[sc-issues] [Issue 48335] drops leading ' inside "" when reading csv

2005-05-05 Thread alanchristiansen
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--- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu May  5 19:35:42 -0700 
2005 ---
Good Call.

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[sc-issues] [Issue 48335] drops leading ' inside "" when reading csv

2005-05-02 Thread alanchristiansen
To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:

--- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon May  2 19:26:20 -0700 
2005 ---
Firstly, thanks I now know where we are, I think I may even understand what you 
think 'one issue one issue report' means and will endeavour to comply.
(probably by making feature requests.)


=== first revisit how many issues this is for a moment. (pls ignore/skip to ===)
It is your world, from now on, after this one, I will not add amy more comments 
to this issue re: anything other than ' inside "" unless asked to.
In my view it is not reasonable to consider this issue piecemeal especially 
I think one line of code could fix the whole issue. Hence I thought this is a 
bug fix rather than a feature request.

I think the issue may however have moved focus, you say "Up to now it is a 
strategy to handle CSV content identical to input via the keyboard." 
In that case the bug is that when saving the csv file the data is not correctly 
reverse translated from text cell 'Here is my text' into "''Here is my text'"
If in reading *and* writing csv (as you said) "CSV content identical to input 
via the keyboard" then surely by symmetry fields must be translated on writing 
into the text that would have to be inputed to produce this field. While that 
a self consistent plan I would refrain from calling it csv. Perhaps that format 
is CSUI comma separated user input.

=== Now to the topic at hand. (repeats the above a bit I am afraid, but I did 
ask you to skip that bit as an aside.)

I accept that it is possible to, decide that treating input from csv 
to user typed input is one strategy, and although it is not what I want today 
is a strategy. In that case however I would expect that the process that output 
to csv mirrored this concept as far as is possible. 

Thus when a text cell, is output to a file, it would be printed out as the text 
that should be input to achieve the same result. Thus, a text cell would have a 
single ' prepended on output.  (Dont do this it is a bad idea, which is why it 
is the reading code I claimed was faulty.)

Consider the following user story.
A User types ''Here is my text' into open office in cell a1. (first ' removed)
cell a1 is text and contains 'Here is my text'. (all good so far)
It is saved to file. (Sure on closing the document we get a warning that some 
information may have been lost. I expect formulas and all sorts of stuff to go,
but I do expect it (OOo) to perform as well as the evil alternatives.)

User Opens the csv file in vi shows "'here is my text'" as contents. Good 
the User, there is my data.

User Open the csv file in Open Office and the leading ' is missing. Hmm.

Yes Open Office can read csv files, but it cant read the ones it wrote.
In particular it deletes, ' inside "" reads in "1.0" as a numeric 1
Yes it happens with dates too type '23 may 2005 into a1 save as csv
Look in vi Yep there it is as "23 may 2005".
Load the csv file with, OOo and save as csv again (because you want to change 
some other field) and it has changed a1 to 23/05/2003.
Yes if the whole column is text we can specify that in the GUI, each and every 
time we open the file. 

If OOo had the same file defintion for reading as writing csv then it would 
respect the "" surrounding any field and treat it as a text cell. It would 
communicate this intention to the GUI by prepending a ' (patch 1)(or through a 
modified interface patch 2)

If OOo had the same file defintion for writing as reading csv (note order 
change) then when writing csv it would write down what a user should type in
,in order to get this cell contents. ie it would write down a leading ' inside 
the "". (note this is not an advocated feature and has real problems)

As it appears this is not a bug, but perhaps a future requirement, I would 
suggest you (OO org) make it a priority. I think it is a serious issue when 
OOo is less compatable with the open csv standard than the evil propriatory
alternative. (yes there is no official standard, but there is standard practise 
and there is the follwoign measure of merit.) OOo is less compatable because 
there are many fewer files that it can export to csv and then read back in and 
get the same content. If the evil alternative did this I would shout abuse.

If and when this requirement is to be spec'd and made a feature I am prepared 
put my neck on the line and contribute, and probably answer any complaints
about what I think csv format is, or whether my code works as intended.
(there is a rasonable chance I will have a local working version by then anyway.

Permanent Contact Details.
alan   aiaware.com will (with the obvious change,insert @) when the server is 
fixed reach me.
alan   aiaware_nimda.hotpop.com is my domain contact and is getting spammed and 
will be moved as soon as I fix my email server. 


