Re: [akka-user] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Akka 2.4.9-RC1 Released! (Akka HTTP Performance and Entity Streaming)

2016-08-03 Thread Konrad Malawski
Hi Jason,
sadly the sbt-osgi plugin did something rather silly (I went in and fixed
the plugin today) breaking the release if Java Marshallers are used.
See here for details and workaround:

Thanks for trying out the release candidate and thanks for your
understanding - sorry that it's dead-on-arrival.
A stable 2.4.9 is coming any day now – that will work then.

We did a ReleaseCandidate this time as we weren't sure about some changes,
glad we did an RC because indeed one of them turned out to be a problem.

Konrad 'ktoso’ Malawski
Akka  @ Lightbend / / / /

On 4 August 2016 at 00:17:30, Jason B ( wrote:

Got this error after upgrading Akka versions in sbt build file from 2.4.8
to 2.4.9-RC1, and attempting to integrate JSON Streaming functionality. I'm
not using javadsl in any capacity. Seems related to the migration note on
javadsl, but I am only using scaladsl in my code. An issue with the Maven

[error] missing or invalid dependency detected while loading class file
[error] Could not access type JsonEntityStreamingSupport in value
[error] because it (or its dependencies) are missing. Check your build
definition for
[error] missing or conflicting dependencies. (Re-run with `-Ylog-classpath`
to see the problematic classpath.)
[error] A full rebuild may help if 'JsonEntityStreamingSupport.class' was
compiled against an incompatible version of akka.http.javadsl.common.
[error] missing or invalid dependency detected while loading class file
[error] Could not access type EntityStreamingSupport in value
[error] because it (or its dependencies) are missing. Check your build
definition for
[error] missing or conflicting dependencies. (Re-run with `-Ylog-classpath`
to see the problematic classpath.)
[error] A full rebuild may help if 'EntityStreamingSupport.class' was
compiled against an incompatible version of akka.http.javadsl.common.

On Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at 1:04:29 PM UTC-6, Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski
> Dear hAkkers,
> We—the Akka committers—are pleased to be able to announce the availability
> of Akka 2.4.9-RC1.
> This version is focused on Akka HTTP performance improvements as well as
> introducing the entity streaming feature which we’ll discuss below.
> Highlights of the performance improvements include:
>Overall Akka HTTP throughput and transfer rate has been improved by
>Performance is on-par or better than Spray.
>   -
>   Matching it both in raw throughput as well as latency distribution
>   across a spectrum of request rates.
>   -
>   We measured an overall improvement of ~14% over Spray
>   -
>Short lived connections throughput, which remains to be the worst-case
>scenario for Akka HTTP thought remains rare in the real world (due to
>connection pooling), has been doubled.
>Given our EC2 infrastructure (m4.2xlarge instances) the server
>currently reaches a maximum of ~160.000 “ping / pong” requests per second
>(measured using 100 concurrent connections).
> While we did not have the chance to benchmark using dedicated boxes this
> time, based on experience from previous Spray benchmark rounds we expect
> the top throughput to be much higher on actual hardware than it is on EC2.
> One might want to remind remind oneself the good old post about Spray’s
> benchmarking results  
> back
> in 2013 when it won a benchmarking round, achieving 30k reqs/sec on EC2
> (m1.large) and 197k reqs/sec on dedicated i7 machines (using 256
> connections).
> This release also features a new feature that we think Streaming API
> authors will be delighted to see: EntityStreamingSupport.
> It makes marshalling of Akka Streams into/from HTTP requests and responses
> as simple as adding enabling streaming and calling complete(tweets), given
> tweets was a Source[Tweet, _].
> Learn more about it in the Entity Streaming section of the documentation
> .
> We would like to encourage Akka HTTP users to try out this Release
> Candidate and provide feedback or report regressions if you find any.
> API has remained largely unchanged, though the usual experimental module
> incompatibility caveat still remains so upgrading should be simple.
> You may want to refer to the migration guide
> ,
> as some classes moved to more appropriate places. A stable 2.4.9 should
> follow shortly after we’ve gathered some community feedback.
> Next steps for Akka HTTP

[akka-user] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Akka 2.4.9-RC1 Released! (Akka HTTP Performance and Entity Streaming)

2016-08-03 Thread Jason B
Got this error after upgrading Akka versions in sbt build file from 2.4.8 
to 2.4.9-RC1, and attempting to integrate JSON Streaming functionality. I'm 
not using javadsl in any capacity. Seems related to the migration note on 
javadsl, but I am only using scaladsl in my code. An issue with the Maven 

