[users@httpd] Custom 404 Pages not being GZIPed in Apache 2.4

2015-03-15 Thread Rob Donovan

I’m pretty sure this problem isnt to do with PHP, and I’ve discussed it a 
little on stackoverflow.com with another user, and come to the conclusion there 
could be a problem with Apache, but I would like an opinion.

I've written myself a custom 404 page via PHP, but I've noticed that the page 
doesn't get GZIPed when served, when I return the status code 404. Even though 
I'm sure it should be.

(I'm redirecting all requests to index.php, then parsing the URI, and issuing 
404's when needed through header(), so I'm not using ErrorDocument, although 
I've tested with ErrorDocument in .htaccess and the same problem happens.)

I'm using PHP5.5.9/Apache2.4.7 On Ubuntu (Latest for Ubuntu), and Apache is 
configured to use mod_deflate:

deflate.load: LoadModule deflate_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_deflate.so
deflate.conf: AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml

This is a simple test script I've got:


header(HTTP/1.1 404 Not found);

print WILL THIS BE GZIPED! .str_repeat('X',500);


If you comment out the header 404 (so that it gets a normal 200 response) it 
returns the page compressed fine.

I've also tried with the new http_response_code(404); command for PHP =5.4, 
but that doesn't help.

I've tested in Chrome/Developer Tools and also directly with Curl to test if it 
gets compressed, and it doesn't. There is no Response Header 'Content-Encoding: 
gzip', so I'm guessing its Apache that's not compressing it.

Its not a major problem for me, obviously, as I hope to not get too many people 
trying to link to pages that generate a 404 error, but it would be good if it 
did compress correctly.

I can work around it, by making PHP compress it manually for my 404 page, but I 
would like to know if you think this could be an Apache problem that needs to 
be looked at and/or fixed.

(Note, you have to make sure the response is 256 bytes to get Apache to 
compress, so that's what the str_repeat() bit is)


Rob Donovan.

Re: [Nut-upsuser] Slaves under Squeeze

2011-09-14 Thread Rob Donovan

Thanks - that brought me more progress than I've seen all day :)

Changing to the following on the server :


with no other changes from what I posted on the previous page got both 
the server and slave nuts starting up ok.

For the record ifconfig on the server returns the following:

eth0Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:26:b9:8d:18:b5
 inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
 inet6 addr: fe80::226:b9ff:fe8d:18b5/64 Scope:Link
 RX packets:7078694 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
 TX packets:7756421 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
 RX bytes:973255191 (928.1 MiB)  TX bytes:1064820280 (1015.4 MiB)

loLink encap:Local Loopback
 inet addr:  Mask:
 inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
 RX packets:12697367 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
 TX packets:12697367 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
 RX bytes:1351490194 (1.2 GiB)  TX bytes:1351490194 (1.2 GiB)

Instead of LISTENing to I tried LISTENing to or 
00:26:b9:8d:18:b5 or fe80::226:b9ff:fe8d:18b5/64 but none worked when 
running /etc/init.d/nut start on the server (all gave immediate 
Communications with UPS cp1500avr1@localhost lost errors).

Nut-upsuser mailing list

Re: [Nut-upsuser] Slaves under Squeeze

2011-09-14 Thread Rob Donovan

Changing to the following on the server :


also works :)

Nut-upsuser mailing list

Bug#639539: top problem

2011-09-13 Thread Rob Donovan

has happened again :

top - 22:49:30 up 7 days,  7:38,  3 users,  load average: 1.19, 0.88, 0.80
Tasks: 212 total,   3 running, 209 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  0.0%us,  1.5%sy, 92.7%ni,  5.9%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  

Mem:  16461424k total, 11328664k used,  5132760k free,   484068k buffers
Swap: 35150104k total,0k used, 35150104k free,  8270712k cached

5178 user   20   0 19180 1436 1004 R0  0.0   0:00.19 top
3431 user   20   0 79296 1904  944 S0  0.0   1:53.73 sshd
3432 user   20   0 21720 4592 1620 S0  0.0   0:00.17 bash
3474 user   20   0  186m  26m  12m S0  0.2   5:26.99 emacs
3478 user   20   0 26104  928  624 S0  0.0   0:00.00 dbus-launch
3479 user   20   0 23260  824  580 S0  0.0   0:00.00 dbus-daemon
3481 user   20   0 46008 5548 2316 S0  0.0   0:00.44 gconfd-2
3482 user   39  19 1844m 1.6g  932 S0 10.1  2590446h my_prog.x
3488 user   20   0 79316 2044  960 S0  0.0   0:02.31 sshd
3489 user   20   0 21764 4640 1620 S0  0.0   0:00.60 bash
16039 user   20   0 78988 1724  956 S0  0.0   0:00.12 sshd
16216 user   20   0 21720 4612 1632 S0  0.0   0:00.36 bash

This is just processes owned by me (userid changed to user).  The 
program that is eating all the CPU is my_prog.x, which is running nice 
19.  It's been running for about 67 hours now, not 2590446 hours.  The 
92% nice CPU usage (up the top) is credible, while 0% is not.  1844m 
memory usage is correct.  The program is logging to stdout at the usual 
rate.  Load average should be about 7.8.  CPU usage for my_prog should 
be about 760% +.  

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Bug#639539: Load average bug

2011-09-07 Thread Rob Donovan
I can confirm that I'm seeing this bug too after an upgrade to the 
standard Debian Squeeze distribution from Lenny (new kernel is 

It shows up in top and, of course, xload.

In my case the load average comes in at about 0.3 for a nice-19 job 
eating 784% of my 8-cpu processor (max being 800%).
Under Lenny xload displayed similar jobs as (almost) 8 bars.  Now it's 
much less than 1 bar.

xload is therefore effectively broken.

Rob Donovan

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Bug#639539: ps

2011-09-07 Thread Rob Donovan

This may be related :

I run jobs that eat nearly 800% of my 800% available CPU that take about 
10 days to complete, and I run them at nice 19.  Under Lenny such jobs 
always showed up at the top of top reporting 700% + CPU consumption, as 
you'd expect.  I upgraded to Squeeze on 19 August 2011, and since then 
such jobs have still shown up at the top of top... with one exception.  
On one occasion the job was still running (I could see it logging to 
stdout at the usual speed in the window in which it was running) but it 
wasn't at the top of top.  In fact, only by restricting top to show 
processes owned by me (u userid) could I see it at all, and it was 
then displayed at the bottom of my processes.  Memory was displayed OK, 
but CPU consumption... was displayed as zero I think.  I can't remember 
what the CPU line at the top of the screen was displaying.  If it 
happens again I'll make notes.

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Re: [Bug 606999] Re: buffer length error in syslog

2010-09-18 Thread Rob Donovan
Me neither.  I gave up on Ubuntu eventually (due to another bug) and 
installed Debian Lenny


flavin wrote:
 I got the same, and I found this:


 but I still don't know how to fix it

buffer length error in syslog
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

Re: [Nut-upsuser] NUT with Cyber Power 700 AVR

2010-08-30 Thread Rob Donovan

1) syslog errors every 20+ minutes or so like :  Aug  7 10:21:03 ben 
usbhid-ups[3321]: libusb_get_string: error sending control message: 
Broken pipe

Not a cause of concern. It is a way of telling that the UPS is 
currently not able to handle a command. Most likely this is due to the 
UPS doing some internal housekeeping functions and the little 
microcontroller inside is not able to handle a command. We will 
probably suppress this in future NUT versions, as it is a common cause 
of false alarms.

