Re: [algogeeks] Puzzle

2011-01-26 Thread satish

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: do this: two numbers with min diff

2010-09-27 Thread satish
step1construct heap using siftdown. //  time complexity wil be O(n) and
space complexity O(1).
step2take mindifference=a[1].
step3for  i=1 ,i=n/2 do
  {   find the difference of (root,root-left),(root,root-right)and
(root-left,root-right).and maintain mindifference is the  smallest
difference of among
   three differences.
step4return mindifference.

plz correct me if im wrong

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[algogeeks] Re: Subsequence

2010-08-28 Thread satish satish

int nondecresing_maxsum(int *a,int n,int k)
{  int sum=0,i,count=k+1,prev_num=a[0],*dp,count1=0;;
   dp=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*(k+1));
  {  sum+=a[i];
{  sum-=dp[(count1)%(k+1)];
   return sum;
int main()
{  int *arr,arr_size,i,k;
   printf(give array size and k);
   arr=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*(arr_size+1));
   printf(give elements);
printf( %d,nondecresing_maxsum(arr,arr_size,k));

this is my first post
plz correct me if im wrong
but this wil not work if all array numbers r negetive...

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Subsequence

2010-08-28 Thread satish
i ran the program with n=4 and k=2 and sequence as 2,3,999,
i got 10998(i.e999+).
plz check it

On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 10:25 AM, Adam wrote:

 Actually, your code just considers the only non-decreasing subsequence
 which starts from a[0] and is the most 'LEFT' one in this situation
 rather than all the possible subsequences.

 For example, we have such sequence as 2,3,999,, and k = 2.

 In this situation, your code will give the subsequence {2,3} as the
 result rather than the true one {999,}.

 On Aug 28, 3:36 am, satish satish wrote:
  int nondecresing_maxsum(int *a,int n,int k)
  {  int sum=0,i,count=k+1,prev_num=a[0],*dp,count1=0;;
 dp=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*(k+1));
{  sum+=a[i];
  {  sum-=dp[(count1)%(k+1)];
 return sum;}
  int main()
  {  int *arr,arr_size,i,k;
 printf(give array size and k);
 arr=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*(arr_size+1));
 printf(give elements);
  printf( %d,nondecresing_maxsum(arr,arr_size,k));
  this is my first post
  plz correct me if im wrong
  but this wil not work if all array numbers r negetive...

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[algogeeks] Re: a google question

2010-05-02 Thread Satish
This problem can be simplified to a variation of merge part of merge
sort algorithm.

- Break the set S having n^2 values into n individual arrays of length
n, say S1, S2,..Sn, where S1 = [a1+b1, a1+b2,...a1+bn].
- One can observe that each Si has entries which are themselves sorted
within Si.
- Perform merge of S1, S2,..Sn where take the largest values of each
Si, and create a heap of these individual max values.
- In each step, return the max value from heap and then add the next
max value from the Si that had the current max value and add it in the
- Repeat this step n times and then exit.

Time: O(n).


On May 2, 5:41 pm, Algoose Chase wrote:

 will this work ?

 since we need Set S with n pairs of largest values , any such pair within
 the set would (always) contain A[0] or B[0] because they maximize the value
 of the pair.


 // code snippet
 typedef std::vectorint,int Pairs;

 int i = 1; // index for ListA
 int j = 1; // index for list B
 count = 1;
 while( count = n)
   if( A[0] + B[j]  B[0] + A[i] )


 since there are n items in both the lists, j and i wont go beyond n in the
 while loop

 On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 3:44 PM, Shishir Mittal 1987.shis...@gmail.comwrote:

  This problem has been discussed before @

  I believe, the problem can't be solved in O(n) but only in O(nlog n).

  @Divya: Are you sure the interviewer explicitly asked for an O(n) time

  On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 1:48 PM, vignesh radhakrishnan wrote:

  @divya You're rite. Post a solution if you have one.


  On 2 May 2010 13:14, divya jain wrote:


  according to ur algo if a[1], b[0] has sum greater than a[0],b[1]
  then i is incremented   i is now 2 so for next iteration u ll compare
  a[2] b[0] and a[1] b1]. but what about a[0] b[1] this pair s lost forever.
  think for ths case also.

  On 2 May 2010 11:22, mohit ranjan wrote:

  @Algoose Chase

  point taken

  Mohit Ranjan
  Samsung India Software Operations.

  On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 8:43 PM, Algoose Chase 


  The idea of DP is fine.
  When you find the Max i dont think you need to include A[i+1]+B[j+1]
  because it can never be greater than both A[i+1]+B[j] and A[i]+B[j+1] 
  both the lists are sorted in decreasing order.