[error] missing or invalid dependency detected while loading class file 
[error] Could not access type JsonEntityStreamingSupport in value 
[error] because it (or its dependencies) are missing. Check your build 
definition for
[error] missing or conflicting dependencies. (Re-run with `-Ylog-classpath` 
to see the problematic classpath.)
[error] A full rebuild may help if 'JsonEntityStreamingSupport.class' was 
compiled against an incompatible version of akka.http.javadsl.common.
[error] missing or invalid dependency detected while loading class file 
[error] Could not access type EntityStreamingSupport in value 
[error] because it (or its dependencies) are missing. Check your build 
definition for
[error] missing or conflicting dependencies. (Re-run with `-Ylog-classpath` 
to see the problematic classpath.)
[error] A full rebuild may help if 'EntityStreamingSupport.class' was 
compiled against an incompatible version of akka.http.javadsl.common.

On Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at 1:04:29 PM UTC-6, Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski 
> Dear hAkkers,
> We—the Akka committers—are pleased to be able to announce the availability 
> of Akka 2.4.9-RC1. 
> This version is focused on Akka HTTP performance improvements as well as 
> introducing the entity streaming feature which we’ll discuss below. 
> Highlights of the performance improvements include:
>Overall Akka HTTP throughput and transfer rate has been improved by 
>Performance is on-par or better than Spray. 
>   Matching it both in raw throughput as well as latency distribution 
>   across a spectrum of request rates.
>   - 
>   We measured an overall improvement of ~14% over Spray
>   - 
>Short lived connections throughput, which remains to be the worst-case 
>scenario for Akka HTTP thought remains rare in the real world (due to 
>connection pooling), has been doubled.
>Given our EC2 infrastructure (m4.2xlarge instances) the server 
>currently reaches a maximum of ~160.000 “ping / pong” requests per second 
>(measured using 100 concurrent connections).
> While we did not have the chance to benchmark using dedicated boxes this 
> time, based on experience from previous Spray benchmark rounds we expect 
> the top throughput to be much higher on actual hardware than it is on EC2. 
> One might want to remind remind oneself the good old post about Spray’s 
> benchmarking results  
> back in 2013 when it won a benchmarking round, achieving 30k reqs/sec on 
> EC2 (m1.large) and 197k reqs/sec on dedicated i7 machines (using 256 
> connections).
> This release also features a new feature that we think Streaming API 
> authors will be delighted to see: EntityStreamingSupport. 
> It makes marshalling of Akka Streams into/from HTTP requests and responses 
> as simple as adding enabling streaming and calling complete(tweets), given 
> tweets was a Source[Tweet, _]. 
> Learn more about it in the Entity Streaming section of the documentation 
> .
> We would like to encourage Akka HTTP users to try out this Release 
> Candidate and provide feedback or report regressions if you find any. 
> API has remained largely unchanged, though the usual experimental module 
> incompatibility caveat still remains so upgrading should be simple. 
> You may want to refer to the migration guide 
> ,
> as some classes moved to more appropriate places. A stable 2.4.9 should 
> follow shortly after we’ve gathered some community feedback.
> Next steps for Akka HTTP
> Having that said, we’ll want to officially announce the end-of-life of 
> Spray and confidently request users to upgrade to Akka HTTP. 
> Yes, this means we’ll soon be lifting the experimental flag from Akka 
> HTTP. 
> The exact timeline for this is yet to be decided, as we want to discuss 
> with the community about the best way to go about this.
> The other question that is on everyone’s minds is one about HTTP/2.
> We’d like to announce that we’ll spend some time working on an HTTP/2 
> Proof-of-Content within a few months. 
> You can follow our sprint plans on akka-meta be up to date about our 
> sprint plans and progress.
> Credits:
> commits added removed
>   3957531748 Konrad 

[akka-user] Re: [ANNOUNCE] Akka 2.4.9-RC1 Released! (Akka HTTP Performance and Entity Streaming)

2016-08-03 Thread Jim Hazen
Some quick feedback on raw iron performance, on my local workstation.  Your 
mileage my vary, but I'm pretty happy with these numbers.

Minimal example Webserver code 

wrk -d30 -c100 -t12 http://localhost:8080/hello
Running 30s test @ http://localhost:8080/hello
  12 threads and 100 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg  Stdev Max   +/- Stdev
Latency 2.15ms   12.36ms 309.76ms   97.72%
Req/Sec21.98k 4.54k   39.19k75.18%
  7827755 requests in 30.08s, 1.28GB read
Requests/sec: 260269.56
Transfer/sec: 43.69MB

Thanks Akka Team!  Been looking forward to this for a long time.

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