All-vegans-unite Help end the live dog lab at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

2007-11-28 Thread Kerri Milam
Can you help us end the live 
dog labs at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine? Twenty years 
ago, live animals were commonly used in physiology, pharmacology, and surgery 
classes at medical schools. A standard lab involved anesthetizing the animal, 
followed by injecting pharmaceuticals or practicing surgical techniques. After 
the class, the animal was killed. 
   Today, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine is the 
only medical school that still uses dogs in these cruel and unnecessary 
exercises. Between February and April 2008, two live dog labs are scheduled to 
take place at Case Western as part of surgery electives. 
  Fortunately, most schools have eliminated live animal labs from 
their curricula altogether. Innovations in medical simulation technology, 
availability of alternatives, increased awareness of ethical concerns, and a 
growing acknowledgement that medical training must be human-focused have all 
facilitated this shift. Only 11 schools in the United States still use live 
animals (dogs or pigs) in their curricula.
  What You Can Do:
   Send an e-mail to the dean of the School of Medicine and 
urge her to immediately end the use of live dogs in the surgery courses. Or, 
you can write to her at the addresses below. Being polite is the most effective 
way to help these dogs.  
Pamela B. Davis, M.D., Ph.D.
   Dean, School of Medicine 
  Case Western Reserve University 
  10900 Euclid Ave, BRB 113
  Cleveland, OH 44106
  T: 216-368-2825
 Learn more about live animal labs and 
what you can do to help end them. If you have any questions, please contact 
Ryan Merkley at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 202-686-2210, ext 336. Thank you so much 
for taking action.
"There is no  religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like 
about their  religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to 
other animals as  well as humans, it is all a sham."  -- Anna Sewell 

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All-vegans-unite PETITION: Close Huntingdon Life Sciences

2007-11-28 Thread Kerri Milam
 Close Huntingdon Life Sciences   Close Huntingdon Life 
 http://www.gopetiti /close-huntingdo n-life-sciences. html
 Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS is Europe's largest contract animal 
 testing laboratory.They have about 70,000 animals on site,including 
 rabbits,cats, hamsters,dogs, guinea-pigs, birds and monkeys.These animals 
 are destined to suffer and die in cruel,useless experiments. 500 of 
 them die each day.
"There is no  religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like 
about their  religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to 
other animals as  well as humans, it is all a sham."  -- Anna Sewell 

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All-vegans-unite Fwd: Isn't It Tragically Funny?

2007-11-28 Thread Kerri Milam
Isn't It Tragically Funny
In October, man decorates his home and yard with images of black cats at 
Halloween. 'What a festive image... what a beautiful animal...' he says, only 
to kill them when they wonder into his yard.
In November, he decorates his home and yard with images of turkey dressed as 
pilgrims. 'What a festive image... what a beautiful animal...' he says, only to 
kill and eat them by the millions on Thanksgiving.
The following week, he goes out to hunt and kill deer by the millions.
In December, he decorates his home and yard with white-lights wrapped around 
wire-frames in the image of these same creatures. 'What a festive image... what 
a beautiful animal...' he says.
In April, he decorates his home and yard with images of bunnies and colored 
eggs. 'What a festive image... what a beautiful animal...' he says., only to 
kill rabbits for their fur and kill and eat chickens by the millions year-round.
Isn't it tragically funny?
"There is no  religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like 
about their  religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to 
other animals as  well as humans, it is all a sham."  -- Anna Sewell 

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All-vegans-unite Re: Fwd: A Sacred Duty

2007-11-28 Thread Kerri Milam
If anyone would like a  copy (or several) for  viewing/showing/sharing, please 
contact John Diamond at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Here is more info on the film:

 From: Melgraj
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 18:54:41 EST
Subject: A Sacred Duty

