Re: AI-GEOSTATS: co-kriging on data with spatial trends

2003-11-27 Thread sebastiano trevisani

I think that you can try to avoid cokriging. Clearly the relation is
between k and the mean values of clay content. Instead of using a pure
cokriging you could use a kriging with external drift in which the mean
value of k is related to the map with clay content. Goovaert'book
Geostatistic for Natural Resources Evaluation chapter 6 could give you an
hand. Gstat code permit you easily to perform kriging with extrernal
Sebastiano Trevisani

At 04:35 PM 11/27/2003 +0100, Sigrun kvarno wrote:
I tried co-kriging for the first time yesterday, and now I
have some questions:
I have a dataset with 42 measurements of saturated hydraulic
conductivity (Kfs) within a grid where I have measured soil texture in
256 points with 10 m spacing. Kfs measurements are irregularly spaced.
Kfs is approximately log-normal, and there is a significant correlation
between log(Kfs) and log(clay content), R2 = 0.61. 
I know that there is a significant spatial trend in clay
content. Earlier, when using geostatistics on the clay content alone, I
computed the variogram and kriged on the residuals, and then added back
the trend function to the kriged estimates. 
Considering co-kriging, I need a variogram for both the
primary variate (Kfs) and the covariate (log(clay content)), but due to
the trend in clay content I have to compute the variogram on the
residuals (this is important - a variogram on the original data gives a
range of about 600 m (when using the GS+ program), whilst a variogram on
the residuals reduces the range to about 55 m). But the correlation
between residuals and logKfs is not so good. It is significant, and R2 =
0.20, which is not too good compared to 0.61 for the original data. What
is the correct way to proceed in this case? Are there any rules of thumb
for such problems?
I'd also like to know which search radius should be used -
the range of the logKfs data is about 40 m, the effective range
(exponential model) of logclay is 600 m for original data (55 if
residuals can be used), and the range of the cross-variogram is 53 m.
I've learnt that the search radius should be approximately the same as
the (effective) range when performing kriging. Is it the range of the
cross-variogram I should use in this case? 
I hope there are some simple solutions out
Kind regards,
Miss Sigrun H. Kværnø
Arealressursavd./Dept. of Land Resources
Jordforsk - Norwegian Centre for Soil and Environmental Research
Frederik A. Dahls vei 20
N-1432 Ås
phone: +47 64948159
fax: +47 64948110

AI-GEOSTATS: gstat in R doubts

2003-11-27 Thread Marta Rufino
Dear Collegues,

I have some particular doubts about gstat for R (most probabily very basic 
for what I apoligise):

1. Does it compute indicator kriging? How to define it? It should be I=.5, 
but where? I could not find the argument in 'variogram'

2. I could not manage to make it do the backtransformation of the kriging 
predictions when using log data. Is it possible and how?

3. How exactly we specify universal kriging? I have found different ways in 
different places:

kk=krige(abu~x+y, ~x+y, dat, bl, model=wls) # I think this one indicates a 
quadractic internal trend :-)
kk=krige(abu~(covariate), ~x+y, dat, bl, model=wls)
kk=krige(abu~x+y+(covariate), ~x+y, dat, bl, model=wls)

And the variogram of the residuals for the universal kriging... how do we 
do it? the same way?

4. The function plot.variogram as the same name as in geoR. This causes 
bugs and problems runing it, and does not allow us to run both packages 
which would be important. Could this be solved by any of the authors, 
simply by renaming the function... probabily there are more like this, 
although I did not proceed because I got stuck.
(To solve this the only way I found is to attach and detach the packages, ...)

5. The variogram produced by both packages (gstat and geoR) are different. 

It was excelent and extremely usefull for me the implementation of gstat in 
R!!! Thank you so much!

Thank you very much in advance and sory to disturb you,
Marta Rufino 

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AI-GEOSTATS: Re: co-kriging on data with spatial trends

2003-11-27 Thread Isobel Clark

Calculating of cross semi-variograms has to be done on
residuals if there is a trend, just like any single
variable semi-variogram. You might find our MUCK
papers useful, as we were co-kriging two variables
both with trend back when we first started in the
1980s. You can find our papers at
(note the capital P).

Your other question about search radii. When trend is
present, you need to enlarge your search radius past
the range of influence to get enough samples to
condition the equations properly - that is, to solve
for the trend as well as the weights. You can see how
this works with uor kriging game, free to all at

Hope this helps
Isobel [Clark]

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AI-GEOSTATS: About gstat and binomial negative family data

2003-11-27 Thread Marcelo Alexandre Bruno
Dear members

I'm newer to geostatistics analysis. So, my work now
is probe to my lab.chief that geostat. anal. is better
than other analysis to create probability maps from
fishery acoustic data of surveys in Brazil. Then,
generate kriging maps of probability distribution of
Maurolicus stehmanni (fish sp).

1)First step: using GMT, convert long, lat to linear
[EMAIL PROTECTED] trab_R]$ mapproject file1.dat
-R-53/-38/-35/-23 -Fn -Jm0/0/1c > file2.dat
where R is region Fn to nautic miles JM is mercartor
2) using "R" gstats:
compute variogram..., and points show no spatial
dependence! Range is 0.5 nautical miles!
3) selects limited areas, repeat step 1 and 2 and
result is equal!
4) remove nule values, repeat steps 1 and 2, and
result is equal! 
5) change scale of projection, "-Jm0/0/10c", repeat
steps 1 and 2, result is equal.
Whats wrong? Someone could help me?
The family of distribution of M. stehmanni is binomial
negative, is possible define these prior to variogram
and then result better variograms?
My apologies for newbie questions, i'm very gratefully
for this list!
Ps:someone research could contact me in PVT.