2) syslog errors on a similar timescale like : Aug  7 08:17:40 ben 
kernel: [40170.402789] usb 2-1.2: usbfs: USBDEVFS_CONTROL failed cmd 
usbhid-ups rqt 161 rq 1 len 8 ret -110

Same here. The kernel is informing you that the UPS didn't respond to 
a command (110 = ETIMEDOUT). The cause is most likely the same as the 
above and not a cause of concern either. Unlike the above message, 
there is nothing we can do about this as it is logged by the kernel.

Good to know.  Thanks for the reply.

3) The machine spontaneously shutdown this morning due to a low 
battery condition.  However, 80 minutes later when I noticed the UPS 
battery was at 100%.  I don't think it can charge that fast, so I 
think this must have been a communication error.

I'm not so sure about that. Don't overestimate the accuracy of the 
battery charge gauge on the UPS. It could be that it is just voltage 
based, which means that it will indicate full charge long before the 
battery is actually full. It could also mean that the battery is bad. 
This may cause nearly instant shutdowns when the mains fails (when the 
battery is under load) while it looks like the battery is (almost) 
full with the mains present (and the battery is not under load). 
Running a battery test usually reveals what is going in.

Best regards, Arjen
Fair points, but I think the battery is good.  I've run several 
on-battery shutdowns lasting 90s+ by flipping the breaker (using 
upssched to initiate shutdown after 60s) and that works fine.  I ran a 
longer test for 2 or 3 minutes once and watched the UPS displayed 
estimated run time count down from 76 minutes as you'd expect it to.  
The UPS is brand new.  Also, I suspect there was no power cut - in the 
past I've had to reset my stove clock after a power cut, and I don't 
recall having to do that this time.  I have my system set up to shutdown 
after 5 mins on battery, rather than wait for a lowbatt condition, so I 
doubt the low batt could have been reached due to a power cut unless 
perhaps it was a night of successive 4 minute power cuts or, given the 
stove, 4 minute low-voltage conditions.  I guess we'll never know for 
sure... in any case, this was enough for me to abandon 2.4.3 and try 
Cyberpower's own offering, which suffered from curious delays itself 
which I wasn't happy with given that the eventual power-off is timer 
based rather than signal based as in nut, and thence back to nut 2.2.2...

So, I went back to nut 2.2.2 under Debian Lenny with both MAXAGE and  
DEADTIME set to 150s.  This worked OK for 10 days, with the odd type (2) 
error from above, and the odd stale data error [aside : it is my 
understanding that data must now be stale for 150s for upsmon to log a 
stale data warning to syslog, since upsd doesn't pass on the stale data 
condition until MAXAGE is reached.  So for 30 lots of 5s polls the data 
is stale... then it shows up in syslog, and, and this is what's weird, 
in almost every case it resolves itself 2s later just like it did 
when MAXAGE was 15s.]  After 10 days it went into a stale data condition 
that continued all night until I stopped it by restarting nut in the 

Since restarting nut seemed to fix the problem I decided to make 
upssched restart nut on a NOCOMM condition.  I'll briefly describe how I 
did that here in case others are interested:

I set


in upsmon.conf in the usual way with

NOTIFYCMD /sbin/upssched

set to call upssched.  In upssched.conf I set

CMDSCRIPT /sbin/upsschedcmd



/sbin/upsschedcmd is my command script, the relevant portion of which is :

# This script is called by upssched on a UPS event. 
# This script is designed to be run by user nut.

case $1 in

upsrestart.x is the following C code, compiled using the gcc line in the 
comment, and chowned/chmoded to have the ownership/permissions in the 
2nd comment :

#include stdio.h
#include unistd.h


This program is designed to restart nut.
The binary file permissions should be -rwsr-xr-- root:nut

gcc -g -Wall -o upsrestart.x upsrestart.c


int main (int argc, char *argv[])

 char *arg[] = { /etc/init.d/nut, restart, (char *) NULL };

 char *env[] = { USER=root, PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin, 
HOME=/root, (char *) NULL };

 execve (arg[0], arg, env);

 // if execve() returns there has been an error


Bug#511463: [ddd] ddd: Symbol `_XmStrings' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking

2010-08-11 Thread Rob Donovan
I think I should add that the more serious consequences of this bug 
(machine hanging, etc) were seen when running ddd on my 64bit Linux 
server via a ssh session from, and with the display exported to, a 32bit 
Windows XP machine running the Cygwin X server.  I haven't tried running 
an X server directly on the Linux box, but I did just try NX NoMachine 
in place of the Cygwin X server, which I think essentially fakes an X 
server on the Linux box, and I found that the newer (package supplied) 
Xm library does not cause the hanging problem (though clicking on the 
ddd window did once disconnect my NX session).  If console X sessions 
are similarly tolerant of this bug that might explain why the more 
serious consequences I reported haven't been reported before.

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Bug#511463: [ddd] ddd: Symbol `_XmStrings' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking

2010-08-10 Thread Rob Donovan
I have/had this bug running ddd under a new installation of Debian Lenny 
5.05 amd64.  It is now solved.

In my case this bug didn't only cause the error message, but also caused 
ddd to become sluggish or unresponsive, consume large amounts of CPU or 
hang when accessing menus.  For example, clicking on Edit-Preferences 
and then changing tabs from General to Source would take many seconds, 
with top showing 10-20% CPU.  Changing tabs to Data would sometimes 
complete and sometimes just hang, with CPU going to 40%.  Clicking OK 
would then hang completely with CPU going to 100%.  I would then have to 
kill ddd.  This made ddd close to unusable.

The problem can be fixed by downgrading your version of the lesstif2 
library /usr/lib/libXm.so.2.0.1

Unfortunately at the time of writing the oldstable Etch packages don't 
seem to be online.  It looks like they've been removed from 
http://packages.debian.org/oldstable/ and don't yet show up in 
http://archive.debian.net/   I don't know if the Etch package would have 
been old enough anyway.

Going back further there is Sarge, available from http://archive.debian.net/
I used the Xm lib from the lesstif2 package version 0.93.94-11.4 and 
this solves the problem.  Note that the library is still called 
libXm.so.2.0.1 but it's clearly different, since it works.

I've seen ddd fail on 4 successive invocations when using the original 
library, then succeed on 8 invocations using the new Xm library, 
changing tabs multiple times and opening and closing windows.  I gave it 
this testing because the very first time I ran with the new library it 
worked for a moment and then failed.  I can't explain this and can't 
reproduce it.  My best (admittedly feeble) guess is that something was 
cached somewhere.  Anyway, with the new lib in place I now can't get it 
to fail again.  Yet :)

On many architectures you can probably download the Sarge package 
directly from the website, unpack it with dpkg -x, and copy the libXm to 
/usr/lib/ and be done.

Unfortunately Sarge packages aren't available for the amd64 
architecture, so to get this to work I had to compile the package from 
source.  Below therefore is a quick how-to for amd64 users who want to 
fix this problem on their system.

Thanks to the folks on this thread 
back in 2003 for providing the solution to this problem.



amd64 how-to under Debian Lenny

1) the source can be downloaded from the Debian Sarge package page :


  the three links on the right hand side under Download Source Package.

2) Packages you need which are/are used as generic code-building packages:

sudo aptitude install fakeroot
sudo aptitude install autoconf
sudo aptitude install bison
sudo aptitude install debhelper
sudo aptitude install flex
sudo aptitude install libtool

  autoconf gets automake which is automake1.10
  You actually need automake1.6 but that isn't available from the Lenny 

  We'll deal with this below.