  On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 8:47 PM, mohit ranjan


  Sorry didn't read properly
  last algo was for array sorted in ascending order

  for this case, just reverse the process

  A[n] and B[n] are two array

  loop=n, i=0, j=0;

  while(loop0)  // for n largest pairs
    print A[i]+B[j];          // sum of first index from both array will
  be max

    foo = MAX ( A[i+1]+B[j], A[i+1]+B[j+1], A[i]+B[j+1] )     // using
  DP, moving forward

    if foo==A[i+1]+B[j]; i++   // only increment A
    if foo==A[i+1]+B[j+1]; i++; j++   // increment both A and B
    if foo==A[i]+B[j+1]; j++  // increment only B


  Mohit Ranjan
  Samsung India Software Operations.

  On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 8:40 PM, mohit ranjan wrote:

  Hi Divya,

  A[n] and B[n] are two array

  loop=n, i=n-1, j=n-1;

  while(loop0)  // for n largest pairs
    print A[i]+B[j];          // sum of last index from both array will
  be max

    foo = MAX ( A[i-1]+B[j], A[i-1]+B[j-1], A[i]+B[j-1] )     // using
  DP moving backward

    if foo=A[i-1]+B[j]; i--   // only reduce A
    if foo=A[i-1]+B[j-1]; i--; j--   // reduce both A and B
    if foo=A[i]+B[j-1]; j--  // reduce only B

  Time: O(n)

  Mohit Ranjan

  On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 5:35 PM, divya 

  Given two sorted postive integer arrays A(n) and B(n) (W.L.O.G,
  say they are decreasingly sorted), we define a set S = {(a,b) | a
  and b \in B}. Obviously there are n^2 elements in S. The value of
  a pair is defined as Val(a,b) = a + b. Now we want to get the n
  from S with largest values. The tricky part is that we need an O(n)

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[algogeeks] Re: An interesting graph problem

2008-02-25 Thread Satish

Suppose the graph has n colors. Think of all vertices with same color
as lying in a same cluster. Hence all we need is the shortest path
that goes through some vertex in each of the n clusters.

After the ith step suppose we have all the shortest paths, starting
from each vertex in the ith cluster, that goes through all the
remaining clusters. In the (i+1)th step, we add a new cluster. Try to
find out the shortest path that starts from each vertex Vj lying in
this new cluster such that:

Shortest path starting from Vj = min{ dist(Vj, Vi) + Shortest path
starting from Vi}; where Vi is any vertex belonging to the ith

At the end of nth step, take the minimum of all shortest paths
starting from the nth cluster.


On Feb 25, 6:47 pm, Ridvan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Maybe this will work:
 Starting from each vertex using BFS calculate the shortest path which
 passes through vertexes from all the colors.


 On Feb 24, 2:00 pm, Ajinkya Kale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On 2/24/08, Sticker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I have a graph problem, which is different from the standard salesman
   problem. I say it is more difficult.

   In a graph, I have many vertexes with different colors. It is more
   easier to think of each vertex as a shop selling only one goods and
   vertexes with the same color selling the same goods. There are edges
   between any two vertexes, with different distances.

   You start at a specific position (different from any vertex), and have
   a list of goods you need to buy. Figure out an optimal path with
   shortest distance so you can get all the goods from the shops on the
   path. You are not required to start and end at the same position and
   edges and vertexes can be visited more than once if you want.

   If there is no color on vertex, or in other words, each vertex sells a
   distinct goods, then the above problem is identical to salesman

  I dont think that makes is identical to TSP. Cause in TSP you have to visit
  every node.
  But in this case you are given a list of goods and each vetex sells unique
  Also in TSP we have to return to the start point , but this is not the case
  here !

   But now we have colors on vertexes and once a vertex with a

   color is visited, you don't want to visit vertex with the same color
   (which will only increase the total distance).

   Since this problem is an extension of the standard salesman problem,
   the practical solution is probably heuristic. The key is, what
   heuristic strategy are you going to use.

   I think the problem a bit and come up with a very naive solution:

   For each vertex, calculate its distances to the closest vertexes with
   other colors. For vertexes with the same color, choose the one with
   the minimum total/average such distances. Then, only one vertex with a
   color is remained in the graph. Then use heuristic strategy for
   salesman problem.

   any other idea?

  Ajinkya- Hide quoted text -

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[algogeeks] Re: Dynamic Programming Algorithm for swim relay team

2008-01-05 Thread Satish

We can use dynamic programming here to find out the team configuration
with minimum time.

Define a function f(P1,P2, P3,...Pn) that returns the players sequence
(given n players for n rounds, which swimmer swims at which position)
that would return the total minimum time.

Then f() can be defined recursively as f(P1, P2, P3,... Pn) = min {T11
+ f(P2, P3,...Pn); T21 + f(P1, P3,...Pn); T31 + f(P1,
P2,...Pn); ..}
where Tij is the time taken by the ith player in the jth round.

