amandahostsauth failed

2002-02-20 Thread Davidson, Brian

I'm getting the following error on amcheck:

ERROR: [access as amanda not allowed from
[EMAIL PROTECTED]] amandahostsauth failed

my .amandahosts file:

crypto-gw% cat /usr/home/amanda/.amandahosts   amanda   amanda
crypto-gw% ls -al /usr/home/amanda/.amandahosts
-rw---  1 amanda  operator  47 Feb 20 07:46

my /etc/inetd.conf:

crypto-gw% cat /etc/inetd.conf | grep amandad
amanda  dgram   udp waitamanda /usr/local/libexec/amandad amandad

I've looked at the FAQ and nothing there jumps out at me as to what's wrong.
Any ideas?

Permission problems on the server

2002-02-20 Thread Paxton, Tim

Hi group

I get the feeling this is a no brainer, but I can't find mention of it on
the web or elsewhere.

When running amdump, su'ing the amanda user as root, or even logging in as
the amanda user directly, file ownership is changing to root.disk (amanda
user is amanda.disk) on /etc/amanda/daily/tapelist.  This scuppers amanda
the next time it is run.

Also, these two, which if I've read correctly, amanda creates as it is run,
are not accessible as mentioned in the log when running amcheck.

file /etc/amanda/daily/logs/log 
directory /home/amanda/dumps/date.

I ran configure with these options:

./configure \
--with-user=amanda \
--with-group=disk \
--with-configdir=/etc/amanda \
--with-gnutar=/bin/tar \
--with-tape-device=/dev/nst0 \
--with-amandahosts \
--with-portrange=850,851 \

As an aside, I can see that dumper is using ports 860 and 861 as configured
but also 731 and 732.  Why?  Is this to do with the inparalell= value in
amanda.conf?  This is currently set to 4 - this looks like an Ooops!  This
machine is firewalled, but I don't backup anything other than the local
/home, so will this affect me?

Any help greatly appreciated.

Tim Paxton
Information Associate

Logfile and amanda.conf follow:

log file amdump.1 

amdump: start at Wed Feb 20 04:00:01 GMT 2002
driver: pid 4501 executable /usr/local/libexec/driver version 2.4.2p2
driver: send-cmd time 0.006 to taper: START-TAPER 20020220
planner: pid 4500 executable /usr/local/libexec/planner version 2.4.2p2
planner: build: VERSION=Amanda-2.4.2p2
planner:BUILT_DATE=Fri Dec 7 15:06:58 GMT 2001
planner:BUILT_MACH=Linux 2.2.17-21mdksecure
#1 SMP Thu Oct 5 12:52:38 CEST 2000 i686 unknown
planner: paths: bindir=/usr/local/bin sbindir=/usr/local/sbin
planner:libexecdir=/usr/local/libexec mandir=/usr/local/man
planner:AMANDA_TMPDIR=/tmp/amanda AMANDA_DBGDIR=/tmp/amanda
planner:CONFIG_DIR=/etc/amanda DEV_PREFIX=/dev/
planner:RDEV_PREFIX=/dev/ DUMP=/sbin/dump
planner:RESTORE=/sbin/restore SAMBA_CLIENT=/usr/bin/smbclient
planner:GNUTAR=/bin/tar COMPRESS_PATH=/bin/gzip
planner:UNCOMPRESS_PATH=/bin/gzip MAILER=/usr/bin/Mail
planner: defs:
planner: dgram_bind: socket bound to
driver: started dumper0 pid 4504
driver: started dumper1 pid 4505
driver: started dumper2 pid 4506
driver: started dumper3 pid 4507
planner: could not open log file /etc/amanda/daily/logs/log: Permission
could not open log file /etc/amanda/daily/logs/log: Permission denied
planner: pid 4500 finish time Wed Feb 20 04:00:01 2002
driver: adding holding disk 0 dir /home/amanda/dumps size 296960
reserving 89088 out of 296960 for degraded-mode dumps
driver: start time 0.077 inparallel 4 bandwidth 2000 diskspace 296960 dir
OBSOLETE datestamp 20020220 driver: drain-ends tapeq LFFO big-dumpers 1
taper: pid 4503 executable taper version 2.4.2p2
dumper: dgram_bind: socket bound to
dumper: pid 4504 executable dumper version 2.4.2p2, using port 861
dumper: dgram_bind: socket bound to
dumper: pid 4505 executable dumper version 2.4.2p2, using port 860
dumper: dgram_bind: socket bound to
dumper: pid 4506 executable dumper version 2.4.2p2, using port 731
dumper: dgram_bind: socket bound to
dumper: pid 4507 executable dumper version 2.4.2p2, using port 732
taper: read label `Lomond-Daily-Wed' date `20020208'
taper: wrote label `Lomond-Daily-Wed' date `20020220'
driver: result time 4.569 from taper: TAPER-OK
driver: state time 4.569 free kps: 2000 space: 296960 taper: idle
idle-dumpers: 4 qlen tapeq: 0 runq: 0 roomq: 0 wakeup: 86400 driver-idle:
driver: interface-state time 4.569 if : free 600 if ETH0: free 400 if LOCAL:
free 1000
driver: hdisk-state time 4.569 hdisk 0: free 296960 dumpers 0
driver: QUITTING time 4.569 telling children to quit
driver: send-cmd time 4.569 to dumper0: QUIT
driver: send-cmd time 4.569 to dumper1: QUIT
driver: send-cmd time 4.569 to dumper2: QUIT
driver: send-cmd time 4.569 to dumper3: QUIT
driver: send-cmd time 4.569 to taper: QUIT
taper: DONE [idle wait: 0.002 secs]
taper: writing end marker. [Lomond-Daily-Wed OK kb 0 fm 0]
driver: FINISHED time 8.630
amdump: end at Wed Feb 20 04

