
i'm new to akka. Newer used it. Only played with activator.

I think akka and especially the actor model would fit very very nicely on a 
new release of a project i'm working on.
It's a distributed communication network where nodes are communicating via:
* TCP (not really used currently).
* Bluetooth Low Energy
* A proprietary M2M Protocol. Mainly consisting of a up to 3k big messages 
which can be sent via this line.
(All implemented in java.)

=== My question is now ===
Can i extend akka to use https, bluetooth low energy as well as the 
proprietary m2m protocol and can somebody point me to e.g. a java package 
where i have to start.
(As far as i can see, TCP is already available.)

And are there topics where i have to pay special attention to while 
implementing those connectors?

Additional information about the project:
Communication Model:
Server  <---- (M2M or HTTPS) ----> Master-Nodes  < ----(Bluetooth LE) ----> 
Slave Nodes
The Server is on our companys server farm.
The Master-Nodes as well as the Slave nodes are at production sites of our 
a.) There can be multiple masters on a customer site.
b.) The nodes on the customers site form a mesh of any form. (star- as well 
as line-formation).

The nodes on the installations are mostly offline. They get online in a 
definable interval. (by default every 2 hours) via the M2M connectivity.


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