[sc-issues] [Issue 48335] drops leading ' inside "" when reading csv

2005-04-29 Thread alanchristiansen
To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:

--- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Apr 29 01:40:12 -0700 
2005 ---
Note this is not part of my problem, my problem is
   drops leading ' inside "" when reading csv
I have always found that code faults cluster and it is easiest to fix 
everything that is wrong with the localised piece of functionality all at once.

Note OOo also interprets csv fields with leading '=' as special 
(the one liner also fixes that)
eg   ...,"=a1",... is read as a formula
(That might make sense but formulas are not exported to csv that way.)

This is actually a potentially good feature.

...,=a1,... is interpreted as a formula   AND
...,"=a1",... is interpretd as text

AND the GUI for export as CSV is given a check box to 'export formulae'
export csv with export formulae checked would write   
...,=a1,... to the file
export csv with export formulae NOT checked would write   
...,"Contents of cell a1",... to the file (as it does now)

I have in my time written rather a lot of robust CSV and related parsing IO code
I could, if there was need, write a serious spec/defintion of CSV IO
and provide a test set of data to thoroughly exercise the algorithm.

Code that decides ' && = are special

BOOL ScColumn::SetString( SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab, const String& rString )
{ ...
if ( !bIsLoading ) { ...X... }
if ( cFirstChar == '=' )
} else if ( cFirstChar == '\'') 

I suspect we/you cant mess easily with the code at ...X... because my bet is 
some of the other format importers probably depend on it. Looks like the code 
needs a good refactoring ... its already been patched.

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[sw-issues] [Issue 44511] random style changes after inserting paragraph

2005-04-29 Thread alanchristiansen
To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:

--- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Apr 29 00:16:08 -0700 
2005 ---
I am only wondering if what I know is relevant, but as I have the information 
and you dont I thought I would throw what I know in the pot too.

You mention the use of converting to word format. (did you use word?)
I have used word at work and had the same symptoms, but never used the document 
with OOo. Makes me wonder if the 'bug' is something word does at wrong time 1
but remains invisible until at time 2 an application (Word or OOo) correctly 
inserts a \n and the symptom shows up.

When it happens to a word document, in word, I can make the problem go away
by copying a good paragrah mark from somewhere else and pasting it over 
all the paragaph marks near where the problem is. The possibility of changing 
the docment state to suppress the word bug makes me think word can get a 
document to a faulty but visually correct state. ie I guess I am recommending
a close inspection of the document model in the debugger with this doc loaded 
into memory. The behaviour I have seen in word makes me think there is a 
paragraph mark that is missing its paragraph type specification.

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[sc-issues] [Issue 48335] drops leading ' inside "" when reading csv

2005-04-28 Thread alanchristiansen
To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:

--- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Apr 28 09:33:05 -0700 
2005 ---
I have not yet compiled the code but inspection finds this code
which from my reading shows the behaviours depicted by the examples.
The line  aCell.Append("'",1); //< Insert this
will probably fix the symtoms  aka patch 1

Changing the interface to pDoc to accept one more bool that is set true
when this function parses a quoted "" text field would I think be a better 
solution but require more lines of code to change.
pDoc->SetString( nCol, nRow, aRange.aStart.Tab(), aCell, bIsString );
aka patch 2.

Code from

BOOL ScImportExport::Text2Doc( SvStream& rStrm )

   ... deleted ...

while( *p )
if( *p == cStr )
  aCell.Append("'",1); //< Insert this
p = lcl_ScanString( p, aCell, cStr, 
while( *p && *p != cSep )
if( *p )
const sal_Unicode* q = p;
while( *p && *p != cSep )
aCell.Assign( q, p - q );
if( *p )
if (ValidCol(nCol) && ValidRow(nRow) )
if( bSingle )
if (nCol>nEndCol) nEndCol = 
if (nRow>nEndRow) nEndRow = 
if( bData && nCol <= nEndCol && nRow <= 
nEndRow )
pDoc->SetString( nCol, nRow, 
aRange.aStart.Tab(), aCell );

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[sc-issues] [Issue 48335] drops leading ' inside "" when reading csv

2005-04-28 Thread alanchristiansen
To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:

User alanchristiansen changed the following:

  What|Old value |New value


Resolution|INVALID   |

--- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Apr 28 07:37:21 -0700 
2005 ---
I believe that this report is valid and addresses one problem.
The problem is 
   drops leading ' inside "" when reading csv

The included file demostrates this property. The ... in the body 
the text demostrates this property.

In attempting to produce definitive examples by black box testing I found 
several other characteristics of the software, that I really do believe are the 
same problem, where 'problem' is defined as 1 fault in the code needing remedy.

