AI-GEOSTATS: geostat for alluvial deposit

2010-10-13 Thread M. Nur Heriawan
Dear list,

I need references about the application of geostatistics for the resources 
estimation of alluvial and placer deposits. If someone in the list has 
experiences about it, could you please share it? As you might know 
that alluvial 
deposits i.e. gold or tin has very high variability in the lateral direction, 
the resources classification based on the variogram range is seemed to be not 
appropriate. Anyway, when we used the kriging standard deviation for resources 
classification, the result was seemed to be not reliable.  
Thank you for any suggestions.

Best regards,---
M. Nur Heriawan
Earth Resources Exploration Research Group
Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132 INDONESIA 


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Re: AI-GEOSTATS: geostat for alluvial deposit

2010-10-14 Thread seba

Not too much experience with gold deposits but I have some idea.
First I think that you need to perform the analysis in a transformed 
coordinate system
( a river centered one). In this way you will able to handle easily 
the anisotropy of the variogram.

Then, probably you need, to follow a local kriging approach.

At 09:06 AM 10/13/2010, M. Nur Heriawan wrote:

Dear list,

I need references about the application of geostatistics for the resources
estimation of alluvial and placer deposits. If someone in the list has
experiences about it, could you please share it? As you might know 
that alluvial
deposits i.e. gold or tin has very high variability in the lateral 
direction, so

the resources classification based on the variogram range is seemed to be not
appropriate. Anyway, when we used the kriging standard deviation for 

classification, the result was seemed to be not reliable.

Thank you for any suggestions.

Best regards,---
M. Nur Heriawan
Earth Resources Exploration Research Group
Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132 INDONESIA

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