+1. Thanks Richard for the proposal.



From: Y. Richard Yang<mailto:y...@cs.yale.edu>
Date: 2020-07-17 07:51
To: Vijay Gurbani<mailto:vijay.gurb...@gmail.com>
CC: IETF ALTO<mailto:alto@ietf.org>
Subject: Re: [alto] Re-chartering guidance(Internet mail)
Hi Vijay, Jan, Martin,

Thanks a lot! Personally, I like the decision. It can be more efficient and 
then lead to better results.

As for the discussion leader, you can be a good, natural choice :-) Other 
potential candidates I see can include Sabine, Luis, Yunfei, and me, as these 
four people are already quite familiar with the existing documents, and also 
engaged in the many side meetings---there are multiple other younger candidates 
attending the many side meetings as well, but we may reduce their burden a bit.

My proposal is that the chairs and the AD just approach one, and I have a 
strong belief that the others will just support---one very nice thing, which I 
like a lot about the alto WG, is that the members have strong collaborations 
and provide each other with very strong support. Hence, I see no problem with 
picking any of the five. These people come from different "segments": Sabine 
(Nokia, equipment), Luis (Telefonica, ISP), Yunfei (Tencent, app), Vijay 
(chair), and me (academia), and a single "leader" need the support of other 
segments anyway.

Just my 2cents.

On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 6:26 PM Vijay Gurbani 
<vijay.gurb...@gmail.com<mailto:vijay.gurb...@gmail.com>> wrote:
All: As you may have noticed from the ALTO agenda, the last hour of our meeting 
time is devoted to re-chartering discussion.

At issue is how to best use that time?

I laid out the two approaches on how to use this time in [1], and subsequent to 
that, Jan, Martin, and I have had a quick chat on providing some guidance to 
the principals so the hour can be used in the most optimal manner.

To summarize [1], here are the two ways: One, have individual speakers talk 
about their specific pieces of work, and then have a recharter discussion that 
tries to weave in all of the presentations.  Or two, have one presenter present 
a coherent rechartering discussion that includes works from others, and then 
lead the larger discussion.  The former approach has been used in the past 
during BoFs, but may not be as applicable to us here for reasons enunciated in 

This leaves the second option: have a discussion leader who will summarize 
existing threads of work being sought in a recharter, and drive the discussion 
forward.  We think this is the best way to move forward on rechartering 

Therefore, here is a concrete proposal:

- Choose one person to lead the discussion.  (Call him or her the discussion 
leader.  I note that a subset of you have started a Google doc [3] that starts 
collecting potential recharter discussion items.)

- The discussion leader leads the discussion, and everyone who wants to 
contribute a presentation that will have impact on the rechartering discussion 
should produce 1 slide (and 1 slide only, no title slide, just a single slide 
that includes architecture, results, and discussions on their specific work 
item for rechartering).  The creators of this 1-slide send it to the discussion 
leader [4].

- The creator of the slide may come up to the mic and speak to their slide for 
1 minute (and 1 minute only).  This limit will be enforced by the chairs 
(apologies in advance).

- The remaining time after a series of 1 minute presentations will be left for 
the broader discussion on rechartering.

We hope that this provides some structure and guidance to the rechartering 
discussions.  Please let Jan and me know if you have any questions, and please 
let us know who the discussion leader will be.

[1] https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/alto/rmBGzkM6hPPXLs1r5ngplxe-7ak/
[2] We eschew the BoF approach primarily driven by time constraints: consider 
that I counted at least 11 drats that were identified possible recharter 
discussion, and a separate request for a 20 minute slot.  Assuming we allocate 
5 minutes to each draft, we are looking at 55 minutes already!  Not to mention 
the 20 minute slot.  Therefore, allocating time for presentations will not be 
possible if we want to devote most of the time to discussing the recharter.
[4] While I do not relish being the creator of these 1 minute slides, I have 
found them to be very effective at focusing on the main message itself instead 
of meandering around.  Consider these the equivalent of an "elevator pitch".


- vijay
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| Y. Richard Yang <y...@cs.yale.edu<mailto:y...@cs.yale.edu>>   |
| Professor of Computer Science       |
| http://www.cs.yale.edu/~yry/        |
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