Week]

G. (2 Apr 2018)
+1 Gaelan (an excellent April Fools)
-1 G. (falling for it)

[New Week]

ATMunn (20 Mar 2018)
-1 ATMunn (positive karma inertia, and deregistering)
+1 CuddleBeam (being a good, contributing player recently)

[New Week]

Murphy (19 Mar 2018)
-1 Murphy (needing to be
reminded about election resolution)
+1 G. (reminding Murphy)

G. (19 Mar 2018)
-1 G. (making Aris hunt for a pend message)
+1 Aris (leading the land fix proposal)

Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

OFF: Deputy-[Herald] Scroll of Agora

2018-09-15 Thread D Margaux
I deputize for Herald and issue the Monthly Report below.




Herald's Monthly Report

  September 15, 2018


  (not very)


Publius Scribonius Scholasticus and Aris won by Advocacy and were
awarded the Patent Title, Champion.




Advocacy  Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, Aris

 Anarchy  Alexis

  Apathy  ais523. Aris, Murphy, o, Sprocklem, 天火狐

  Zachary Watterson, Quazie,

  Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, tmanthe2nd

  Gaelan, Ienpw III, Veggiekeks, omd,

  V.J. Rada, Bayushi. nichdel, grok, babelian

  Banner  G.

   Cards  Taral, G., Murphy, OscarMeyr, root

Championship  Wooble, root, Taral, OscarMeyr

   Clout  ais523, Alexis

Election  G.

  Escape  omd

  High Score  Elysion, G., Levi, Murphy(x2), Steve,

  ais523(x3), Pavitra, omd(x4), Alexis(x2),

  root, Wooble, Tiger, Murphy, BobTHJ, Walker

   Junta  ais523(x2), the AFO, omd(x2), G., OscarMeyr,

  Alexis, nichdel

  Leadership  ais523

   Lotto  Alexis, omd

  Maniac  Craig, root

Musicianship  Zefram, ais523, Wooble, omd, Tiger

 Paradox  G., Murphy, root, BobTHJ (x2), ais523, ehird,

  Alexis, Bucky(x2), omd

Politics  Aris

Proposal  Human Point Two, Morendil, Steve(x3),

  Andre(x3), ais523(x4), Canada, Bucky, G.,

  omd(x2), woggle, Spitemaster, allispaul,

  Yally, BobTHJ, Murphy, Tiger, Alexis(x3),


 Renaissance  ais523, Alexis(x3), Murphy, G.(x2)

Solitude  ais523(x2), Alexis(x2), omd

Via Ratification  The President

 Unspecified  Blob, elJefe, General Chaos, Steve,

  Chuck, Dave Bowen, favor, Garth, Ian,

  Jeffrey, KoJen, Michael, Oerjan, Swann, t,

  Timothy, Troublemaker at Large, Vanyel(x2),

  Wes(x2). *(7/6): Chuck, elJefe, Kelly, KoJen,

  Morendil, Steve, Swann, Troublemaker at

  Large; *(4/3): Chuck, Kelly, KoJen, Steve,

  Troublemaker at Large, Wes; *(3/2): Chuck,

  Kelly, Steve; *(5/3): Kelly, Steve; *(11/6):


  *(N/P): Full patent title is Champion*(N/P)

  where N/P is the winning ratio.





  Peter Suber, Chuck Carroll, Douglas Hofstadter,

  Michael Norrish


Murphy, G.




Associate of Nomic (A.N.):   G., Alexis

Bachelor of Nomic (B.N.):elJefe, favor,

 Steve, Vanyel,

 Kolja A., Murphy,


Master of Nomic: ais523

Doctor of Nomic History (D.N.Hist.): Swann, Vlad

Doctor of Nomic Philosophy (D.N.Phil.):  Steve, ais523




  Coming of Age

   (awarded to Active Players on Agora's 18th Birthday, July 2011).

   root, ais523, Droowl, ehird, G., Gondolier, Math321,

   Murphy, omd, Pavitra, Roujo, Alexis, Tanner L. Swett,

   Turiski, Walker, woggle, Yally, The President

  Agora XX

   (awarded to players of the Agora 20th Anniversary blitz Nomic

game, July 2013).

   Fool, omd, FSX, Walker, Chuck, ehird, Yally, Michael,

   Alexis, Roujo, Murphy, Goethe (G.), Steve, Blob, Tiger,

   woggle, Ørjan.

