[algogeeks] Partition of flow graph

2010-09-28 Thread yako...@gmail.com
For the data flow graph G= (V,E),I have to determine a partition - in
such a way that
sub graphs created could be computed in parallel and the sub graphs
are approximately of the same size
For example as in graph attached ( http://i55.tinypic.com/35lvu6x.png -
the graph should be directed upwards) - B0,B1,B2 - describe partially
the partition.
Do you have idea for algorithm?
Thank you very much

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[algogeeks] Partition of flow graph

2010-09-28 Thread yako...@gmail.com
For the data flow graph G= (V,E),I have to determine a partition - in
such a way that
sub graphs created could be computed in parallel and the sub graphs
are approximately of the same size
For example as in graph attached ( http://i55.tinypic.com/35lvu6x.png -
the graph should be directed upwards) - B0,B1,B2 - describe partially
the partition.
Do you have idea for algorithm?
Thank you very much

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Re: [algogeeks] search a 2d sorted array in less than O(n)

2010-09-28 Thread Rohit Saraf
Trivial algorithm : (Assuming it is in ascending order in both columns and

logarithmic time in max(n,m)

Divide the 2-d table to 4 parts, the -right-bottom-most and the
left-bottom-most are the smallest and largest values in the subtable.
It should be clear that atleast two subtables can be rejected
straightforward from just this info.

Hence the complexity

T(m,n)  = 2 * T(m/4,n/4) + c

Rohit Saraf
Third Year Undergraduate
Compter Science  Engineering
IIT Bombay

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[algogeeks] Re: Partition of flow graph

2010-09-28 Thread Chi

On Sep 28, 2:52 pm, yako...@gmail.com yako...@gmail.com wrote:
 For the data flow graph G= (V,E),I have to determine a partition - in
 such a way that
 sub graphs created could be computed in parallel and the sub graphs
 are approximately of the same size
 For example as in graph attached (http://i55.tinypic.com/35lvu6x.png-
 the graph should be directed upwards) - B0,B1,B2 - describe partially
 the partition.
 Do you have idea for algorithm?
 Thank you very much

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: arrays

2010-09-28 Thread Nishant Agarwal
int main()
int a[20],i,n,max,t,j,k;
printf(Enter the no. of elements\n);
return 0;

On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 3:43 AM, Chi c...@linuxdna.com wrote:


 On Sep 27, 11:58 pm, Anand anandut2...@gmail.com wrote:
   Given an array of integers, for each index i, you have to swap the value
  i with the first value smaller than A[ i ] that comes after index i

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: BST in BT

2010-09-28 Thread TurksHead Education
Maximum Sized Binary Search Tree in a Binary Tree:

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 10:34 AM, Chonku cho...@gmail.com wrote:

 As per your example, 8 15 20 25 which is the is indeed the maximum binary
 search tree in this binary tree is only a solution to smaller problem used
 to solve a bigger problem.
 The solution to smaller problem can be translated directly to the solution
 of the bigger problem.

 On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 8:28 AM, prodigy 1abhishekshu...@gmail.comwrote:

   8  25
  20  22

 On Sep 26, 10:45 am, Chonku cho...@gmail.com wrote:
  This can also be done if we do an inorder traversal of the binary tree
  look for the longest continuous sequence of numbers in ascending order.

 Your idea will fail for above case.

 In Order =  8 15 20 25 22
 longest continuous sequence of numbers in ascending order = 8 15 20

 But that's not the answer (I hope you realize what correct output
 would be )

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[algogeeks] Re: do this: two numbers with min diff

2010-09-28 Thread sourav
Hi Friends

This is an interesting problem and request you all to give a brief
intro to your code before putting the code. Or you may just mention
the under lying concept in the code. This will be of great help and
others will find it more ready to improve by adding there approach.

Coming back to the problem an O(n) solution can exist by following the
approach of building a min heap (or max heap) from an array of
elements. A mean heap from an array of elements can be built by
starting from middle element (all elements from mid +1 to end are them
selves single element min heaps) (references available in Cormen or
other books).

