[algogeeks] Re: Is there any algorithm for checking whether two vetices are k-connected ?

2006-12-05 Thread Atamyrat Hezretguliyew

On 12/6/06, jackyy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Let G = (V,E) be a directed graph and s and t be two specific vertices
 in G. We say
 that s and t are k-connected if there are at least k edge-disjoint
 paths between s and t.
 Therefore, is there any algorithm to decide whether s and t are
 Can you explain the algorithm in details?

You can run Maximum flow algorithm on graph, with source as s and sink as t.
Assign weight 1 to all edges. Maximum flow from s to t means number
of edge disjoint
paths from s to t




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[algogeeks] Re: My friend have a strange question, please help me to answer..

2006-12-05 Thread Atamyrat Hezretguliyew
On 12/6/06, jackyy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My friend has the following idea to get an algorithm for finding a
 shortest path tree on
 a graph whose edges may have negative length (but with no negative

 (i) Examine the edges and find the edge e with the most negative
 (ii) Add |ℓ(e)|, the absolute value of the length of e, to the length
 of every edge.
 (iii) Run Dijkstra's algorithm on the modified graph to find the
 shortest path tree and return
 it as the solution of the original graph.

 Do you think his idea works?
 I do not think so. However, I cannot raise any counter example yet. Can
 you help me to think one?

Here it is:
V = {1,2,3}
E = { (1,2,10), (1,3,7), (2,3,-4) }
source = 1

We add 4 to each edge and our modified graph becomes:
E2 = { (1,2,14), (1,3,11), (2,3,0) }

Now lets find shortest path from 1 to 3.
On our original graph, shortest path is 1-2-3, 10+(-4)=6
(Dijkstra will calculate it as  7, which is wrong)

On modified graph, 1-3 (11) is shorter than 1-2-3.(14+0)


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[algogeeks] Re: Problem

2006-11-07 Thread Atamyrat Hezretguliyew

On 11/7/06, Malay Bag [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I did not get the point:-
 we must calculate width and height of all of rectangles that can cover this
 4 rectangles and it's area become minimum
 can you give some example?

I think this problem is from IOI95

  On 11/7/06, mohamad momenian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  No they can't over lap
  thank you for your attention
  On 11/7/06, shisheng li [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
   Can the 4 overlap?

   From: algogeeks@googlegroups.com [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of mohamad momenian
   Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 4:09 PM
   To: algogeeks@googlegroups.com
   Subject: [algogeeks] Problem
   i have a problem please help me
   The input of problem is : width and height of 4 rectangle that is
 between 1,50
   and the we must calculate width and height of all of rectangles that can
 cover this 4 rectangles and it's area become minimum
   and we can place 4 rectangle vertically or horizontally in the result


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[algogeeks] Re: Nesting of comments in C

2006-09-29 Thread Atamyrat Hezretguliyew

int main()
int allowed=1;
/* /* */ allowed=0; // */
printf( allowed ? yes\n : no\n );
return 0;

Above code is not correct ANSI C code, but I think, you can
compile it with most of compilers and check if it supports nested comments.

For example, this code compiles with GNU C Compiler and prints no.

If you want plain ANSI C code, here it is;
int main()
printf(no, nested comments are not allowed!\n);
return 0;


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[algogeeks] Re: Nesting of comments in C

2006-09-22 Thread Atamyrat Hezretguliyew

void main() {
int allowed=1;
/* /* */ allowed=0; // */
printf( allowed ? yes : no );

please correct me if there's smth i missed.


On 9/23/06, MM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How do you write a C program which when compiled and run, prints out a
 indicating whether the compiler that it is compiled with, allows /* */
 comments to nest?


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[algogeeks] Re: Need an algorithm to find the missing numbers.

2006-08-24 Thread Atamyrat Hezretguliyew


 This is a very old problem in this group.
 The solution is simple. Here is an example

 {1,3} missing 2
 1 XOR 3 XOR 1 XOR 2 XOR 3 = 2

Please note that you need to find missing numbers, not missing number.

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[algogeeks] Re: Is there any better solution than 0(nlgn) ?