  Packages you need which are development and specific to this build:

sudo aptitude install libice-dev libsm-dev libx11-dev libxext-dev 
libxp-dev libxt-dev libxrender-dev libxft-dev libfontconfig1-dev 

3) Following http://www.debian.org/doc/FAQ/ch-pkg_basics.en.html
   In the directory containing your source tar files:

dpkg-source -x lesstif1-1_0.93.94-11.4.dsc

4) You have to edit the lesstif1-1-0.93.94/debian/rules file to remove 
the 1.6 references to aclocal and automake.

Make sure you end up with calls to aclocal and automake just like that.

5) Run this.  It takes a few minutes.

cd lesstif1-1-0.93.94
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -d

6) It falls over eventually complaining about a man page, but not before 
it compiles

  the libs.  They are available from


  You might like to archive your original /usr/lib library before you

sudo cp libXm.so.2.0.1  /usr/lib/libXm.so.2.0.1

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Re: [Nut-upsuser] NUT with Cyber Power 700 AVR

2010-08-09 Thread Rob Donovan
It turns out Cyberpower's own Linux software can't talk to the cp1500avr 
over serial cable either.

So the nut serial driver probably isn't the problem.
I've already shown the UPS and cable are OK by talking to Windows.
It seems unlikely that both Thomas and I and all the other posts you can 
find on this have defective computer hardware.
I saw someone suggest in a 2 year old post on this that it might be 
caused by problems with the Linux kernel serial driver.
I'm not even entirely sure what that means, but since both Thomas and I 
are running Debian Lenny, it sounds pretty plausible to me!

Nut-upsuser mailing list

Re: [Nut-upsuser] NUT with Cyber Power 700 AVR

2010-08-07 Thread Rob Donovan
I applied the aforementioned patch to 2.4.3 and recompiled.  Since the 
patch only affects newmge-shut and usbhid-ups I just copied the latter 
into /lib/nut/  This works, insomuchas all the nut programs start up and 
run.  However, there are 3 remaining problems:

1) syslog errors every 20+ minutes or so like :  Aug  7 10:21:03 ben 
usbhid-ups[3321]: libusb_get_string: error sending control message: 
Broken pipe   

2) syslog errors on a similar timescale like : Aug  7 08:17:40 ben 
kernel: [40170.402789] usb 2-1.2: usbfs: USBDEVFS_CONTROL failed cmd 
usbhid-ups rqt 161 rq 1 len 8 ret -110

3) The machine spontaneously shutdown this morning due to a low 
battery condition.  However, 80 minutes later when I noticed the UPS 
battery was at 100%.  I don't think it can charge that fast, so I think 
this must have been a communication error.

I've now tried two versions of NUT, a patch, and both serial and usb 
communications.  Only one mode (2.2.2 usb) works in any meaningful 
sense, but even that suffered from minute+ periods of stale data in the 
few days I ran it.  I wanted to use NUT so I could hang possible future 
machines off one big ups, but for the present I give up.

Hopefully the portmon log I posted will help.  I note that both Thomas 
and I are running Debian Lenny and using recently purchased Cyberpower UPSs.

Nut-upsuser mailing list

Re: [Nut-upsuser] NUT with Cyber Power 700 AVR

2010-08-06 Thread Rob Donovan

hi there, I ran portmon.  Read on...

   I'm running nut 2.2.2-6.5 under Debian Lenny 5.05 on a Dell T110
PowerEdge Server hooked to a Cyberpower 1500 AVR LCD.  All new hardware
purchased in the last 3 months.  I tried to attach via usb at first, but
was getting stale data errors in syslog sometimes lasting a minute or
more, plus USBDEVFS_CONTROL errors too, so I decided to try a serial
cable instead.  I get exactly the same errors Thomas was getting:

/sbin/upsdrvctl start cp1500avr1
Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.2.2
Network UPS Tools - CyberPower driver 1.00 (2.2.2)
Giving up on hardware detection after 3 tries
Unable to get initial hardware info string
Driver failed to start (exit status=1)

/lib/nut/cyberpower -DDD -a cp1500avr1
Network UPS Tools - CyberPower driver 1.00 (2.2.2)
debug level is '7'
Giving up on hardware detection after 3 tries
Unable to get initial hardware info string

   Changing to driver = powerpanel in ups.conf :

/lib/nut/powerpanel -DDD -a cp1500avr1
Network UPS Tools -  CyberPower text/binary protocol UPS driver 0.23
Warning: This is an experimental driver.
Some features may not function correctly.

debug level is '7'
Trying binary protocol...
read: timed out
read: timed out
read: timed out
Trying text protocol...
send: (2 bytes) = 0d 0d
read: timed out
send: (3 bytes) = 50 34 0d
read: timed out
read: timed out
send: (3 bytes) = 50 34 0d
read: timed out
read: timed out
send: (3 bytes) = 50 34 0d
read: timed out
read: timed out
CyberPower UPS not found on /dev/ttyS0

ls -l /dev/ttyS*
crw-rw 1 root nut 4, 64 2010-08-06 09:18 /dev/ttyS0
crw--- 1 root root4, 65 2010-08-05 15:20 /dev/ttyS1
crw-rw 1 root dialout 4, 66 2010-08-05 15:19 /dev/ttyS2
crw-rw 1 root dialout 4, 67 2010-08-05 15:19 /dev/ttyS3

   After running the cyberpower driver :

stty  /dev/ttyS0
speed 1200 baud; line = 0;
min = 1; time = 0;
-brkint -icrnl -imaxbel
-opost -onlcr
-isig -icanon -iexten -echo -echoe -echok -echoctl -echoke

   There are many ways to screw up serial port assignment on this
machine, but I think I have it correct in the BIOS.  I have :

Serial Communications = On with Console Redirection via COM2
Console Redirection After Boot = Enabled
External Serial Connector = Serial Device 1
Console Redirection Failsafe BAUD Rate = 115200
Serial Address Select = Serial Device1=COM1, Serial Device2=COM2

   That is, COM2/Serial Device 2 are used for Serial-over-Lan console
redirection, which works fine on ttyS1.  There is only one physical
connector on the back of the box, which I'm specifying is connected to
Serial Device 1 = COM1 which I have to presume is ttyS0.

  I should note that the External Serial Connector assignment tends to
drift.  The documentation says that you can toggle between Serial Device
1, Serial Device 2 and Remote Access Device using Terminal Escape
Sequences though I can't find any documentation on what those might
be.  They seem to be happening though.  If I set External Serial
Connector  = Serial Device 1 in the BIOS and boot, then check it (using
Dell Open Manage) it's still set to 1.  But after another boot or two
it's set to 2.  Setting External Connector to Serial Device 1, power
cycling the UPS (it is not powering my machine at the moment), issuing
the above commands, and checking the connector is still assigned to
Serial Device 1 gives the results above.  It is interesting to note,
however, that I got the same results once and then found it was set to 2...

 The External Serial Connector drift is probably not the cause of this
problem though.  If you Google Giving up on hardware detection after 3
tries you can find several people reporting this problem back to at
least 2007.  I think all of them had Cyberpower UPSs.  I don't recall
any of them mentioning Dells, or External Serial Connector settings.
Moreover, if I boot with External Serial Connector = Serial Device 2
then the UPS will beep and keep flipping to battery during and after the
boot, presumably because it is interpreting SOL traffic as
instructions.  If I set External Serial Connector = Serial Device 1
before the boot this doesn't happen.  The boot stalls at the nut
startup, presumably waiting for timeouts, which then fails.  So there is
a difference when the UPS is connected to ttyS0, but it still doesn't work.