## ~~~ Oceanólogo ~~~ ##
#  Marcelo Alexandre Bruno
#  Linux User: 124592
#  Pós-graduação Oceanografia Biológica
#  Departamento de Oceanografia
#  Lab. de Tecnologia Pesqueira e Hidroacústica
#  AV. ITÁLIA km 8 s/n - CARREIROS
#  96201-900 (0xx53) 2336528
#  Rio Grande - RS - BRAZIL
##  ##


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Re: AI-GEOSTATS: co-kriging on data with spatial trends

2003-11-27 Thread Pierre Goovaerts

It looks like you have a large-scale trend and I believe that
ordinary cokriging with moving search windows would be appropriate.
Remember that with ordinary (co)kriging the stationarity assumption
is restricted to the search window and this could be rather
small in your case given the sampling density you have for clay

Instead of specifying a search window, I usually specify a maximum
number of primary and secondary data and let the window be
as big as necessary. You could do the same and given
the high sampling density of clay, then the effective search
radius wouldn't be too big and the stationary assumption be realistic.

Hope it helps,



Dr. Pierre Goovaerts
President of PGeostat, LLC
Chief Scientist with Biomedware Inc.
710 Ridgemont Lane
Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48103-1535, U.S.A.

Phone:   (734) 668-9900
Fax: (734) 668-7788


On Thu, 27 Nov 2003, Sigrun kvarno wrote:

> Dear AI-GEOSTATS members,
> I tried co-kriging for the first time yesterday, and now I have some
> questions:
> I have a dataset with 42 measurements of saturated hydraulic
> conductivity (Kfs) within a grid where I have measured soil texture in
> 256 points with 10 m spacing. Kfs measurements are irregularly spaced.
> Kfs is approximately log-normal, and there is a significant correlation
> between log(Kfs) and log(clay content), R2 = 0.61.
> I know that there is a significant spatial trend in clay content.
> Earlier, when using geostatistics on the clay content alone, I computed
> the variogram and kriged on the residuals, and then added back the trend
> function to the kriged estimates.
> Considering co-kriging, I need a variogram for both the primary variate
> (Kfs) and tReceived: from SJMJF-MTA by mail.jordfohe covariate (log(clay content)), 
> but due to the trend in
> clay content I have to compute the variogram on the residuals (this is
> important - a variogram on the original data gives a range of about 600
> m (when using the GS+ program), whilst a variogram on the residuals
> reduces the range to about 55 m). But the correlation between residuals
> and logKfs is not so good. It is significant, and R2 = 0.20, which is
> not too good compared to 0.61 for the original data. What is the correct
> way to proceed in this case? Are there any rules of thumb for such
> problems?
> I'd also like to know which search radius should be used - the range of
> the logKfs data is about 40 m, the effective range (exponential model)
> of logclay is 600 m for original data (55 if residuals can be used), and
> the range of the cross-variogram is 53 m. I've learnt that the search
> radius should be approximately the same as the (effective) range when
> performing kriging. Is it the range of the cross-variogram I should use
> in this case?
> I hope there are some simple solutions out there!
> Kind regards,
> Sigrun
> **
> Miss Sigrun H. Kværnø
> Arealressursavd./Dept. of Land Resources
> Jordforsk - Norwegian Centre for Soil and Environmental Research
> Frederik A. Dahls vei 20
> N-1432 Ås
> phone: +47 64948159
> fax: +47 64948110
> **

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AI-GEOSTATS: co-kriging on data with spatial trends

2003-11-27 Thread Sigrun kvarno

Dear AI-GEOSTATS members,
I tried co-kriging for the first time yesterday, and now I 
have some questions:
I have a dataset with 42 measurements of saturated hydraulic 
conductivity (Kfs) within a grid where I have measured soil texture in 
256 points with 10 m spacing. Kfs measurements are irregularly spaced. Kfs is 
approximately log-normal, and there is a significant correlation between 
log(Kfs) and log(clay content), R2 = 0.61. 
I know that there is a significant spatial trend in clay 
content. Earlier, when using geostatistics on the clay content alone, I computed 
the variogram and kriged on the residuals, and then added back the trend 
function to the kriged estimates. 
Considering co-kriging, I need a variogram for both the 
primary variate (Kfs) and the covariate (log(clay content)), but due to the 
trend in clay content I have to compute the variogram on the residuals 
(this is important - a variogram on the original data gives a range of about 600 
m (when using the GS+ program), whilst a variogram on the residuals reduces the 
range to about 55 m). But the correlation between residuals and logKfs is not so 
good. It is significant, and R2 = 0.20, which is not too good compared to 0.61 
for the original data. What is the correct way to proceed in this case? Are 
there any rules of thumb for such problems?
I'd also like to know which search radius should be used - the 
range of the logKfs data is about 40 m, the effective range (exponential 
model) of logclay is 600 m for original data (55 if residuals can be used), 
and the range of the cross-variogram is 53 m. I've learnt that the search radius 
should be approximately the same as the (effective) range when performing 
kriging. Is it the range of the cross-variogram I should use in this 
I hope there are some simple solutions out there!
Kind regards,
Sigrun H. KværnøArealressursavd./Dept. of Land ResourcesJordforsk - 
Norwegian Centre for Soil and Environmental ResearchFrederik A. Dahls vei 
20N-1432 ÅsNORWAYphone: +47 64948159fax: +47 