Re: [akka-user] Again about tell don't ask and use Actor tell instead future

2015-03-12 Thread Владимир Морозов
Hi, *rrodseth*

thank you for link, I read it and try to re-write my code from Futures to 
actor 'Tell', but at now example DAO are not async (but I think at now it's 
not a problem):


import scala.concurrent.duration._

object ExampleActorBoot extends App {
  val system = ActorSystem("ExampleActorBoot")

  val dao = system.actorOf(Props[DaoActor], "dao")
  val processor = system.actorOf(Props(new ProcessorActor("test", dao)), 

  processor ! ProcessorActor.Process

case class TaskId(processorName: String, id: String)

case class TaskDetails(id: TaskId, status: String, json: String)

object DaoActor {

  sealed trait DaoActorMessage {
def receiver: ActorRef

  case class LoadTaskIds(processorName: String, receiver: ActorRef) extends 

  case class LoadTaskDetails(id: TaskId, receiver: ActorRef) extends 

  case class DeleteTask(id: TaskId, receiver: ActorRef) extends DaoActorMessage

  case class MarkSuccess(id: TaskId, receiver: ActorRef) extends DaoActorMessage


class DaoActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {

  import com.episodetracker.boot.DaoActor._

  override def receive = {
case LoadTaskIds(processorName, receiver) =>
  val result = 1 to 4 map {
case i =>
  TaskId(processorName, i.toString)

  receiver ! result
case LoadTaskDetails(id, receiver) =>
  val result = TaskDetails(id, "pending", "JSON")
  receiver ! result
case DeleteTask(id, receiver) =>
  receiver ! true
case MarkSuccess(id, receiver) =>
  receiver ! true

object ProcessorActor {

  sealed trait ProcessorActorMessage

  case object Process extends ProcessorActorMessage

  private case class TaskComplete(id: TaskId, isSuccess: Boolean) extends 

  private case class ProcessingComplete(result: Seq[(TaskId, Boolean)]) extends 


class ProcessorActor(name: String, dao: ActorRef) extends Actor with 
ActorLogging {

  import com.episodetracker.boot.ProcessorActor._

  override def receive = {
case Process =>
  dao ! DaoActor.LoadTaskIds(name, context.actorOf(Props(new 
case ProcessingComplete(result) =>
  sender() ! PoisonPill"Processing complete with results [$result]")
case unknown =>
  log.error(s"Unknown message [$unknown]")

  val emptyResult = Seq[(TaskId, Boolean)]()

  class TasksProcessorResultActor extends Actor {
context.setReceiveTimeout(3 seconds)

override def receive = default(0, emptyResult)

def default(awaitResults: Int, completedTasks: Seq[(TaskId, Boolean)]): 
Receive = {
  case tasks: Seq[TaskId] =>
tasks.foreach {
  case task =>
context.actorOf(Props(new TaskProcessorActor(task)))
context become default(tasks.size, emptyResult)
  case TaskComplete(id, isSuccess) =>
val results = completedTasks :+ ((id, isSuccess))

if (results.size == awaitResults) {
  context.parent ! ProcessingComplete(results)
} else {
  context become default(awaitResults, results)
  case unknown =>
log.error(s"Unknown message [$unknown]")

  class TaskProcessorActor(taskId: TaskId) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
override def receive = default

dao ! DaoActor.LoadTaskDetails(taskId, self)

def default: Receive = {
  case taskDetails: TaskDetails =>
taskDetails.status match {
  case "success" =>
dao ! DaoActor.DeleteTask(, self)
  case _ =>
//TODO: do some processing
dao ! DaoActor.MarkSuccess(, self)
  case unknown =>
log.error(s"Unknown message [$unknown]")

def waitDaoResponse: Receive = {
  case true =>
context.parent ! TaskComplete(taskId, true)
  case false =>
context.parent ! TaskComplete(taskId, false)


I think it's not perfect and if code in "//TODO: do some processing"  need 
some DAO call, actor code with become go to hell.

What in second sample can be corrected or improved?

With best regards, Vladimir.