exclude files in AIX

2002-02-20 Thread Monserrat Seisdedos Nuñez

Hello, it is just a note for those who runs amanda in AIX:
I read in the amanda.conf file that the exclude list file should contain
paths such as ./file_you_don't_want_to_backup and this is true in a linux
box, but i have verified it doesn't work in AIX, it should be a path such as

amanda planner fails, dumps too big

2002-02-20 Thread Juanjo


Seems that only 4 out of 6 dumps are backed up. Two of them are skipped 
giving error message: dumps too big

What I see is that it starts estimating sizes of every disk, therefore 
total size exceeds single tape size, but I'm using an autoloader, so It 
should jump on to a new tape, shouldnt it? And send there the disks that 
didnt fit on that prior tape. How?

Here I paste a piece of amdump.log:

got result for host srvc disk /data1: 0 - 32149300K, -1 - -1K, -1 -
got result for host srvc disk /data0: 0 - 20482410K, -1 - -1K, -1 -
got result for host srvb disk /data1: 0 - 35674680K, -1 - -1K, -1 -
got result for host srvb disk /data0: 0 - 21510210K, -1 - -1K, -1 -
getting estimates took 266.671 secs
  0: srva   /data1
  1: srva   /data0
  2: srvc   /data1
  3: srvc   /data0
  4: srvb   /data1
  5: srvb   /data0

