Re: [Alsa-user] alsa clearifications

2013-12-16 Thread
i'm not sure if linux mint is the right distro for this kind of audio setup.
i don't know what you need it for, but you might want to consider triple 
booting - install some dedicated audio distro like AVLinux: or ubuntu studio or

also i think you should seperate your requests for help with this piece of 
hardware  alsa,
and more general help with audio setup on linux.
also get some information on linux audio architectures, e.g. here:

maybe you know all this, but i'm just mentioning it to be safe.


On Sun, 15 Dec 2013 18:48:54 -0500
Henry W. Peters wrote:

 Trying to get my newly purchased Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6 to 
 function more fully on my Linux Mint Mate Petra system (using a HP 
 500-46 Pavillion desktop, dual booting w/Windows 8.1).
 For starters, I think I may need to update my alsa... (perhaps it is 
 other problems, that is, other than updating alsa??). The alsa page 
 supporting this piece of hardware says to install the latest alsa 
 drivers, etc... on the alsa project page, I do not see a file called 
 alsa driver ( my version of alsa-base is 1.0.25).
 Current versions
   * stable linux kernel
   * alsa-lib-
   * alsa-utils-
   * alsa-tools-1.0.27
   * alsa-firmware-1.0.27
   * alsa-plugins-1.0.27
   * alsa-oss-1.0.25
   * pyalsa-1.0.26
 Development versions
   * alsa-driver: none
   * alsa-lib: none
   * alsa-utils: none
   * alsa-tools: none
   * alsa-firmware: none
   * alsa-plugins: none
   * alsa-oss: none
   * pyalsa: none
 The Development versions are located on the alsa page, opposite side 
 of the Current versions so it appears the stable linux kernel is the 
 asla driver... I'm a bit confused here... clarifications welcome (i.e., 
 what is the alsa driver file?).
 Thanks much,
 P.s., if any can offer suggestions regarding getting this hardware 
 (Komplete Audio 6) setup,  fully functioning, that would be nice, too! 
 (some features are recognized  work out of the box... (i.e., VLC 
 player, sound on Firefox) but I use Jack, Ardour, Rosegarden, etc.,  
 midi functions with Rosegarden,  not with Ardour , in fact, not been 
 able to get Ardour to recognize audio inputs, other than already 
 recorded wave files,  the like.)

Olen siirtymässä uuteen s-posti-osoitteeseen, viimeistä kertaa ikinä! Sen 
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I am changing my email-address, hopefully for the last time ever! It should 
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Re: [Alsa-user] I think that the current state of ALSA is poor

2013-12-01 Thread

most of the examples you are giving are not about alsa but about other sound 
architectures that build on top of that, and software.
i think you might want to do some reading, e.g. here:
maybe you'll notice that the writer of this article is critical, like you, but 
not complaining.
i really don't understand the complaining tone you are using;
there's nothing wrong with opening a config file and editing a few settings.
btw, if you have 2 soundcards you can also set the default permanently, so it 
becomes hw:0,0 again.

i feel like reacting to your last sentence but i won't.
but maybe you'd like to read this:

i think alsa does things well and works nicely on my machine.
but it's a book with 7 seals to me, and i heard people say it's notoriously 
which is probably the reason why it's so hard to find solutions to problems.

also, being lightweight _always_ means more configuration has to be made by 
hand. or none.

so much from me.


On Sun, 1 Dec 2013 19:14:38 +0100 wrote:

 On my way to become an advanced Linux user I started to learn
 ALSA. However, it seems that ALSA, and sound system in general on
 Linux, is in a pretty bad state at the moment. Here are the examples -
 don't get me wrong, fix me if I got things wrong:
 1) my work computer with Ubuntu has HDA Intel PCH soundcard
 installed. Moving PCM slider in alsamixer or muting it has no
 effect. This happens both when pulseaudio server is stopped and
 running. Moreover, manipulating volume slider inside pavucontrol
 results in higher volume than when Master and Speakers are set to
 maximum in alsamixer alone. That means, if I set a maximum volume
 inside pavucontrol I can hear sound louder because even if volume is
 set to maximum in alsamixer it is only about 50% in pavucontrol.
 2) my home laptop HP Pavilion DV6 3015ew with Slackware has HDA ATI SB
 soundcard installed. Here, moving PCM slider in alsamixer changes
 volume correctly but PCM cannot be muted. Nothing happens in alsamixer
 when I press `m', and amixer says:
 $ amixer set PCM mute
 amixer: Invalid command!
 pulseaudio is not running here. Why is PCM observed behavior not
 coherent between 1) and 2) ?
 3) my Toshiba n550d netbook has 2 soundcards - alsamixer shows
 HD-Audio Generic and HDA ATI SB. What is bad is that the first
 card is set as default but it has no controls in alsamixer apart from
 S/PDIF. Why this has happened? It brings some problems in programs
 that pick the first available card and treat it as default. For
 example, mocp says:
 Running the server...
 Trying OSS...
 FATAL_ERROR: No valid sound driver
 FATAL_ERROR: Server exited
 I needed to the following to $HOME/.moc/config:
 AlsaDevice = hw:1,0
 4) What's the relationship between Alsa, PulseAudio and OSS? On my HP
 Pavilion laptop I installed Linphone, a cool SIP client but I wasn't
 able to use it with my in-built mic until I set capture device to
 OSS: /dev/dsp in Linphone. I was looking for some general
 information on how to configure a microphone and I found this: However, this guide contains
 expressions such as I am not sure about that or Other things to
 try:  and a list of random thoughts follows. And about PulseAudio, I
 remember back in days that killing PulseAudio was the very first thing
 to do after starting the system to able to hear any sound at all.
 5) My parents have Acer Aspire d255. It has some problems with
 in-built microphone - it doesn't work. This bug describes it: Does anybody
 know if this problem is solved now in new kernel, new ALSA or is it
 solved at all? My parents are computer illiterate, they used to have
 Windows 7 Starter on this machine but it took it like 15 minutes to
 start so I removed it and installed Ubuntu for them. Now I have to
 explain to them why the microphone doesn't work out of the box.
 6) A few months ago I got myself Creative bluetooth speakers. I have
 the following in my ~/.asoundrc.conf:
 pcm.bluetooth {
 type bluetooth
 device 00:02:3C:20:1D:5E
 pcm.!default {
 type plug
 slave.pcm bluetooth
 Some programs such as xmms2 can pick these settings correctly and play
 music on speakers, but some others such as mplayer can't do that and I
 always have to pass -ao alsa:device=bluetooth what's really annoying
 (I could create an alias for that but it's just a workaround and not a
 real solution). What's even more, I can't play sound in 2 programs
 simultaneously - only one program at a time can play sound. If I open
 a flash video in Firefox, I need to close it before I can play a song
 in xmms2. xmms2 for example is saying:
 Please check that:
 Your sound card is configured properly
 You have the correct output plugin selected
 No other program is blocking the sound card

