[algogeeks] Anna University MIT IT presents Samhita '11

2011-03-25 Thread albert theboss
*Samhita '11*

*Samhita 2011 is a National Level Technical Symposium of Madras Institute of
Technology, Anna University, Chennai conducted by Information Technology
Association ITA of MIT campus. We welcome u all for this technical
symposium. Prices worth over 5 Lakhs to be won. Admissions are open.So just
participate in the battle of wits.

*Venue*: *Chrompet,Chennai-44.*

Date  : *March 26,27*.


Technical Events include ** **Algovasion* *(Onsite Coding contest),* *Bug
Hunt** **( Dubugging Contest) , **Trick Snap* *(exploring windows and linux
hidden facts)and much more events.*

*For more details check out


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Re: [algogeeks] Search element in 2D row-wise colum-wise sorted matrix

2011-03-05 Thread albert theboss
the quadinary search will work well for this problem...

step 1 : divide the matrix into 4 almost equal quadrands

step 2 : being row wise sorted and column wise sorted the smallest value
will be at the top left and largest value will be at the bottom right... if
the value to be searched is within the range between largest and smallest
recursively perform step 1 until 2x2 matrix 

step 3: if it 2X2 matrix search the element individually..

complexity of this algorithm will be log4(n*m),

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Good question

2011-02-06 Thread albert theboss
using this macro

size(X)  ((X*)0+1)

if we give size(int)  it ll return 4.
size(double)  gives 8.

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Re: [algogeeks] Excel Sheet Question Asked

2011-02-01 Thread albert theboss
Simply L division by 26 gives the answer ...
like decimal to binary conversion thats it

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Re: [algogeeks] Excel Sheet Question Asked

2011-02-01 Thread albert theboss
yes yes i forgot to say

when n is 26 we ll get (26)0 ie A0

so wen u encounter 0 u need to borrow one which ll become 26 for the
borrower number from previous number

so it ll become 0Z.

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Re: [algogeeks] regarding output

2010-10-13 Thread albert theboss
p[b] is equivalent to *(p+b)

here p is converted to the void pointer pointing to address location 0x0003

then the pointer value is added by the offset b which is 8 here .

8+3 giving 11

this is one of the method of finding the sum of two numbers without using
addition operator

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Re: [algogeeks] Find push/pop/min or max in O(1)

2010-09-29 Thread albert theboss
when we pop out something 
we need to find the max min again if max or min is popped out...
this ll take again O(n) to find max and min

Correct me if am wrong

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: ReVerse a string using recursion

2010-09-25 Thread albert theboss
please let me know solution using extra memory.

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: ReVerse a string using recursion

2010-09-24 Thread albert theboss
@nishanth :
 could u give me any solutions without global variable or static

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: ReVerse a string using recursion

2010-09-24 Thread albert theboss
sorry i dont know the solution.
i just expecting such answer

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Re: [algogeeks] ReVerse a string using recursion

2010-09-23 Thread albert theboss
Ur function prototype is not similar to one i posted before

check it out

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Re: [algogeeks] Recursion!!!!!!!!!!! Always Stuck

2010-09-09 Thread albert theboss
Its easy only 

tower of hanoi consist of three pegs peg A,peg B,peg C.
which is used as BEG,AUX,END

Let n be 5 for example...

wat u r going to do is

step 1 : move the top n-1 (4) disks from BEG to  AUX...
 in this case END will be used as auxiliary.

step 2:  move the n th disk from BEG to END .
use AUX as auxiliary in this case

step 3: move the  n-1(4) disks from AUX to END that is moved in step 1
 use BEG as auxiliary in this step

Actual code is

 void tower(int n,char beg,char aux,char end)
  tower(n-1,beg,end,aux);   //  move n-1 disks from beg to
   printf(%c-%c,beg,aux,end);//equivalent to
tower(1,beg,aux,end)move 1 disk from beg to end
   tower(n-1,aux,beg,end)  //   move disks from aux to end

   again that n-1 disks are moved to end which is called recursively.

Still u have doubt???

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: how we can access 2nd element of an struct

2010-09-07 Thread albert theboss
typedef struct list node;

node a;


is it correct ??
correct me i am wrong

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Simple reVerse

2010-09-04 Thread albert theboss

void stringreverse(char *temp,i,j)
  return ;

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Simple reVerse

2010-09-04 Thread albert theboss
@dave : still i am getting wrong answer...
 could u please re check the answer and post it

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Simple reVerse

2010-09-04 Thread albert theboss
can u do with bitwise operator???
something wat dave is trying...

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: fork() problem

2010-09-04 Thread albert theboss
 Could u explain please ???
 in the end of second line of main how many processes are created???

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Simple reVerse

2010-09-03 Thread albert theboss
@Dave but i tried the code its not working 

  Its giving 1 for all the input

  could u explain the code please 

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Re: [algogeeks] Re: Binary tree to LL

2010-08-29 Thread albert theboss

you cant use next pointer in that...

you have to make link list such that right ptr points to next node

and left pointer to prev node

Am i right???
correct me if i am wrong.

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