During constructing the mean heap always track the min difference
between any two elements in the so far constructed heap. At any
instant if you are handling root 'a' which has left child l and right
child r and aiming to build a min heap rooted at a, then the following
cases arise

1. a is less than both l and r. In this case no movement of a is
required. Now find |a-l| = x and |a-r| = y. 'a' cannot have a
difference z with any element under tree rooted at  l such that z  x
becuase l is the least element in the tree rooted at l. Similarly 'a'
cannot have a difference z' with any element under tree rooted at r
such that z'  r. So least of x and y is the min diff between any
elements in the so far constructed min heap rooted at 'a'.

2. a is less than l but greater than r. In this case r will replace a
and a need to be pushed down the its right child. While pushing 'a'
down keep calculating the differences between 'a' and 'r' as long as
'a' is not pushed down to a node where it is the min element. While
you keep calculating also keep track of the min diff calculated so far
(say 'p'). Compare this 'p' with |a-l| and min diff between any two
elements for the tree rooted at l. Least of these three will be the
min diff between any 2 elements for the min head rooted at 'r' (which
replaced 'a''s position.

3. Both 'l' and 'r' are less than 'a'. Take the lesser or 'l' and 'r'
and replace that with 'a' and push 'a' down as in case 2 (normal min
heap construction algo).

Thus we can continue building the min heap and at the end have the min
diff between any 2 elements in the array. Just we keep tracking the
min diff, we can also keep note of the 2 elements than are
contributing to this min diff my adding some more steps.

This idea is all based on the fact that min heap can be constructed
from an array in linear time.


On Sep 27, 1:32 pm, rahul rahulr...@gmail.com wrote:
 If their is no constrain on assumptions.

 1.Sort the array.
 2. check the dif between 2 elements.

 { 99,35,45,33,88,9098,112,33455,678,3}

 sorted arrary : { } would be something.
 now update the min_diff.

 another example : { 7,8,1,3,5,4}
 sorted arrary  : { 1,3,4,5,7,8}
 min diff is 1.

 Please correct me if i missed something.

 On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 1:13 PM, satish satish@gmail.com wrote:
  step1construct heap using siftdown. //  time complexity wil be O(n) and
  space complexity O(1).
  step2take mindifference=a[1].
  step3for  i=1 ,i=n/2 do
            {   find the difference of (root,root-left),(root,root-right)and
  (root-left,root-right).and maintain mindifference is the  smallest
  difference of among
                 three differences.
  step4return mindifference.

  plz correct me if im wrong

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[algogeeks] Re: ALgo help pls

2010-09-28 Thread sourav
In my opinion also, this is a Majority vote algorithm as mentioned by
Navin and as coded by Dave. Only point I would  add to @Dave's code is
that it wont be possible to find if the majority element has 2n/3
occurance as majority element keeps changing during the run and as the
majority algorithm tells you a number which has greater than n/2
occurrence. So all you need to do is another liner scan after the
majority element is found to check if its count is 2n/3.

@Narsimha Raju: your failure to find 2n/3 occurrence by adding a for
loop is expected.

Please reply if we are able to add a for loop into code above (given
by @Dave) to find if majority element has 2n/3 occurance.

On Sep 22, 9:02 am, Navin Naidu navinmna...@gmail.com wrote:
 Use majority vote algorithm:


 On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 9:12 AM, pre pre.la...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi all,
  pls help me solve this problem..
  Design an algorithm to find the majority element of an array..
  majority element must be an element tht has the cardinality greater
  than 2n/3 where n is the number of elements in the array and the time
  complexity must be a linear time.. ie o(n)..

  hint : use mode or median to solve ..

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 Thanks  Regards,

 - NMN

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: power set

2010-09-28 Thread TurksHead Education
Power set : http://www.rawkam.com/?p=330

On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 2:45 AM, Gene gene.ress...@gmail.com wrote:

 The power set of a set with N elements has size O(2^N).  You can't do
 anything with it in polynomial time.

 On Sep 18, 5:03 pm, bittu shashank7andr...@gmail.com wrote:
  can we solve power set in O(n) or O(nlogn)..is it posible...

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Re: [algogeeks] finding largest and second largest elements

2010-09-28 Thread TurksHead Education
see a nice solution and related puzzle at

On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 6:31 AM, sharad kumar aryansmit3...@gmail.comwrote:

 hey isn't it suppposed to be tournament problem..

 On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 12:06 AM, Divesh Dixit 
 dixit.coolfrog.div...@gmail.com wrote:

 finding largest and second largest elements from a set of n elements
 by means of
  Minimum comparison of  n+celling(log n) +2

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 yezhu malai vaasa venkataramana Govinda Govinda

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Amazon Interview

2010-09-28 Thread umesh kewat
still there is some problem related to numbers encoding like..