pondering srva:/data1... next_level0 -11737 last_level -1 (due for level 
0) (new disk, can't switch to degraded mode)
  curr level 0 size 27650 total size 27770 total_lev0 27650 
balanced-lev0size 4608
pondering srva:/data0... next_level0 -11737 last_level -1 (due for level 
0) (new disk, can't switch to degraded mode)
  curr level 0 size 423860 total size 451670 total_lev0 451510 
balanced-lev0size 75251
pondering srvc:/data1... next_level0 -11737 last_level -1 (due for level 
0) (new disk, can't switch to degraded mode)
  curr level 0 size 32149300 total size 32601010 total_lev0 32600810 
balanced-lev0size 5433467
pondering srvc:/data0... next_level0 -11737 last_level -1 (due for level 
0) (new disk, can't switch to degraded mode)
  curr level 0 size 20482410 total size 53083460 total_lev0 53083220 
balanced-lev0size 8847202
pondering srvb:/data1... next_level0 -11737 last_level -1 (due for level 
0) (new disk, can't switch to degraded mode)
  curr level 0 size 35674680 total size 88758180 total_lev0 88757900 
balanced-lev0size 14792982
pondering srvb:/data0... next_level0 -11737 last_level -1 (due for level 
0) (new disk, can't switch to degraded mode)
  curr level 0 size 21510210 total size 110268430 total_lev0 110268110 
balanced-lev0size 18378017
INITIAL SCHEDULE (size 110268430):
  srvb /data1 pri 11738 lev 0 size 35674680
  srvc /data1 pri 11738 lev 0 size 32149300
  srvb /data0 pri 11738 lev 0 size 21510210
  srvc /data0 pri 11738 lev 0 size 20482410
  srva /data0 pri 11738 lev 0 size 423860 
  srva /data1 pri 11738 lev 0 size 27650  

DELAYING DUMPS IF NEEDED, total_size 110268430, tape length 7168 mark
planner: FAILED srvc /data0 0 [dumps too big, but cannot incremental 
dump new disk]
planner: FAILED srvb /data0 0 [dumps too big, but cannot incremental 
dump new disk]
  delay: Total size now 68275730.

PROMOTING DUMPS IF NEEDED, total_lev0 68275490, balanced_size 18378017...
analysis took 0.000 secs


srvb /data1 11738 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 35674680 1189156
srvc /data1 11738 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 32149300 1071643
srva /data0 11738 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 423860 14128
srva /data1 11738 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 27650 921  

Tape size is DLT1 40/80 btw.


Re: Samba Question

2002-02-20 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain

On 20 Feb 2002 at 8:47am, Gene Matthews wrote

 So, can I have more than one exclude line in the dumptype definition? Or
 am I only limited to one?  

You're limited to one for samba backups.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

Re: Samba Question

2002-02-20 Thread Gene Heskett

On Wednesday 20 February 2002 08:47 am, Gene Matthews wrote:
On Tue, 2002-02-19 at 09:01, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:
 Well, here's what I do to exclude the recycyle bin:

 define dumptype comp-high-smb {
 comment important partitions via tar (e.g. for samba)
 compress client best
 priority medium
 exclude ./RECYCLER

 Give the ./ a try.

So, can I have more than one exclude line in the dumptype
 definition? Or am I only limited to one?



There are instructions for generating a file that contains a list 
of stuff to skip.  Applicatble to tar users only I believe.

Cheers, Gene
AMD K6-III@500mhz 320M
Athlon1600XP@1400mhz  512M
98.5+% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a hillbilly

Re: ERROR: aspone: [GNUTAR program not available]

2002-02-20 Thread Gene Heskett

On Wednesday 20 February 2002 04:05 am, Masafumi Hikawa wrote:

I tried to do backup of amanda client host.

My Amanda Tape Server is TurboLinux Sever6.5.
My Amanda client host is Solaris7, so its name is aspone.

When I executed  su amanda -c amcheck aspone,
I am getting a error.
A error is the following.

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

ERROR: aspone: [GNUTAR program not available]
Client check: 1 host checked in 0.085 seconds, 1 problem found

I installed tar command of gnu into Solaris7(aspone).

Why am I getting error ?
Please help me.

Best regards,
Masafumi Hikawa

tar must be present and detectable by the configure script at the 
time it  was run when you built amanda.  If it wasn't installed 
then, remove the config.cache and config.status files, re-run the 
configure, make, and make install it again.

Since configure needs quite a few options defined, I've found it 
very helpfull to commit them to a script so that as amanda grows, 
a new install always goes in with all the exact same options set 
as the old one being over-written had.  This makes upgrades or 
re-installs very transparent.