2006-08-04 Thread Atamyrat Hezretguliyew


   1 #include stdio.h
   3 int main() {
   5 int A[] = {8,5,4,2,9}, B[] = {1,2,3,4,6};
   6 static int fo[10] ,i,ret = 0 ; /* max value is stored in A
 which is 9
   7if we wouldn't know this, we'd
 nee to rely
   8on INT_MAX or some other shit */
  10 for (i = 0; i  5; i++)
  11 fo[A[i]] = 1;
  13 for (i = 0; i  5; i++)
  14 if (fo[B[i]])
  15 ++ret;
  17 return printf(%d\n , ret);
  18 }

 Just out of couriostiy... What's the complexity of the above code?
 O(2n) ?

Memory: O(MAXINT)
Time: O(n+m)
Where MAXINT is maximum possible element of array,
n and m, sizes of arrays


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[algogeeks] Re: Bubble breaker

2006-08-04 Thread Atamyrat Hezretguliyew

On 8/4/06, ridvansg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Lately I saw an interesting game and wonder is there a good algorithem
 to find the best solition.

 You have 5 type of bubbles in a matrix. You can select 2 or more
 neighboring bubbles with the same color and remove them. The bubbles
 are neighboring if they have common border.(no diagonals)
 If a column of bubbles disappears  the matrix is reduced to a matrix
 without this column.
 Am,n - Am,n-1.

Do you mean SameGame?

 The best solution is the solution removeing max bubbles.

 I will be happy to see a solution.

This is NP-Complete problem.


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[algogeeks] Re: Is there any better solution than 0(nlgn) ?

2006-08-02 Thread Atamyrat Hezretguliyew

On 8/1/06, sathiya narayanan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Given: 2 Arrays of N and M numbers in size.
 We have to find how many common numbers are available ?

 Eg: A={8,5,4,2,9}

 Solution is:2
 Common elements are {2,4}

  What i wll do is Sort the array A and then do the binary search for each
 element in array B.So the complexity wll be 0(nlgn)

Actually, you do not need to do binary search after sorting.
Sort arrays and just keep two pointers i and j.
Initially, i=0, j=0
 while(in  jm) {
   if( a[i] == b[j] ) {
  i++; j++;
   if( a[i]  b[j] )

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[algogeeks] Re: hi...one questions

2006-07-14 Thread Atamyrat Hezretguliyew


[12] Sorting by reversals (ONI'04)
You are given an array A[1..N]. Your goal is to sort A by the
following type of operation: pick some indices i,j and reverse the
subarray A[i..j]. Such an operation costs j-i+1, i.e. the length of
the portion which is reversed. Your sorting algorithm should have a
total cost of O(N lg^2 N).

This is a classic problem related to computational biology. To develop
a solution, we first find a way to sort sequences of zeros and ones in
O(NlgN) time. This is done through a variant of merge sort. First,
sort the two halves of the array recursively. Then, the array will
look like: 0..01..10..01..1. All we need to do is to reverse the
middle two sequences of ones and zeros, which has a cost linear in N.
Now we can use this solution as a subroutine to solve the general
case. Our algorithm is similar to quicksort, where we partition at
each level around the median. To do the partitioning step, we need to
move all elements smaller than the median to the left, and all the
ones bigger to the right. This is done by marking smaller elements
with zero and larger ones with one, and applying the zero-one sorting
subroutine. You may find it interesting to think how to use radix sort
instead of quick sort for the second part. To do that, you need to
find a way to make the subroutine a stable sorting algorithm.

On 7/14/06, kingofcoder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 An array of size N has distinct values 1...N in random order. You have
 only operator called rev(X) (where X is any value from 0 to N-1) which
 reverses all values from 0 to X (example values 2,3,1,4 and rev(2) gets
 you 1,3,2,4). Our objective is to sort the array using minimum number
 of Rev(X) functions. How many permutations of N size array require
 exactly N number of rev(X) operators to get sorted

 a. For size 3 only 1,3,2 requires 3 moves.

 if any body previously posted this questions...iam sorry for that...
 actually someone asked me this questions

 i got one solution..but i dont wheather it uses min no of rev func

 initially i is n;
 find max no in [0-i]
 rev that function upto max ele position
 now max ele in first position
 now use rev (i)
 now max in nth position

 now iam finding iteratively next max

 like that iam sorting.

 is it efficient solution..
 if any body knows or the gets the more efficient solutions...

 plz tel me...

 Ur frnd


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