file changed as we read it

2002-02-15 Thread Tom Van de Wiele

Does this mean my backup failed?  are these files backed up?

kind regards

Tom Van de Wiele



/-- cartagena. /local lev 0 STRANGE
sendbackup: start [ level 0]
sendbackup: info BACKUP=/bin/tar
sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/bin/tar -f... -
sendbackup: info end
? gtar: ./notesdata/mail/data.nsf: file changed as we read it
? gtar: ./notesdata/mail/data1.nsf: file changed as we read it
| Total bytes written: 3812679680 (3.6GB, 987kB/s)
sendbackup: size 3723320
sendbackup: end


Tom Van de Wiele
System Administrator

Colonel Bourgstraat 105a
1140 Brussel

Re: file changed as we read it

2002-02-15 Thread Paul Bijnens

Tom Van de Wiele wrote:
> Does this mean my backup failed?  are these files backed up?
> [snip]
> ? gtar: ./notesdata/mail/data.nsf: file changed as we read it

Yes, it is on tape.

But if it is any useful when restoring, depends on what changed and
what the programs that use the file expect in it.
Decent databases usually have some interface to be able to do just
I don't know Lotus Notus, which is, I presume, what you are trying
to back up.

Paul Bijnens, Lant Tel  +32 16 40.51.40
Interleuvenlaan 15 H, B-3001 Leuven, BELGIUM   Fax  +32 16 40.49.61   email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* I think I've got the hang of it now:  exit, ^D, ^C, ^\, ^Z, ^Q, F6, *
* quit,  ZZ, :q, :q!,  M-Z, ^X^C,  logoff, logout, close, bye,  /bye, *
* stop, end, F3, ~., ^]c, +++ ATH, disconnect, halt,  abort,  hangup, *
* PF4, F20, ^X^X, :D::D, KJOB, F14-f-e, F8-e,  kill -1 $$,  shutdown, *
* kill -9 1,  Alt-F4,  Ctrl-Alt-Del,  AltGr-NumLock,  Stop-A,  ...*
* ...  "Are you sure?"  ...   YES   ...   Phew ...   I'm out  *

Re: Samba Question

2002-02-15 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain

On 15 Feb 2002 at 6:02am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

> It did produce the following error however.  I am not a Windows person
> so I don't know, but I presume from the file name that this is something
> to do with the Windows swap space and it is normal.  If so, should I
> expect to see it every day, or is there a way to prevent it?
> /-- gorn.ameri //zena/C lev 0 STRANGE
> sendbackup: start [ level 0]
> sendbackup: info BACKUP=/usr/bin/smbclient
> sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/bin/smbclient -f... -
> sendbackup: info end
> | Added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
> ? ERRDOS - ERRbadshare opening remote file \WINDOWS\WIN386.SWP (\WINDOWS\)
> | tar: dumped 12935 tar files
> | Total bytes written: 639080448
> sendbackup: size 624102
> sendbackup: end
> \

You're exactly right -- that's the swap file, and you can't open it.  You 
could exclude it in your dumptype, or just ignore the error.

> Can anyone tell me what the C$ means and why (in my case) it worked only
> when I used C without the $ sign?
C$ is the default administrative share that Windows always creates 
(*sigh*).  This is done for every partition.  I have no idea why you can't 
get that and can get C to work.

Oh, and isn't the Warrior Princess going to be upset that you misspelled 
her name?  ;)

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

Re: exclude.gtar

2002-02-15 Thread ahall


This is just a text file with the paths to data that is to be excluded.
The paths are releative to the partition being archived.


On Fri, 15 Feb 2002, Hikawa wrote:

> Hi,
> I installed amanda into TuroboLinux6.5 server.
> exclude.gtar file is not included in the server.
> Where can I get  exclude.gtar file ?
> Regards,
> Masafumi Hikawa

Re: amanda files

2002-02-15 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain

On 15 Feb 2002 at 6:52am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

> I am a new amanda user and have been very pleased with the first few
> days of using amanda.  I wonder however if it is normal procedure to
> keep a copy of the config, index, log files etc on another machine in
> addition to the tape server in case the tape server disk crashes.  In my
> installation, they seem to be somewhat scattered in /etc,
> /usr/local/etc/amanda, /var/lib/amanda, possibly other directories...
> Is there a procedure for doing this?
I can't speak for everybody, but I certainly keep copies of that stuff.  
What I do is have cron run a script rather than just amdump.  After the 
amdumps have run (I run two configs a night), I run these commands:

tar czf ~/confs.tar.gz /etc/amanda* /usr/local/etc/amanda   \
/usr/local/adm/amanda /usr/local/var/amanda 2> /dev/null
cp confs.tar.gz /data/amanda

The first creates a tarball of all the amanda config and state 
information, and puts this in the amanda user's home directory, which is 
backed up.  The second copies it to our NFS-served RAID (which is also 
backed up).

