How many simulations did you do?

Abhijith Titus D'souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello List:

First of all I would like to thank all of you for your
feedback on my earlier question.

Just as an exercise I conducted conditional simulation
on my dataset. I used the turning bands algorithm
method and the sequential gaussian method. While the
turning bands method produced a similar map as
compared to IDW and kriging, sequential gaussian
produced an interesting map. It matched the estimation
maps from IDW and kriging only in those neighborhoods
which contained the sample values. For neighborhoods
containing no sample values it tended to overestimate,
i.e as one went away from the sample values the SG
method overestimated while the estimation maps did
not.The maps were the average of 100 realizations.I
was wondering if someone could tell me why this
happens. I am still trying to figure out the theory
behind the simulation methods, but it seems too far
fetched for me.


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