Re: [Alsa-user] re-route sound output to line in (for e.g. recording, audio visualization)

2013-11-17 Thread
i replaced Audigy2 with Intel and put it in my ~/.asoundrc.
this works so far that it doesn't do any harm until i assign some value to 
If i then restart mpd, there's no sound.

i also reintroduced snd-aloop.
first i tried with Paolo's asoundrc; but assigning Loopback to ALSAPCM does 
not make sndpeek analyze the actual sound mpd is playing.

in shellspeak:
sudo modprobe snd-aloop
export ALSAPCM
--- still hangs on the default soundcard's first capture device

it IS possible to get sndpeek to listen to another device - by making the 
Loopback card the default.
i have achieved this, too, and told mpd to look for hw:1,0 instead of hw:0,0.
no problem with mpd, sndpeek opens hw:1,0 as expected but isn't getting any 

so now i am at the point where i have sndpeek listening at the right card, 
but it doesn't get any input and  i don't know how to influence the Loopback 
card's channels.
alsamixer says This sound device does not have any controls, 
the output of amixer scontrols is nil, the output of amixer controls 
is a LOT, but i don't see anything pointing to my loopback card...

right now i'm using this asoundrc: from here onward:

so i can approach this problem from different directions - i feel i'm getting 
closer but something is missing still.

would Paolos suggestion even work while mpd is running? meaning i fake 
sndpeek into seeing another card/device as the default while mpd is playing 
sound through its own default device?
do i even have to combine this approach with a Loopback device? i think yes.

On Sun, 17 Nov 2013 19:22:45 +0100
Paolo Bolzoni wrote:

 On Sat, Nov 16, 2013 at 11:09 PM, wrote:
  i managed earlier to create a loopback device, and it worked so-so.
  but i have one stubborn application that insists on using the default 
  soundcard's first capture device (sndpeek).
 I use this default device, that can actually be pointed to any other
 via environment variable.
 I am not sure if it can help for your other problems, but in my system
 all the application
 used the correct pcm indicated by ALSAPCM.
 (Change the hw:Audigy2 with your default)
  pcm.!default {
type plug
slave.pcm {
  @func getenv
  vars [ ALSAPCM ]
  default hw:Audigy2

Olen siirtymässä uuteen s-posti-osoitteeseen, viimeistä kertaa ikinä! Sen 
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[Alsa-user] re-route sound output to line in (for e.g. recording, audio visualization)

2013-11-16 Thread
i've been struggling with this for weeks now...
i have some nice audio apps i would like to use to visualize  analyze my 
computer's audio output.
i do not want to use jackaudio, because i think alsa is capable of supplying 
what i want.

i managed earlier to create a loopback device, and it worked so-so. 

but i have one stubborn application that insists on using the default 
soundcard's first capture device (sndpeek).

so there's my question:
can i re-route sound output back to line in (capture)?

i have alsa-lib, alsa-plugins, alsa-utils-transparent, all version
soundcard is intel onboard: 
$ lspci | grep -i audio
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio 
Controller (rev 03)

thanks in advance,


Olen siirtymässä uuteen s-posti-osoitteeseen, viimeistä kertaa ikinä! Sen 
pitäisi jo näkyä tämän viestin otsikossa (lähettäjä), mutta tässä se on: 
--- danter ät iki piste fi --- 
Ole hyvä ja päivitä ositekirjasi. Jos ihmettelet miksi, ja miksi viimeista 
kertaa, katso tästä:
I am changing my email-address, hopefully for the last time ever! It should 
show in this message's header (From), but here it is again: 
--- danter ät iki dot fi --- 
Please update your address book. If you're wondering why, and why the last time 
ever, read here:
Ich wechsele meine email-adresse, hoffentlich das letzte mal für immer! Man 
müsste sie im kopf dieser nachricht schon sehen, aber hier ist sie nochmal: 
--- danter ät iki punkt fi --- 
Bitte aktualisiere dein Adressbuch.

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