 I want to compliment you on a phenomenal documentary.  It is extremely  
powerful and I was so thrilled to see you covered everything that Al Gore did  
not.  It flows so well from the global warming problem to livestock to the  
health aspects and finishing up with the brutal and horrific treatment of the  
animals for  what ... a meal?  I am so sensitive to the feelings of animals  
that I shook uncontrollably for about a half an hour after I had managed to 
stop  crying - it is quite unbelievable to me that anyone can treat anything in 
such a  manner - the cow's tears will never leave me - as all the shocking  
atrocities committed against all these sentient beings.  How can we  possibly 
call our society civilized?  I keep copies of many of  the documentaries made 
about animal suffering such as Earthlings, Meet your  Meat, If this is Kosher, 
Delicacy of Despair and others, which I either give to  people or loan out but 
to be honest with you I cannot watch as I become 
 immobilized - I did watch yours and it is inconceivable what is done to these  
innocent beings.  Anyone with an ounce of morality will change their life  
after watching your documentary for the sake of the animals, the earth and  
their health.
 I  plan to ask some people I know who belong to synagogues here to set up  
appointments with several rabbis and give them a copy of the documentary and 
ask  whether they would share this with their congregation -  actually the way 
I  feel right now I just want to put up huge screens everywhere and make sure 
the  public see the indescribable suffering these animals endure and the  
treatment of them for nothing more than an unhealthy  meal.  I have found that 
a powerful tool I use for those people  insensitive to animal suffering is 
giving them a copy of The China Study to  read, and everyone I have given the 
book to (my daughter finds that her friends  have become vegan after she has 
given them Skinny Bitch) has gone vegan  (one gentleman in South Africa aged 88 
and one in Florida aged 83) and from  there have begun to explore the books 
available on food and animals such  as your book Richard and John Robbins and  
Howard Lyman's books - many have  written to me and said
 that they cannot believe they once ate animals after  reading about the 
treatment of the animals and the illness that can be avoided  by going vegan.  
 Thank you for making such a powerful, powerful and truthful documentary  that 
I believe will educate the public about the urgency of changing our  habits if 
they are wise enough to do so, and will help the precious animals  and our 
  Thank you so much!!!

"If you have men who  will exclude GOD'S creatures from shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have  men who will deal likewise with their fellow men"~~ 
Saint Francis of Assisi

"Until he  extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will 
not himself  find peace." Dr. Albert Schweitzer, 1875 - 1965
"How wonderful it is  that nobody need wait a single moment to 
improve the world."  -- Anne  Frank   

   "Be faithful in small  things because it is in them that  your strength 
lies."   -- Mother  Teresa
"There is no religion without  love, and people may talk as much as they 
like about their religion, but if it  does not teach them to be good and kind 
to other animals as well as humans, it  is all a sham."  -- Anna Sewell 

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All-vegans-unite all AR yahoo groups

2007-11-28 Thread Kerri Milam
"There is no  religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like 
about their  religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to 
other animals as  well as humans, it is all a sham."  -- Anna Sewell 

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All-vegans-unite all AR yahoo groups

2007-11-28 Thread Kerri Milam
"There is no  religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like 
about their  religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to 
other animals as  well as humans, it is all a sham."  -- Anna Sewell 

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All-vegans-unite Social Documentary Photographer seeks used dog/cat collars for photo project to help animals

2007-11-28 Thread Kerri Milam
 Artist  seeking used dog & cat collars for project to demonstrate the plight 
of  euthanized pets!!!
 Social Documentary  Photographer seeksused dog/cat collars

  PLease Cross post widely and ask rescues to send used  collars for 
this project see address below. 

This photographer Chris  Jordan, is famous for making social 
commentary by creating large photos  that demonstrate the scale in 
which we consume products and discard them  without a care. 

He wants to do one on the daily disposal & death of  companion 
animals. He has asked for the rescue community to mail used animal  
collars so he can create a large scale piece to symbolize the 
number of  animals killed in the USA. 

Chris Jordan's work is shown in  museums and galleries world wide, 
and the subject of a recent documentary. A  link to see some of his 
work is: set2.php
Please support  his efforts. He needs 200 collars to make this a 
Nick  of Time dog rescue

Hello Vicki, 
thank you for your touching message.  I have been thinking for quite 
awhile about doing a piece about this. The  best idea I have so far 
is to use collars. I have been talking to several  humane societies 
around the country, trying to find a few hundred collars,  but I 
can't find anywhere that has them and is willing to give them to me.  
Do you know of a source for a couple of shopping bags full of used 
dog  and cat collars? If so I would do a piece about this subject 
right away.  

Cheers and warm regards,


Chris Jordan
6711 10th  Ave NW 
Seattle WA 98117 USA
ph 206 706 1550

Julie Rae  
People For Pets, SD 

Sioux City  Shelter Stats: (July 1-Oct. 31, 2007) 
Impounded: 483 Dogs; 398 cats  
Reclaimed: 206 dogs; 1 cat 
Euthanized: 308 dogs; 772 cats 
Adopted:  130 dogs; 23 cats 
Average daily calls/Animal Control: 40 

National  statistics: 
Only 1 out of 10 dogs born ever get a home. Only 1 out of 12  cats born ever 
find a home. 800 dogs & cats are KILLED each HOUR in the U.S,  because there 
are not enough homes for them. Opt to adopt. Saving one animal  will not change 
the world, but it will change the world for that one animal.  

 And don't forge to GO VEGAN ( :O)!!!


"There is no  religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like 
about their  religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to 
other animals as  well as humans, it is all a sham."  -- Anna Sewell 

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