The above recursion can be solved in an iterative manner using
dynammic programming.


On Jan 4, 1:45 am, hc busy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At risk of stating the incredibly obvious, or giving away answer to a
 fun interview question.

 The naive but correct algorithm that gives the solution will have
 tried every combination M of K swimmers in M events. which will give
 you K!/(K-M)! arrangements, and the algorithm would then compare the
 timing and chose the best arrangement.

 Anything better than that?

 Does allowing any swimmer to swim up to M events at same performance
 level make this problem harder?
 What about fractional event? (allow relay so that more than one
 swimmer can swim in one event)?

 On Jan 1, 1:19 am, Arikan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi, i hope you can help me with this problem?

  A coach is putting a relay team together for a 400-meter relay.
  Each swimmer must swim 100 meters of breaststroke, backstroke,
  butterfly, or freestyle.

  !There are at least four swimmers

  Is there a algorithm to find the optimum solution to minimize the
  team's time?
  (similar to dynamic programming solution for knapsack problem!)

  for example(5 swimmers):
       1    2    3     4
  1   30  34  26   29
  2   31  37  31   36
  3   32  29  41   40
  4   29  40  37   31
  5   33  32  35   24

  first i thought i can solve this problem with the hungarian algorithm,
  but that's out of the question..- Hide quoted text -

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[algogeeks] Re: min height rootless tree

2007-10-31 Thread Satish

If the 'root' node has to be such that the height of the resultant
tree should be minimum, then this root node must lie in the middle of
the largest possible path between any 2 points in this graph.

Given above, start doing a DFS from any arbitrary node. This is doable
in O(n). It will return return the heights of all its sub-trees. Pick
up the top 2 heights (say a, b where a  b). The longest path now in
this graph is of length a + b. The root should lie at a+b/2 from
either ends, which is at distance a-(a+b/2) from the current node.


On Oct 29, 6:22 pm, Yingjie Xu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Calculate center of a tree, can be solved in O(n).

 On 10/25/07, dkrai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Another approach can be to eliminate leaf nodes iteratively from tree.
  At last only root node or nodes on same level will  be left.

  Adjency list representation of graph will make it easier to
  Run time cost will be O(n*n)

   Two methods:
1. try BFS on each vertex, calculate the longest shortest path to
   each other vertex, compare them
It is easy to implement, but gives O(n*n) running time

2. divide and conquer
randomly divide the tree into two parts, calculate the height of
   the two subtrees then merge them.
This is not so easy to implement, but really gives a good running
   time which is O(nlogn)

   On Oct 21, 9:21 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Q) You are given a root-less tree  (which can also be thought of as an
undirected acyclic connected graph). The problem is to choose one of
the nodes from the tree as root such that the height of the resultant
tree is minimum.

Device an appropriate data-structure and write a program for the
mum height possible is 2. So for this example the code should return
the node '3'.

Note: All nodes are numbered from 1 to n, where 'n' is the number of
nodes. Incase there are more than one roots possible, then your
program can return any one of them.- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -

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[algogeeks] Re: whats the fastest way to find the odd man out?

2007-01-17 Thread Satish

Got it.. basically i thought that

1. XOR at bit level is OK.. but for any number a, i was wondering what
would ~a be.. (0?). But actually a XOR b would be nothing but their
corresponding bitwise XORs.

2. Also, a XOR b = a. ~b + ~a.b. Thus if we expand the expression [a
XOR b XOR c n numbers] it would give many terms, each having
multiplications of n numbers, i.e. O(n) multiplication, which I thought
is expensive. But then that would be a wrong way to evaluate the
expression; we can easily iteratively find the XOR as mentioned above!

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[algogeeks] Re: whats the fastest way to find the odd man out?

2007-01-16 Thread Satish

Hangjin Zhang wrote:

Do an XOR on all numbers. The resulte is the number which occurs only once


On 12/30/06, Abhishek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Suppose I have a sequence of numbers in which every number occurs twice
 in the sequence except one. Whats the fastest way of finding that
 number which occurs only once?
 With Regards,
 Abhishek S


I am not sure how XOR will be defined on numbers. Also, calculating XOR
for any sequence of N numbers where N is not known a priori is
computationally very expensive.

A simple way could be to keep additional large bit vector memory. where
we have 2 bits per number. For each number visited in sequence, mark
the corresponding bit b1 as visited once. On revisiting, mark another
corresponding bit b2. At the end, just look for the number that has
only b1 set and b2 unset.


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[algogeeks] Re: Problem

2006-11-09 Thread Satish

The minimum case would be if you can place all these 4 input rectangles
in the vertical plane of the resultant recatangle, and along its

So suppose dimensions of 4 rectangles are
(x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3),(x4,y4) and of the resultant rectangle is

Then solution is all (x,y) that satisfy the condition

min(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4) = (x,y)^(1/2).


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