Re: AI-GEOSTATS: kriging or IDW in case study of hydrology?

2008-02-22 Thread seba

Hi Isobel

I didn't know the existence of the two schools of thought! So thanks 
for the clarification.

The point is the I interpret smoothing (filtering) properties of 
kriging by means of the dual representation of kriging
interpolator given for example in Goovaerts's book Geostatistics for 
natural resources evaluation.
According to this representation an estimate is equal to the mean 
plus a linear combination of covariance terms (nugget
effect included). Clearly according to this representation if you 
want to filter out nugget effect,
making your interpolator no more exact, you need to filter out the 
nugget explicitly.

Then, I'm wondering if in presence of really short range components 
of spatial continuity (compared to

the overall range of spatial continuity)  It could be better to use a block
kriging (with a block size equal to range of the short range 
components) in order to get  more spatially homogeneous
maps from the point of view of smoothing (above all with high 
clustered and low density data sampling geometry).


At 14.35 20/02/2008, you wrote:

Just to clarify the point about the nugget effect.

The nugget effect reflects the uncertainty (or randomness) which 
cannot be removed from the phenomenon. No matter how closely you 
sample, there will generally be some difference between values. I 
have had a couple of chances to be involved with 'contiguous' 
sampling exercises, where samples are taken side-by-side.

Part of the nugget effect is the inherent variability of the 
phenomenon being measured. The nugget effect will also include 
'random' errors introduced by the sampling and/or analysis of the samples.

The value allocated to the nugget effect is the intercept of your 
semi-variogram model on the axis -- if you let it hit the axis (zero 

There seem to be two schools of thought on what value the 
semi-variogram actually takes at zero distance:

(1) the nugget effect exists at all distances, except zero. This is 
the basis on which Matheron originally developed his theory of 
regionalised variables. At zero distance (exactly) the 
semi-variogram is zero. At all other distances, the nugget effect is 
included in the model.

(2) the nugget effect exists at zero distance. The implication of 
this is that the nugget effect is all sampling error.

Software packages vary according to which of the above they 
implement. My personal preference is for the former mainly because 
it gives (strangely enough) more conservative confidence levels. If 
your software package does (2) but you want to do (1), you can 
achieve this by adding (say) a spherical component with a very short 
range of influence and a sill equal to the nugget effect. The ONLY 
effect this will have will be to change the value taken at zero 
distance. For any other distance, the nugget effect will exist 
exactly as before.

For those of you who prefer algebra:

(1)  gamma(0) = 0
  gamma(h) = C0+spatial component for all h not equal to 0
 Guarantees exact interpolation and honours the data.

(2)  gamma(0) = C0
  gamma(h) = C0+spatial component for all h not equal to 0
 Smooths estimates close to sampled locations but does not
(necessarily)  honour the data.

To be absolutely clear, I do not advocate ignoring the nugget 
effect. That is why I use approach (1). Approach (2) effectively 
removes the nugget effect from the kriging system and reduces the 
kriging variance significantly.

My point is that you should know what your software is doing at zero 
and the effect that can have on your estimation.

Peter's other point is exactly correct. If you map with a grid of 
points and your sampled locations are not on that grid, the kriging 
will have no possibility to honour the data -- since the data points 
are never 'estimated'.


Re: AI-GEOSTATS: kriging or IDW in case study of hydrology?

2008-02-20 Thread Peter Bossew
Sebastiano, exactly.

So there are 2 sources of smoothing:

1) the nugget, whose purpose in interpolation is to account for unresolved
(by the sampling scheme) variability and / or data uncertainty, which
means, in effect, smoothing. If for some reason one does not want this,
simply set it to zero by introducing an artificial variogram component, as
Isobel said. This component can be either ad-hoc, as in Isobel's example,
or based on some a-priori physical knowledge of the phenomenon.