 Anyway, since I have an old Windows PC with a serial connector, I
decided to run portmon.  For future reference, I found this worked:

Disable any existing ups services/startups in msconfig (I had old APC
stuff running...)
Install portmon
Install software under test (cyberpower in my case)
Disable com1 in device manager
enable com 1
run portman
 connect local
 monitor com1 only
connect ups by serial cable
power on ups
restart cyberpower's service in service management - messages fill portman
save messages.

I had a lot of trouble with stuff grabbing com1 before portmon, which
then couldn't monitor it.  I even got into a lovely state where 

Re: [Nut-upsuser] NUT with Cyber Power 700 AVR

2010-08-06 Thread Rob Donovan

My previous post was a follow-up to this discussion in February:


Nut-upsuser mailing list

Bug#63995: obfuscation

2010-07-31 Thread Rob Donovan

The solution (namely, turning @ into !-- blah --#64!-- blah -- is
a needless obfuscation that isn't going to actually net us anything.

This sounds like a plausible argument, but it hasn't been my recent experience.
I submitted my 1st Debian bug on 7/29/10 at 3.51pm and got my first spam email on 
the address used on 7/30/10 at 5.20pm, less than 26 hours later.  Compare that to
the Cygwin mailing list where I submitted a bug on 4/27/10 and where the address 
used has, as far as I can remember, yet to receive any spam.  Cygwin uses a simple 
@ - at and . - dot obfuscation method.

I think it very likely that Debian is losing bug reports because of this issue.  I 
nearly balked myself, and I can assure you that I only went ahead because the Yahoo Plus 
mail account (that I pay for) lets me generate disposable addresses.  Not everyone has 
this capability.  Given that spam filters are not perfect I think many people are still

inclined not to knowingly invite spam by posting non-disposable addresses on 
the web.

While I agree that my recent experience is a sample of two, and so not exactly solid 
scientific evidence, I do think some sort of simple, yet novel, obfuscation method would 
be likely to help.

Since it is now attracting spam I'll now disable the disposable address used for my Debian 
bug report and this comment.  I guess that means that I will now become uncontactable 
via my bug report... which ironically is, I gather, exactly what you are trying to avoid 
by posting email addresses in the first place.  My Cygwin address, meanwhile, is still active...

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Bug#590895: sysvinit: shutdown -hP sets INIT_HALT to POWERDOWN not POWEROFF

2010-07-29 Thread Rob Donovan
Package: sysvinit
Version: 2.86.ds1-61
Severity: normal

The shutdown man page says that the -P option will set the INIT_HALT variable 
However, echo statements placed at the top of do_stop() in /etc/init.d/halt 
reveal that this
variable is set to POWERDOWN.  Assuming nothing modified the value of INIT_HALT 
this suggests that either shutdown or its man page should be fixed.

Further down in /etc/init.d/halt the following script

if [ $INIT_HALT = POWEROFF ]  [ -x /etc/init.d/ups-monitor ]
/etc/init.d/ups-monitor poweroff

tests for POWEROFF only.  So, if you configured your ups monitoring software to 
shutdown on
a power outage with shutdown -hP your UPS will never power off.  It seems to 
me that
either shutdown should be fixed to set INIT_HALT to POWEROFF, or this script 
should test for
both, or the use of -hP as a mechanism to deliberately leave your UPS on after 
a UPS induced
shutdown should be documented somewhere.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 5.0.5
  APT prefers stable
  APT policy: (500, 'stable')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)

Kernel: Linux 2.6.26-2-amd64 (SMP w/8 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/bash

Versions of packages sysvinit depends on:
ii  initscripts 2.86.ds1-61  Scripts for initializing and shutt
ii  libc6   2.7-18lenny4 GNU C Library: Shared libraries
ii  libselinux1 2.0.65-5 SELinux shared libraries
ii  libsepol1   2.0.30-2 Security Enhanced Linux policy lib
ii  sysv-rc 2.86.ds1-61  System-V-like runlevel change mech
ii  sysvinit-utils  2.86.ds1-61  System-V-like utilities

sysvinit recommends no packages.

sysvinit suggests no packages.

-- no debconf information

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[Bug 606996] Re: ctrl alt F1 does nothing

2010-07-19 Thread Rob Donovan
Turns out this is not an Ubuntu bug - sorry.

On this keyboard the last regular key on the right hand end of the
function key row is F Lock.  It has to be on (the indicator light
nearest you) for the function keys to work.  Except with the BIOS,

Thanks for the post kurt.

ctrl alt F1 does nothing
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[Bug 606989] [NEW] /var/run /var/lock mounts prevent umount of /var at shutdown

2010-07-18 Thread Rob Donovan
Public bug reported:

Title says it all really.  Leads to error messages like

umount2: Device or resource busy.
umount: /dev/sda8 busy - remounted read-only

in the shutdown console messages.

Since /var is remounted read-only the technical consequences of this bug
are nil, I think.  However, the user consequences are non-nil:  the
error messages serve as a red-herring for anyone troubleshooting their
system.  I wasted time on it because I thought unsuccessful umounting of
/var might be the cause of fscks on boot, this all following a power
failure.  I now know better, but I wasted a couple of days on it (fuser
 lsof come up blank).

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 64-bit.

** Affects: ubuntu
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

/var/run /var/lock mounts prevent umount of /var at shutdown
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[Bug 606996] [NEW] ctrl alt F1 does nothing

2010-07-18 Thread Rob Donovan
Public bug reported:

Ctrl-Alt-F1 does nothing on either of my machines : Dell Dimension 2400
(old cheap desktop) and Dell T110 Poweredge (new expensive server).  In
both cases I'm using a Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 v1.0.
I chose the nearest thing on setup, Microsoft Natural I think, and
have notes I made on setup saying Microsoft
Natural/USA/USA/NoAltGrKey/No Compose Key/VGA/16/default/  F keys work
fine with the BIOS for entering boot/setup menus etc.

** Affects: ubuntu
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

ctrl alt F1 does nothing
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[Bug 606996] Re: ctrl alt F1 does nothing

2010-07-18 Thread Rob Donovan
woops : this is Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 32 bit and 64 bit.

ctrl alt F1 does nothing
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[Bug 606999] [NEW] buffer length error in syslog

2010-07-18 Thread Rob Donovan
Public bug reported:

Binary package hint: acpi

This error occurs in /var/log/syslog on boot.  I have no idea if it has
any consequences.  System is Dell T110 Poweredge running Ubuntu 10.04
LTS 64-bit.

Jul 16 10:57:42 ben kernel: [4.352252] ACPI Error: SMBus or IPMI write 
requires Buffer of length 42, found length 20 (20090903/exfield-286)
Jul 16 10:57:42 ben kernel: [4.352258] ACPI Error (psparse-0537): Method 
parse/execution failed [\_SB_.PMI0._GHL] (Node 88043fc2bde0), 
Jul 16 10:57:42 ben kernel: [4.352276] ACPI Error (psparse-0537): Method 
parse/execution failed [\_SB_.PMI0._PMC] (Node 88043fc2bd60), 
Jul 16 10:57:42 ben kernel: [4.352291] ACPI Exception: AE_AML_BUFFER_LIMIT, 
Evaluating _PMC (20090903/power_meter-772)

ProblemType: Bug
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 10.04
Package: acpi (not installed)
ProcVersionSignature: Ubuntu 2.6.32-22.36-generic
Uname: Linux 2.6.32-22-generic x86_64
Architecture: amd64
Date: Sun Jul 18 14:14:31 2010
InstallationMedia: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx - Release amd64 (20100427.1)
SourcePackage: acpi

** Affects: acpi (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

** Tags: amd64 apport-bug lucid

buffer length error in syslog
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[Bug 605687] Re: mountall does everything twice

2010-07-18 Thread Rob Donovan
I spent another half day or so on this.

