[akka-user] delete persisted message in Journal

2015-03-11 Thread hfaouaz

I need to delete a message after it has been successfully delivered from 
the Journal.  Currently it seem I can only deleteMessageTo using sequence 
Number, but if I only need to delete one message how I can do that?  thanks 
for your time and help

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[akka-user] shutdown camel route in an akka actor

2015-02-15 Thread hfaouaz

  I am trying to leverage akka to initiate one single camel route 
execution, as such once the actor gets a message, it initiates the camel 
route, and upon completion, shutdown the route.  Example below, though I am 
not able to achieve it.  Either the camel route stays and if I try to shut 
it down, the route is never complete.  Any ideas I would appreciate...

class CamelRouteExecutor extends Actor with ActorLogging {

  implicit val system = context.system

  val camel = CamelExtension(system)

  def receive = {

case work:Any =>

  val route = work.asInstanceOf[java.lang.String]
  log.debug("Executing camel route {}", route)
  val is = new ByteArrayInputStream(route.toString().getBytes())
  val routesDef = camel.context.loadRoutesDefinition(is)
  log.debug("stopping route Id {} from camel context", 

  sender() ! Worker.WorkComplete("work status: ")

case _ =>
  log.warning("got a message, which I don't understand")

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[akka-user] akka-camel

2015-01-18 Thread hfaouaz


   I am attempting to integrate camel with akka, though I have a question 
concerning best practice approach in creating a camel route.

1) Should I create a route, where each consumer and producer are actors and 
chain them?  or
2) Should I have one actor and have it RouteBuilder within?

The problem I encountering doing he first option, I may sometime have more 
consumers then producer, since akka is asynchronous and it causing the 
route to break or even restart in the middle, since actors restart if they 

any ideas, guidance, is appreciated.


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