This is a live problem from

In the game challenges that we host, one practial problem that we face
is to rank the contestants. Contestants need to submit code for a game
problem and we pair up them against each other to see their relative

The aim of this tournament is to rank the players on the quality of
code they submit.

The task for you is to come up with an approach to rank the players
using as few matches as possible.

Submission Notes:

You have to complete the function "game" given for this task.
You can also create your own data structures and functions as needed.
The function "game" is passed as parameter the number of players
"nPlayers" and players have ids from 0 to nPlayers-1( 0 and nPlayers-1
included ). This function should return a vector of player ids. In
this vector better players have lower indices.
You can make calls to a hidden function "gameResult" which takes as
argument the id of two players and conduct a match, this function
returns the id of winner among the two players.

The list of player that you produce is compared against the hidden
expected list, and for each player the difference in their position
from both lists is added.
If this sum is less than 3*nPlayers you get a score based on the
number of calls you made to function "gameResult". Less number of
calls fetches higher score.
Further Notes:

This is approx-type problem so "compile and test" option might not
work, so directly submit your code ans see the score in submissions
Since there is no deterministic minimal number of comparison, you may
see you submission as wrong bu the score you get will give you an idea
of your code's performance.
The language shown for submission is C++, but it should not be a
problem to the programmers of other language since the i/o and other
details has been taken care of and you just need to write the
appropriate functions. You can refer to
for more details if necessary.
Standard header files/STL have already been included so you need not
include/import additional header files.
Note: nPlayers is not greater than 100. Different calls to gameResult
between same pair of players may not necessarily return same winner
always. We have tried to tweak a real game data by incorporate the elo
rating system to determine the winner of matches. So in a call to
gameResult, the winner is determined by that probability.

Note: Don't give the the exact solution...jut m looking for an

Some of the approach I have followed are as:

First Approach
Have n/2 matches among n players
then n/4 matches among previous looser and n/4 among previous winner
Continue recursively.
Second Approach
Each player play against each other.
The players having the maximum winning appear above in the returning
Both the above approach doesn't seem working...can u please suggest
what's going wrong here...and how to proceed further...

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