[algogeeks] Re: printing without loop

2011-03-06 Thread Ruturaj
Using GOTO and loops it the same, cause loops are expanded to GOTO/JMP
Doing it just with recursion is interesting.

Try sorting number without using loops or goto.
Here is the complete problem.
Take in n numbers as input and sort them, without using dowhile,
while, for or goto. No hash defines either.
Try to write the shortest such code. short in character count.

You can get a very nice solution..
will post the answer in 24 hrs.. try till then \o/

On Mar 1, 4:47 pm, gaurav gupta 1989.gau...@googlemail.com wrote:

 please read the thread carefully. It was mentioned not to use GOTO

 On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 5:13 PM, bittu shashank7andr...@gmail.com wrote:
  here we go

  void main()
  int i;


  printf(%d, i)
  (i100)? i++: return 0;
  go to loop;


  Thanks  Regards
  Shashank Mani  The Best Way to Escape From The Problem is to Solve

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 Thanks  Regards,
 Gaurav Gupta

 Quality is never an accident. It is always result of intelligent effort -
 John Ruskin

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[algogeeks] Re: how would you find the integer pairs which sum to m in o(n) time complexity

2010-11-14 Thread Ruturaj

On Nov 14, 10:58 pm, bittu shashank7andr...@gmail.com wrote:
 ya  much works is done by above candidate.
 i would like to say..use 2 ptrs one from beginning  another from end
 take sum=a[start]+a[end];
 find if sumnum
 else if sumnum
 else //sum==num

 time compexcity O(n)   sizeof array
 space compexcity O(1)

This only works when we have sorted arrays. The state of array is not

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[algogeeks] Re: tree Samsung Question

2010-11-14 Thread Ruturaj
Since its a data structure, we need to root the tree. Plus my
suggestion will only work for directed trees. all children point to
their parents.

for a node i, if its parent is j a[i]=j
a[root] = -1

this can store a tree pretty fast.

else normally we can use a linked list etc.

On Nov 14, 11:53 pm, bittu shashank7andr...@gmail.com wrote:
 which data structure is best  used to implmets the  tree


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[algogeeks] Re: how would you find the integer pairs which sum to m in o(n) time complexity

2010-11-11 Thread Ruturaj

On Oct 27, 8:21 am, MOHIT  mohit...@gmail.com wrote:
 @ruturaj : but for that hash table you have to know range??
Nope we dont need the range.


map int, int hash;

for(int i=0;in;i++)
if(hash[m-a[i]]  0)count++;hash[a[i]]++;

does the trick.

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[algogeeks] Re: modified divide and conquer

2010-11-10 Thread Ruturaj
Yes, its a quite an interesting problem and solved using parallel
programming many times.
I think the idea , as Ercan thought of, is to do a binary search.

Consider 2 arrays A and B.
Divide both arrays into logn sizes blocks.
For each block let the first element be the head element. Now cross
find the location of one head into another. that is find the position
of a head at i in array A in array b, if this position is j, then we
can say that the net position is i+j. So in an array of size |a| + |b|
we can have these heads stored. This takes logn*logn time. now the
matter remains of merging the values inbetween these heads. there are
logn such elements between each two consecutive heads.
It can be proved that there are atmost 2logn elements in between 2
heads and if we can merge them parallel, we will take 2logn time
totally. Actually we can find the exact location of an element i of A
in B as j, and this j acts as an additional marker. I hope you got the
idea, things can be worked out a little more clearly.

On Nov 9, 12:34 am, Gönenç Ercan gon...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ok I see your point, I thought that it asked to provide an algorithm
 with overall complexity O(logn), which is not possible.

 why not use a binary search like procedure to fix the worst case.
 Choose the array lets say list L with the bigger number, then instead
 of checking each element of smaller list S one by one, execute binary
 search in S for the number in L_1. This will find the index of items
 smaller than L_1, insert them to the merged array, and L_1. repeat
 this untill all elements are processed. While this involves a single
 item only O(logn) times, the overal complexity of merge is still O(n)
 because the items should be copied in any case.

 On Nov 8, 12:01 pm, Terence technic@gmail.com wrote:

  No. It is possible.

  This problem focuses on comparisons of each element.
  The overall time complexity of merge operation can be as high as O(nlogn),
  while the normal merge operation has time complexity O(n).

  But the normal merge operation does not meet the requirement, since in
  the worst case, (the largest number in one sequence is smaller than the
  smallest of the other),  one element can be included in n comparisons at

  On 2010-11-8 17:00, G nen Ercan wrote:

   does not seem possible, there is a proof that shows that comparison
   based algorithm can have at best O(nlogn) worst case running time. You
   can check this proof from algorithms CLRS book.

   Using this proof, by master's theorem if the merge operation can be
   implemented in O(lgn) using merge sort with this merge operation, the
   complexity would be O(logn) contradicting with O(nlogn).

   So I think its not possible to design such merge algorithm.

   On Nov 8, 4:58 am, lichenga2404lichenga2...@gmail.com  wrote:
   Suppose we'd like to implement a sorting variant where every element
   is compared only a small number of times.
     a) devise a divide and conquer algorithm to merge 2 sorted arrays of
   length n , which guarantees that every element is included in at most
   O(log n ) comparisons.
     b) using this modified merge , prove that Merge-Sort will include
   element in at most O( (log n)^2) comparisons.

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[algogeeks] Re: Directi question-centre of the tree

2010-10-06 Thread Ruturaj
I am thinking on these lines.

Start from any node. DFS to the fartheset node from there. let the
farthest node be B. Start a new DFS from B to reach the fartheset node
from B , let that be C. It can be proved that BC is the longest path
in the tree. Then, the node in the center will be the answer to the
question. Incase the path length is even we will have two nodes.

I havent proved it yet, the second part of my solution. this was a
quick thought.

On Sep 29, 9:41 pm, jayapriya surendran priya7...@gmail.com wrote:
 In graph theory, a tree is defined as a graph on N nodes,and (N-1)
 un-directed edges such that there are no cycles in the graph.Each node
 has a single unique path to every other node.
 Let D(u,v) be the number of edges in the unique path from node 'u' to
 node 'v' (or from node 'v' to 'u' since the edges are
 un-directed).D(u,u) is 0 for all nodes 'u'.
 M(u)=MAX(D(u,i):for all nodes i)
 The center of a tree is the node (or nodes) 'u',for which M(u) is
 minimum among all the nodes in the graph.
 You'll be given a graph which has N nodes (1=N=20).The nodes are
 labeled 1,2,3,..N.You will be provided with N-1 edges in the form of
 a b pairs where 1=a,b=N.No edge will be repeated.You can assume
 that the edges are specified such that the graph is a valid tree as
 defined above.
 Output the node labels of the center(or centers) of the tree.
 Sample Input:
 6(value of N)
 1 3 (edges)
 1 4
 1 2
 2 5
 2 6

 Sample Output
 Expected:O(N) complexity algo
 can anyone plz help me out with O(N) algo?

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[algogeeks] Re: Take 5 digit number and find 2 power that number.............

2010-09-01 Thread Ruturaj
a 5 digit number is of order 10^5 which is  10^16 of which int in C
is of size.
Just multiply both numbers.

On Sep 2, 10:39 am, prasad rao prasadg...@gmail.com wrote:
 Program that takes a 5 digit number and calculates 2 power that number and
 prints it and should not use the Big-integer and Exponential Function's.

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