Cheers, Gene
AMD K6-III@500mhz 320M
Athlon1600XP@1400mhz  512M
98.5+% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a hillbilly

Re: Amverify reporting wrong dates.

2002-02-20 Thread Mangala Gunadasa


When I run amverify, I get a report with wrong dates. Part of the report has the 
correct date and the other part has the last month's date. I run full backup daily to 
single DLT tape . Following is the report I received for today. The backup runs @1AM 
every day and finishes around 4AM. But if I mount the tape now and do the amverify, I 
get the perfect report with the correct date. Any ideas to solve that puzzle is 


Mangala Gunadasa

Tapes:  edgd20
No errors found!

amverify csd
Wed Feb 20 05:02:10 EST 2002

Using device /dev/rmt/0bn
Volume edgd20, Date 20020220
Checked eprod._batch.20020220.0
Checked s20._export_home.20020220.0
Checked s20._var.20020220.0
Checked hadg._opt.20020220.0
Checked eprod._dg_prod2_oldlogs.20020220.0
Checked etest._dg.20020220.0
Checked etest._var.20020220.0
Checked eprod._var.20020220.0
Checked eprod._dg.20020220.0
Checked eprod._dg_prod2_.20020220.0
Checked etest._eg_server.20020220.0
Checked hadg._var.20020220.0
Checked eprod._opt.20020220.0
Checked etest._eg.20020220.0
Checked eprod._dg1.20020220.0
Checked etest._dg1_qa1.20020220.0
Checked eprod._dev_vx_dsk_rootvol.20020220.0
Checked etest._dev_vx_dsk_rootvol.20020220.0
Checked etest._dg1_qa2.20020220.0
Checked etest._dg1.20020220.0
Checked eprod._dg_prod1_.20020220.0
Checked eprod._batch.20020121.0
Checked s20._export_home.20020121.0
Checked hadg._opt.20020121.0
Checked etest._var.20020121.0
Checked etest._dg1_qa1.20020121.0
Checked etest._dg.20020121.0
Checked eprod._var.20020121.0
Checked eprod._dg_prod2_.20020121.0
Checked eprod._dg.20020121.0
Checked eprod._dg_prod1_.20020121.0
Checked eprod._dg_prod2_oldlogs.20020121.0
Checked s20._var.20020121.0
Checked hadg._var.20020121.0
Checked eprod._opt.20020121.0
Checked etest._dg1_qa2.20020121.0
Checked eprod._dg1.20020121.0
Checked eprod._dev_vx_dsk_rootvol.20020121.0
Checked etest._dev_vx_dsk_rootvol.20020121.0
Checked etest._dg1.20020121.0
Checked eprod._export_home.20020121.0
Checked etest._opt.20020121.0
Checked hadg._dev_dsk_c0t3d0s0.20020121.0
Checked eprod._dg_prod1_oldlogs.20020121.0
Checked s20._dev_rdsk_c0t3d0s0.20020121.0
End-of-Tape detected.

Re: Testing a tape drive?

2002-02-20 Thread Chris Dahn

On Wednesday 20 February 2002 09:54 am, Morse, Richard E. wrote:
 Hi!  Is there any canonical way to test a tape drive?  I just configured a
 new system, and want to make sure that the tape drives are being recognized


 Richard MorseSystem Administrator
 MGH Biostatistics Center  50 Staniford St. Rm 560
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 617/724-9830

  On linux systems (well, redhat anyways) you can run 'scsi_info' to see 
information about scsi devices. You can also try 'mt' and see if it is able 
to interface with the device.


Chris Dahn, SERG Code Ninja
  3141 Chestnut St.
  Attn: MCS Department
  Philadephia, PA  19104
  Office: 215.895.0203
  Fax: 215.895.1582

-Software Engineering Research Group-
Feel the SERG!
CAT 186, The Microwave

Can't find info about using AMANDA without tapes

2002-02-20 Thread Sun-Times Webmaster

I have done a little work configuring AMANDA with tape backups, but now I 
am researching a way to back up to a separate disk array, and avoid using 
tapes altogether.  Does anyone know where should I be looking for such info?

