Number the board locations 0..n^3-1.

Write a function

bool search(int startingLocation, int queensToPlace)

If queensToPlace is zero, this is your base case. Output the board and
you are done.
The function loops over the locations from the startingLocation to the
end of the board.
If each location is a legal spot to place a queen, put one there and
call search recursively starting at your current location+1, placing
one fewer queens.
Remove the queen from that location and move on to the next.

I didn't say much about how to determine is a move is legal. The brute
force method of scanning every line for another queen is complicated
and slow. A better way is to maintain a mapping from each board
location to the rows it belongs to. In a 3D board a location might
belong to as many as 13 rows. For each row, keep a count of how many
queens are in that row. A move is not legal if any of the rows already
contain a queen. When you place a queen you must update (increment)
all of the rows for that location, and when you remove it, you must
decrement the counts.


On Apr 27, 3:08 am, ARM1610 <> wrote:
> Hello all,
>          I'm not getting how to solve a 3 d version of n queen problem. The
> specification are A n*n*n board is given, arrange n*n queens such that not a
> single queen crosses(kills) any other queen. Use back tracking or divide and
> conquer.
>                All solutions / suggestions are welcome !!
> Thanking You in advance !!
> Regards
> Ashish
> VIT Pune

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