2 Assistant Professors of Geography, Planning and Environment (1,0 fte

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Nijmegen School of Management
Vacancy number: 27.01.12/7

Closing date: February 5, 2012

As an Assistant Professor of Geography, Planning and Environment, you
provide high quality courses in the field of human geography, spatial
planning and social and political sciences of the environment. You are
involved in the teaching programmes of the Nijmegen School of Management,
in particular in the bachelor programme of Geography, Planning and

In addition you are expected to carry out high-quality research activities
in the context of the research programme on
<http://www.ru.nl/imr/research-themes/scapes/> Shaping and Changing of
Places and Spaces (SCAPES <http://www.ru.nl/scapes/> ), which is one of
the research programmes within the multidisciplinary setting of the
faculty research institute IMR. Next, you are expected to successfully
obtain funding from European as well as domestic institutions, either
public or private. You publish regularly in international academic
journals. You participate actively in the internationalization activities
of the Nijmegen School of Management.

Work environment
The Nijmegen School of Management (NSM) is an academic centre of research
and higher learning, focusing on institutional and managerial issues
within complex organizations in both the public and private domain. The
domains in which the NSM provides education and carries out research are:
Business Administration, Public Administration, Political Science,
Economics, Human Geography, Spatial Planning, and Social and Political
Sciences of the Environment. Next to the many education programmes at
bachelor and master level, research is organized in three
interdisciplinary groups, of which SCAPES <http://www.ru.nl/scapes/>  is
one. The NSM strives for a multi-disciplinary approach whenever possible.
The NSM employs 220 full-time staff, of whom 75% are academics. The NSM
has about 3,000 students.

The Department Geography, Planning and Environment is one of the four
departments within the NSM. It consists of three chairs: Human Geography,
Spatial Planning, and Social and Political Sciences of the Environment.
The department also includes professorships in Economic Geography and Real
Estate and Location Development, and special professorships in Transport
and Spatial Development, Euregional Management and City and Regional
Marketing. Finally, the department has 5 associate professors and a number
of assistant professors, doctoral candidates, and post-graduates. All in
all: about 60 people.

The department has the primary responsibility for the Bachelor programme
Geography, Planning and Environment, in which each year about 100 students
enroll from pre-university education. In addition, there are around 60
students per year who enter via the Pre-Master programmes of Human
Geography, Spatial Planning, and Social and Political Sciences of the
Environment. Finally, the department offers 3 Master programmes in the
fields of Human Geography, Spatial Planning, and Social and Political
Sciences of the Environment (with, in 2011, 70, 60 and 15 students
respectively) with each a number of different master-specialisations.

What we expect from you
You have a PhD degree in Human Geography, Planning or Environmental
Studies, or a related and relevant field, and dealing with issues of
places and spaces, their shaping and governance. You have demonstrated
thorough knowledge about recent theoretical, methodological and empirical
developments in at least one of the (sub)fields of Geography, Planning and

In particular, we look for people with special expertise, interest and
skills in one or possibly more of the following (sub)fields:

1. Urban Studies

2. Housing Studies

3. Quantitative Research Methods

4. Interface between Natural- and Social Sciences

Ad. 1) Urban Studies

Increasingly our world becomes more urbanised and increasingly cities are
the motor of innovation, creativity, competitiveness, new developments,
growth and of change both on local and global scale. On the other hand
cities are also the focus of differentiation, of segregation, of
concentration and dominance, and of shrinkage and conflict. Urban studies
are more topical then ever before and are central for all aspects of
spatial and environmental development. At our Department we especially
also investigate what makes these urban places so special and how they
differ from other places, what ‘urbanity’ in this respect means. How are
urban places made? How are they managed and how can they be made more
sustainable? How are they imagined and communicated? What role does
culture and multi-culturality play in these contexts and how does it
influence also the urban economy and the urban way of life? How are these
urban places related to each other? What connects them, what departs them?
Our department seeks to strengthen and enhance it’s expertise in this
field of urban studies both in teaching and in research. If you can offer
this expertise, possibly in combination with expertise in one of the other
fields mentioned here, we look forward to your application.

Ad. 2) Housing Studies

Housing policies, both on national, regional and local levels, have always
been very much related to urban planning policies and are therefore an
integrated part of teaching programme. This includes issues like (the
problems with) the implementation of new urban extensions also called
‘VINEX locations’, social housing and the position of the housing
associations on the housing market, land policies for (social) housing,
including for instance the programming of land for future development and
the current problems of municipalities with their land positions, forecast
modelling for housing demand, the current mortgage rents and tax relief
debate, and international studies of housing markets. We invite candidates
with extensive expertise in the field of housing studies, who are able to
teach and do research in this field, possibly in combination with one of
the other (sub)fields mentioned here.