You could also use password-less scp to move the tarball about.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

Re: amanda files

2002-02-15 Thread Toby Bluhm

Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:
> On 15 Feb 2002 at 6:52am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
> > I am a new amanda user and have been very pleased with the first few
> > days of using amanda.  I wonder however if it is normal procedure to
> > keep a copy of the config, index, log files etc on another machine in
> > addition to the tape server in case the tape server disk crashes.  In my
> > installation, they seem to be somewhat scattered in /etc,
> > /usr/local/etc/amanda, /var/lib/amanda, possibly other directories...
> >
> > Is there a procedure for doing this?
> >
> I can't speak for everybody, but I certainly keep copies of that stuff.
> What I do is have cron run a script rather than just amdump.  After the
> amdumps have run (I run two configs a night), I run these commands:
> tar czf ~/confs.tar.gz /etc/amanda* /usr/local/etc/amanda   \
> /usr/local/adm/amanda /usr/local/var/amanda 2> /dev/null
> cp confs.tar.gz /data/amanda
> The first creates a tarball of all the amanda config and state
> information, and puts this in the amanda user's home directory, which is
> backed up.  The second copies it to our NFS-served RAID (which is also
> backed up).
> You could also use password-less scp to move the tarball about.

My dumps typically finish well before 6AM, so I have the amanda stuff
hold off dumping till then:

dds /usr/local/etc/amanda {
 program "GNUTAR"
 record no
 index no
 dumpcycle 0
 starttime 0600

My archived tapes automatically have the index info available.


Re: amcheck works with inetd, fails with xinetd

2002-02-15 Thread Christopher McCrory


Jeff Stewart wrote:
> I did restart xinetd again for good measure, and no dice. inetd is not
> running:
> # ps -e | grep inet
>  1613 ?00:00:00 xinetd
> netstat -ap --ip does *not* show amanda. Maybe we are getting somewhere...
> Active Internet connections (servers and established)
> Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address State
> PID/Program name
> tcp0  0 localhost:smtp  *:* LISTEN
> 331/master
> udp0  0 *:bootps*:*
> 220/dhcpd
> raw0  0 *:icmp  *:* 7
> 220/dhcpd
> There is postfix and dhcp, but no amanda. What should this be telling me?

service amanda
 disable = no

maybe add a 'port = ' line...

watch your logs (/var/log/messages?) as xinetd starts up

Christopher McCrory
  "The guy that keeps the servers running"


Linux: Because rebooting is for adding new hardware

Re: exclude.gtar

2002-02-15 Thread Gene Heskett

On Friday 15 February 2002 01:37 am, Hikawa wrote:
>I installed amanda into TuroboLinux6.5 server.
>exclude.gtar file is not included in the server.
>Where can I get  exclude.gtar file ?
>Masafumi Hikawa

You build it.  Its a list of stuff that amanda is NOT supposed to 
backup.  /dumps is obviously a member of this list.

Cheers, Gene
AMD K6-III@500mhz 320M
Athlon1600XP@1400mhz  512M
98.5+% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a hillbilly

Bus reset while loading tape and "mt status"

2002-02-15 Thread Johannes Niess


Sorry for beeing slightly off topic, but I'm sure someone can help me.

I use a Seagate Scorpion DAT DDS 4 drive for Amanda backups on a Linux
2.2.20 box. SCSI controller is either a Vortex hardware RAID or from
the Adaptec 7xxx family. The drive is working fine unless I issue a
"mt status" command while a tape is beeing loaded.

In this case I get a "/dev/nst0: No such device or address" error
message. The only workaround is to remove the "st" (scsi tape) kernel
module and have in loaded automatically at the next use.

How can I prevent this hiccup?

"Don't do this" : It happens if you are impatient and the tapes are
supposed not to be changed by a "root" person.

"rmmod st" as a 1 min cron job : This workaround sucks.

Thanks for any help.

Johannes Nieß

niess:~ # mtst -f /dev/nst0 status
SCSI 2 tape drive:
File number=-1, block number=-1, partition=0.
Tape block size 0 bytes. Density code 0x0 (default).
Soft error count since last status=0
General status bits on (5):

niess:~ # mtst -f /dev/nst0 status


/dev/nst0: No such device or address
niess:~ # rmmod st
niess:~ # mtst -f /dev/nst0 status
/dev/nst0: No such device or address
niess:~ # mtst -f /dev/nst0 status
/dev/nst0: No such device or address
niess:~ # rmmod st

niess:~ # mtst -f /dev/nst0 status
SCSI 2 tape drive:
File number=0, block number=0, partition=0.
Tape block size 512 bytes. Density code 0x26 (DDS-4 or QIC-4GB).
Soft error count since last status=0
General status bits on (4101):
niess:~ #

My syslog entries:

Feb 15 16:47:46 niess kernel: scsi0:0:13:0: Attempting to queue a TARGET RESET message
Feb 15 16:47:46 niess kernel: scsi0:0:13:0: Command not found
Feb 15 16:47:46 niess kernel: aic7xxx_dev_reset returns 8194
Feb 15 16:47:57 niess kernel: st: Unloaded.
Feb 15 16:48:08 niess kernel: st: bufsize 32768, wrt 30720, max buffers 5, s/g segs 16.
Feb 15 16:48:08 niess kernel: Detected scsi tape st0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 13, lun 0

amcheck errors

2002-02-15 Thread Davidson, Brian

ok:  here is part of the output from amcheck:

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

ERROR: [access as amanda not allowed from
[EMAIL PROTECTED]] amandahostsauth failed 
ERROR: [GNUTAR program not available]

Question 1: Where does amcheck find this info from:
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) because that is a wrong host name and I can't find
any config files that I made a typo in. ( is the correct host

Question 2: gnu tar is in the path, and is version 1.13, I deleted
config.cache, and rebuilt amanda, but it's still not available.

my .amandahosts is:   amanda

Reg:Problems with cleaning tape

2002-02-15 Thread chandrasekar

Hi everyone
  I have a HP-DAT 24*6 tape drive attached to my amanda Back-up 
server.Recently I replace one of the active tapes(DDS3) in slot 6 with a DDS 
cleaning tape. But when it comes to running the cleaning tape amcheck gives 
me the message 
 "new tape not found in the rack"
This is my changer configuration file.