I didn't really get anywhere but I think the evidence is that
neither the mountall.conf main script nor mountall itself actually
restart (the script doesn't echo and the 2nd set of fscks don't show the
parse_filesystems comments of the first, which are generated early in
mountall.c's main() even before daemonisation).  So, my best guess is
that for some reason mountall is losing its state information and then
either a timer timing out or a signal is sending it back to the main
loop in this amnesic state.  I don't know why it doesn't exit, but
suspect it may be hanging either due to problems communicating with a
serial console or perhaps on that last line call to
ply_boot_client_flush at a time when plymouth may already be dead (I
can't see where ply_boot_client would be set to NULL in mountall.c,
though I admit I haven't searched all the plymouth includes, but if this
theory is correct I can't figure out what restarts plymouth for the 2nd
set of fscks).  Other mysteries : why does it work the 2nd time around,
and why does it work when a large filesystem (my /var is 6GB) needs
checking.  I don't know.

Most concerning is that I can't find anything that seems to umount the
disks before that 2nd set of fscks kicks in.  If so, this means that the
2nd set of fscks is being run on mounted filesystems.  I gather this can
be dangerous.  I'm sure you're aware of this, but I'll point out that if
you put -M in your fsck calls that would make things safer - you'd no
longer be relying solely on your own internal book-keeping for running
fsck.  Maybe this would have downsides, I'm not sure.  It's just a

I could spend more time on this but I won't.  In fact I've made the
tactical decision to move to Debian stable branch Lenny as of tomorrow.
Goodbye and good luck!

mountall does everything twice
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[Bug 605687] Re: mountall does everything twice

2010-07-16 Thread Rob Donovan
1) I added 4 echo statements to each script in mountall.conf and can now
say with no doubt that the main script runs once, and the post-stop
script runs twice.  I don't know how this can happen, but it does.

2) I added echo statements to both scripts in mountall-shell.conf too, also 
changing console owner to console output and commented out the su login.  
None of these were echoed - this is not running.  (It was the only mountall 
restart I could find, so I 
was suspicious - I figured maybe the console grab failed and it skipped 
straight to the post-stop script.  Anyway, it isn't happening).

3) My hunch was that maybe mountall or plymouth has trouble with a
serial console.  So, I carted my monitor, keyboard and mouse into the
server room, and edited my kernel line on boot from

quiet console=tty0 console=ttyS1,115200n8


quiet console=ttyS1,115200n8 console=tty0

   I also tried no console terms at all.  The documentation I've read said that 
only the last console term is the one that is tied to /dev/console.  I compared 
the boot messages on tty0 (captured by video camera) to those in 
/var/log/boot.log to those on serial console if applicable. 
   This test was somewhat inconclusive.  The serial console is now missing so 
many boot messages it's difficult to conclude anything from it.  The tty0 
console suffers a blank screen a fraction of a second into the boot, in which 
there probably is not time for a 2nd set of fscks to run.  It then hung, in 
both cases, at the start of the dsm_sa_datamgr32d before going directly to 
pretty gnome screens.  The hang was long enough that there might be time for it 
to run a 2nd set of fscks - maybe not - hard to say.  Given that this is where 
it sometime starts the 2nd set over serial console, I don't think I can 
conclude much.  /var/log/boot.log only contains the 2nd page of tty0 messages, 
up to the hang point.

4) I removed monitor, keyboard  mouse and booted again over serial
console using my unedited kernel line and it worked  Only one
set of fscks.  I've attached boot_worked to this post.  I figure there
were two unusual things about this boot:

A) the last shutdown didn't have a serial console connected.
B) this boot decided to force a test on /var, because it's count was up.

I figure if it CAN work on serial console, that's a big clue.  Though
maybe that's only if it doesn't try to interact with it.  I think this
result also suggests timing is an issue.

Note also the

Starting dsm_sa_datamgr32d: Already started *

lines in the boot log.  At one point I thought this meant two
/etc/init.d/rc jobs were competing.  I think that may still be possible
(with the 2nd doing nothing because it's going to the same runlevel as
the first), but this message clearly proves nothing since it gets
printed when mountall works.

5) Odd things happening to console messages at the dsm_sa_datamgr32d
jobs is something I get on shutdown too.  I think it may be a plymouth
timeout issue.  I'll post a separate bug report for that.  Note that I
don't think that's the cause of the double fsck problem : often that
occurs and is done with before the boot ever gets to dsm_sa_datamgr32d.

I think I'm giving up on this bug now.  Over to you guys.

** Attachment added: boot_worked

mountall does everything twice
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[Bug 606512] [NEW] plymouth causes staircase right-shifting on serial console

2010-07-16 Thread Rob Donovan
Public bug reported:

Binary package hint: plymouth

I run Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit using a serial over lan (SOL) console.

On shutdown I find my console messages print normally at first until I
get to

Stopping dsm_sa_eventmgr32d:  * 
Stopping dsm_sa_datamgr32d:  * 
Shutting down DSM SA Connection Service:  * 

whereupon the text right-shifts with each successive line as if the
terminal received a line feed but not a carriage return producing what I
think is known as the staircase effect.  On some terminals this causes
the shutdown messages to right shift right off the screen, becoming
unreadable.  Using an xterm to run the SOL and setting for auto wrap-
around enables the messages to be read, even if they are all over the

I know this is a Plymouth bug because if I change
/etc/init/plymouth.conf to read

start on (starting mountall
  or (runlevel [16]
  and (stopped gdm
   or stopped kdm
   or stopped xdm
   or stopped lxdm)))

instead of the default [016] then my shutdowns (runlevel 0) work
perfectly, with the console messages one below the other.

On boot similar messages are printed, which format fine... unless I boot
without a serial console in the kernel line in which case I find that
both my tty0 console messages and /var/log/boot.log stop at

dsm_sa_* are jobs associated with SARA's port of Dell's Open Manage
Server Administrator.

I dug a little deeper and found that the bulk of these messages (the
text) is produced by echo -n statements in the associated /etc/init.d/
scripts.  The  * comes from a log_success_msg  call to /etc/lsb-
base-logging.sh which is sourced at the end of /lib/lsb/init-functions
which is sourced in Dell's script.  All this does is echo  * $@ which
looks pretty innocent.

My guess is that what may be important here is that maybe a full second
can elapse between the echo of the main part of the message and the echo
of the  *.  Does Plymouth implement some sort of timeout after which
it decides console messages are over?  If so, then it think it may be
set too short.  Is there a conf file where this can be changed?

If not, or in the meantime, is there any negative consequence to not
running Plymouth at shutdown? I don't have or want splash screens.  Does
it do anything else at shutdown?


