The below CFJ is 3923. I assign it to G.


The quoted message is a distribution message as outlined in Regulation AM0.

Called by Trigon: Fri 06 Aug 2021 22:24:15


On 2021-08-07 08:17, Trigon via agora-business wrote:
On 06/08/2021 21:38, Trigon via agora-official wrote:
The Retrieval Period of the Second Victory Auction of Jun 2021 having
ended at 13:07:41 on 6 August 2021, I hereby bring an end to this



[2021-07-21 05:38:48]     Trigon     400cn
[2021-07-21 06:12:45]     R. Lee     500cn
[2021-07-23 00:53:00]     Falsifian  700cn
[2021-07-23 00:56:16]     Trigon     800cn
[2021-07-23 23:57:57] *** G.         ( 2^(82,589,933) − 1 )cn
[2021-07-24 16:49:34] *** G.         (withdrawal)
[2021-07-27 14:29:49]     Falsifian 1111cn
[2021-07-30 02:28:28] (3) Trigon    1200cn
[2021-07-30 05:04:57] (2) R. Lee    1500cn
[2021-07-30 12:39:17] (1) Falsifian 1717cn
[2021-07-30 13:07:41] (4) D. Wet      22cn


[2021-07-21 06:12:45] (2) R. Lee       1cn
[2021-07-23 00:56:16] (1) Trigon      50cn

Bids marked with numbers in parenthesis are active bids.
Bids marked with asterisks are bids from withdrawn players.


Falsifian wins the first lot for 1717cn.
Trigon wins the second lot for 50cn.

No other lots exist.

If all of the following succeed I do them:
{ I revoke from Falsifian 1717cn. I grant em one victory card. }

If all of the following succeed I do them:
{ I revoke from Trigon 628cn. I grant em one justice card. }

CFJ: The quoted message is a distribution message as outlined in Regulation AM0.

ARGUMENTS: This may not be a distribution message because of a textual error: I intended to award myself a new justice card for a price 578 coins greater that what I bid on it. What, if anything, did this message do? Did it fail as it did not meet the criteria for a distribution message? Did the distribution message succeed and I just violated the "SHALL destroy and transfer" bit?


Ambiguous quoted text:

Trigon wins the second lot for 50cn.
If all of the following succeed I do them:
{ I revoke from Trigon 628cn. I grant em one justice card. }

Relevant part of AM0:

       DISTRIBUTION: The auctioneer for an auction CAN and SHALL, within
       seven days of the ending of that auction's retrieval period,
       create a public message (henceforth the "distribution message")
       that contains a full history of bids on the auction and
       withdrawals from the auction. It must also clearly indicate each
       awardee and the lot e recieves. In this message, the auctioneer
       CAN and SHALL destroy the amount to be paid from the inventory
       each awardee and transfer to that player (or create in eir
       possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated with
       the lot e won. Failing to publish a distribution message
       constitutes the Class 3 Crime of Auction Abandonment.

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