Hi Younes,

some brief ideas below.

Younes Fadakar wrote:
Ulrich said (suggested): 1- to take a (stratified) random sample of your data to reduce the computational time for the variography.
   2- to use a local search neighborhood.
/// summary: random selection strategy
am interested in this idea. Since any decreasing in data has dramatically positive effects on computation cost (time). Is anyone aware of this methodology has been published somewhere?
/// liked it and will try.

Vesper has a built in sub-sampling algorithm and can do local variogram computation as well as local kriging. Not sure about 3D.

Gstat stand-alone has the options "every = value" for every nth selection of regular sampling records and "prob = value" for random sampling.
(www.gstat.org -> see manual)

Maybe have also a look to the sp package in R (http://r-spatial.sourceforge.net). See function spsample().

Sampling algorithms for sampling designs are explained in e.g.
de Gruijter,J., Brus,D., Bierkens,M., Knotters,M. 2006. Sampling for natural ressource monitoring. Springer.


Ulrich Leopold

Resource Centre for Environmental Technologies, Public Research Centre
Henri Tudor, Technoport Schlassgoart, 66 rue de Luxembourg, P.O. BOX
144, L-4002 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg

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http://www.crte.lu , http://www.tudor.lu
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