[algogeeks] Re: Recursion in blobs

2006-01-26 Thread Dhyanesh
Your answer is absolutely right. It is indeed O(n). This algorithm is more commonly known as Depth-First Search (DFS). It is used for a variety of problems. Google for depth-first search and you will get more results.
-DhyaneshOn 1/26/06, H. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Today in a data structures class we went over blob recursion. What wewent over is actually described on this page (different school though):
http://www.bowdoin.edu/~ltoma/teaching/cs107/fall05/Labs/lab9.htmlI understand how the recursion works, but I'm more interested indeterming the exact algorithm. I asked the professor, and he didn'tknow, except to say that it was very inefficient
I toyed around with it a for a few minutes tonight, trying to determinethe worse-case efficiency if all squares will filled in a playing fieldof x*y=n squares. I think I'm doing something wrong, because my initial
figur ended up with 9n, which would be Big Oh n, which I'm sure can'tbe right; it must be more inefficient than that.Any ideas? Both on how to go about determining the algorithm and theactual algorithm itself.

[algogeeks] Re: Recursion in blobs

2006-01-26 Thread H.

Wow, thanks! :-). It's very re-assuring to know that I got it right.

[algogeeks] Re: Recursion in blobs

2006-01-26 Thread H.

Thanks for the information. My google searches had been very
inefficient (I mean, blob algorithms juast hadn't gotten very far),
and now they will be that much more targeted.

[algogeeks] Re: Recursion in blobs

2006-01-26 Thread Gene

You can think of the grid as a (possibly disconnected) undirected
graphs where each filled grid square is a vertex connected by edges to
its neighboring filled squares.  Then the algorithm is a depth-first
search.  This is obviously O(n) where n is the number of _filled_