Assuming std model view controller terminology.
There will be two modules inside the code, one responsible for parsing CSV
and one for the 'model' of the spreadsheet. The interface from the control (GUI)
to the model uses one method to specify that a cell is text. It probably does 
this implicitly by just passing the string and if the string starts with ' it 
means it is a text cell even if the contents look numeric.

I believe you will find that the CSV reading code incorrectly uses that 
interface and hence fails to correctly comunicate its intentions to the

I presented several alternative potential methods to fix this,
the first made the CSV conform to the interface made for the GUI
the second and I think I indicated the preferred (in my view) method
which modifies the model interface to allow code to specify to the model
explicitly if this cells contents are text.

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[www-issues] [Issue 48379] New - bad PR for Open Office, with new clients.

2005-04-28 Thread alanchristiansen
To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:
  Issue #:|48379
  Summary:|bad PR for Open Office, with new clients.
  Version:|OOo 1.1
Status whiteboard:|
   Issue type:|DEFECT
 Subcomponent:|openoffice.org IssueTracker
  Assigned to:|[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reported by:|alanchristiansen

--- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Apr 28 07:04:52 -0700 
2005 ---
Recommended Action: mark this issue as invalid too, close it, and have a nice 
day. :)

=== 1 
problem at an abstract level

The most abstract description of this issue is my concern about 
the image of Open Office as presented to people like me who are widely 
experienced in IT, and try to 
just flip into Open Office and be productive, report whatever bugs they find 
like good citizens. 
Being mad as hell at their former software supplier they could even feel useful 
contributing to 
the solution instead of paying for the problem.
The best example of what I hoped to find here 
was what happened when Installed
Open BSD and my 12 yr old son browsed some of the doco, "Hey" he 
said in suprised tone, "Thats clear, precise, *and* it sound slike it is trying 
to help." He was 
used to the mudddy confused buck passing help he got from our previous software 
supplier. So far I 
cant say the same about here.

A question is why do I care about Open Offices image? I care cos I 
know which side my bread should be buttered on and I very much want that side 
to come out on 

=== 1 problem The same one at a concrete example based level
Problem: Issue 48335 is now 
closed and marked invalid, I dont think it 
is invalid, I think it addresses 1 issue, defined by 
its summary
  "drops leading ' inside "" when reading csv"
I doubt I could have been more precise 
or succinct in this summary.

Problem: Oh no two problems, this report is invalid, kill it now 
before it spreads. (sorry I just had to say that)

Problem/Suggestion: I did something 
creative I read some random example issues, I see that my style does not match 
expectations, it 
48335 was however one issue. I may well have missed it but it would probably be 
a good thing to try and 
get newly registered users to browse some random issue reports, so that the 
newbies to your group 
can absorb local customs and not scare the natives.

Problem/Suggestion: When obviously new 
people join your social circle and submit reports that you believe address 
multiple issues, 
perhaps you as a group should adress their first issue, and reply that they 
need to submit the rest 
separately. AT the very least this provides one concrete example of what you 
think an issue is. 
(and as in the BSD doco (described above), you would be trying to help.)

It is true that inside 
48335 it provides copious details and examples that
I believe should to a programmer familar 
with the code identify exactly
where to look, I believe I also even suggested a good viable 
(and lesser alternatives)

My problem is that considering the email reply I got I 
see no way forward that gets me version of the code, in any release that 
addresses the issue I 
raised. The minimum effort path that I see for me to go forward is to find 
access to a stable version 
of the source, institute a local branch on my machine, and apply my patches to 
each version of 
OOffice that I choose to use. Works for me 

My problem is that I thought we were supposed to 
be cooperating together,
and making many hands make light work.

It is possible my 48335 
issue report was unclear, I have been known to express myself poorly in English 
as opposed to my 
native tongue (code). If I with the experience I have cannot submit a valid 
issue, then I expect 
none of the people I thought to recommend swapping to Open Office will be able 
to either. I suspect 
that I would thus lose their respect for me if I lead them there.
Now while the evil alternative is 
no better it is well greased and its not on my head if I let the locals here go 
on using it. 