#Changer file for chg-mtx

   firstslot=1  1st tape slot
   lastslot=6   Last tape slot
   cleanslot=6 Slot with cleaner tape
#   # Do you want to clean the drive after a certain number of accesses?
#   # NOTE - This is unreliable, since 'accesses' aren't 'uses', and we
#   #have no reliable way to count this. A single amcheck could
#   #generate as many accesses as slots you have, plus 1.
#   # ALSO NOTE - many modern tape loaders handle this automatically.
  AUTOCLEAN=1  Set to '1' or greater to enable
  autocleancount=99    Number of access before a clean.
  havereader=0 If you have a barcode reader, set to 1.
  offlinestatus=1  Set to 0 if 'mt status' gives an
#  "offline" when drive is offline.
#  Set to 1 or greater if 'mt status'
#  doesn't give and offline, rather an
#  "ONLINE" when drive is online.
  OFFLINE_BEFORE_UNLOAD=0   Does your tape driver require a
#  'mt offline' before mtx unload?
  When I replace the old tape I removed the active tape from the tapelist 
using amrmtape command. 
 Is there any problem with the changer file?Please put forward ur suggestions

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RE: amcheck errors

2002-02-15 Thread Davidson, Brian

-Original Message-
From: Joshua Baker-LePain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 12:51 PM
To: Davidson, Brian
Subject: Re: amcheck errors

>On Fri, 15 Feb 2002 at 12:10pm, Davidson, Brian wrote
>> ERROR: [access as amanda not allowed from
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]] amandahostsauth failed 
>> ERROR: [GNUTAR program not available]
>> Question 1: Where does amcheck find this info from:
>> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) because that is a wrong host name and I can't
>> any config files that I made a typo in. ( is the correct
>> name)
>Are you sure?  From a remote host, what does a DNS lookup give?  crypto-gw 
>is seeing the amcheck request coming from relay-gw, not relay.
Here's my nslookup: it looks fine:

crypto-gw% nslookup relay 

>> Question 2: gnu tar is in the path, and is version 1.13, I deleted
>> config.cache, and rebuilt amanda, but it's still not available.
>Are you sure configure found it when you built amanda?  Also, plain 1.13 
>is Bad.  You want at least 1.13.19, which is available from

Thanks for the info. I'll grab 1.13.19 and install.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

Re: amcheck errors

2002-02-15 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain

On Fri, 15 Feb 2002 at 12:10pm, Davidson, Brian wrote

> ERROR: [access as amanda not allowed from
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]] amandahostsauth failed 
> ERROR: [GNUTAR program not available]
> Question 1: Where does amcheck find this info from:
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) because that is a wrong host name and I can't find
> any config files that I made a typo in. ( is the correct host
> name)

Are you sure?  From a remote host, what does a DNS lookup give?  crypto-gw 
is seeing the amcheck request coming from relay-gw, not relay.

> Question 2: gnu tar is in the path, and is version 1.13, I deleted
> config.cache, and rebuilt amanda, but it's still not available.

Are you sure configure found it when you built amanda?  Also, plain 1.13 
is Bad.  You want at least 1.13.19, which is available from

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

Re: windows shares and security

2002-02-15 Thread Michael Hicks

"R. Bradley Tilley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday 14 February 2002 12:21, Gene Matthews wrote:
> >
> > I always heard this was a big security hole.  Is there a secure way to
> > do this?
> Use a host based firwall like ZoneAlarm, it's free, and is a wonderfully 
> simple IP filter. Also, password protect the shares on Win9x, or if it's 
> 2000/NT/XP, only allow certain users access (amanda can mount the share as 
> one of the allowed users).

It would also be advisable to talk to your network administrators and get
them to filter incoming SMB traffic at your department or building's
gateway to the outside world, but that's true for lots of things..

Mike Hicks   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Unix Support Assistant| Carlson School of Management
Office: 1-160  Phone: 6-7909 |   University of Minnesota

Description: PGP signature

Re: Reg:Problems with cleaning tape

2002-02-15 Thread Johannes Niess

chandrasekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi everyone
>   I have a HP-DAT 24*6 tape drive attached to my amanda Back-up 
> server.Recently I replace one of the active tapes(DDS3) in slot 6 with a DDS 
> cleaning tape. But when it comes to running the cleaning tape amcheck gives 
> me the message 
>  "new tape not found in the rack"
> This is my changer configuration file.


>   When I replace the old tape I removed the active tape from the tapelist 
> using amrmtape command. 
>  Is there any problem with the changer file?Please put forward ur suggestions


Is "amrmtape" is all you did? In this case you're missing one tape
from "tapecycle". Amanda is therefore asking for a new one, which has
not been labeled and put into the changer. I'd lower "tapecycle" by one.

