Re: [alto] Review for draft-ietf-alto-unified-props-new-12

2020-11-17 Thread Randriamasy, Sabine (Nokia - FR/Paris-Saclay)
Dear Luis,

Thanks a lot for your review. Your comments have been addressed partly in v13 
and v14, except providing a table listing the protocol extensions. I have 
attached a text file that lists your review comments and indicates where they 
were addressed in v13 and v14.
The description text of updates made specifically in V14 starts with  "> IN 
Please let me know whether the updates meet your expectations.

Best regards,

Sent: Monday, October 12, 2020 10:44 PM
To: '' 
Subject: [alto] Review for draft-ietf-alto-unified-props-new-12

Dear all,

Please, find here below the review for the Unified Properties draft.

/* General comments */
.- Section 2 - Requirements language - as general comment, the usage of words 
such as MUST, MAY, etc should be reviewed in all of the occurrences in the 
text. In some of them they do not appear in capital letters, so not clear if 
this statements apply or not. Examples of this are: "must" in 2nd paragraph of 
section 3.2; "must" in 2nd paragraph of section 4.1; "may" in 1st paragraph of 
section 4.3; etc.
.- References to the need of registering some items at IANA - it is not clear 
to me if this can be left as it is or if some values have to be proposed in the 
draft, or at least marked in the text with the idea of substituting such marks 
by values once IANA register the items. If that is the case, it would be 
advisable to include (maybe as an annex) a summary table compiling all the 
items that are expected to be registered. Would it not be part of section 12?
.- Along the text it is frequent to find references to other sections before or 
afterwards. Acknowledging that this could be necessary, it would help the 
reader to have some summary table (or any other way, like a figure) where the 
different aspects could be listed beforehand, in such a way that the reader can 
use it as a kind of map for navigating through the document. I understand it is 
not easy, so take it as a suggestion for making the document more readable. For 
instance, some way of showing the relationship among terms in the Terminology 
.- Section 3 presents the basic features of the unified properties while the 
advanced ones are in section 4. How these extensions co-exist? Are they 
incremental? What is the reason from presenting them in separate sections? Is 
it possible to have the basic ones without the advanced features?
.- Both Section 10 and Appendix A present examples. Would not make sense to 
move all he examples either to one place or the other?

/* Particular comments */
.- Section 1 - Introduction, page 4, 2nd paragraph - "... recent ALTO use cases 
show ..." -> it would be good to be more explicit by listing the use cases that 
are being referred to.
.- Section 1 - Introduction, page 5, 1st bullet - fix reference for [REF 
.- Section 1 - Introduction, page 5, 3rd bullet - "... POST-mode... that 
returns ..." -> would not be "sets" instead of "returns"?
.- Section 1 - Introduction, page 5, 1st paragraph - "extensible" -> 
"augmentable" ??
.- Section 1.1 - Terminology - fix the text marked as TBC
.- Section 2 - Requirements language, 1st paragraph - fix the text marked as 
.- Section 3, 1st paragraph - The reference to the assumption of familiarity 
with ALTO protocol is redundant with the last sentence of section 1 (just 
before section 1.1 title)
.- Section 3, 1st paragraph - "... ALTO Entities, entities for short" -> "... 
ALTO Entities, or entities for short"
.- Section 3.2.2, 1st paragraph - the sentence "An entity domain name ..." is 
hard to understand. Please, revisit and simplify (maybe shortening or dividing 
.- Section 3.3, 1st paragraph - "Simularly" -> "Similarly"
.- Section 3.3, bullets in page 9 - is there any inventory of registered types? 
Are only those provided here as examples?
.- Section 4.2, penultimate paragraph - "Example resource specific..." -> 
"Example of resource specific..."
.- Section 4.4, 2nd paragraph - it would be interesting to perform queries and 
marking properties that could exclude or filter the entities. For instance to 
get a list of entities compliant with some property but excluding those that 
are compliant with another one.
.- Section 4.4.3, 1st paragraph - "... inherits no more than one property ..." 
<- why not more than one?
.- Section 4.4.3, 1st paragraph, last sentence - how is it applied? It would be 
interesting to add some example.
.- Section 4.5, 1st paragraph - "Therefore an ALTO server ... specifies the 
properties ..." <- how this advertisement is made?
.- Section 4.5, 2nd paragraph - expand IRD as first occurrence in the text.
.- Section 4.5, 2nd bullet - "... a list of the names 

Re: [alto] Review for draft-ietf-alto-unified-props-new-12

2020-10-13 Thread Randriamasy, Sabine (Nokia - FR/Paris-Saclay)
Hi Luis,

Great thanks for this thorough review. Your comments will be attended in the 
next iteration of the draft.
Best regards,
Sabine & co-authors

Sent: Monday, October 12, 2020 10:44 PM
To: '' 
Subject: [alto] Review for draft-ietf-alto-unified-props-new-12

Dear all,

Please, find here below the review for the Unified Properties draft.