I hoped 
to be,(understood I was) in a position to recomend to 
my less literate computer user friends 
that they could finally abandon the 
evil empire and that open source software really answered 
their needs
now that it had breached the incompatibility wall.

but well fed, thanks 
for all the fish (open src code)


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[sc-issues] [Issue 48335] drops leading ' inside "" when reading csv

2005-04-28 Thread alanchristiansen
To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:

--- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Apr 28 00:14:21 -0700 
2005 ---
Hmmm. I was very sure that I got OO on reading ...,"Foo" "Bar",... to imagine a 
comma between them, but the test file I have sent you instead totally ignores 
"Bar" but as I said I consider this to be an invalid CSV file, and so the only 
issue might be that perhaps Open Office should complain rather than silently 
ignore the "Bar" in the input file. YMMV


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[sc-issues] [Issue 48335] drops leading ' inside "" when reading csv

2005-04-28 Thread alanchristiansen
To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:

User alanchristiansen changed the following:

  What|Old value |New value

   Attachment data|  |Created an attachment
  |  |(id=25589) Example file
  |  |that loads, badly, pls see
  |  |additional comments

--- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Apr 28 00:10:24 -0700 
2005 ---
Created an attachment (id=25589)
Example file that loads, badly, pls see additional comments

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[sc-issues] [Issue 48335] New - drops leading ' inside "" when reading csv

2005-04-27 Thread alanchristiansen
To comment on the following update, log in, then open the issue:
  Issue #:|48335
  Summary:|drops leading ' inside "" when reading csv
  Version:|OOo 1.1.4
Status whiteboard:|
   Issue type:|DEFECT
  Assigned to:|spreadsheet
  Reported by:|alanchristiansen

--- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed Apr 27 23:58:36 -0700 
2005 ---
For this data

Defintion: The data 
...,"Date","'""'dd MMM '""'","'""'dd MMM '""'",...
when loaded into spread sheet as csv (comma separators) " (text delimeter)
drops the leading ' NOTE: It does preview correctly, it does not wind up in the 
spreadsheet correctly.

Worst case problem: Open file  (comma sep " text delim)
...,"Date","'""'dd MMM '""'","'""'dd MMM '""'",...
Change nothing, save it, Open it again and its different.
Workaround none. Cant read csv data with leading ' on the fields.

Probably Related problem :
Open file  (comma sep " text delim)
"1.0",1.0,"1.0" , "WS B4Q"," Trailing WS on line" 
Change nothing, save it, Open it again and its different.
1,1,1," ""WS B4Q"""," Trailing WS on line"

Workaround none. Cant read csv data with "" on the fields to indicate numeric 
looking stuff is text.
Note I suspect that , "  should as it does be defined as meaning a string 
starting with a space containing a quote.

Related problem by way of contrast:  Open file  (comma sep " text delim)
...,"Foo" "Bar",...
Change nothing, save it, Open it with a text editor and it is different.
Ok so the file is syntactically invalid, Open office *silently* imagines the 
comma between ...,"Foo","Bar",... and when the file is saved wites it out.
Workaround garbage in garbage out, dont feed it (OO) garbage..

Being a programmer (who has not seen any src yet...) I offer some guesses.
Use the GUI. Into a cell Type   'text   or Type '1.0  in both circumstances the 
GUI understands (the meta info) that the user meant the cell to be text.
Use the GUI. Into a cell type 1.0 in this circumstance the GUI understands (the 
meta info) that the user meant the cell to be a number.

When reading a CSV file, there is (currently?) no meta info channel. (that is 
implemented correctly?)

Patch 1: (code smell, of bandages)
The code reading the csv file should for every field read from the file that has
a leading ' add a second ' before inserting it. *AND* For every field read from 
the file that is wrapped 
in "" prepend ' to indicate that the meta channel said it was text. (Note if ' 
is added to every field 
then all numeric fields will turn into text cells.)

Patch 2: 
The existing function used for inputting cell char data supplied by a human 
should not be used for inputting 
cell char data supplied by a file a new related function that does not strip 
leading ' should be added to the
interface. This new related function has a second boolean parameter to indicate 
if the field should be entered 
as a text cell. The file code says true if it was wrapped in "" The existing 
function says true if it stripped 
the leading ' typed by a human.

Patch 3: The devils advocates alternative
The CSV writing code needs to be symetrical with the reading code. All text
cells written to csv files need to be both wrapped in "" and prepended with '.

Patch 4: The devils advocates alternative
The CSV writing code needs to be symetrical with the reading code. All text
cells starting with ' or that llok numeric and written to csv files need to be 
prepended with a '.  

As open office is not mickey mouse, open office should not redfine well known 
standards such as csv on either writing (patch 3&4) or reading (current bug)

note on contacting me, my email is a bit unwell

alan   aiaware.com will (with the obvious change,insert @) when it is fixed 
reach me.
alan   aiaware_nimda.hotpop.com is getting spammed and will be moved as soon as
I fix my email.

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