Johannes Nieß

Reg:Partial and Full backups on different magazines

2002-02-15 Thread chandrasekar

Hi everyone
  I have a HP DAT24*6 tape drive attached to my backup server. Recently we 
had planned to use the one magazine with the same set of tapes for partial 
backups all weekdays in all weeks. We plan to use a different magazine for 
weekly backups storing this in the archive. 
 I was just wondering if there would be any problem with the labelling of 
tapes.For e.g. If I run amanda for partial backups for five weekdays(says 
slots 1 to 5) wouldnt it be expecting the labelled tape in slot 1 of the same 
magazine for full backup on the weekend which causes a problem if I try to 
change the magazine with a new set of labelled tapes. 
Any suggestions in this regards. Thanks

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Problem backing up SNAP server via Samba

2002-02-15 Thread Dave Edick

Hi all,

I'm in the process of setting up an Amanda backup server to back up a
collection of new servers.  The Linux and Solaris servers aren't posing
any problems so far.  But I also have to back up a SNAP 4100 appliance. In
my old pre-amanda backup scheme, I was backing it up as an NFS volume, but
evidentally Amanda doesn't do NFS volumes (please correct me if I wrong on
this).  So I set it up to back up using Samba.  I installed the latest
Samba and ran a manual smbtar, which worked.  But when I run the nightly
Amanda backup, it wigs out.  It shows that it's backing up about 3.5Mb,
but there is really about 3GB on the SNAP server.  I included the output
from amdump below. I run full backups every night.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Unix Systems Administrator, St. Mary's College of California

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 01:14:41 -0800
From: Amanda user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DailySet1 AMANDA MAIL REPORT FOR February 15, 2002

These dumps were to tape DailySet1013.
The next tape Amanda expects to use is: a new tape.

  localhost  //snap1/SHARE1 lev 0 STRANGE

  Total   Full  Daily
Estimate Time (hrs:min)0:01
Run Time (hrs:min) 0:30
Dump Time (hrs:min)0:31   0:31   0:00
Output Size (meg)1502.1 1502.10.0
Original Size (meg)  2927.5 2927.50.0
Avg Compressed Size (%)51.3   51.3-- 
Filesystems Dumped9  9  0
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)   832.4  832.4-- 

Tape Time (hrs:min)0:03   0:03   0:00
Tape Size (meg)  1502.4 1502.40.0
Tape Used (%)
Filesystems Taped 9  9  0
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)  8980.8 8980.8-- 


/-- localhost  //snap1/SHARE1 lev 0 STRANGE
sendbackup: start [localhost://snap1/SHARE1 level 0]
sendbackup: info BACKUP=/usr/bin/smbclient
sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/bin/gzip -dc |/usr/bin/smbclient -f... -
sendbackup: info COMPRESS_SUFFIX=.gz
sendbackup: info end
| added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
| added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \os_private\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \staff\agrundy\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \staff\tlopez\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \staff\mgonzale\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \staff\dedick\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \staff\songster\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \staff\akraus\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \staff\abrady\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \staff\snygaard\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \staff\eadelman\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \staff\mspellma\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \staff\cwolf\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \staff\dcueva\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \staff\lreddell\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \staff\rhalsne\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \staff\ctatman\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \staff\drice\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \staff\rpearson\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \faculty\ccopenha\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \faculty\jcassidy\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \faculty\cfleurid\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \departments\its\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \departments\ais\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \departments\reslife\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \departments\student_affairs\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \workgroups\Judicial\*
? ERRDOS - ERRbadpath listing \workgroups\Installs\*
| tar: dumped 262 files and directories
| Total bytes written: 3509248
sendbackup: size 3427
sendbackup: end

  taper: tape DailySet1013 kb 1538432 fm 9 [OK]

-- - 
dns-a/   0   53590  19744  36.8   0:37 532.6   0:0210991.7
dns-a-port/spare 0  580050 349088  60.2   7:32 772.2   0:389271.4
dns-a/usr0 1730380 804224  46.5  18:36 720.6   1:219891.4
dns-a/var0   29200   4320  14.8   0:36 120.8   0:022008.9
localhost/   0   70270  28384  40.4   0:161814.9   0:047660.1
localhost-ap1/SHARE1 03427   1888  55.1   0:23  82.0   0:05 394.7
localhost/home   0  10 32 320.0   0:00 410.7   0:01  52.6
localhost/usr0  273490  98976  36.2   1:311089.0   0:137841.7
localhost/var0  257310 231488  90.0   1:173000.5   0:268917.9

(brought to you by Amanda version 2.4.2p2)

Re: Problem backing up SNAP server via Samba

2002-02-15 Thread Jean-Francois Malouin

* Dave Edick ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [20020215 14:28] thus spake:
> Hi all,
> I'm in the process of setting up an Amanda backup server to back up a
> collection of new servers.  The Linux and Solaris servers aren't posing
> any problems so far.  But I also have to back up a SNAP 4100 appliance. In
> my old pre-amanda backup scheme, I was backing it up as an NFS volume, but

I used to backup through NFS. 
Slow and very dependant on the snap OS version
restores worked or not! Very finicky situation.

> evidentally Amanda doesn't do NFS volumes (please correct me if I wrong on
> this).  So I set it up to back up using Samba.  I installed the latest
> Samba and ran a manual smbtar, which worked.  But when I run the nightly
> Amanda backup, it wigs out.  It shows that it's backing up about 3.5Mb,
> but there is really about 3GB on the SNAP server.  I included the output
> from amdump below. I run full backups every night.
> Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Authentication access to the snap server maybe?
Just my 2EU.


