[akka-user] Re: Akka Camel websocket client producer doesn't work

2015-03-13 Thread George CGV
Akka Camel works fine for http and many other component, however, ahc-ws 
doesn't work.
Afterall, I decided to go with Netty websocket implementation inside an 

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[akka-user] Akka Camel websocket client producer doesn't work

2015-03-11 Thread George CGV
Hello everybody,

I just posted a problem I am struggling with on stackoverflow 
I haven't got too many views there and no answer so far, so decided to post 
it over here to people who use Akka the most; maybe someone will be able to 
help me out.

I will copy my stackoverflow post here.

I am trying to communicate with a websocket server using Apache Camel 
AHC-Websocket Component with Akka Camel in Java. In this case, websocket 
endpoint is goint to be a well known websocket public service 


   - JDK *8.x*
   - Akka Java API with Akka Camel, Akka Actor and Akka SLF4J *2.3.9*
   - Apache Camel with AHC WS Component *2.14.1*

I followed Akka Camel tutorial for Java located over here 

Short description: Every response received by UntypedProducerActor when I 
make a request returns CamelMessage with body field as null. But when I 
make request via ProducerTemplate I receive correct response.

Long description: I am getting strange behaviour from Akka Camel when I 
make a request and expect a response from the websocket endpoint. When I 
make a request to the endpoint via defined ActorRef, for example like so:

ActorRef wsProducer = 
final Timeout timeout = new Timeout(3, TimeUnit.MINUTES);final FutureObject 
future = Patterns.ask(wsProducer, Please, respond!, timeout);final Object 
result = Await.result(future, timeout.duration());

I clearly see in the logs that Apache Camel websocket endpoint received a 

DEBUG o.a.c.component.ahc.ws.WsEndpoint - received message -- Please, 

But the result object will be a CamelMessage with body field always set to 
null. The same CamelMessage present in public Object 
onTransformResponse(Object message) method of my SimpleProducer.

However, when I make request via ProducerTemplate like this:

final Camel camel = CamelExtension.get(getContext().system());final 
CamelContext context = camel.context();final ProducerTemplate template = 
Object result = template.requestBody(ahc-ws:echo.websocket.org, Alpha is 

It works and result will contain correct response body: Alpha is there!.

My SimpleProducer is pretty much the same as in tutorial:

public class SimpleProducer extends UntypedProducerActor {
private final LoggingAdapter LOG = Logging.getLogger(getContext().system(), 

private final String mEndpointUri;

public SimpleProducer(final String serverUrl) {
mEndpointUri = serverUrl;

public String getEndpointUri() {
return mEndpointUri;

public Object onTransformResponse(Object message) {
return super.onTransformOutgoingMessage(message);

public boolean isOneway() {
return false;

public static Props props(final String endpointUri) {
return Props.create(new CreatorSimpleProducer() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

public SimpleProducer create() throws Exception {
return new SimpleProducer(endpointUri);

Maybe somebody had the same issue and can help me out?

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