22333101 here how will u  going to
encode it???

On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 1:38 AM, ligerdave david.c...@gmail.com wrote:

 it's a compression problem. using hex instead of oct saves more space

 00aaa0ss  yyy = 50 2a 0 1s 3f 1\s ay

 On Sep 15, 8:21 am, bittu shashank7andr...@gmail.com wrote:
  A file is given with many 0s stored in continuous way , store it in
  another file such that when you store try saving the space by using
  minimum amount of space. When you want to create the original file ,
  you should be able to do so with the new file created

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Thanks  Regards

Umesh kewat

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[algogeeks] find out the mid point of a single linked list

2010-09-28 Thread Divesh Dixit
Given a singly-linked, find out (just give the basic logic) the mid
point of a single linked list in a single parse of the list. Assume
the program would be loaded in read-only memory so no manipulation of
the list is allowed.

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: do this: two numbers with min diff

2010-09-28 Thread coolfrog$
@ sorurav
yes , the basic logic is required so that the code can be understood in
single Run..
i also request the same to all dear friends.

On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 8:11 PM, sourav souravs...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Friends

 This is an interesting problem and request you all to give a brief
 intro to your code before putting the code. Or you may just mention
 the under lying concept in the code. This will be of great help and
 others will find it more ready to improve by adding there approach.

 Coming back to the problem an O(n) solution can exist by following the
 approach of building a min heap (or max heap) from an array of
 elements. A mean heap from an array of elements can be built by
 starting from middle element (all elements from mid +1 to end are them
 selves single element min heaps) (references available in Cormen or
 other books).

 During constructing the mean heap always track the min difference
 between any two elements in the so far constructed heap. At any
 instant if you are handling root 'a' which has left child l and right
 child r and aiming to build a min heap rooted at a, then the following
 cases arise

 1. a is less than both l and r. In this case no movement of a is
 required. Now find |a-l| = x and |a-r| = y. 'a' cannot have a
 difference z with any element under tree rooted at  l such that z  x
 becuase l is the least element in the tree rooted at l. Similarly 'a'
 cannot have a difference z' with any element under tree rooted at r
 such that z'  r. So least of x and y is the min diff between any
 elements in the so far constructed min heap rooted at 'a'.

 2. a is less than l but greater than r. In this case r will replace a
 and a need to be pushed down the its right child. While pushing 'a'
 down keep calculating the differences between 'a' and 'r' as long as
 'a' is not pushed down to a node where it is the min element. While
 you keep calculating also keep track of the min diff calculated so far
 (say 'p'). Compare this 'p' with |a-l| and min diff between any two
 elements for the tree rooted at l. Least of these three will be the
 min diff between any 2 elements for the min head rooted at 'r' (which
 replaced 'a''s position.

 3. Both 'l' and 'r' are less than 'a'. Take the lesser or 'l' and 'r'
 and replace that with 'a' and push 'a' down as in case 2 (normal min
 heap construction algo).

 Thus we can continue building the min heap and at the end have the min
 diff between any 2 elements in the array. Just we keep tracking the
 min diff, we can also keep note of the 2 elements than are
 contributing to this min diff my adding some more steps.

 This idea is all based on the fact that min heap can be constructed
 from an array in linear time.


 On Sep 27, 1:32 pm, rahul rahulr...@gmail.com wrote:
  If their is no constrain on assumptions.
  1.Sort the array.
  2. check the dif between 2 elements.
  { 99,35,45,33,88,9098,112,33455,678,3}
  sorted arrary : { } would be something.
  now update the min_diff.
  another example : { 7,8,1,3,5,4}
  sorted arrary  : { 1,3,4,5,7,8}
  min diff is 1.
  Please correct me if i missed something.
  On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 1:13 PM, satish satish@gmail.com wrote:
   step1construct heap using siftdown. //  time complexity wil be O(n)
   space complexity O(1).
   step2take mindifference=a[1].
   step3for  i=1 ,i=n/2 do
 {   find the difference of
   (root-left,root-right).and maintain mindifference is the  smallest
   difference of among
  three differences.
   step4return mindifference.
   plz correct me if im wrong
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(¨`·.·´¨) Always
  `·.¸(¨`·.·´¨ ) Keep
   `·.¸.·´ Life can give u 100's of reason 2cry,but u can give life 1000's
of reasons 2Smile

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[algogeeks] Algorithm to determine the largest number of envelopes that can be nested inside one another.