Terry Dixon
(312) 321-3182
Chicago Sun-Times

Re: chg-zd-mtx

2002-02-20 Thread Stephen Carville

On Tue, 19 Feb 2002, Mark Lin wrote:

- I'm using mtx in solaris to work with amanda.  mtx command to the changer
- all works fine.  But when I tried it with chg-zd-mtx -info or use it in
- changer glue script in amanda.conf then use amcheck, I get the same error
- messag:
- /usr/local/libexec/chg-zd-mtx: test: argument expected
- can someone help?
- I've tried truss in solaris, but I just wasn't worthy to understand its
- output.  :(

FWIW, I had the same problem with chg-zd-mtx.  I finally gave up
trying to fix it and wrote my own perl script to do the job.  I can
send you a copy off list if you'd like.  It has only been tested on
the Spectra 2000 with barcode reader so it may not work with whatever
changer you have.

-- Stephen Carville
UNIX and Network Administrator
DPSI (formerly Ace USA Flood Services)

RE: Testing a tape drive?

2002-02-20 Thread Morse, Richard E.

Hmmm... well, I can see that the drive is there, and I can even control it
somewhat (get status, do an 'offline' to eject a tape) via MT.  However,
whenever I try to read or write to the device, I get weird errors from the
kernel (FreeBSD 4.5).  I'm connected via an Adaptec 19160 PCI-SCSI card, and
it's a seagate STD6240 (ie, DDS-3)

Any suggestions?


-Original Message-
From: Chris Dahn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday 20 February 2002 10:10 AM
To: Morse, Richard E.
Subject: Re: Testing a tape drive?

On Wednesday 20 February 2002 09:54 am, Morse, Richard E. wrote:
 Hi!  Is there any canonical way to test a tape drive?  I just configured a
 new system, and want to make sure that the tape drives are being recognized


 Richard MorseSystem Administrator
 MGH Biostatistics Center  50 Staniford St. Rm 560
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 617/724-9830

  On linux systems (well, redhat anyways) you can run 'scsi_info' to see 
information about scsi devices. You can also try 'mt' and see if it is able 
to interface with the device.


Chris Dahn, SERG Code Ninja
  3141 Chestnut St.
  Attn: MCS Department
  Philadephia, PA  19104
  Office: 215.895.0203
  Fax: 215.895.1582

-Software Engineering Research Group-
Feel the SERG!
CAT 186, The Microwave

Re: access as amanda not allowed

2002-02-20 Thread Bernhard R. Erdmann

 ERROR [access as amanda not allowed from [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 amandahostsauth failed
 I've cheched as far as I can but no clues, what's going wrong?
 The file /home/amanda/.amandahosts is:
 +   amanda
 +   bckamanda
 +   localhost   amanda

Change it to contain:   amanda

Re: Testing a tape drive?

2002-02-20 Thread Bernhard R. Erdmann

 Hi!  Is there any canonical way to test a tape drive?  I just configured a
 new system, and want to make sure that the tape drives are being recognized

Just dump or tar several GB to it and read in again or compare it.

mt setblk 0

2002-02-20 Thread rwk

Today my amdump failed due to: 

  *** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [reading label: Input/output error].

I got the same error trying to read the first block on the tape using
dd.  So I tried doing:

  mt setblk 0

It fixed the problem!

My question is:

. Does amanda have a means to indicate that setblk 0 must be set before

I don't know how it got unset (I did not reboot) but the previous 10 days
it has been running without a problem and this just happened with no
identifiable cause.

Do I need to have cron run mt setblk 0 each time before it starts


chg-scsi not changing tapes?