ProblemType: Bug
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 10.04
Package: plymouth 0.8.2-2ubuntu2
ProcVersionSignature: Ubuntu 2.6.32-22.36-generic
Uname: Linux 2.6.32-22-generic x86_64
Architecture: amd64
Date: Fri Jul 16 15:04:43 2010
DefaultPlymouth: /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ubuntu-logo.plymouth
InstallationMedia: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx - Release amd64 (20100427.1)
 Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0764:0501 Cyber Power System, Inc. CP1500 AVR UPS
 Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0020  
 Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
 Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:0020  
 Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
MachineType: Dell Inc. PowerEdge T110
ProcCmdLine: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-2.6.32-22-generic 
root=UUID=b0f54546-a7ed-4e35-86c0-3583021d00bc ro quiet console=tty0 
ProcFB: 0 VGA16 VGA
SourcePackage: plymouth
TextPlymouth: /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-text/ubuntu-text.plymouth
dmi.bios.date: 01/28/2010
dmi.bios.vendor: Dell Inc.
dmi.bios.version: 1.2.1
dmi.board.name: 0X744K
dmi.board.vendor: Dell Inc.
dmi.board.version: A01
dmi.chassis.type: 17
dmi.chassis.vendor: Dell Inc.
dmi.product.name: PowerEdge T110
dmi.sys.vendor: Dell Inc.

** Affects: plymouth (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

** Tags: amd64 apport-bug lucid

plymouth causes staircase right-shifting on serial console
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[Bug 606512] Re: plymouth causes staircase right-shifting on serial console

2010-07-16 Thread Rob Donovan

** Attachment added: BootDmesg.txt

** Attachment added: CurrentDmesg.txt

** Attachment added: Dependencies.txt

** Attachment added: Lspci.txt

** Attachment added: ProcCpuinfo.txt

** Attachment added: ProcInterrupts.txt

** Attachment added: ProcModules.txt

** Attachment added: UdevDb.txt

** Attachment added: UdevLog.txt

plymouth causes staircase right-shifting on serial console
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[Bug 602723] Re: Upstart job to clean /tmp does not run when /usr is on a seperate partion

2010-07-16 Thread Rob Donovan
*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 523587 ***

** This bug has been marked a duplicate of bug 523587
   /etc/init/mounted-tmp.conf uses find, which is in /usr/bin

Upstart job to clean /tmp does not run when /usr is on a seperate partion
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[Bug 153425] Re: (Multiseat) screen shifts when /dev/console written to

2010-07-16 Thread Rob Donovan
For the record I filed this as Ubuntu Bug

(Multiseat) screen shifts when /dev/console written to
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[Bug 605687] Re: mountall runs fsck, all clean, mounts, twice... out of boredom?

2010-07-15 Thread Rob Donovan
I think I should say a little more about my power failure which may be
relevant.  I installed the NUT 2.4.3 package for use with a Cyberpower
CP1500AVRLCD UPS system.  I set it up with a usb connection using the
usbhid-ups driver.  Everything worked very well and I was pretty much
done when I decided to test the upscmd ups shutdown.stayoff command.
I expected this to run the usual shutdown procedure, but, as far as I
could tell (my server is in another room) it did an immediate power off
instead.  The next two boots were very odd : part way into the boot
process the machine would start to go into hibernation, where it would
stay for exactly two minutes (as shown by /var/log/pm-suspend.log),
before waking up and resuming the boot process.  After two boots I
disconnected the UPS usb cable and disabled NUT by setting MODE=none
in /etc/nut/nut.conf and the hibernation problem went away.  Amongst the
fscks in my boot logs I found

init: mounted-tmp main process (877) terminated with status 127
mountall: Event failed

which I eventually discovered is caused by the /tmp (non-) cleaning bug
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/523587  I
figured stale files in /tmp might have been responsible for the strange
behaviour on boot, and fixed this bug on my system by changing /etc/init
/mounted-tmp.conf to read start on local-filesystems.  Now I'm not so

It seems to me that even if mountall is still running and the boredom
timer does trigger the re-fsck and re-mount, it would not do so if the
partitions were still mounted.  So I'm wondering if maybe the NUT
command did not simply power off my system, but instead did some sort of
highly abbreviated shutdown, like killall5, umount -a, followed by a
power off.  I'm wondering if that umount command, or the trigger to run
it, is still lurking somewhere in my system, and is discovered at boot
causing the re-fsck problem.  This is all speculation at the moment, but
it's what I'll be investigating next.  If anyone has any idea where NUT
might have lodged a umount -a command on my system, please speak up.


mountall runs fsck, all clean, mounts, twice... out of boredom?
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[Bug 605687] Re: mountall does everything twice

2010-07-15 Thread Rob Donovan
** Summary changed:

- mountall runs fsck, all clean, mounts, twice... out of boredom?
+ mountall does everything twice

mountall does everything twice
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[Bug 605687] Re: mountall does everything twice

2010-07-15 Thread Rob Donovan
It seems upscmd ups shutdown.stayoff  does simply power off the load
after all.  I downloaded the nut source package and everything I saw
pointed that way.  I couldn't find any evidence of the code writing
flags or commands to disk, though I admit I lost track of things through
the socket.  So, I figured maybe a dirty /tmp was the problem, attached
the UPS, restarted NUT, and rebooted... and it was fine.  No dive into
hibernation halfway through the boot.  Whether it was /tmp, or power
cycling the UPS, or manually restarting NUT, or something else, I can't
say, but this problem seems to have gone away.

The boot still mounted all my disks twice though.  So it seems likely to
me that the power failure had nothing to do with this - it just caused
me to study the boot logs.

I put echos in both the script section and the post-stop script
section of mountall.conf before this boot.

The boot log shows the post-stop script echo twice, but the script
echo only once.  Sometimes boot messages do get partly obscured by
others on the serial console, so I suppose it's possible the other
script echo disappeared.

I should add that /var/log/boot.log only contains a small fragment of
the complete boot-time console messages seen over SOL.

I have another hunch.  Will investigate tomorrow.

mountall does everything twice
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[Bug 605687] [NEW] mountall runs fsck, all clean, mounts, twice... out of boredom?

2010-07-14 Thread Rob Donovan
Public bug reported:

Binary package hint: mountall

My system (running Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit Desktop) has partitions /, /var,
/usr, /home, /boot, /tmp, and ben1 on a 2nd disk.

At boot, fsck is run on all partitions, and all report clean, and are
mounted successfully.

The boot continues happily with several processes from /etc/init.d
starting up OK.

Then mountall goes through the whole process again, fscking everything
and remounting all the partitions.

The boot continues, with comments from some processes that they're
already running.

I've attached my boot log pasted directly from my serial-over-lan (SOL)
console.   I had mountall --debug in /etc/init/mountall.conf for this.
Without this flag a different amount (slightly fewer) of my boot
processes get completed before the 2nd fsck commences.

I've studied mountall.c and although I'm stumped I suspect that the re-
fsck may be caused by the 3 (second?) boredom timer timing out.  If this
is correct, the question becomes, why doesn't mountall exit when all the
filesystems are mounted?

I had a power failure recently.  I don't know if that's relevant.
That's when and why I started looking at boot logs closely.  I have no
idea if the system was doing this before the power failure

ProblemType: Bug
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 10.04
Package: mountall 2.15
ProcVersionSignature: Ubuntu 2.6.32-22.36-generic
Uname: Linux 2.6.32-22-generic x86_64
Architecture: amd64
Date: Wed Jul 14 17:37:32 2010
InstallationMedia: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx - Release amd64 (20100427.1)
SourcePackage: mountall

** Affects: mountall (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

** Tags: amd64 apport-bug lucid

mountall runs fsck, all clean, mounts, twice... out of boredom?
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[Bug 605687] Re: mountall runs fsck, all clean, mounts, twice... out of boredom?