2010-09-28 Thread Divesh Dixit
You are given an unlimited number of each of n different types of
envelopes. The dimensions of envelope type i are xi × yi.(i is in sub
script) In nesting envelopes inside one another, you can place
envelope A inside envelope B if and only if the dimensions A are
strictly smaller than the dimensions of B.
Algorithm to determine the largest number of envelopes that can be
nested inside one another.

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[algogeeks] Re: Amazon Interview

2010-09-28 Thread ligerdave
that will be

12 23 34 1 0 1c1

what's the some related problem?

only last char in the group represent the char, leading chars
represent the number of the repeated char. space(or whatever you like
it to be) is the separator of groups. when you see space, replace w/

On Sep 28, 2:58 am, umesh kewat umesh1...@gmail.com wrote:
 still there is some problem related to numbers encoding like..

 22333101 here how will u  going to
 encode it???

 On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 1:38 AM, ligerdave david.c...@gmail.com wrote:
  it's a compression problem. using hex instead of oct saves more space

  00aaa0ss  yyy = 50 2a 0 1s 3f 1\s ay

  On Sep 15, 8:21 am, bittu shashank7andr...@gmail.com wrote:
   A file is given with many 0s stored in continuous way , store it in
   another file such that when you store try saving the space by using
   minimum amount of space. When you want to create the original file ,
   you should be able to do so with the new file created

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 Thanks  Regards

 Umesh kewat

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Re: [algogeeks] Algorithm to determine the largest number of envelopes that can be nested inside one another.

2010-09-28 Thread Rahul Singal
A possible solution  i can think is create a directed graph where each
vertex is a envelope and edges are from a bigger envelope to smaller
envelope ( one which can fit in bigger envelope ) . Now the problem is
reduce to finding longest path in the graph .


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[algogeeks] Re: Finding hash collisions without storage

2010-09-28 Thread haki
Can u elaborate more?

On Sep 28, 5:41 am, saurabh singh saurabh.n...@gmail.com wrote:
 u can use log(n)+1 space to do that by using bit string

 On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 10:37 PM, AdrianW atw...@gmail.com wrote:
  Suppose you have N strings that can be generated on-the-fly, and you
  wanted to discover if a hash function generates any collisions.  Is
  there a way to do this without O(N) storage?

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 Thanks  Regards,

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[algogeeks] Re: do this: two numbers with min diff

2010-09-28 Thread Ashu
May be this helps 

On Sep 28, 10:28 am, coolfrog$ dixit.coolfrog.div...@gmail.com
 @ sorurav
     yes , the basic logic is required so that the code can be understood in
 single Run..
     i also request the same to all dear friends.

 On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 8:11 PM, sourav souravs...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi Friends

  This is an interesting problem and request you all to give a brief
  intro to your code before putting the code. Or you may just mention
  the under lying concept in the code. This will be of great help and
  others will find it more ready to improve by adding there approach.

  Coming back to the problem an O(n) solution can exist by following the
  approach of building a min heap (or max heap) from an array of
  elements. A mean heap from an array of elements can be built by
  starting from middle element (all elements from mid +1 to end are them
  selves single element min heaps) (references available in Cormen or
  other books).

  During constructing the mean heap always track the min difference
  between any two elements in the so far constructed heap. At any
  instant if you are handling root 'a' which has left child l and right
  child r and aiming to build a min heap rooted at a, then the following
  cases arise

  1. a is less than both l and r. In this case no movement of a is
  required. Now find |a-l| = x and |a-r| = y. 'a' cannot have a
  difference z with any element under tree rooted at  l such that z  x
  becuase l is the least element in the tree rooted at l. Similarly 'a'
  cannot have a difference z' with any element under tree rooted at r
  such that z'  r. So least of x and y is the min diff between any
  elements in the so far constructed min heap rooted at 'a'.

  2. a is less than l but greater than r. In this case r will replace a
  and a need to be pushed down the its right child. While pushing 'a'
  down keep calculating the differences between 'a' and 'r' as long as
  'a' is not pushed down to a node where it is the min element. While
  you keep calculating also keep track of the min diff calculated so far
  (say 'p'). Compare this 'p' with |a-l| and min diff between any two
  elements for the tree rooted at l. Least of these three will be the
  min diff between any 2 elements for the min head rooted at 'r' (which
  replaced 'a''s position.