2002-02-20 Thread Josh

Anyone know what this error means:
backup# /usr/local/libexec/chg-scsi -info
Please specify a number as tape_device [0-9]

here's my changer.conf:
number_configs  1
eject   1   # Tapedrives need an eject command
sleep   30  # Seconds to wait until the tape gets ready
cleanmax100 # How many times could a cleaning tape get used
changerdev  /dev/sch0
config  0
dev /dev/nst0
startuse0   # The slots associated with the drive 0
enduse  23  #
statfile/usr/local/etc/amanda/DailySet1/tape0-slot  # The file 
where the actual slot is stored
#cleancart  5   # the slot where the cleaningcartridge for drive 0 
is located
cleanfile   /usr/local/etc/amanda/DailySet1/tape0-clean # The file 
where the cleanings are recorded
usagecount  /usr/local/etc/amanda/DailySet1/totaltime
tapestatus  /usr/local/etc/amanda/DailySet1/tapestatus # here will some 
status infos be stored
#labelfile  /usr/local/etc/amanda/DailySet1/labelfile # Use this if you 
have an barcode reader

Here is part of amanda.conf:
tapedev /dev/nst0 # the no-rewind tape device to be used
runtapes 2  # number of tapes to be used in a single run of amdump
tpchanger chg-scsi# the tape-changer glue script

#changerfile /usr/adm/amanda/DailySet1/changer-status
changerfile /usr/local/etc/amanda/DailySet1/changer.conf
changerdev /dev/sch0

tapetype SONY-AIT2  # what kind of tape it is (see tapetypes below)
labelstr ^DailySet1[0-9][0-9]*$   # label constraint regex: all tapes 
must match

Re: ERROR: aspone: [GNUTAR program not available]

2002-02-20 Thread Hikawa

Hi Gene,
Thanks your advice.

I could resolve this error.

I executed the following.

$ rm config.cache config.status 
$ ./configure --with-user=amanda --with-group=backup --with-GNUtar 
$ make clean
$ make
# make install

Masafumi Hikawa

 On Wednesday 20 February 2002 04:05 am, Masafumi Hikawa wrote:
 I tried to do backup of amanda client host.
 My Amanda Tape Server is TurboLinux Sever6.5.
 My Amanda client host is Solaris7, so its name is aspone.
 When I executed  su amanda -c amcheck aspone,
 I am getting a error.
 A error is the following.
 Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
 ERROR: aspone: [GNUTAR program not available]
 Client check: 1 host checked in 0.085 seconds, 1 problem found
 I installed tar command of gnu into Solaris7(aspone).
 Why am I getting error ?
 Please help me.
 Best regards,
 Masafumi Hikawa
 tar must be present and detectable by the configure script at the 
 time it  was run when you built amanda.  If it wasn't installed 
 then, remove the config.cache and config.status files, re-run the 
 configure, make, and make install it again.
 Since configure needs quite a few options defined, I've found it 
 very helpfull to commit them to a script so that as amanda grows, 
 a new install always goes in with all the exact same options set 
 as the old one being over-written had.  This makes upgrades or 
 re-installs very transparent.
 Cheers, Gene
 AMD K6-III@500mhz 320M
 Athlon1600XP@1400mhz  512M
 98.5+% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a hillbilly

Re: Testing a tape drive?

2002-02-20 Thread Chris Dahn

On Wednesday 20 February 2002 03:28 pm, Morse, Richard E. wrote:
 Hmmm... well, I can see that the drive is there, and I can even control it
 somewhat (get status, do an 'offline' to eject a tape) via MT.  However,
 whenever I try to read or write to the device, I get weird errors from the
 kernel (FreeBSD 4.5).  I'm connected via an Adaptec 19160 PCI-SCSI card,
 and it's a seagate STD6240 (ie, DDS-3)

 Any suggestions?


  What are the errors? Are they SCSI errors, tape errors?