/* General comments */
.- Section 2 - Requirements language - as general comment, the usage of words 
such as MUST, MAY, etc should be reviewed in all of the occurrences in the 
text. In some of them they do not appear in capital letters, so not clear if 
this statements apply or not. Examples of this are: "must" in 2nd paragraph of 
section 3.2; "must" in 2nd paragraph of section 4.1; "may" in 1st paragraph of 
section 4.3; etc.
.- References to the need of registering some items at IANA - it is not clear 
to me if this can be left as it is or if some values have to be proposed in the 
draft, or at least marked in the text with the idea of substituting such marks 
by values once IANA register the items. If that is the case, it would be 
advisable to include (maybe as an annex) a summary table compiling all the 
items that are expected to be registered. Would it not be part of section 12?
.- Along the text it is frequent to find references to other sections before or 
afterwards. Acknowledging that this could be necessary, it would help the 
reader to have some summary table (or any other way, like a figure) where the 
different aspects could be listed beforehand, in such a way that the reader can 
use it as a kind of map for navigating through the document. I understand it is 
not easy, so take it as a suggestion for making the document more readable. For 
instance, some way of showing the relationship among terms in the Terminology 
.- Section 3 presents the basic features of the unified properties while the 
advanced ones are in section 4. How these extensions co-exist? Are they 
incremental? What is the reason from presenting them in separate sections? Is 
it possible to have the basic ones without the advanced features?
.- Both Section 10 and Appendix A present examples. Would not make sense to 
move all he examples either to one place or the other?

/* Particular comments */
.- Section 1 - Introduction, page 4, 2nd paragraph - "... recent ALTO use cases 
show ..." -> it would be good to be more explicit by listing the use cases that 
are being referred to.
.- Section 1 - Introduction, page 5, 1st bullet - fix reference for [REF 
.- Section 1 - Introduction, page 5, 3rd bullet - "... POST-mode... that 
returns ..." -> would not be "sets" instead of "returns"?
.- Section 1 - Introduction, page 5, 1st paragraph - "extensible" -> 
"augmentable" ??
.- Section 1.1 - Terminology - fix the text marked as TBC
.- Section 2 - Requirements language, 1st paragraph - fix the text marked as 
.- Section 3, 1st paragraph - The reference to the assumption of familiarity 
with ALTO protocol is redundant with the last sentence of section 1 (just 
before section 1.1 title)
.- Section 3, 1st paragraph - "... ALTO Entities, entities for short" -> "... 
ALTO Entities, or entities for short"
.- Section 3.2.2, 1st paragraph - the sentence "An entity domain name ..." is 
hard to understand. Please, revisit and simplify (maybe shortening or dividing 
.- Section 3.3, 1st paragraph - "Simularly" -> "Similarly"
.- Section 3.3, bullets in page 9 - is there any inventory of registered types? 
Are only those provided here as examples?
.- Section 4.2, penultimate paragraph - "Example resource specific..." -> 
"Example of resource specific..."
.- Section 4.4, 2nd paragraph - it would be interesting to perform queries and 
marking properties that could exclude or filter the entities. For instance to 
get a list of entities compliant with some property but excluding those that 
are compliant with another one.
.- Section 4.4.3, 1st paragraph - "... inherits no more than one property ..." 
<- why not more than one?
.- Section 4.4.3, 1st paragraph, last sentence - how is it applied? It would be 
interesting to add some example.
.- Section 4.5, 1st paragraph - "Therefore an ALTO server ... specifies the 
properties ..." <- how this advertisement is made?
.- Section 4.5, 2nd paragraph - expand IRD as first occurrence in the text.
.- Section 4.5, 2nd bullet - "... a list of the names ..." <- names or types?
.- Section 4.6, 1st paragraph - "To this end, he ..." -> "To this end, the ..."
.- Section 4.6, 1st paragraph - "The syntax of the entity domain identifier ... 
allows the client to infer ..." -> would it not be better to follow some rul

[alto] Review for draft-ietf-alto-unified-props-new-12

Dear all,

Please, find here below the review for the Unified Properties draft.

