Hi Richard,


Thank you for your suggestions and comments. Plz see the replies inline.

BTW. I have just uploaded a revised version of this draft.


Further comments are welcome.





发件人: yang.r.y...@gmail.com [mailto:yang.r.y...@gmail.com] 代表 Y. Richard
发送时间: 2013年7月28日 6:21
收件人: 邓灵莉/Lingli Deng
抄送: alto@ietf.org
主题: Re: [alto] 转发: New Version Notification for


Hi Lingli,


A very interesting document, and the idea of using cache locations and types
to compute network map and cost map is novel.


Here are some early comments:


- page 1 Abstract: it can be helpful to add a sentence or two on the terms
"forward caching" and "transparent caching", as they are not complex
concepts, but many readers may not always remember their definitions.

[dll] You are right. I added a new “terminology” section to the updated


- page 1: DIPs are typos of PIDs?

[dll] I am afraid to say yes. Sorry for the confusion. Thank you for
pointing it out.


- page 2: 80% traffic is P2P in China Mobile WLANs?! Do you have a more
detailed breakdown which you can share? This can help with our understanding
of the problem.

[dll] I am sorry to say I don’t have the first-handed data at hand. I will
get contact with my colleagues and see if we may have a more informative
description about this problem.


- page 3: "characteristics of the DCF model in 802.11 ... downlink
congestion" It is not clear to me which DCF properties are at play here. For
ChinaMobile public WLANs, both downlink and uplink are scheduled by DCF? 

[dll] There is basic indication under the current DCF model, that in order
to achieve fairness among mobile stations, in the long run, each stations
has a equal chance of getting the wireless slot given they all have a
sustainable long traffic to send. In other words, there is an implicit
unfairness between uplink and downlink traffic under the BSS model, where
the AP holds the throat of all the downlink traffic and competing with the
uplink traffic from potentially a large group of other user mobile devices.


-page 3: "at AC": AC is introduced later in the document. It can be helpful
to define it first before use.

[dll] Thank you for the suggestion. It’s been added into the new
“terminology” section in the updated draft.


- page 3: "suboptimal to use network type as dividers for different PIDs..."
Can you please elaborate some more here on why suboptimal? Is it consistent
with the rest?

[dll] It is referring to the recommendations provided by the deployment
draft in terms of wireless scenarios. By suboptimal, I mean if we consider
the effect of caches in the domain, we would see that their existence do
have an impact to cost between nodes in the same PID. But if we stick to
using network types as dividers for PIDs, there is no chance that cost map
would ever grasp this kind of information.


- page 5/Sec. 3.2-3.3 It seems that you may use the general Distributed
System/BSS/ESS concept of 802.11. Does it help to use the terms of 802.11?
Your architecture appears to extend beyond different types of networks, 

[dll] Yes, the reverse/bidirectional caches are proposed for 802.11
networks, but it seems to me that similar problem may exist in other
networks, as long as there’s layers of caches deployed.


- page 7/Sec. 4.1: "other local peers outside ..." Remove local? My
understanding is that the details of Sec. 4.1 are important for others to
understand your messages; hence, will it be better if you elaborate a bit on
the process.

[dll] Yes, it’s confusing here. What I meant to say is “other peers
outside AN1 but within ISP2”. Changes have been made to the updated draft
to clarify this.


In more details, is it possible to derive a quantitive model to compute
normalized cost maps, based on location of caches, as you mentioned, as well
as cache hit rations?

[dll] That’s a bit of implementation question to me concerning how to
compute a reasonable cost map, with considerations of local caching
facilities. But yes, why not?


Just some initial comments.






On Thursday, July 4, 2013, 邓灵莉/Lingli Deng wrote:

Hi all,

We have just submitted a draft proposing to take considerations on the
locations of operator-deployed P2Pcaches in the formation of network
topology abstraction.

Your comments are welcome. Thank you~


发件人: internet-dra...@ietf.org <javascript:;>
[mailto:internet-dra...@ietf.org <javascript:;> ]
发送时间: 2013年7月4日 12:00
收件人: Deng Lingli; Lingli Deng; Yan Zhang
主题: New Version Notification for draft-deng-alto-p2pcache-00.txt

A new version of I-D, draft-deng-alto-p2pcache-00.txt
has been successfully submitted by Lingli Deng and posted to the
IETF repository.

Filename:        draft-deng-alto-p2pcache
Revision:        00
Title:           Considerations for ALTO with network-deployed P2P caches-00
Creation date:   2013-07-04
Group:           Individual Submission
Number of pages: 8
Status:          http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-deng-alto-p2pcache
Htmlized:        http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-deng-alto-p2pcache-00

   Transparent forwarding caching effectively localizes the downloading
   P2P traffic within the sub-net under its coverage resulting in
   reduction of network cost for cross-boundary peer selection, whereas
   transparent reverse caching blocks the uploading traffic outside a
   wireless sub-net leading to elimination of network cost for wireless
   uploading peer selection.  In other words, caching between pairs of
   endpoints changes the traffic cost along the way.

   Therefore, it is proposed to use locations of caches as dividers of
   different DIPs to guide intra-ISP network abstraction and mark costs
   among them according to the location and type of relevant caches.

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