Chris Dahn, SERG Code Ninja
  3141 Chestnut St.
  Attn: MCS Department
  Philadephia, PA  19104
  Office: 215.895.0203
  Fax: 215.895.1582

-Software Engineering Research Group-
Feel the SERG!
CAT 186, The Microwave

Re: planner fails, dumps too big

2002-02-20 Thread Don Potter

Regardless of the still must specify number of tapes per 
a backup...if the config resticts you to use 1 tape then so be it..I 
believe that if you specify two tapes  in your config file and it only 
takes up one (depending if you are using hardware compression ) then the 
next tape would be loaded at he next invocation of a backup.

Juanjo wrote:


 Seems that only 4 out of 6 dumps are backed up. Two of them are 
 skipped giving error message: dumps too big

 What I see is that it starts estimating sizes of every disk, therefore 
 total size exceeds single tape size, but I'm using an autoloader, so 
 It should jump on to a new tape, shouldnt it? And send there the disks 
 that didnt fit on that prior tape. How?

 Here I paste a piece of amdump.log:


 got result for host srvc disk /data1: 0 - 32149300K, -1 - -1K, -1 - 
 got result for host srvc disk /data0: 0 - 20482410K, -1 - -1K, -1 - 
 got result for host srvb disk /data1: 0 - 35674680K, -1 - -1K, -1 - 
 got result for host srvb disk /data0: 0 - 21510210K, -1 - -1K, -1 - 
 getting estimates took 266.671 secs
  0: srva   /data1
  1: srva   /data0
  2: srvc   /data1
  3: srvc   /data0
  4: srvb   /data1
  5: srvb   /data0

 pondering srva:/data1... next_level0 -11737 last_level -1 (due for 
 level 0) (new disk, can't switch to degraded mode)
  curr level 0 size 27650 total size 27770 total_lev0 27650 
 balanced-lev0size 4608
 pondering srva:/data0... next_level0 -11737 last_level -1 (due for 
 level 0) (new disk, can't switch to degraded mode)
  curr level 0 size 423860 total size 451670 total_lev0 451510 
 balanced-lev0size 75251
 pondering srvc:/data1... next_level0 -11737 last_level -1 (due for 
 level 0) (new disk, can't switch to degraded mode)
  curr level 0 size 32149300 total size 32601010 total_lev0 32600810 
 balanced-lev0size 5433467
 pondering srvc:/data0... next_level0 -11737 last_level -1 (due for 
 level 0) (new disk, can't switch to degraded mode)
  curr level 0 size 20482410 total size 53083460 total_lev0 53083220 
 balanced-lev0size 8847202
 pondering srvb:/data1... next_level0 -11737 last_level -1 (due for 
 level 0) (new disk, can't switch to degraded mode)
  curr level 0 size 35674680 total size 88758180 total_lev0 88757900 
 balanced-lev0size 14792982
 pondering srvb:/data0... next_level0 -11737 last_level -1 (due for 
 level 0) (new disk, can't switch to degraded mode)
  curr level 0 size 21510210 total size 110268430 total_lev0 110268110 
 balanced-lev0size 18378017
 INITIAL SCHEDULE (size 110268430):
  srvb /data1 pri 11738 lev 0 size 35674680
  srvc /data1 pri 11738 lev 0 size 32149300
  srvb /data0 pri 11738 lev 0 size 21510210
  srvc /data0 pri 11738 lev 0 size 20482410
  srva /data0 pri 11738 lev 0 size 423860  srva /data1 pri 11738 lev 0 
 size 27650 
 DELAYING DUMPS IF NEEDED, total_size 110268430, tape length 7168 
 mark 8
 planner: FAILED srvc /data0 0 [dumps too big, but cannot incremental 
 dump new disk]
 planner: FAILED srvb /data0 0 [dumps too big, but cannot incremental 
 dump new disk]
  delay: Total size now 68275730.

 PROMOTING DUMPS IF NEEDED, total_lev0 68275490, balanced_size 18378017...
 analysis took 0.000 secs

 srvb /data1 11738 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 35674680 1189156
 srvc /data1 11738 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 32149300 1071643
 srva /data0 11738 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 423860 14128
 srva /data1 11738 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 27650 921  

 Tape size is DLT1 40/80 btw.
