You didn't say C or C++.  It makes a difference.  A void pointer is
just a pointer that can point to any kind of data.  You convert it to
a specific type by using casts.  So just implement an exogenous list
the same  way you would if data had some type Foo.  The replace all
the Foo pointers with void*.  In C++ you can wrap the implementation
in a template so the list methods automatically do the casting.

In case you aren't familiar with the term, an exogenous list is just
one where list nodes _point to_ data rather than containing data.  For
example, this list node is exogenous:

typedef struct node_s {
  struct node_s *next;
  FOO *ptr_to_data;  // replace with void* to make this useful for any
data type.

This one is endogenous:

typedef struct node_s {
  struct node_s *next;
  FOO data;

On May 31, 12:19 am, mahendra sengar <> wrote:
> how to implement generioc linked list..using void pointer...i havent
> used void pointer much so, m not able to use it properly in linked
> list..please help asap !!!

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