2010-07-14 Thread Rob Donovan

** Attachment added: boot_mountall_debug

** Attachment added: Dependencies.txt

mountall runs fsck, all clean, mounts, twice... out of boredom?
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[Bug 153425] Re: (Multiseat) screen shifts when /dev/console written to

2010-07-09 Thread Rob Donovan
I now realise my comments were about a different kind of right-shifting
behaviour which affects only the text on a line by line basis, not the
whole screen, and which appears to be known as the staircase effect.
Sorry for posting off topic.  But, since I started, I'll mention that I
managed to solve the problem by disabling Plymouth at shutdown.  I'm not
sure if this has other undesirable effects, but it did sort out my
shutdown messages!

(Multiseat) screen shifts when /dev/console written to
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[Bug 603363] [NEW] sshd never stops, prevents umount of /usr partition

2010-07-08 Thread Rob Donovan
Public bug reported:

Under Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid, sshd is an upstart job controlled by
/etc/init/ssh.conf  This file provides for start and stop as follows:

start on filesystem
stop on runlevel S

At shutdown or reboot, therefore, sshd is not stopped.

Since sshd is in /usr/sbin/sshd and also accesses lib files in /usr/lib
this means that


cannot successfully umount /usr at shutdown when /usr is on its own

This definitely leads to umount reporting errors in the shutdown console

It may also lead to fsck running on reboot and problems with mountall...
I can't say for certain yet as I am also having problems umounting /var,
possibly due to a power failure, which is what led me to notice and
investigate these messages.

My guess is that when sshd was a System V init process, it was killed by
the killall5 process in /etc/rc0.d/S20sendsigs.  Under Lucid sshd has
been made an upstart job and as such is exempt from the killall5 and so
needs to be stopped explicitly.

I admit I am by no means an expert on upstart or sshd, but the fix
appears to me to be to modify /etc/init/ssh.conf to read

stop on runlevel [!2345]

ProblemType: Bug
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 10.04
Package: openssh-server 1:5.3p1-3ubuntu4
ProcVersionSignature: Ubuntu 2.6.32-22.36-generic
Uname: Linux 2.6.32-22-generic x86_64
Architecture: amd64
Date: Thu Jul  8 14:45:50 2010
InstallationMedia: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx - Release amd64 (20100427.1)
SourcePackage: openssh

** Affects: openssh (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

** Tags: amd64 apport-bug lucid

sshd never stops, prevents umount of /usr partition
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Server Team, which is subscribed to openssh in ubuntu.

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[Bug 603363] Re: sshd never stops, prevents umount of /usr partition

2010-07-08 Thread Rob Donovan

** Attachment added: Dependencies.txt

sshd never stops, prevents umount of /usr partition
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[Bug 603363] Re: sshd never stops, prevents umount of /usr partition

2010-07-08 Thread Rob Donovan
Jolly good.  I'm blogging my progress on this thread


which also describes the boot time messages that _may_ be related to this 
I'll post here directly if/when I can confirm that they are/aren't.

sshd never stops, prevents umount of /usr partition
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[Bug 603363] [NEW] sshd never stops, prevents umount of /usr partition

2010-07-08 Thread Rob Donovan
Public bug reported:

Under Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid, sshd is an upstart job controlled by
/etc/init/ssh.conf  This file provides for start and stop as follows:

start on filesystem
stop on runlevel S

At shutdown or reboot, therefore, sshd is not stopped.

Since sshd is in /usr/sbin/sshd and also accesses lib files in /usr/lib
this means that


cannot successfully umount /usr at shutdown when /usr is on its own

This definitely leads to umount reporting errors in the shutdown console

It may also lead to fsck running on reboot and problems with mountall...
I can't say for certain yet as I am also having problems umounting /var,
possibly due to a power failure, which is what led me to notice and
investigate these messages.

My guess is that when sshd was a System V init process, it was killed by
the killall5 process in /etc/rc0.d/S20sendsigs.  Under Lucid sshd has
been made an upstart job and as such is exempt from the killall5 and so
needs to be stopped explicitly.

I admit I am by no means an expert on upstart or sshd, but the fix
appears to me to be to modify /etc/init/ssh.conf to read

stop on runlevel [!2345]

ProblemType: Bug
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 10.04
Package: openssh-server 1:5.3p1-3ubuntu4
ProcVersionSignature: Ubuntu 2.6.32-22.36-generic
Uname: Linux 2.6.32-22-generic x86_64
Architecture: amd64
Date: Thu Jul  8 14:45:50 2010
InstallationMedia: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx - Release amd64 (20100427.1)
SourcePackage: openssh

** Affects: openssh (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

** Tags: amd64 apport-bug lucid

sshd never stops, prevents umount of /usr partition
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[Bug 603363] Re: sshd never stops, prevents umount of /usr partition

2010-07-08 Thread Rob Donovan

** Attachment added: Dependencies.txt

sshd never stops, prevents umount of /usr partition
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[Bug 603363] Re: sshd never stops, prevents umount of /usr partition

2010-07-08 Thread Rob Donovan
Jolly good.  I'm blogging my progress on this thread


which also describes the boot time messages that _may_ be related to this 
I'll post here directly if/when I can confirm that they are/aren't.

sshd never stops, prevents umount of /usr partition
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Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

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[Bug 153425] Re: (Multiseat) screen shifts when /dev/console written to

2010-07-07 Thread Rob Donovan
I'm seeing much the same right shifting of the console while running a
serial console.  System is Dell T110 PowerEdge, running Ubuntu 10.04
Lucid.  Serial Console is running on windows with the same results using
either a mintty windows or a Cygwin X xterm window.  It mostly seems to
affect shutdown messages rather than boot messages, and, as far as I can
figure out it's related to shutdown messages generated using echo -n.
When the newline finally comes it causes a line feed but not a
carriage return.  The text gradually shifts right making some of it
unreadable.  I'm not sure this is the same problem you're seeing, but it
sounds very similar.

(Multiseat) screen shifts when /dev/console written to
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ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 153425] Re: (Multiseat) screen shifts when /dev/console written to

2010-07-07 Thread Rob Donovan
In the case that I've examined I can add that the newline is supplied by
the log_success_msg function in /etc/lsb-base-logging.sh which is
sourced into the bash script providing the echo -n (Dell/SARA's
/etc/init.d/dataeng in this particular case).

(Multiseat) screen shifts when /dev/console written to
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

Re: Cygwin Maximum Memory Documentation

2010-04-28 Thread Rob Donovan
Looks like I posted too soon.  

I can run SOME Cygwin/gcc programs up to 2.83GB with the changes I mentioned in my first post 
(yesterday), but not ALL programs (and not anything useful...).  The problem seems to be with 
Cygwin's implementation of disk access functions like fscanf() and fgets().  The following code as 
written here and compiled under gcc/Cygwin (with the gcc line commented out at the top) WILL run up 
to 2.83GB image size.  However, if the fscanf() line is uncommented the resulting program dies just 
above a 2GB image size with the error *** fatal error - cmalloc would have returned 
NULL.  The file tmp contains hello.\n.  If the program is compiled with fscanf() 
uncommented using cl (Visual Studio C++ compiler - the 2nd compile line commented out below) the 
program will run up to 2.83GB before it runs out of memory.  fgets() has the same effect as 
fscanf().  I'm using Task Manager Mem Usage column to watch the memory grow.

I also tested fprintf(stdout,...) strlen() sscanf() calloc() sprintf() fopen() 
fabs() fclose() strtok() strcmp() strdup() strspn() and free() all of which 
work fine up to 2.83GB.