Ad. 3) Quantitative Research Methods

In our education and research we extensively make use of a broad set of
different qualitative and quantitative research methods. To have thorough
knowledge of developments in the field of Geography, Spatial Planning and
the Environment and to be able to conceptualise and theorise these is one
thing, but to be able to put these insights to a methodologically rigorous
empirical test is another thing. Especially if you investigate what
attitudes people have towards their environment, how spatial and
environmental choices are made, what effects certain policy measures have,
and how different spatial situations are related to each other we also
need quantitative research methods. For students and researchers it is
very important, not just to have the necessary methodological skills but
also to be able to use them in close interaction with the development of
theoretical insights in the field of interest. In particular the
department therefore seeks to strengthen and enhance it’s expertise in the
field of applied quantitative research methods (statistics), such as
spatial sampling, causal modelling, categorical data analysis (discrete
choice modelling) etc. in combination with an expertise in one the other
(sub)fields mentioned here. We are thus looking for a person who is able
to teach applied quantitative research methods in a very inspiring,
practical and hands-on way in direct relation to the substantive fields of
research in our discipline.

Ad. 4) Interface between Natural- and Social Sciences

While the emphasis in our education and research clearly is on the
societal aspects of, Geography, Planning and Environment, to be truly an
integrative science, we explicitly need to take into account the
constraints and opportunities the physical environment provides for
society, and even more, to understand the dynamics and dialectics of the
society-environment interactions, and the relevance thereof for our fields
of research and education. The Netherlands’ eternal struggle with water
offers a clear example of the pertinence of physical parameters and
qualities for societal, economic, political and cultural developments, and
for planning in the largest sense of the word. A series of environmental
issues, from local tot global, with climate change as an ubiquitous
example, illustrate the relevance of physical conditions for society, both
as a result of human action and as a trigger to new responses to these
environmental changes. Apart from its general conceptualisation in
society-environment interaction terms, recent concepts such as ecosystem
services, resources efficiency, risk governance and others do relate to
these issues. In turn, these insights do play a crucial role in a series
of environmental and spatial developments, such as housing and urban
planning, energy and mobility policies, international migration etc., that
we deal with in our education and research. The department therefore also
seeks to strengthen and enhance it’s expertise in physical environment
aspects of society-environment interactions, and in the concepts and
approaches linked to them, either with a natural sciences background or
not. In particular, though, we look for somebody able to translate these
concepts and insights into education and research in combination with one
of the other (sub)fields mentioned here.

You have an excellent teaching record and proven didactic skills. As our
Bachelor-Programme is taught in Dutch with some courses taught in English,
and our master programme is to a large degree taught in English with some
specialisations taught in Dutch, we expect you to be able to teach in
Dutch and in English as soon as possible and at least within about 6-8
months after starting this position. Intensive courses in Dutch are

You have proven qualities in contributing to the international, academic
discussion in this field, as apparent from publications in academic
journals. You have the potential to attracting external funding for
research projects.

What we have to offer
We offer you:
- employment: 1,0 fte;

- in addition to the salary: an 8% holiday allowance and an 8.3%
end-of-year bonus;

- Radboud University Nijmegen has excellent conditions of employment. The
salary depends on qualifications and experience;

- duration of the contract: maximum 4 years. Next, excellent candidates
can be offered a contract for an indefinite period of time;

- you will be appointed as an Assistant Professor (UD).

Would you like to know more?
Prof. dr. P. Leroy
Telephone: +31 24 3612095
E-mail: p.le...@fm.ru.nl

Are you interested?
Applications should include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a list of
publications and two letters of reference from relevant persons within
It is Radboud University Nijmegen's policy to only accept applications by
e-mail. Please send your application, stating vacancy number 27.01.12/7,
to vacatu...@dpo.ru.nl, for the attention of drs. P.W. Mans, before 5
February 2012.
For more information on the application procedure: +31 24 3611633

No commercial propositions please.

Prof. Huib Ernste


Human Geography

Radboud University Nijmegen

Thomas van Aquinostraat 3 (Room 3.1.46)

P.O.Box 9108

NL-6500 HK Nijmegen

Tel: +31-(0)24-361 19 25

Fax: +31-(0)24-361 18 41

Home: Tel/Fax: +31-(0)24-360 92 31


http://socgeo.ruhosting.nl <http://socgeo.ruhosting.nl/>

Member of the Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (ARL)

Member of the Editorial Board of Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische
Geografie (TESG) <http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=0040-747x>

Newest book: Ernste, H. (2011) Angewandte Statistik in Geografie und
Umweltwissenschaften. UTB, Zürich

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