> --
> /Dave Edick/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Unix Systems Administrator, St. Mary's College of California

Re: Problem backing up SNAP server via Samba

2002-02-15 Thread Brandon D. Valentine

On Fri, 15 Feb 2002, Dave Edick wrote:

>I'm in the process of setting up an Amanda backup server to back up a
>collection of new servers.  The Linux and Solaris servers aren't posing
>any problems so far.  But I also have to back up a SNAP 4100 appliance. In
>my old pre-amanda backup scheme, I was backing it up as an NFS volume, but
>evidentally Amanda doesn't do NFS volumes (please correct me if I wrong on
>this).  So I set it up to back up using Samba.  I installed the latest
>Samba and ran a manual smbtar, which worked.  But when I run the nightly
>Amanda backup, it wigs out.  It shows that it's backing up about 3.5Mb,
>but there is really about 3GB on the SNAP server.  I included the output
>from amdump below. I run full backups every night.
>Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

In my opinion, adding the complexity of samba is wholly unnecessary
unless you are actually backing up a Windows system.  I have one linux
machine here which has exhibited some very bizarre glibc issues and so I
am unable to get an amanda client working on it.  This machine at this
time is a temporary situation and will get replaced in the next couple
of months.  In order to facilitate backing it up in the meantime I have
it NFS exporting itself to my amanda backup server.  The amanda backup
server then automounts those partitions from the client.  In the
disklist I just have:

backuphost /path/to/nfs/mount tar-NOTdump

It's very straightforward.  Amanda will backup any mounted partition,
including NFS ones, so long as you are using GNUtar.

Brandon D. Valentine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Computer Geek, Center for Structural Biology

"This isn't rocket science -- but it _is_ computer science."
- Terry Lambert on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tape changer question

2002-02-15 Thread Ian Eure

Hi there. I have a HP C1557A (SureStore DAT 24x6) tape changer that I'm using 
with Amanda.

What I'd like to do is this:

Full backup on Sunday night, split across the 6 tapes in the changer
Incremental backups Monday-Saturday, each on one of the 6 tapes in the 

Do I need two different backup types to do this? E.g. one "Weekly" backup 
job, and a "Daily" job that backs up to the first tape in the changer, and 
moves to the next tape each day after?

Any advice is appreciated.

Re: Problem backing up SNAP server via Samba

2002-02-15 Thread Dave Edick

On Fri, 15 Feb 2002, Jean-Francois Malouin wrote:

> Authentication access to the snap server maybe?
> Just my 2EU.

I think I have it.  The account I created doesn't have universal read
permissions, although it does have all permissions on the root of the
master share.  The errors are when it runs into directories where it
doesn't have access.  I did a manual smbtar and got the same results.  
Did it again using the SNAP root account and it got everything. Although
I'm not very happy about it, I put the SNAP root login in the amandapass
for tonight's backup.  I'm pretty sure it'll work.  Then I'll see if I can
get it working with another account.  It would have been nice if smbtar
gave more informative error messages.

ERRDOS - ERRbadpath isn't a very good diagnostic tool.

RE: Tape changer question

2002-02-15 Thread Bort, Paul

What you are asking for is technically possible, and not all that difficult,
but ill-advised. 

If something blows up during the backup on Sunday, you are back to the
previous Sunday's backups, if you still have them. (If you don't have them,
you're really toast.) 

Unless bludgeoned otherwise, AMANDA will automatically distribute full
backup (level 0) of the different file systems across a series of tapes, so
that a catastrophic failure of the tape server only costs you a small impact
in restorability. The indexes keep track of which backups are on which
tapes, allowing you to restore disks or files by selection. AMANDA will then
tell you which tape(s) you need. This will also give you more predictable
run times for your backups. 

> -Original Message-
> From: Ian Eure [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 3:16 PM
> Subject: Tape changer question
> Hi there. I have a HP C1557A (SureStore DAT 24x6) tape 
> changer that I'm using 
> with Amanda.
> What I'd like to do is this:
> Full backup on Sunday night, split across the 6 tapes in the changer
> Incremental backups Monday-Saturday, each on one of the 6 
> tapes in the 
> changer.
> Do I need two different backup types to do this? E.g. one 
> "Weekly" backup 
> job, and a "Daily" job that backs up to the first tape in the 
> changer, and 
> moves to the next tape each day after?
> Any advice is appreciated.

Re: Tape changer question

2002-02-15 Thread Ian Eure

On Friday 15 February 2002 12:49 pm, Bort, Paul wrote:
> What you are asking for is technically possible, and not all that difficult,
> but ill-advised. 
> If something blows up during the backup on Sunday, you are back to the
> previous Sunday's backups, if you still have them. (If you don't have them,
> you're really toast.) 
Sorry, perhaps I wasn't clear enough... The changer has a 6-tape cartridge. I 
want to use one full empty cart on Sunday for full backups, replace the cart 
Monday, and use a single tape in the (new) cart for the incrementals 
Monday-Saturday, and drop another new cart in on Sunday for that week's full 

I primarily want it this way because I can't go on-site every day to change 
the tape cartridge.

