RE: AI-GEOSTATS: Point pattern analysis and animal displacement

2010-05-05 Thread Delmelle, Eric
A relatively simple approach:
You could slice the time and prepare kernel density maps for each time period. 
For each of these time periods, perform K-function at different scales, 
identify at which scales the clustering is the strongest (using L-function), 
and use that as an input for kernel density maps. Then you have a sequence of 
maps you can animate to understand the change over time. You could then 
estimate whether density of clustering of the animals has a spatial correlation 
with proximity to buildings. 
More info here: Delmelle, E. 2009. Point Pattern Analysis. In Kitchin R, Thrift 
N (eds) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. 8: 204-211. Oxford: 
A more complicated approach:
You may want to consider using network-based kernels since we know that 
although animals can move freely, they tend to follow distinct path. Joni Downs 
and Mark Horner have done some work on NKDE (network kernel density 
estimation). It is computationally harder (using delaunay triangulation), but 
the results are more robust.
Downs and Horner (2008): Spatially modeling parthways of migratory birds for 
nature reserve site selection IJGIS
Downs and Horner (2008): Effects of point pattern shape on home-range estimate
They also have some pdfs you can find on the internet (JA Downs and MW Horner).

(704) 687 5991
Charlotte, NC 28223

From: on behalf of Philippe Bouchet
Sent: Wed 5/5/2010 01:33
Subject: AI-GEOSTATS: Point pattern analysis and animal displacement

Dear list,

I am working on a project which aims to determine whether the construction of 
industrial facilities near to / in the middle of a migratory path for large 
marine animals has an effect on the spatial distribution of those migrating 
animals. My dataset consists of a series of points marking the location (GPS 
coordinates) of animals sighted during several dedicated aerial surveys over 
the area (before and after the construction of the industrial platform), and I 
also know the position of the facilities of course. How can relate the spatial 
distribution of animals to the presence of the industrial facilities, with the 
objective of testing whether the animals have been displaced from their normal 
route ?

My initial thoughts on this were to:

1) test for CSR (Complete Spatial Randomness) in the point pattern - if the 
animals were distributed randomly over the area prior to the implantation of 
the facilities but now display a clustered or gradient pattern in distribution, 
this could be indicative of a possible displacement.
2) Construct 2D kernel density estimates, using appropriate functions in R, for 
each day an aerial survey was carried out - that would enable me to understand 
how the distribution of animals changes through time.¨

Is this the right way to go ? Are there other tools / analyses out there that 
may be more suited to answering my question and that I may not be aware of ?

Any ideas or suggestions much welcome and greatly appreciated,

Many thanks in advance,


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AI-GEOSTATS: Backtransforming variance

2010-05-05 Thread Robby Bemrose
Dear AI Geostats List, 
Just looking for suggestions on how to backtransform the ordinary kriging 
variance (SE) produced from kriging log10 observations.
Thanks for your help, 

AI-GEOSTATS: Re: Backtransforming variance

2010-05-05 Thread Isobel Clark
Some of my own thoughts on backtransforming the variance go as follows:
the backtransform for the variance in lognormal theory is exp{logarithmic 
variance-1} times the square of the mean. In kriging this would adapt to 
exp{logarithmic kriging variance-1} times the estimated value squared. Again 
you can substitute 10 for exp if you use log10 for all the calculations. 
However, this is not useful for producing confidence levels since the lognormal 
does not follow the Central Limit Theory and a Normal approximation does not 
work in practice.
Better to use lognormal theory such as described on the second page of my 
extract. The 'Psi' factors provide multiplicative factors for confidence 
levels, i.e. you multiply the Psi factor by the estimated value to get a 
It really depends why you want to backtransform the variance. For a map, 
backtransform the variance, maybe just use exp{kriging variance-1} for a 
relative variance. For confidence levels, use the Psi factors.
Hope this helps