  3. Both 'l' and 'r' are less than 'a'. Take the lesser or 'l' and 'r'
  and replace that with 'a' and push 'a' down as in case 2 (normal min
  heap construction algo).

  Thus we can continue building the min heap and at the end have the min
  diff between any 2 elements in the array. Just we keep tracking the
  min diff, we can also keep note of the 2 elements than are
  contributing to this min diff my adding some more steps.

  This idea is all based on the fact that min heap can be constructed
  from an array in linear time.


  On Sep 27, 1:32 pm, rahul rahulr...@gmail.com wrote:
   If their is no constrain on assumptions.

   1.Sort the array.
   2. check the dif between 2 elements.

   { 99,35,45,33,88,9098,112,33455,678,3}

   sorted arrary : { } would be something.
   now update the min_diff.

   another example : { 7,8,1,3,5,4}
   sorted arrary  : { 1,3,4,5,7,8}
   min diff is 1.

   Please correct me if i missed something.

   On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 1:13 PM, satish satish@gmail.com wrote:
step1construct heap using siftdown. //  time complexity wil be O(n)
space complexity O(1).
step2take mindifference=a[1].
step3for  i=1 ,i=n/2 do
          {   find the difference of
(root-left,root-right).and maintain mindifference is the  smallest
difference of among
               three differences.
step4return mindifference.

plz correct me if im wrong

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[algogeeks] please explain the pointer math on page 22 of this pdf

2010-09-28 Thread rahul rai

Thanking In Advance
Rahul K Rai
And The Geek Shall Inherit The Earth

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Re: [algogeeks] Algorithm to determine the largest number of envelopes that can be nested inside one another.

2010-09-28 Thread Prashant Kulkarni
i think it is similar to finding max in a list  O(n) or sorting algorithm
O(n log n)

-- Prashant Kulkarni

On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 11:33 PM, Rahul Singal rahulsinga...@gmail.comwrote:

 A possible solution  i can think is create a directed graph where each
 vertex is a envelope and edges are from a bigger envelope to smaller
 envelope ( one which can fit in bigger envelope ) . Now the problem is
 reduce to finding longest path in the graph .


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Re: [algogeeks] find out the mid point of a single linked list

2010-09-28 Thread Prashant Kulkarni
maintain two pointer

1) slow pointer : it will point to next node for each iteration (ie
2) fast pointer : it will point to two ahead node for each iteration ( ie

when fast pointer reaches the end of linked list (NULL), slow pionter will
point to middle of the linked list

-- Prashant Kulkarni

On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 10:54 PM, Divesh Dixit 
dixit.coolfrog.div...@gmail.com wrote:

 Given a singly-linked, find out (just give the basic logic) the mid
 point of a single linked list in a single parse of the list. Assume
 the program would be loaded in read-only memory so no manipulation of
 the list is allowed.

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[algogeeks] Re: please explain the pointer math on page 22 of this pdf

2010-09-28 Thread karora
Hi Rahul,
All it is saying is that you can do simple arithmetic on pointers
directly which modified the address it is pointing to.
Suppose you have an array of int type (int arr[10];)then you can
access elements of the array in following ways:
1. arr[1], arr[4] etc.
2. arr+1, arr+4 etc. as arr is also address of first element and being
int type will increment in int size.
3. int *p = arr; or int *p = arr[0] // here we created a pointer to
integer and point it to first element of array
p+1 will point to second element of arr and *(p+1) will be the
content of arr[1]

on the other hand if you declare your pointer as any other type than
the array type itself, you can access each bytes within the element
so for above example arr which is of type int
char *p = arr; or char *p = arr[0]; // this will create a pointer to
character (1 byte) while arr is an integer array so now,
p+1 will point to second byte of arr[0]
let's say integer is 4 bytes then to go to start of each element of
array using such p will be done as:
p - points to first element's first byte (depends on big-endian/little-
endianness of machine)
p+4 - points to second element's first byte
p+8 - points to third element's first byte
and so on.

Hope this helps.

On Sep 28, 11:04 pm, rahul rai raikra...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanking In Advance
 Rahul K Rai
 And The Geek Shall Inherit The Earth

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