It may be trivial, but I'm still an Amanda newbie. Well, I'm still a 
centrally-located-network-backup-to-changer newbie, which may be hindering me 

Anyways... can you divulge how I'd get this running, or suggest a better 
solution? It seems silly to stick 6 DAT tapes (24gb) in a tape cartridge that 
has to be swapped out every day when the daily incremental backups aren't 
breaking 250mb. I'm completely open to alternate solutions if you can suggest 

Re: Tape changer question

2002-02-15 Thread Brandon D. Valentine

On Fri, 15 Feb 2002, Ian Eure wrote:

>Anyways... can you divulge how I'd get this running, or suggest a better 
>solution? It seems silly to stick 6 DAT tapes (24gb) in a tape cartridge that 
>has to be swapped out every day when the daily incremental backups aren't 
>breaking 250mb. I'm completely open to alternate solutions if you can suggest 

Umm, excuse me if I'm being rude, but duh.  You stick 6 DAT tapes in the
cartridge on Monday, and let Amanda use /one/ tape each night.  It
automatically gets a full set of level 0 dumps over the course of the
week, as well as incrementals every night.  This is what amanda is
designed to do and it works damned well.  I use 10 35GB AIT tapes per
two weeks to backup my data and I see amanda getting a full set of level
0s done every three days or so, plus incrementals every night.  Amanda
is not a traditional backup system where you get full dumps weekly and
incrementals every night.  Amanda is designed to minimize time between
full dumps, so you can get them more than once a week, and to insure
that you always have incrementals to restore to any day within the
dumpcycle.  It is also designed to fill up your tapes.  You should never
be putting 250mb on a 24gb tape.  You should always be putting 24gb on
the tape.  Amanda will do this for you.

Brandon D. Valentine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Computer Geek, Center for Structural Biology

"This isn't rocket science -- but it _is_ computer science."
- Terry Lambert on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Tape changer question

2002-02-15 Thread Ian Eure

On Friday 15 February 2002 01:39 pm, Brandon D. Valentine wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Feb 2002, Ian Eure wrote:
> >Anyways... can you divulge how I'd get this running, or suggest a better 
> >solution? It seems silly to stick 6 DAT tapes (24gb) in a tape cartridge 
> >has to be swapped out every day when the daily incremental backups aren't 
> >breaking 250mb. I'm completely open to alternate solutions if you can 
> >one.
> Umm, excuse me if I'm being rude, but duh.  You stick 6 DAT tapes in the
> cartridge on Monday, and let Amanda use /one/ tape each night.  It
> automatically gets a full set of level 0 dumps over the course of the
> week, as well as incrementals every night.  This is what amanda is
> designed to do and it works damned well.  I use 10 35GB AIT tapes per
> two weeks to backup my data and I see amanda getting a full set of level
> 0s done every three days or so, plus incrementals every night.  Amanda
> is not a traditional backup system where you get full dumps weekly and
> incrementals every night.  Amanda is designed to minimize time between
> full dumps, so you can get them more than once a week, and to insure
> that you always have incrementals to restore to any day within the
> dumpcycle.  It is also designed to fill up your tapes.  You should never
> be putting 250mb on a 24gb tape.  You should always be putting 24gb on
> the tape.  Amanda will do this for you.
Sorry for being ignorant. Frankly, I'm completely lost trying to get Amanda 
set up properly. As I said, I have zero experience with Amanda, and this type 
of network backup in general. I've read through what Amanda documentation I 
can find (not much) and it hasn't explained the "Amanda Way" of doing 
backups. If you can point me to some reasonable documentation which explains 
things better, /please/ do - I'll go read it all before I bother you again.

Let's recap:

Last Sunday, I did a full dump onto 6 blank tapes.
Monday, swapped the cartridge out for 6 new tapes.
Monday's backups went fine.
Tuesday through yesterday, I got this error:

"*** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [new tape not found in rack].
Some dumps may have been left in the holding disk.
Run amflush to flush them to tape.
The next 6 tapes Amanda expects to used are: a new tape, a new tape, a new 
tape, a new tape, a new tape, a new tape."

The backups are sitting in my backup spool directory. I've run amlabel on all 
the tapes in all the caddies.

Amanda is configured to use my changer thusly:
-- snip --
runtapes 6 # explained in WHATS.NEW
tpchanger "chg-zd-mtx" # the tape-changer glue script, see TAPE.CHANGERS
changerdev "/dev/sg0"
tapetype HP-CHANGER
labelstr "^GH-((I)?(F)?)-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9]$"
-- snip --

And for rotations:
-- snip --
dumpcycle 1 weeks   # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
tapecycle 7 tapes   # the number of tapes in rotation

bumpsize 20 MB  # minimum savings (threshold) to bump level 1 -> 2
bumpdays 1  # minimum days at each level
bumpmult 4  # threshold = bumpsize * (level-1)**bumpmult
-- snip --

Now, can you please tell me why Amanda isn't flushing the backups? Should I 
set the tapecycle to, say, two?

Excuse me if I'm being rude, but I'd much rather be told how to do things the 
right way instead of being told over and over that I'm doing it wrong.

RE: Tape changer question

2002-02-15 Thread Bort, Paul

if you spread the full backups out as AMANDA is inclined to do, you can
probably go to "runtapes 1" and she will make every effort to fill that tape
with backup goodness every night. 
Since you have "runtapes 6", she will try to fill six tapes every night.
This doesn't sound like what you want.

>From what you've said, you have more than 7 tapes. Tapecycle should be the
total number of tapes you have to use, plus maybe a couple spares. (I like
to keep it at exactly the number I rotate, and have blanks ready to amlabel
in case of trouble.)

runspercycle should probably be 6 if you want to use all six tapes and
change them once a week. 

dumpcycle is how often you want a guaranteed set of level 0 backups. One
week is probably good for now.

I think runspercycle * runtapes * dumpcycle (in days) == tapecycle is a good
starting point. 

As for the flush, it didn't happen because AMANDA didn't find the number
(runtapes) of empty tapes she was expecting. You can use amflush after
changing runtapes to flush the backups. 