среда, 11 марта 2015 г., 17:14:21 UTC+3 пользователь rrodseth написал:
> Hi Vladimir
> I have had good luck with using per-request actors as in the Net-a-porter 
> activator template, and a replyTo:ActorRef in the messages sent to my 
> "DbActor" (which still talks to a DAO)
> Some more detail in this thread
> On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 2:55 PM, Владимир Морозов  > wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> this question about design, for example now I have some process that load 
>> task list and try process each task, it looks like this:
>> import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}

Re: [akka-user] Again about tell don't ask and use Actor tell instead future

2015-03-11 Thread Richard Rodseth
Hi Vladimir

I have had good luck with using per-request actors as in the Net-a-porter
activator template, and a replyTo:ActorRef in the messages sent to my
"DbActor" (which still talks to a DAO)

Some more detail in this thread

On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 2:55 PM, Владимир Морозов 

> Hi All,
> this question about design, for example now I have some process that load
> task list and try process each task, it looks like this:
> import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
> case class TaskId(processorName: String, id: String)
> case class TaskDetails(id: TaskId, status: String, json: String)
> trait DAO {
>   def loadTaskIds(processorName: String): Future[Seq[TaskId]]
>   def loadTaskDetails(id: TaskId): Future[Option[TaskDetails]]
>   def deleteTask(id: TaskId): Future[Boolean]
>   def markSuccess(id: TaskId): Future[Boolean]
> }
> class Processor(name: String, dao: DAO, implicit val ec: ExecutionContext) {
>   def process(): Unit = {
> dao
>   .loadTaskIds(name)
>   .map( {
>   case taskId =>
> dao.loadTaskDetails(taskId).flatMap {
>   case None =>
> delete(taskId)
>   case Some(task) if task.status == "success" =>
> delete(taskId)
>   case Some(task) =>
> doProcess(task).flatMap {
>   case true =>
> dao.markSuccess(taskId).map {
>   case true =>
> Some(task)
>   case false =>
> // log.error(...)
> None
> }
>   case false =>
> // log.error(...)
> Future.successful(None)
> }
> }
> }).map {
>   case processingFutures =>
> Future.sequence(processingFutures).map(_.flatten).map {
>   case completedTasks =>
>   //"Processing '$name' tasks, complete 
> [${", ")}]")
> }
> }
>   }
>   private def doProcess(task: TaskDetails): Future[Boolean] = ???
>   private def delete(taskId: TaskId): Future[Option[TaskDetails]] =
> dao.deleteTask(taskId).map {
>   case true =>
> None
>   case false =>
> // log.error(...)
> None
> }
> }
> My question: how I need to change this code for getting 'True' Actor based
> application without using futures or ask pattern.
> PS: I read that I need use only actor tell (!) but I can't understand how
> I can rewrite my logic and DAO as an actor.
> With best regards, Vladimir.
>  --
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[akka-user] Again about tell don't ask and use Actor tell instead future

2015-03-10 Thread Владимир Морозов
Hi All,

this question about design, for example now I have some process that load 
task list and try process each task, it looks like this:

import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}

case class TaskId(processorName: String, id: String)

case class TaskDetails(id: TaskId, status: String, json: String)

trait DAO {
  def loadTaskIds(processorName: String): Future[Seq[TaskId]]

  def loadTaskDetails(id: TaskId): Future[Option[TaskDetails]]

  def deleteTask(id: TaskId): Future[Boolean]

  def markSuccess(id: TaskId): Future[Boolean]

class Processor(name: String, dao: DAO, implicit val ec: ExecutionContext) {
  def process(): Unit = {
  .map( {
  case taskId =>
dao.loadTaskDetails(taskId).flatMap {
  case None =>
  case Some(task) if task.status == "success" =>
  case Some(task) =>
doProcess(task).flatMap {
  case true =>
dao.markSuccess(taskId).map {
  case true =>
  case false =>
// log.error(...)
  case false =>
// log.error(...)
}).map {
  case processingFutures =>
Future.sequence(processingFutures).map(_.flatten).map {
  case completedTasks =>
  //"Processing '$name' tasks, complete 
[${", ")}]")

  private def doProcess(task: TaskDetails): Future[Boolean] = ???

  private def delete(taskId: TaskId): Future[Option[TaskDetails]] =
dao.deleteTask(taskId).map {
  case true =>
  case false =>
// log.error(...)

My question: how I need to change this code for getting 'True' Actor based 
application without using futures or ask pattern.

PS: I read that I need use only actor tell (!) but I can't understand how I 
can rewrite my logic and DAO as an actor.

With best regards, Vladimir.

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