2) The distance of grid nodes which is necessarily 0 and in general does
not coincide with the sample locations. This effect can be reduced by
choosing smaller grid node distance. - This should however also be done
with care, because what is the point of choosing a grid distance of 100 m
if the average distance of sample points is 10 km. This would lead, while
better honouring the sample points, again to an unrealistic smooth
surface. (For this reason, b.t.w., I recommend normally not to use the
interpolate Pixels option in the Image Map Properties dialogue of
Surfer software.  Leaving the pixels visible may be less beautiful, but is
more correct in my view, because it evokes to a much lesser degree the
illusion of a smooth surface at a spatial scale on which there is no

Another caveat: if the empirical variogram shows high nugget, introducing
an artificial component with nugget=0, and choosing narrow grid nodes, can
lead to a bull-eye pattern, which clearly shows that something went wrong.


seba [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Well, some time you have the impression that kriging is not an exact 
interpolator because of
you have a high nugget effect and the interpolation grid nodes have 
not the same location
of available data. The variability represented by the nugget effect 
is filtered every time
an interpolation location doesn't coincide with known data.
So the apparent smoothing effect is related to the raster 
representation of reality.

Sebastiano T.

At 09.56 19/02/2008, you wrote:
Dear list,
I'm graduate student in hydrogeology, I've to spatialize data of
reservoir thickness, and I need to achieve a map having exactly the
sampled value in the sampled localization (piezometers). I've little
experience in geostatatistics.
  I had a look at kriging algorithms, but I did understand that kriging
does not preserve the sampled value at sampled locations but it tends
to smooth results, even if estimates correctly the unsampled space. So
I wonder why should I use Kriging instead IDW (which it should
preserve my sampled values): kriging respects the spatial variability
but do not respect data
  As I told you before, I've very small knowledge in geostatistics
stuff, but I'm interesting in kriging.
Could anyone help me?
Thanks a lot,

Andrea Peruzzi

PS: I apologize for writing you again but it's the first time I'm
writing you, then I'm not sure how the mailing list works. Thanks :-)

Peter Bossew 

European Commission (EC) 
Joint Research Centre (JRC) 
Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES) 

TP 441, Via Fermi 1 
21020 Ispra (VA) 
Tel. +39 0332 78 9109 
Fax. +39 0332 78 5466 

The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not in any
circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European


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Re: AI-GEOSTATS: kriging or IDW in case study of hydrology?

2008-02-20 Thread Syed Shibli
A strong nugget may be the exception rather than the norm for thickness
data. You can try cross-validating kriged thickness results based on some a
priori variogram model to see whether your estimates of thicknesses can be
improved using a spatial correlation model.


On 2/20/08, Peter Bossew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sebastiano, exactly.

 So there are 2 sources of smoothing:

 1) the nugget, whose purpose in interpolation is to account for unresolved
 (by the sampling scheme) variability and / or data uncertainty, which
 means, in effect, smoothing. If for some reason one does not want this,
 simply set it to zero by introducing an artificial variogram component, as
 Isobel said. This component can be either ad-hoc, as in Isobel's example,
 or based on some a-priori physical knowledge of the phenomenon.

 2) The distance of grid nodes which is necessarily 0 and in general does
 not coincide with the sample locations. This effect can be reduced by
 choosing smaller grid node distance. - This should however also be done
 with care, because what is the point of choosing a grid distance of 100 m
 if the average distance of sample points is 10 km. This would lead, while
 better honouring the sample points, again to an unrealistic smooth
 surface. (For this reason, b.t.w., I recommend normally not to use the
 interpolate Pixels option in the Image Map Properties dialogue of
 Surfer software.  Leaving the pixels visible may be less beautiful, but is
 more correct in my view, because it evokes to a much lesser degree the
 illusion of a smooth surface at a spatial scale on which there is no

 Another caveat: if the empirical variogram shows high nugget, introducing
 an artificial component with nugget=0, and choosing narrow grid nodes, can
 lead to a bull-eye pattern, which clearly shows that something went wrong.