There is more info on-line at 

> Amanda is configured to use my changer thusly:
> -- snip --
> runtapes 6 # explained in WHATS.NEW
> tpchanger "chg-zd-mtx" # the tape-changer glue script, see 
> changerdev "/dev/sg0"
> tapetype HP-CHANGER
> labelstr "^GH-((I)?(F)?)-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9]$"
> -- snip --
> And for rotations:
> -- snip --
> dumpcycle 1 weeks   # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
> tapecycle 7 tapes   # the number of tapes in rotation
> bumpsize 20 MB  # minimum savings (threshold) to bump 
> level 1 -> 2
> bumpdays 1  # minimum days at each level
> bumpmult 4  # threshold = bumpsize * (level-1)**bumpmult
> -- snip --

Sayýsal loto'ya para VERMEYÝN

2002-02-15 Thread amanda-users-list
Title: Merhabalar


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Üstelik sadece bir kere deðil hergün yeniden katýlabilirsiniz. Ne dersiniz,
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Eðer fýrsatlardan haberdar olmak istemiyorsanýz bize boþ bir
mail yollayýnýz . 

Re: client check up problem

2002-02-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>in my backup client ( ) i have entries .rhosts & /etc/hosts.equiv
>as follows ...

Amanda does not use .rhosts (or /etc/hosts.equiv) unless you explicitly
ask it to when you build it.  It uses a file that is formatted exactly
like .rhosts but named .amandahosts (in fact, I hard link the two

Make sure the .amandahosts file is in the home directory of your Amanda
user, is owned by the Amanda user, that all the directories down to that
file are searchable by the Amanda user and that the file is mode 0600
or 0400.

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: AIX runtar permissions problem

2002-02-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>the runtar debug files in /tmp/amanda have the following:
>error [must be invoked by root] 
>and indeed if one tries to do a 'runtar' by hand, as the amanda user (whom
>the backups are configured to run as), the same error message results.

Look at your amandad*debug file in the same directory, in particular for
the "CLIENT_LOGIN=" value.  That user (and I'd bet money it says "root")
is who you have to set up Amanda (amandad in inetd.conf) to run as.

>amanda was installed from a binary found at:
>(which seems to be unresponsive at the moment).
>the machine doesn't have a compiler; so recompiling isn't really a good

The client login value is built into the binaries, which is one major
reason the general recommendation is *against* running binaries built by
someone else.

You either need to change your inetd.conf line to run amandad as root
(although I don't know why the builder set it up that way) -- don't
forget to HUP inetd -- or else find a pre-built copy of gcc someplace
and use that to build Amanda yourself.

>Carl Soderstrom.

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: adding options to rundump for XFS

2002-02-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>Checking the xfsdump manpage, I see that the -e option to xfsdump will
>cause it to skip files with the SGI_XFSDUMP_SKIP_FILE attribute[1].

This is similar to the -h flag for dump on Linux.  Look at how
dump-honor-nodump in for is handled and add something
similar.  Then find the XFSDUMP code in client-src/sendbackup-dump.c and
add a couple of lines to insert "-e" if HAVE_HONOR_SGI_XFSDUMP_SKIP_FILE
(or whatever you call it) is defined.

>Having solved dump's problem, I need to modify rundump (I think) to
>pass -e to xfsdump.  ...

Not rundump.  Rundump is only used on systems that have to run dump
as root.  Is your system using rundump (you'd find debug files in
/tmp/amanda and the sendbackup*debug file would indicate rundump was
being used)?  Also, USE_RUNDUMP would be defined in config/config.h and
show up in amandad*debug.

An alternative to making any code changes would be to build your Amanda
with the XFSDUMP environment variable set to point to a script that
runs xfsdump with all the args it gets plus -e.  But in the long run,
it would be nice to have the -e support.


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Help Install Error

2002-02-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>... The error message I get
>when running ./configure is configure: error: cannot find ${SHELL}
>/amanda/config/missing --run flee; giving up.

I'm not exactly sure where that message is coming from in the code.
Could you post (copy/paste) exactly what you typed and all the output
up through the error?


  1) what OS are you trying to build Amanda on (e.g. Linux, AIX,
 Solaris, etc).

  2) what version of Amanda are you trying to build?  The latest
 stable one is 2.4.2p2 (

  3) what is the first line of ./configure?  It should be "#!/bin/sh".
 Do you have a /bin/sh ("ls -lL /bin/sh")?

  4) what do you get if you run "echo $SHELL"?  What about if you run
 "echo $CONFIG_SHELL" and "echo $MISSING"?


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Permission for dump user on backup server

2002-02-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>I'm trying to backup /export/home/staff on the backup server ...

Is /export/home/staff local to the server, i.e. it is not NFS mounted?

Is this the real disk name or is it a synonym of some other name?

Here's an example:

  $ df -k | grep /home/jumpgate/a
  /export/home/a480815  207822  22491249%  /home/jumpgate/a

Note that /home/jumpgate/a is mounted from /export/home/a (automounter
magic).  Using /home/jumpgate/a as a disklist entry may or may not be
a bad thing (depends on the OS).  It could easily decide that's not a
real disk and flip back to using tar as a "favor".

>... the disklist line looks like this:
>localhost /export/home/staff

It doesn't matter for this problem, but don't use "localhost".  If you
ever change Amanda servers things are going to get real confusing.
Always use the fully qualified host name.

Also, I assume there really was one more column on the line telling
Amanda what dumptype to use?

>if I do a du -sk /export/home/staff it reports the 250MB so it 
>suddenly struck me that it's only backing up 250MB because that's 
>all the bin user has access to.

