AI-GEOSTATS: spatDesign

2011-05-26 Thread Gunter Spoeck
Dear users of spatDesign,

Version 2.1.0 of the spatial sampling design Matlab toolbox "spatDesign"
is now available online at

New in this version of spatDesign is an implementation of the Smith and
Zhu (2004) design criterion, which takes account also of covariance
function uncertainty. Since the computations for this design criterion
are computationally very intensive it has been implemented in parallel
on NVIDIA GPUs with CUDA support. You need the GPUmat package to run the
code (
An Octave version will become available (also with CUDA support) in the
near future.
Also in near future a design algorithm for trans-Gaussian kriging will
be available.

Best Regards,
Gunter Spöck

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AI-GEOSTATS: spatDesign

2011-07-23 Thread Gunter Spoeck
Dear users of spatDesign,

Version 2.1.1 of the spatial sampling design toolbox spatDesign is available 
online now at

In this Version some errors concerning the Smith and Zhu (2004) design 
criterion have been corrected.


G. Spöck

Ass. Prof. Dr. Gunter Spöck
Department of Statistics
University of Klagenfurt,

Universitaetsstrasse 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt,
Tel. +43 650 26 06 166

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