 seba [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Well, some time you have the impression that kriging is not an exact
 interpolator because of
 you have a high nugget effect and the interpolation grid nodes have
 not the same location
 of available data. The variability represented by the nugget effect
 is filtered every time
 an interpolation location doesn't coincide with known data.
 So the apparent smoothing effect is related to the raster
 representation of reality.
 Sebastiano T.
 At 09.56 19/02/2008, you wrote:
 Dear list,
 I'm graduate student in hydrogeology, I've to spatialize data of
 reservoir thickness, and I need to achieve a map having exactly the
 sampled value in the sampled localization (piezometers). I've little
 experience in geostatatistics.
   I had a look at kriging algorithms, but I did understand that kriging
 does not preserve the sampled value at sampled locations but it tends
 to smooth results, even if estimates correctly the unsampled space. So
 I wonder why should I use Kriging instead IDW (which it should
 preserve my sampled values): kriging respects the spatial variability
 but do not respect data
   As I told you before, I've very small knowledge in geostatistics
 stuff, but I'm interesting in kriging.
 Could anyone help me?
 Thanks a lot,
 Andrea Peruzzi
 PS: I apologize for writing you again but it's the first time I'm
 writing you, then I'm not sure how the mailing list works. Thanks :-)

 Peter Bossew

 European Commission (EC)
 Joint Research Centre (JRC)
 Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES)

 TP 441, Via Fermi 1
 21020 Ispra (VA)

 Tel. +39 0332 78 9109
 Fax. +39 0332 78 5466


 The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not in any
 circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European

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Re: AI-GEOSTATS: kriging or IDW in case study of hydrology?

2008-02-20 Thread seba


Well, some time you have the impression that kriging is not an exact 
interpolator because of
you have a high nugget effect and the interpolation grid nodes have 
not the same location
of available data. The variability represented by the nugget effect 
is filtered every time

an interpolation location doesn't coincide with known data.
So the apparent smoothing effect is related to the raster 
representation of reality.

Sebastiano T.

At 09.56 19/02/2008, you wrote:

Dear list,
I'm graduate student in hydrogeology, I've to spatialize data of
reservoir thickness, and I need to achieve a map having exactly the
sampled value in the sampled localization (piezometers). I've little
experience in geostatatistics.
 I had a look at kriging algorithms, but I did understand that kriging
does not preserve the sampled value at sampled locations but it tends
to smooth results, even if estimates correctly the unsampled space. So
I wonder why should I use Kriging instead IDW (which it should
preserve my sampled values): kriging respects the spatial variability
but do not respect data
 As I told you before, I've very small knowledge in geostatistics
stuff, but I'm interesting in kriging.
Could anyone help me?
Thanks a lot,

Andrea Peruzzi

PS: I apologize for writing you again but it's the first time I'm
writing you, then I'm not sure how the mailing list works. Thanks :-)
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Re: AI-GEOSTATS: kriging or IDW in case study of hydrology?

2008-02-20 Thread Peter Bossew

thanks for clarification.

As to (1) vs. (2): I think it really depends on the physical nature of the
variable which one tries to model. If you have exact data (i.e.
intrinsic + longitudinal uncertainty very small compared to value or 
abs(value)) == (1)

If you have intrinsic = measuring/sampling unc., or long. unc. =
replication unc. (e.g. temporal; or a phenomenon which we are currently
fighting with, indoor Rn values taken in different rooms of one house,
i.e. at one point), which are not negligible == (2)

Please let me know if you think I am wrong with this.