My conclusion is that there's something in Cygwin's implementation of disk 
access functions (fscanf(), fgets(), ...?) that stops working when the process 
image size goes over 2GB.  Since the /3GB switch enables user pointers above 
7FFF my guess would be something like assumptions made about the most 
significant pointer bit.


#include stdlib.h
#include stdio.h

// to compile : gcc -g -Wall -Wpadded -Wl,--large-address-aware -o 
memory_eater2.x memory_eater2.c
// to compile : cl memory_eater2.c winmm.lib /link /largeaddressaware

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
 FILE *f;
 char *buf;
 long c = 0;

 while (1 != 2) {
   if ((buf = (char *) calloc(24,sizeof(char))) == NULL) {

 fprintf(stderr,Problem in %s line %d allocating 


   if ((c % 5000) == 0) {

 if ((f = fopen(./tmp,r)) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,Problem in %s line %d opening input 

 // fscanf(f,%s,buf);







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Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html
Unsubscribe info:  http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple

Re: Cygwin Maximum Memory Documentation

2010-04-28 Thread Rob Donovan
[ Apologies for the duplicate post.  I'm trying to get this 
retraction/qualification to be added to the original post's thread list, 
since my first attempt was not.  I'm concerned someone might find the 
original via Google and then waste their time.  If this second attempt 
fails and someone out there can get a URL pointer to this message into a 
post on the original's thread list, please do!  The original post is at 
http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2010-04/msg00983.html ]

Looks like I posted too soon. 

I can run SOME Cygwin/gcc programs up to 2.83GB with the changes I 
mentioned in my first post (yesterday), but not ALL programs (and not 
anything useful...).  The problem seems to be with Cygwin's 
implementation of disk access functions like fscanf() and fgets().  The 
following code as written here and compiled under gcc/Cygwin (with the 
gcc line commented out at the top) WILL run up to 2.83GB image size.  
However, if the fscanf() line is uncommented the resulting program dies 
just above a 2GB image size with the error *** fatal error - cmalloc 
would have returned NULL.  The file tmp contains hello.\n.  If the 
program is compiled with fscanf() uncommented using cl (Visual Studio 
C++ compiler - the 2nd compile line commented out below) the program 
will run up to 2.83GB before it runs out of memory.  fgets() has the 
same effect as fscanf().  I'm using Task Manager Mem Usage column to 
watch the memory grow.

I also tested fprintf(stdout,...) strlen() sscanf() calloc() sprintf() 
fopen() fabs() fclose() strtok() strcmp() strdup() strspn() and free() 
all of which work fine up to 2.83GB.

My conclusion is that there's something in Cygwin's implementation of 
disk access functions (fscanf(), fgets(), ...?) that stops working when 
the process image size goes over 2GB.  Since the /3GB switch enables 
user pointers above 7FFF my guess would be something like 
assumptions made about the most significant pointer bit.


#include stdlib.h
#include stdio.h

// to compile : gcc -g -Wall -Wpadded -Wl,--large-address-aware -o 
memory_eater2.x memory_eater2.c

// to compile : cl memory_eater2.c winmm.lib /link /largeaddressaware

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
FILE *f;
char *buf;
long c = 0;

while (1 != 2) {
 if ((buf = (char *) calloc(24,sizeof(char))) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,Problem in %s line %d allocating 



  if ((c % 5000) == 0) {

if ((f = fopen(./tmp,r)) == NULL) {
   fprintf(stderr,Problem in %s line %d opening input 


// fscanf(f,%s,buf);






Rob Donovan wrote:
I've found the following to be true on my system and feel these 
details could usefully be added to the Changing Cygwin's Maximum 
Memory page in the User's Guide.  My system is a Dell Inspiron 1520 
laptop with 4GB of physical RAM running Windows XP Home Edition with 
SP3.  Uname -v reports the Cygwin Kernel version as 2010-04-07 11:02   
Some of these comments are specific to XP; I gather Vista does not use 
a boot.ini file, for example.  Perhaps others running other operating 
systems could flesh it out to provide complete documentation across 
operating systems.

1) When changing the maximum memory available to Cygwin using regtool 
-i set /HKLM/Software/Cygwin/heap_chunk_in_mb  the maximum useful 
value of  is 4095.  Values of 4096 and above result in the heap 
size reverting to its unset value (about 1000 on my system).

2) With this change in place processes are still limited to 2GB of 
memory on 32-bit Windows systems, unless you set the /3GB switch in 
your boot.ini file.  This switch allows each process to grow to 3GB.  
However, used alone it may have undesirable consequences (such as your 
system hanging) which the /Userva= flag may prevent.   from 
2900 to 3030 is recommended.  This switch caps user processes at  MB.

The change might be from a boot.ini file of

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS=Microsoft Windows XP Home 
Edition /noexecute=optin /fastdetect


[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS=Microsoft Windows XP Home 
Edition /noexecute=optin /fastdetect
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS=Microsoft Windows XP Home 
Edition 2.83GB /3GB /Userva=2900 /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

You should then get a choice between OS configurations at boot.  If 
you use a 3rd party boot loader you may have to make the configuration 
changes there instead of directly to the boot.ini file.

3) With both these changes in place your process will STILL be limited 
to 2GB process size, unless you compile it with the /LARGEADDRESSAWARE 
linker flag in place.  Under gcc this flag is specified thus : gcc 

Cygwin Maximum Memory Documentation

2010-04-27 Thread Rob Donovan
I've found the following to be true on my system and feel these details 
could usefully be added to the Changing Cygwin's Maximum Memory page in 
the User's Guide.  My system is a Dell Inspiron 1520 laptop with 4GB of 
physical RAM running Windows XP Home Edition with SP3.  Uname -v reports 
the Cygwin Kernel version as 2010-04-07 11:02   Some of these comments 
are specific to XP; I gather Vista does not use a boot.ini file, for 
example.  Perhaps others running other operating systems could flesh it 
out to provide complete documentation across operating systems.

1) When changing the maximum memory available to Cygwin using regtool 
-i set /HKLM/Software/Cygwin/heap_chunk_in_mb  the maximum useful 
value of  is 4095.  Values of 4096 and above result in the heap size 
reverting to its unset value (about 1000 on my system).

2) With this change in place processes are still limited to 2GB of 
memory on 32-bit Windows systems, unless you set the /3GB switch in your 
boot.ini file.  This switch allows each process to grow to 3GB.  
However, used alone it may have undesirable consequences (such as your 
system hanging) which the /Userva= flag may prevent.   from 2900 
to 3030 is recommended.  This switch caps user processes at  MB.

The change might be from a boot.ini file of

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS=Microsoft Windows XP Home 
Edition /noexecute=optin /fastdetect


[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS=Microsoft Windows XP Home 
Edition /noexecute=optin /fastdetect
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS=Microsoft Windows XP Home 
Edition 2.83GB /3GB /Userva=2900 /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

You should then get a choice between OS configurations at boot.  If you 
use a 3rd party boot loader you may have to make the configuration 
changes there instead of directly to the boot.ini file.

3) With both these changes in place your process will STILL be limited 
to 2GB process size, unless you compile it with the /LARGEADDRESSAWARE 
linker flag in place.  Under gcc this flag is specified thus : gcc 
-Wl,--large-address-aware -o program.x program.cThat's W ell, not W one.

With all these changes in place I can now run gcc compiled Cygwin 
processes up to 2.83GB in size :)


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