Might be.  I assume you ran "du -sk" as user "bin"?  Didn't it report
any errors?  What does "df -k /export/home/staff" say?

>This assumption may be wrong but if it's not how do I give bin 
>access to these areas.

You shouldn't need to.  If you're really using dump to back it up, the
raw disk is used and ownership does not matter.  If you use GNU tar,
Amanda will run it under a setuid-root program it provides.

>David Flood

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: inparallell option in amanda.conf

2002-02-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>... I was wondering how many users actually adjust this 
>value.I have been up to 8 ...

What do you mean "up to 8"?  The default is 10.

>but I have usually become involved with 
>spindle contention.  ...

Are you actually putting spindle numbers in your disklist file?  Why do
you thing you're getting "spindle contention" (not saying you aren't,
just trying to understand what you're seeing).

>Is there anybody that has opted to increase to 
>anything near what the max value is.  Or is it the consensus of the 
>group to remain at the default.

I think all of mine are at the default (10) or I've lowered a few where
there was no chance of running more than (e.g.) 3 backups at the same


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: amdump question

2002-02-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>Would you be so kind to promt me what is my mistake and amcheck
>write about error?

I don't see anything wrong in what you posted so far.  Have you
checked out **everything** mentioned in these to FAQ items:


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Strange Error with Amanda

2002-02-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>DailySet1 AMANDA MAIL REPORT FOR BogusMonth 0, 0
>These dumps were to tapes .
>Tonight's dumps should go onto 1 tape: Daily03.
>etc. (Every filesystem & server RESULTS MISSING)

I'd start by checking the permissions on **everything** in your Amanda
config areas, such as the directories, the curinfo area, the tapelist
file, the log.MMDD.NN files, etc (btw, amcheck at 2.4.2p2 will do
that for you -- you might consider upgrading).

Next, look through the log.MMDD.NN file for this report, if there
is any.

Next, look through the amdump.NN file for anything odd (compare it with
a good run).

Also look for core files in the amanda.conf or /tmp/amanda area.

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Bus reset while loading tape and "mt status"

2002-02-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>How can I prevent this hiccup?
>"Don't do this" : It happens if you are impatient and the tapes are
>supposed not to be changed by a "root" person.
>"rmmod st" as a 1 min cron job : This workaround sucks.

Option 3: find out who maintains that driver and tell them to fix it.

>Johannes Nieß

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Naming convention of tape files?

2002-02-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>Is there any way to get amanda to change its naming convention of files on 
>the tape?  ...

What do you mean by its naming convention?

>I'd like to have it use something like:

Why?  (just curious)

>... is it possible to get amanda to make
>tar.gz's instead of its own format?  ...

No.  Amanda needs the 32 KByte header on each file to know how the rest
of the file is formatted.  However, assuming you told Amanda to use GNU
tar and told it to compress with gzip, the remainder of the file after
the first 32 KBytes is a .tar.gz.

You can easily get the file back, minus the header, with amrestore
or dd/amdd.

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: amanda and gpg

2002-02-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>Before I get into this I must ask if amanda now has any native support for

No, it doesn't.

>Any issues with this setup if I use GNUTAR instead of dump?

I wouldn't think so.  They basically just replaced gzip in the Amanda
pipeline with their own script that does gpg and gzip.  So it should
not matter what the input stream is.


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problems with changer device

2002-02-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>One thing that i don't understand is if i want to backup a filesystem with
>30GB (or more) of data will amanda span the data thru the tapes needed?  ...

Unfortunately, no, it will not (yet) span tapes.  You'll need to switch
to GNU tar (if you're not already using it) and back up individual
subdirectories of the file system.


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: amcheck errors

2002-02-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>Question 1: Where does amcheck find this info from:
>([EMAIL PROTECTED]) because that is a wrong host name ...

Amanda (amandad on the client) took the IP number of the host connecting
to it (the Amanda server) and did a gethostbyaddr on it.  That returned

Whether it used DNS or not depends on how you set up your system.  Use
this little test program to do exactly what Amanda does:

>Question 2: gnu tar is in the path, and is version 1.13, I deleted
>config.cache, and rebuilt amanda, but it's still not available.

As Joshua said, 1.13 is seriously evil, but that would not have caused
Amanda to report it missing.

What did ./configure say when it tried to find GNU tar?  For instance,
here's what mine says:

  checking for gtar... /opt/tar/bin/gtar

If all else fails, you can use --with-gnutar=/path/to/gnu/tar to force
./configure to find it (rememeber to remove config.cache between each

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: planner gives disk offline?

2002-02-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>FAIL planner servera /data0 0 [disk /data0 offline on servera?]

Always run amcheck first.  That will most likely tell you that the
selfcheck timed out which, in turn, should point you at detailed debugging
steps in the FAQ:

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Tape changer support

2002-02-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>Has anyone seen a tape changer for an Overland Minilibrary Xpress
>(a DLT library)?

If it's a standard SCSI attached changer, the first thing I'd always
try is mtx ( which then lets you
use chg-zd-mtx from Amanda, or else the builtin chg-scsi that comes
with Amanda.

>Terri Eads

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Invalid directory

2002-02-15 Thread John R. Jackson

>200 Disk set to /.
>No index records for disk for specified date
>If date correct, notify system administrator
>Invalid directory - /
>Please tell me about Invalid directory.

That message is caused by the "No index records for ..." error.

Do you have "index" set to "yes" for the dumptype?  Do you have index
files in your indexdir from amanda.conf?

>Masafumi Hikawa

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]