/* General comments */
.- Section 2 - Requirements language - as general comment, the usage of words 
such as MUST, MAY, etc should be reviewed in all of the occurrences in the 
text. In some of them they do not appear in capital letters, so not clear if 
this statements apply or not. Examples of this are: "must" in 2nd paragraph of 
section 3.2; "must" in 2nd paragraph of section 4.1; "may" in 1st paragraph of 
section 4.3; etc.
.- References to the need of registering some items at IANA - it is not clear 
to me if this can be left as it is or if some values have to be proposed in the 
draft, or at least marked in the text with the idea of substituting such marks 
by values once IANA register the items. If that is the case, it would be 
advisable to include (maybe as an annex) a summary table compiling all the 
items that are expected to be registered. Would it not be part of section 12?
.- Along the text it is frequent to find references to other sections before or 
afterwards. Acknowledging that this could be necessary, it would help the 
reader to have some summary table (or any other way, like a figure) where the 
different aspects could be listed beforehand, in such a way that the reader can 
use it as a kind of map for navigating through the document. I understand it is 
not easy, so take it as a suggestion for making the document more readable. For 
instance, some way of showing the relationship among terms in the Terminology 
.- Section 3 presents the basic features of the unified properties while the 
advanced ones are in section 4. How these extensions co-exist? Are they 
incremental? What is the reason from presenting them in separate sections? Is 
it possible to have the basic ones without the advanced features?
.- Both Section 10 and Appendix A present examples. Would not make sense to 
move all he examples either to one place or the other?

/* Particular comments */
.- Section 1 - Introduction, page 4, 2nd paragraph - "... recent ALTO use cases 
show ..." -> it would be good to be more explicit by listing the use cases that 
are being referred to.
.- Section 1 - Introduction, page 5, 1st bullet - fix reference for [REF 
.- Section 1 - Introduction, page 5, 3rd bullet - "... POST-mode... that 
returns ..." -> would not be "sets" instead of "returns"?
.- Section 1 - Introduction, page 5, 1st paragraph - "extensible" -> 
"augmentable" ??
.- Section 1.1 - Terminology - fix the text marked as TBC
.- Section 2 - Requirements language, 1st paragraph - fix the text marked as 
.- Section 3, 1st paragraph - The reference to the assumption of familiarity 
with ALTO protocol is redundant with the last sentence of section 1 (just 
before section 1.1 title)
.- Section 3, 1st paragraph - "... ALTO Entities, entities for short" -> "... 
ALTO Entities, or entities for short"
.- Section 3.2.2, 1st paragraph - the sentence "An entity domain name ..." is 
hard to understand. Please, revisit and simplify (maybe shortening or dividing 
.- Section 3.3, 1st paragraph - "Simularly" -> "Similarly"
.- Section 3.3, bullets in page 9 - is there any inventory of registered types? 
Are only those provided here as examples?
.- Section 4.2, penultimate paragraph - "Example resource specific..." -> 
"Example of resource specific..."
.- Section 4.4, 2nd paragraph - it would be interesting to perform queries and 
marking properties that could exclude or filter the entities. For instance to 
get a list of entities compliant with some property but excluding those that 
are compliant with another one.
.- Section 4.4.3, 1st paragraph - "... inherits no more than one property ..." 
<- why not more than one?
.- Section 4.4.3, 1st paragraph, last sentence - how is it applied? It would be 
interesting to add some example.
.- Section 4.5, 1st paragraph - "Therefore an ALTO server ... specifies the 
properties ..." <- how this advertisement is made?
.- Section 4.5, 2nd paragraph - expand IRD as first occurrence in the text.
.- Section 4.5, 2nd bullet - "... a list of the names ..." <- names or types?
.- Section 4.6, 1st paragraph - "To this end, he ..." -> "To this end, the ..."
.- Section 4.6, 1st paragraph - "The syntax of the entity domain identifier ... 
allows the client to infer ..." -> would it not be better to follow some rule 
instead of inferring if it is resource specific or not?
.- Section 4.6, last paragraph - is it necessary to have always a Defining 
Information Resource for each entity domain?
.- Section 4.6.1, page 16, paragraph "A fundamental attribute ..."- I don't 
understand the paragraph
.- Section 4.7, 1st paragraph -- "The PID value for an IPv4 ..."- I would 
suggest to rephrase, hard to understand.
.- Section 4.7, 2nd paragraph - "... needs to be aware of aware of appropriate 
..." -> "... needs to be aware of appropriate ..."
.- Section 5, title - "... Basic Data Type ..." -> here it is mentioned "t