Isobel Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Just to clarify the point about the nugget effect. 
The nugget effect reflects the uncertainty (or randomness) which cannot
be removed from the phenomenon. No matter how closely you sample, there
will generally be some difference between values. I have had a couple of
chances to be involved with 'contiguous' sampling exercises, where
samples are taken side-by-side.
Part of the nugget effect is the inherent variability of the phenomenon
being measured. The nugget effect will also include 'random' errors
introduced by the sampling and/or analysis of the samples. 
The value allocated to the nugget effect is the intercept of your
semi-variogram model on the axis -- if you let it hit the axis (zero
There seem to be two schools of thought on what value the semi-variogram
actually takes at zero distance:
(1) the nugget effect exists at all distances, except zero. This is the
basis on which Matheron originally developed his theory of regionalised
variables. At zero distance (exactly) the semi-variogram is zero. At all
other distances, the nugget effect is included in the model.
(2) the nugget effect exists at zero distance. The implication of this is
that the nugget effect is all sampling error.
Software packages vary according to which of the above they implement. My
personal preference is for the former mainly because it gives (strangely
enough) more conservative confidence levels. If your software package
does (2) but you want to do (1), you can achieve this by adding (say) a
spherical component with a very short range of influence and a sill equal
to the nugget effect. The ONLY effect this will have will be to change
the value taken at zero distance. For any other distance, the nugget
effect will exist exactly as before.
For those of you who prefer algebra:
(1)  gamma(0) = 0
  gamma(h) = C0+spatial component for all h not equal to 0
 Guarantees exact interpolation and honours the data.
(2)  gamma(0) = C0
  gamma(h) = C0+spatial component for all h not equal to 0
 Smooths estimates close to sampled locations but does not   
(necessarily)  honour the data.
To be absolutely clear, I do not advocate ignoring the nugget effect.
That is why I use approach (1). Approach (2) effectively removes the
nugget effect from the kriging system and reduces the kriging variance
My point is that you should know what your software is doing at zero and
the effect that can have on your estimation. 
Peter's other point is exactly correct. If you map with a grid of points
and your sampled locations are not on that grid, the kriging will have no
possibility to honour the data -- since the data points are never
[ ]

Peter Bossew 

European Commission (EC) 
Joint Research Centre (JRC) 
Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES) 

TP 441, Via Fermi 1 
21020 Ispra (VA) 
Tel. +39 0332 78 9109 
Fax. +39 0332 78 5466 

The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not in any
circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European


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AI-GEOSTATS: kriging or IDW in case study of hydrology?

2008-02-19 Thread Andrea Peruzzi
Dear list,
I'm graduate student in hydrogeology, I've to spatialize data of
reservoir thickness, and I need to achieve a map having exactly the
sampled value in the sampled localization (piezometers). I've little
experience in geostatatistics.
 I had a look at kriging algorithms, but I did understand that kriging
does not preserve the sampled value at sampled locations but it tends
to smooth results, even if estimates correctly the unsampled space. So
I wonder why should I use Kriging instead IDW (which it should
preserve my sampled values): kriging respects the spatial variability
but do not respect data
 As I told you before, I've very small knowledge in geostatistics
stuff, but I'm interesting in kriging.
Could anyone help me?
Thanks a lot,

Andrea Peruzzi

PS: I apologize for writing you again but it's the first time I'm
writing you, then I'm not sure how the mailing list works. Thanks :-)
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Re: AI-GEOSTATS: kriging or IDW in case study of hydrology?

2008-02-19 Thread Isobel Clark
  In theory kriging will honour the sample values provided your semi-variogram 
model takes the value zero at zero distance.
  Whether the data are honoured or not depends on which computer package you 
use and what it does with the semi-variogram at zero. You can force this 
behaviour by replacing any nugget effect with a short range model component. 
For example a spherical component with a range of influence of 10cm or some 
  See our completely free and public domain kriging game, for how the kriging 
system works.
  By the way, IDW will only honour your sample values if the algorithms are 
written with the same criterion.

Andrea Peruzzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dear list,
I'm graduate student in hydrogeology, I've to spatialize data of
reservoir thickness, and I need to achieve a map having exactly the
sampled value in the sampled localization (piezometers). I've little
experience in geostatatistics.
I had a look at kriging algorithms, but I did understand that kriging
does not preserve the sampled value at sampled locations but it tends
to smooth results, even if estimates correctly the unsampled space. So
I wonder why should I use Kriging instead IDW (which it should
preserve my sampled values): kriging respects the spatial variability
but do not respect data
As I told you before, I've very small knowledge in geostatistics
stuff, but I'm interesting in kriging.
Could anyone help me?
Thanks a lot,

Andrea Peruzzi

PS: I apologize for writing you again but it's the first time I'm
writing you, then I'm not sure how the mailing list works. Thanks :-)
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