  Order of the Lemming

   (awarded to players who voted unanimously for a major change

in the ruleset in Jan, 2014)

  omd, Max 

OFF: [Referee] Weekly Report

2018-09-09 Thread D Margaux

  The Police Blotter (Referee's Weekly Report)

Date of last report: 01 Sep 2018
Date of this report: 09 Sep 2018
(all times UTC)

BLOT HOLDINGS (asset record - self-ratifying)

Kenyon  10
Corona   7
Murphy   5
V.J. Rada5
Aris 2
Trigon   2
Publius  1
ATMunn   1


PersonChange   Date  Reason
  --   - ---
V.J. Rada  +1(S,D) 15 Jul 2018   Late Referee Weekly
ATMunn +1(S)   15 Jul 2018   Late CFJ
Publius+1(S)   15 Jul 2018   Late CFJ
Corona +1(f)   26 Jul 2018   Late Registrar Weekly
Corona +1(f)   26 Jul 2018   Late Registrar Weekly
V.J. Rada  -1  26 Jul 2018   Expunged
Murphy -1  31 Jul 2018   Expunged
Corona +3(f)   26 Aug 2018   Late action on CoE
Trigon +2(S,D) 01 Sep 2018   Late Cartographor Weekly
Aris   +2(S,D) 09 Sep 2018   Late Promotor Weekly
V.J. Rada  +2(S)   09 Sep 2018   Late CFJ
Murphy +2(S)   09 Sep 2018   Late CFJ

(f)=forgivable by R2557
(D)=loses monthly salary for noted office by R2559
(S)=Summary Judgement by R2479

OFF: [Referee] Weekly Report

2018-09-02 Thread D Margaux

The Police Blotter (Referee's Weekly Report)

Date of last report: 27 Aug 2018
Date of this report: 01 Sep 2018
(all times UTC)

BLOT HOLDINGS (asset record - self-ratifying)

Murphy   3
V.J. Rada2
Kenyon  10
Corona   7
Publius  1
ATMunn   1
Trigon   2


PersonChange  Date  Reason
  --  - ---
V.J. Rada  +1(S,D)15 Jul 2018   Late Referee Weekly
ATMunn +1(S)  15 Jul 2018   Late CFJ
Publius+1(S)  15 Jul 2018   Late CFJ
Corona +1(f)  26 Jul 2018   Late Registrar Weekly
Corona +1(f)  26 Jul 2018   Late Registrar Weekly
V.J. Rada  -1 26 Jul 2018   Expunged
Murphy -1 31 Jul 2018   Expunged
Corona +3(f)  26 Aug 2018   Late action on CoE
Trigon +2(S,D)01 Sep 2018   Late Cartographor weekly

(f)=forgivable by R2557
(D)=loses monthly salary for noted office by R2559
(S)=Summary Judgement by R2479
D. Margaux

OFF: [Referee] Weekly Report

2018-08-26 Thread D Margaux
I believe my prior action successfully installed me as interim
Referee.  If I am already the interim Referee, I hereby submit the
below as the Referee's Weekly Report.  If I am not already the interim
Referee, I hereby deputise for the Referee to submit the below as the
Referee's Weekly Report.

The Police Blotter (Referee's Weekly Report)

Date of last report: 26 Jul 2018
Date of this report: 27 Aug 2018
(all times UTC)

BLOT HOLDINGS (asset record - self-ratifying)

Murphy   3
V.J. Rada2
Kenyon  10
Corona   7
Publius  1
ATMunn   1


PersonChange  Date  Reason
  --  - ---
G. -1 03 Jun 2018   with incense
Corona -4 12 Jun 2018   with incense (overpaid)
ATMunn +2(f)  13 Jun 2018   Late Tailor Monthly
Kenyon +2(f)  13 Jun 2018   Late Rulekeepor Monthly
Corona +3(f)  13 Jun 2018   Late Treasuror Weekly
Kenyon +4(f)  13 Jun 2018   Late Rulekeepor Weekly
Corona -3 13 Jun 2018   with incense
ATMunn -2 13 Jun 2018   with incense
Trigon -3 18 Jun 2018   with incense
Corona +2(S)  20 Jun 2018   Late Herald Tournament
V.J. Rada  +1(S,D)15 Jul 2018   Late Referee Weekly
ATMunn +1(S)  15 Jul 2018   Late CFJ
Publius+1(S)  15 Jul 2018   Late CFJ
Corona +1(f)  26 Jul 2018   Late Registrar Weekly
Corona +1(f)  26 Jul 2018   Late Registrar Weekly
V.J. Rada  -1 26 Jul 2018   Expunged
Murphy -1 31 Jul 2018   Expunged
Corona +3(f)  26 Aug 2018   Late action on CoE

(f)=forgivable by R2557
(D)=loses next monthly salary for noted office by R2559
(S)=Summary Judgement by R2479

Re: OFF: [Assessor] Humiliating Public Reminder to Vote on Proposal 8089

2018-08-26 Thread D Margaux
I vote PRESENT on proposal 8089.
On Sun, Aug 26, 2018 at 11:04 AM Timon Walshe-Grey  wrote:

> This time, Proposal
> 8089 has three votes;
> we need seven, please.
> Slackers:
> ATMunn, Aris, Corona, CuddleBeam, D. Margaux, Murphy, omd, P.S.S., Trigon,
> V.J. Rada, Gaelan, nichdel, o, Ouri, pokes, Quazie, Telnaior and 天火狐.
> Above reminder,
> as rule 2168 says,
> should humiliate.
> New voting deadline:
> the second of September,
> 6:19 AM.
> -twg